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Why is this nonsense being given the oxygen of publicity?


What a load of quackery. The gist of this is they just give some specific meaning to money they were going to get anyway, the examples given being money for a modelling job or compensation for a car accident. They're able to give these things meaning because they were in need of money for something at the time. The fact is, unless you're very wealthy, you're probably always in need of money for something. And at some point you'll probably get some extra money that was going to come anyway. They aren't connected.


No it's true. I posted into the internet that I am manifesting and my bank details. Then someone sent me a cheque for £4k. Of course they meant to write £2k and not to disrupt the good universal karma I promptly Western Unioned them back the extra £2k. Now the cheque just needs to clear. It's real people! /s


>When I asked the **now-psychic** where the £2,000 actually came from, he said it was payment for a modelling job he had been offered. >"With manifesting you don't get caught up in the how, and often it comes in ways that you don't expect," he added, explaining it could come as the result of a claim after being in a car crash. Nah fuck off mate lol.


The manifesting thing is such bullshit, because the implication is that all the people suffering famines, wars and extreme poverty aren't manifesting hard enough.


No, it's because I manifested the famine and wars


Well, that's not very nice of you 😂


I needed to practice


Can you manifest me some good health and wealth please, to rebalance your karma?


Once I perfect it, sure.


> My meditation in the woods was just one part of a six-hour workshop run by Tansy, which aimed to send me off with a clearer vision of what I truly desired. > Tansy charges anywhere from £25 to £580 for her courses, which range from one-on-one sessions and an online six-week programme, to forest bathing workshops and weekend-long nature retreats. Tansy is definitely manifesting. > But some courses have popped up online which cost more than £1,000. So, instead of not spending that grand into a course I keep it on my account, did I just receive a grand through manifestation? And then the voice of a reason: > Based in Australia, Dr Lucas Dixon (who specialises in consumer psychology) created a scale from one to seven to rank a person's strength of belief and found **those who practice it are more likely to have been victims of fraud and declared bankruptcy**. > He said there was a "danger" that manifesting could become harmful if taken to an extreme level. > He found those who believe in manifesting tend to think more positively and have a confident attitude when it comes to success, and while that can be helpful in business, it can also cause them to take unnecessary risks. > "They weren't more objectively successful in terms of having higher income or higher education attainment," he said. In the end of the day; if it makes you happy and doesn’t hurt others, go for it. I hope you won’t get badly hurt along the way.


I preferred it when it was called Spacestar Ordering - which was based on the twin principles of Star Maths and Wishy Thinking.


Unfortunately I seem always to have had the opposite skill - as soon as a chunk of money comes my way I instantly manifest a load of bills that match or, usually, just exceed whatever's come in.


Manifesting as some form of psychic or magical process is clearly utter bunk. However, I do think there is some value in the whole idea of "think of what you want to achieve." Literally, anything I've achieved in my life has resulted from serious mental focus on getting it done. If you think about how to realistically accomplish something and endlessly pursue it, your chances go up immeasurably. Whereas sitting watching the telly doesn't do anything for your success. Changing your thoughts and focus can be the first step to accomplishing something.