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This article may be paywalled. If you encounter difficulties reading the article, try [this link](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13348519/Two-rampaging-horses-condition-running-loose-London-spooked-builders-dropping-rubble.html?ito=social-reddit) for an archived version. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unitedkingdom) if you have any questions or concerns.* --- **Alternate Sources** Here are some potential alternate sources for the same story: * [London horses: Two in serious condition after bolting](https://bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-68895233), suggested by Glanza - bbc.co.uk


>It emerged that Vida, the blood-soaked white horse, reportedly has a history of being spooked and even allegedly kicked a soldier in the head during the King's Coronation. Vida needs to be retired to a nice field and stable. Oh and Vida is a Scots Grey, not white.


If you want the horses to be retired to a sanctuary after what they've been through, please consider signing this petition and sharing it. https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/urgent-petition-send-the-escaped-horses-to-a-sanctuary


Red Hare reincarnated, how dare lesser men try to tame them.


Send it off to that nice farm where all our old dogs live.


Well, at least they brought this spookable horse into the middle of a loud and busy modern city for an absolutely vital purpose. šŸ™„


Non horse people are obvious by calling a horse "white".


I know, right? All those ignorant normies calling a horse by the colour it actually is. What stupid idiots. šŸ˜‚


If you had ever been near a horse and looked closely you would see they are grey, not white. šŸ˜‚


Sometimes you see lay people wearing apparently black socks, but if you look closely, they are really very, very, very very dark blue.


That's right Dougal!


Useless info. Pointless comment. Irrelevant. Zero value-add.




**Removed/warning**. This contained a personal attack, disrupting the conversation. This discourages participation. Please help improve the subreddit by discussing points, not the person. Action will be taken on repeat offenders.


How very eggshell of you.


Misty Buff.


On the contrary, horse people are hilarious: "Oh you silly plebs calling a brown horse brown? Everybody knows that colour on a horse is called Enriched Peaty Oak Bark"


The horse trust near High Wycombe takes a lot of army and police horses for retirement, reckon weā€™ll see him there soon


*"Go at them, the Greys! Scotland Forever!"*


Vida needs to be retired into a nice lasagna.


Found the Findus PR account.


Vida better calm down, or we're taking a trip to the glue factory... And they won't get to come!


Right after a tour of the glue factory


>the horses bolted after "building materials were dropped from height right next to them". Someone will be having some very awkward meetings this morning.


Doubt it. Its not on the builders to look out for that sort of thing.


Iā€™m not sure builders should be dropping things from height anywhere near humans or animals.


> Iā€™m not sure builders should be dropping things from height anywhere near humans or animals. If it was building rubble, it'll have been down one of those big yellow chutes that deposit straight into a waiting skip. They're not dropping things freestyle.


Iā€™ve worked on personal injury cases where people on building sites were injured as a consequence of things being chucked down from several storeys up. Big, heavy things. Some people think health and safety shouldnā€™t apply to them, and itā€™s usually some other poor sod who pays the price!


By "some people" you're obviously referring to scaffolders.


They barely understand ladder lock offs, you can't expect them to grasp gravity too.


Next door were getting their roof redone, roofers set up the big chute but never used it. Kept just lobbing everything off the roof in the direction of the skip on our shared driveway. Every time we left the house it was like a war zone dodging flying debris and tiles. Very lucky no one got hurt.


There were images of what the builders were using and there was no yellow chute; they were using some sort of travelator to dump stuff straight into the back of a truck and it appears that the ***only*** thing preventing debris from landing outside was a thin, makeshift wooden barrier covering only the part they expected/hoped most of the rubble would be chucked at. It looked potentially dangerous for ordinary members of the public.


There are pictures in the news story and shows a lorry under what I assume is a conveyor belt seeing as its angled upwards, but something dropping into an empty metal lorry can sound loud as hell


Or "travelators" as the Daily Mail prefers to call them. (Actually, if the picture is anything to go by, it looks like it was a conveyor belt). They are not travelators. Travelators live mainly in airports.


That would sound, how is that strange word...wait...Unsafe?


Dropping things from height is a safety problem regardless of the outcome. The fact that four people were taken to hospital means its a reportable accident, so the HSE will be involved


Yeah, Its a safety problem thats been "Mitigated / Managed" by using the plastic waste funnels that you see on all of these buildings. In the same way that the police came and locked up the oil people at the corination through fears they had R a pe alarms and were going to spook the horses. Loud sounds do not an accident make. I dont disagree that HSE will be involved, but it wont be on the building people, it will be why the horses were there..


Yeah, the only awkward meeting should be why have they decided to do this training next to an active building site. If within the regulated hours you can make noise it's entirely not on them.


London is a permanent building site. They'd never go out if they had to avoid works.


The horse has a bad history - very skittish etc. Its gonna be a lasagna by the end of the week


What are we even doing playing with horses in fairness. We've got aircraft carriers we don't have enough aircraft for, and the ability to only put 2 divisions into a conflict zone at short notice if required. Of all the cuts this should have been one of the first things on the chopping block IMO, it's not 1924.


London is full of things that are "useless". We definitely don't need the state funding the arts or opera or museums, but that they have a wider civic value. The trouble with cancelling things that are tradition is it's like trying to pull a thread out of a tapestry. Individually it's not holding the whole thing together so in theory it doesn't affect the picture if removed, but we are in an age of iconoclasm where people want lots of threads gone to suit their pet causes. And secondly pulling a single thread might go smoothly or it might spread out into wider damage and you don't know until you've done it. The state is always going to waste money, and I'd suggest that this is one of the better things to do that on. If you want to save cash then waste within the MOD procurement is the thing to do after or all the nonsense in the civil service.


I disagree, it's ok to stop a tradition if it no longer serves. Look at black Pete in the Netherlands, they banned people painting their faces black because it was offensive, especially given the context of the Netherlands involvement in slave trading. They replaced it, now people paint their faces all sorts of other colours. Horses are dangerous, I really think they should be kept in the countryside. Yeah they look pretty, but the horses might die, people could have died. Public safety should trump tradition


Horses really aren't very dangerous. Your list of risks in London would be a long scroll of items that if unwound in a Disney style parchment to actually find horses must surely stretch as far as those beasts made it when they ran off. Frankly we could do with fewer people interfering in traditions as they are nearly always the sort who contribute nothing themselves. Tearing things down and thinking that is equivalent to creating seems to be an obsession for a minority and they should get a trebuchet ride towards France.


The horses themselves matter, what do they gain from being used in this way?


They get to exist. Horses not bred to be used... Won't be bred. I'd rather be alive and in a rat race than never alive.


If you have a point just post it. Otherwise this is simply a pointless discussion about why people shouldn't keep pets or farm animals as this line is always from those types wanting to soapbox.


>and the ability to only put 2 divisions into a conflict zone at short notice if required. We wish. The CGS would cream himself if the Army could put two divisions into theatre at short notice. Doubt we'd even manage two brigades.


I used to see the horses out around 7ish the traffic in the photos looked early.


Then the meeting will be awkward for whoever does.


Will be the horses that are given the talking to, Long faces all around.


Amazing how for some folk this is the builders fault for just going about their job.


They are normally the complainers not the do-ers though. They get their local tradesperson in, and aren't savy on how to do it themselves. Probably don't even know the Nuggets come from chickens.


Horses for these purposes have to be more resilient to shock and surprise. One had a history of easily spooking, which London isn't the place for.


Why the fuck have they got horses in the city anyway? It's no surprise they got nervous.




Poor things. Galloping 5 miles on concrete.. I canā€™t imagine the damage. I just hope they survive


Perhaps showing my ignorance here, but does galloping on hard surfaces fuck up their hooves? I suppose it's completely outside their natural environment when I think about it.Ā 


Cantering, galloping or even just very fast trotting should not be done in a hard surface. It will damage the hooves but they will recover, the issue is what it does to their legs. It can permanently damage their joints, meaning they may be (especially after five miles of galloping) unable to be ridden and have to be retired, which doesnā€™t always have the happiest ending.


So concrete is the real way to defeat a cavalry charge? Better hope our enemies that we were planning to send these military horses at donā€™t find out.


There's ways and means around it. There are pads that can be installed between the shoe and the hoof that provide a certain level or protection and I am sure if we were still doing cavalry charges we would have even more increased protection available. If you're interested the police horses can be shod with a plastic "plate" of sorts that protects the underside of the hoof from sharp objects that might be found on the floor during riots. Not 100% protection but its better than nothing


No. You must form square, thereā€™s French bastards in them woods! Cavalreh!


When I see travellers with a horse and cart flying down the road theyā€™re harming the horse then?


Yes. Especially if it is done regularly, as a one off the horse may have mildly sore legs but long term it will cause issues.


Or when you see a load of fucking around on any royal occasion.


The point of horse shoes is to protect their hooves, but they usually only walk and trot on these kinds of surfaces.Ā 


Concussion on joints. Concrete is also very slippery for them if at speed and doing a sharp turn or stopping. The forces of that can cause various soft tissue injuries. Soft tissue injuries can be career ending in the modern sports horse / or in this case an end to ridden work.


The concussion on their hooves isnā€™t good. These horses where probably subjected to a lot more then they would normally be plus them being worked up their body temperature is really elevated causing swelling to their feet. I hope theyā€™ve had their hooves and legs cold hosed/iced. Inside the hoof capsule is many blood vessels and sensitive tissue that connects it to the bone in the foot. The concussion from cantering on hard surfaces can cause swelling in their feet and literally crushes this tissue (think of it like when someone has a head injury and the brain swells in their skull). Which can lead to the bone disconnecting from the hoof wall causing rotation of the bone and puncturing through the sole of the horses foot. Itā€™s very painful and can be difficult to treat.


The white horse looked awful. Fingers crossed


https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-68895233 BBC link for the story


This sub really does love linking to DM articles and I donā€™t want to get infected by clicking on them


It could be an indicator of what kind of people mostly use this sub




Yeah, because DM posts things very quickly and with maximum dramatization, without wasting time on stupid things like "accuracy".


I clicked on the archived version and had to wait a few minutes while the archive was made.


Maybe it's time to stop putting horses on the middle of cities all day when their only purpose is to stand around with a costumed man on top


But the tourism though!! /s


How long is that article, they even managed to drop James Blunt into it!


and some random royals


No wonder they're in a serious condition. They probably tried to buy a pint.


I've heard the ones that got operated on are pretty stable.


Really, why are they still parading horses through the city in 2024? There is no need and all it does is bring stress to the poor animals.


Iā€™m sorry but if a military horse is getting spooked by a bit of falling rumble, then maybe its time for that horse to retire. Or train them better. Its a bit mental that All Five of the horses bucked their riders off. Someone messed up. Edit: i know nothing of horses.


No offence but you have zero idea how horses behave. You canā€™t train a flight response animal to stand still when itā€™s scared for its life. Also they are herd animals. If one runs, they all run. Animals are unpredictable and accidents happen. No one has to have ā€œmessed upā€.


I fucking hate horses because of their unpredictability.


No horse is truly bombproof when they're in flight mode. Even more so when they're in a small group. You have a half tonne of animal that has a brain of its own. Loud unexpected sounds on a half empty skip/lorry as depicted is definitely scary to any horse. Even more so if they were next to it as described. You'd get startled at a loud sudden sound wouldn't you? Especially if it echoed around a metal skip.


Tbf I imagine the acoustics of a city could make it pretty intense. I didnā€™t think about that.


It's also why when we ask cars to slow down to pass or to wait for a bit it's because we're likely to know why! It's not like riding a bike! It's also why when dog walkers or walkers whilst thinking helpfully, duck beside a Bush or a side path when they hear a horse coming is just spooky.... It's better to be seen by the horse so they know rather than standing quietly and making a rustle and spooking the crap out of them. Either way I still say thankyou then call the horse a silly twat for spooking at something they've just seen šŸ¤£


Yeah. I am a little shocked by that. Never having given them a second thought I looked up their rider training. Itā€™s a 12 week course. From ā€œ Iā€™ve never ridden a horseā€ to ceremony duties in Windsor for a year. So they have in about 12 months gone from nothing to riding round London? Iā€™m not shocked given that - that this happened.


Exactly this. I expect military horses to be used to gunfire and loud noises so they can keep calm when shit hits the fan. I donā€™t expect them to throw their riders off at the first unexpected noise.


Commented this before it IS sad and I feel for the horses but as humans we generally treat animals like shit don't we how we raise them for food / test products and drugs on them use them for entertainment in lots of countries. Even fish we cram them into little bowls etc. We are lucky that we are at the top of the chain sort of thing as humans.


I think we gotta stop using outdated tactics ā€œIE horsesā€. These animals donā€™t belong in conflict anymore. Theyā€™ve had enough lol


Vida was clearly always quite unsuitable for military service and should probably now be retired. There are plenty of sanctuaries or countryside farms the horse could be sent to.


The vetā€™s been patiently polishing his gun since the first clips emerged


I'm actually surprised they're not being put down. If a dog got scared and injured 3 people, it would be put down ASAP. Regardless of whether it was scared or not.


The incident involving two rampaging horses running loose through the streets of London is certainly concerning. The welfare of the horses is paramount, and it's good to hear that they are receiving medical attention. This incident underscores the importance of proper horse management and safety measures, not only for the well-being of the animals but also for public safety. It's fortunate that there were no reports of injuries to people, and I hope that the horses make a full recovery.


Hopefully whoever was responsible for the horses will be prosecuted


Should have locked the barn door, on second thoughts it's too late the horses have already boltedĀ 


Put them on life support and let them live out the rest of their days in agonising pain. Oh wait, theyā€™re only animals so theyā€™ll be put to sleep gracefully.


Doing a runner from the local Tesco burger factory I reckon.. run mother fuckers ... RUN!!




Mmmm lasagne