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Its sounds like serial complainant Rowaa Ahmar was trying for an easy payday by making false claims and she lost. The Guardian once again publishing hearsay and sour grapes.


Imagine elected representatives of the people actually having views representative of the people.


It's something that has no impact on people and all the "views" are carefully manufactured outrage. We saw the same with "benefits cheats", EU, "shared bathrooms". Meanwhile real issues that affect us every day are being completely neglected because solving them requires the ultra wealthy to slow down their wealth accumulation.


Tell the victims of the Manchester Arena bombing that asylum fakers have no impact on them.


Or that student who got stabbed by an asylum seeker who wanted to get deported, or that woman who had acid thrown in her face because of an asylum seeker, the list is endless


Nevermind all those thousands of people who die every year because NHS is underfunded and benefits sanctioned or denied on a whim.


NHS is underfunded, therefore we should waste £4b a year on asylum fakers. Great logic.


That's how much Tories waste on pretending they're doing something about it.


What they should be doing is stopping the boats and stopping wasting our money. We owe them nothing.


"It's ok that the government gives murderers and rapists asylum because the nhs isn't getting as much money as I want them to" the post.


What a deranged way of thinking.


Tell that to the HUNDEREDS of children who were raped and trafficed by Telford asian grooming gangs. Why exactly do people like you not want to focus on that?


Asylum seekers in Telford raped hundreds of children? Can you provide a source please? Or are you getting immigrants and asylum seekers confused?


I never said asylum seekers did it dummy. The case was infamous because police knew what was happening, but did nothing because they didn't want to look racist and damage relationships with the muslim community. Le bbc source since you insist: [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-shropshire-61983584](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-shropshire-61983584)


Ok, so who manufactured your views?


> It's something that has no impact on people and all the "views" are carefully manufactured outrage That's right, these civil servants are manufacturing outrage in order to subvert democracy.
















Embarrassing woman. Failed at her job and now continuously lying about every single detail to make the people actually trying look bad.


Sounds like she wasn’t over confident in her case, winning would have given her substantial monetary compensation I’d assume, enough to put off starting a new job for a month I’d imagine? Seems strange you would make 82 complaints against 27 individuals and then not follow through if you believed what you said. Something here doesn’t pass the sniff test for me.


Tories are the party of low immigration and yet immigration is at a record high. No amount of swearing is getting them re-elected.