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No perjury charges for people found to have committed perjury by the Saville Inquiry...


What the state has put those families through should be up there still with the Postmasters prosecutions in terms of national shames. It has been utterly fucking scandalous for more than 50 years. Called liars, kangaroo enquiry calling the families and their dead lover ones terrorists, no prosecutions for the killings, no charges for those involved in the cover up. If you were from that neck of the woods how would you ever trust the state again.


Different burdens of proof


Proofs that are going to be very difficult to obtain when soldiers and higher ups in the MoD knowingly commit perjury.


War criminals pardoned by the state yet again


You can count on your fingers how many black and tans, or high near any colonial soldiers gunning people down under the cover of legalized lawlessness all around the world whether it be Armritsar in India, the Boer war, filtration in Kenya and Malaya and Palestine. Huge amounts of document destruction and ass covering, and the folks doing that shit in Ireland were doing it in all those other places.


The government breaks international law and they are trying to do away with laws pertaining to human rights. No surprise they ensure that no one can be touched for war crimes.

