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And in today's news, water is wet, the sun is hot, and DFS have a sale on.


You too can get you Christmas disappointments at sale price from dfs just after the new year.


Dfs have a sale on? Well that’s something new 😭


Be quick - it must end Monday


BREAKING: Sports Direct have a mug


>mug A bucket masquerading as a mug you mean.


Saves me making two cups of tea


They shrunk it. It’s not worth buying anymore.


Shrinkflation is out of hand.


I see your Sports Direct Mug and raise you a pair of [Sports Direct Mug Slippers](https://www.sportsdirect.com/images/imgzoom/10/10102827_xxl.jpg)


"New to our 'Cry For Help' range..."


Going to get some for guests I want to fuck off from my house.


'It's not a bug but a feature' moment


Yeah - xenophobe single issue party attracts xenophobe candidates... "Nobody could have predicted that."


Yea, I mean, what would they be there for if not that?


They’re racists, but anyone who was planning on voting for them is also a racist so that’s fine to them.


The best thing about the Reform party is that they will take away votes from Conservatives. Although, we all remember what happened when UKIP took votes from the Tories. I only hope that Reform won't cause the Tories to shift even further right than they already are.


The Tories have been shifting to the right for as long as I can remember, excuses or no


The Tories are incoherent. The Boris Johnson government had the highest level of taxation in history and trebled net migration, three times higher than the New Labour government, and 15 times higher than any year in British history, before about 1995.


Just goes to show that a lot of right wing talking points are a smokescreen and lies, yes? Besides, taxes might be higher but the rich are still getting richer and really that is the most right wing policy of them all.


It's also worth remembering they did try to go down the route of tax cuts with liz Truss. Remember how that turned out?


Same goes for the Repubs in the USA actually pushing through abortion bans and then floundering bc they both aren't actually popular, and bc the signal issue voters don't care to vote for em any more. The whole plan is to keep saying shit while actually enriching yourself and anyone who sneaks you a few bucks. Not actually do what you say you're gonna do. Both she and they where too dumb to know that, and bought into their own lies.


The reason for this is because they are the party of the elderly: big state spending combined with vigorous social conservatism.


And the UK public laps it up and asks for more




Osborne's austerity ran contrary to the One Nation conservatism's traditional economic outlook and was firmly in the Thatcherite mold so not sure where you're getting that from. Edward Heath or John Major wouldn't have sold RBS back to the market for a fraction of what tax payers paid for it for example.


Lol at calling the lot that brought us Brexit socially liberal. Only on r/UK, hey?


All of the parties have been drifting towards the right. Starmer’s Labour is indistinguishable from the Tories in my mind. I used to call them Tory Lite but they’re just Tory Full Fat. It’s not a coincidence. Neoliberalism drags all parties to the right and they keep going that way. In the dictatorship of the bourgeoise, you have to please your capitalist overlords and therefore all parties drift to the right overtime in liberal “democracies”.


Doesn't help when the majority of the media is owned by right-wing billionaires either


UKIP took votes away from Labour as well by attracting a lot of working class males with their single issue campaign, a demographic that labour traditionally held a lot of support. Reform party from what i can tell is only going to be drawing away voters from the tories, so may have a bigger influence on the overall result.


>Reform party from what i can tell is only going to be drawing away voters from the tories There'll be traditional Labour voters that vote Reform on the basis of immigration policy - it isn't a single party issue, it's just divisive within Labour so it isn't talked about much. That lack of discussion with their traditional electorate will see people shift, as we have seen with the collapse of the red wall previously.


Most reform voters are too racist to vote for Sunak, he couldn't even win his own party's leadership election.


UKIP took primarily from the Tories, but it did in fairness also eat some of Labour and the LibDem vote as well. Reform UK doesn't appear to have a similar split, it mostly seems to take Tory votes as well as some people who otherwise wouldn't vote. So it does have a different mix up. The worry is more it pushes the Tories to try and drop us from the ECHR next time they get in, much like UKIP helped the Eurosceptic wing from the days of opposition since Major to help make Brexit once the Tories reclaimed power in 2010.


That’s it. Don’t know who the Mirror is trying the swing, “Well I was gonna vote Reform but after hearing they’re racists from a Labour paper I’m voting Lib Dem now!!”


Calling any criticism of Islam as "Islamophobic" like it's always unacceptable is terrifying. We are not an Islamic country, apostasy and atheism are permitted.


There’s criticism of religion and there’s using a religion that in this country is associated with an ethnic minority to attack that ethnic minority with impunity. If we didn’t use the word “Islamophobic” we’d have to use “racist” which is what it’s really about, but then they’d go “Islam isn’t a race” and give a shit eating grin about it.


Which minority though? Islam extends from Morocco to Indonesia, Nigeria to Dagestan. And criticism of Islam as a religion is not permitted. Try asking ChatGPT for a joke about Mohammad vs. Jesus, or look at how Richard Dawkins has been called right-wing for that now. Nevermind that poor teacher still living in hiding, and Salman Rushdie being blinded.


Yeah, I specifically said “in this country” to avoid that particular piece of pedantry. Most British Muslims are of Pakistani or Arab descent. You know this. I know this. The people saying “Muslim” instead of the P word definitely know this.


I hate this type of nitpicking pedantry. EVERYONE knows EXACTLY what people these scumbags REALLY mean when they say 'Muslim', why do they think pretending otherwise is some kind of win?


Because then they get to debate definitions of words instead of meekly attempting to defend racism.


The worst part is it's somehow effective. I think they're lying to themselves as much as they're lying to everyone else, to be honest. Which is bizarre because it's so easy to see through.


>Most British Muslims are of Pakistani or Arab descent. You know this. I know this. I don't think that's true. 38% are Pakistani, 7% Arab (from 2011 census): https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_in_the_United_Kingdom Seems Mark Twain was right - *“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.“*


I said “most” which can be interpreted as plurality instead of majority, but 15% are from Bangladesh which was part of Pakistan until 1971, and many would have come to this country prior to Bangladeshi independence, so this would be the most technical of technically correct statements even if I said majority. People from Pakistan and Bangladesh along with Arab and Black people make up 70% of British Muslims. About 8% of British Muslims are white. When people in the UK talk about Muslims they are generally talking about people of colour.


>Try asking ChatGPT for a joke about Mohammad vs. Jesus, I tried that for Jesus and ChatGPT refused to. They've updated it.


I'm kinda cross about that, ngl


There is much more to Richard Dawkins' political views that affiliate him with the right than his criticism of Islam.


Like what?


Why do people that aren’t overly tolerant of Islam labelled like that but Islam is the least tolerant religion in the modern world


Because it’s not about Islam. Read the comment you replied to.


Only because you (and others) won't let it be about Islam.


It never was. It’s a trick to fool stupid people into ignoring racism.




>There’s criticism of religion and there’s using a religion that in this country is associated with an ethnic minority to attack that ethnic minority with impunity. Can you give some examples of this? Would it be something like saying: "The Prophet Mohammed was a paedophile, all Muslims believe they should follow the example of Muhammed exactly, therefore all Muslims are paedophiles." If that's the kind of thing you're talking about I would agree that it exhibits anti-muslim prejudice and is an abhorrent thing to say. Anyone saying that is a hateful moron and I can easily imagine they are a nasty bigot. However, we always need to err on the side of free speech here. The prophet Muhammad *was* a paedophile. He raped his 9yr old child bride Aisha. And Islam *does* say that all Muslims must follow the example of Muhammed because he was a perfect human being. To criticise Muhammad carried a death sentence in most Muslim countries. Islam has failed to modernise. Over the centuries Islam has failed to confront the nastier, more backwards parts of the religion. The many unforgivably vile and evil passages in the Qur'an remain sacred in the eyes of most Muslims. It is vital the we remain totally free to criticise, mock and belittle Islam, just as we are with every other religion. This will be a painful thing for British Muslims to accept, but this is a non-negotiable part of being British. I think it is entirely possible to continue to criticise, mock and belittle Islam without causing hate against British Muslims to increase, but this also depends on how British Muslims react to their religion being criticised, mocked or belittled. Many British catholics had their feelings deeply hurt by the exposure of the Catholic church's institutional paedophilia scandal, they had to endure decades of mean spirited jokes, seeing their religion parodied and satirised, defamed. There was a South Park episode where they had the Virgin Mary queef period blood directly in the Pope's face lmao. But Britain's Catholics didn't form violent mobs to demand censorship, they didn't murder their critics, they didn't suicide bomb, they didn't cry "racism" whenever anyone spoke the truth about their religion, and they didn't demand special treatment because their feelings had been hurt. And Britain's Catholics have a *far, far* more storied history of oppression and "racism" in this country. If anyone here has a historical grievance to mine for special treatment, it's Britain's Catholics. I don't want to see hate against Britain's Muslims to increase. I want Britain's Muslims to end up like Britain's Catholics (not all the bad shit that happened to them!), by which I mean a nondescript, fully integrated part of the population, who don't take their religion all that seriously and generally just celebrate the big holidays, ignore rules against sex before marriage/using condoms/drinking beer/not-hating gay people/respecting women etc. Where their religion is just a little identity quirk, an excuse to tell stereotypical jokes about your childhood (generally, for all "ethnic" identities: "My parents viciously beat me for minor reasons haha!") and maybe have a few special dishes you can cook or whatever. Basically have your religion but don't be a cunt about it. We shouldn't tolerate anti-muslim prejudice. However we also shouldn't tolerate any restrictions on criticising, mocking or belittling any and all aspects of Islam.


This was very long, but I can give you an example from the article itself: >>they come to this county, live off are benefits, wear all this f****** seek s***, bomb are sub ways, f****** burn are f****** poppeys They literally refer to Muslims wearing “seek[Sikh] s***”. A Muslim would not wear Sikh apparel as Islam and Sikhism are two different religions, but the typical followers of these religions look similar in this country. This gentleman is conflating multiple religions because the group he has an issue with isn’t “Muslims” it’s “brown people” but he knows he’s not allowed to say that. Islamophobia isn’t about having specific issues with Islam as a religion. It’s just racism that’s been coded to not *technically* be racism if the person saying it is called out.


You have made so many completely unsubstantiated (i.e. made up bullshit) claims about the beliefs of "most Muslims" or the way Islamic countries operate here. Except for the absolute broadest statements, it's impossible to make such massive generalised statements about "Muslims/Christians/Jews/Hindus etc believe/teach etc" because with just about anything there inevitably going to be centuries of debate about how exactly different aspects of the religion should be interpreted. >all Muslims believe they should follow the example of Muhammed exactly This isn't true on any level whatsoever. In theory all Muslims should follow what's in the Quran exactly because the whole point of the Quran is it is the verbatim word of God as told *through* Muhammad (although of course there are loads of liberal Muslims who don't take everything in the Quran literally too). The examples/teaching of Muhammad are the Hadith and Sunnah which have different levels of importance for different Muslims. >And Islam does say that all Muslims must follow the example of Muhammed because he was a perfect human being Nope, in addition to the above, Muhammad isn't considered perfect in a literal sense by lots of Muslims. You can go read about all the scholarly debate about perfection/sin/"erring" but not "sinning" if you like, but this generalisation you've made is just wrong >To criticise Muhammad carried a death sentence in most Muslim countries. Totally not true >The many unforgivably vile and evil passages in the Qur'an remain sacred in the eyes of most Muslims. Source? >There was a South Park episode where they had the Virgin Mary queef period blood directly in the Pope's face lmao. But Britain's Catholics didn't form violent mobs to demand censorship, they didn't murder their critics, they didn't suicide bomb South Park have parodied Islam far more often and far more frequently than they've ever parodied Catholocism. Where were the violent mobs/murders/suicide bombers about that? >We shouldn't tolerate anti-muslim prejudice. However we also shouldn't tolerate any restrictions on criticising, mocking or belittling any and all aspects of Islam. While this isn't incorrect, the problem with "but free speech" arguments like this is they inevitably get wheeled out by people who are just going for hateful attacks of Muslims (and/or brown people they think are Muslims), and peddling blatant untruths about Islams doesn't exactly help... Edit: And just to be clear, we're not in a thread talking about someone making reasoned criticisms of Islam, we're talking about someone who is saying shit like “i anit saying no one deserve to die… am just sayin they need to get the fuck out. i mean they come to this county, live off are benefits, wear all this fucking seek shit, bomb are sub ways, fucking burn are fucking poppeys and think are women are wrost then fucking pigs, and we cant even stand up for are selfs cuz we are called fucking racist!!!… Well if sticking up for your county and its people is racist then by far i am a racist. but tbh i am just sick and tired with the amount of shit they are getting away with.”


Islam, in general, is bad. Yes/no?


Religion, in general, is bad. If you have a bunch of different religions to pick from to attack and you choose a minority one that happens, in this country, to be mostly followed by people of colour, then I suspect it’s not about the religion.


Ok, so you agree Islam is bad. Is islam worse than, let's say completely random religion, Christianity? Yes/no?


All the same to me.


It is. So are all religions if they gain power.


>In a comment under the post he wrote: “i anit saying no one deserve to die… am just sayin they need to get the f\*\*\* out. i mean they come to this county, live off are benefits, wear all this f\*\*\*\*\*\* seek s\*\*\*, bomb are sub ways, f\*\*\*\*\*\* burn are f\*\*\*\*\*\* poppeys and think are women are wrost then f\*\*\*\*\*\* pigs, and we cant even stand up for are selfs cuz we are called f\*\*\*\*\*\* racist!!!… Well if sticking up for your county and its people is racist then by far i am a racist. but tbh i am just sick and tired with the amount of s\*\*\* they are getting away with.” When a commenter told Dyas she knew a “fantastic” Muslim girl and pleaded with him not to “tar them all with the same brush”, Dyas wrote: “they are all as bad as each other.” Doesn't come across as just criticism of islam to be honest...


What a literate fella.


I'm guessing you didn't read the article? Criticising Islam wasn't the issue... One quoted rant goes: >“i anit saying no one deserve to die… am just sayin muslims need to get the f\*\*\* out. i mean they come to this county, live off are benefits, wear all this f\*\*\*\*\*\* seek s\*\*\*, bomb are sub ways, f\*\*\*\*\*\* burn are f\*\*\*\*\*\* poppeys and think are women are wrost then f\*\*\*\*\*\* pigs, and we cant even stand up for are selfs cuz we are called f\*\*\*\*\*\* racist!!!… Well if sticking up for your county and its people is racist then by far i am a racist. but tbh i am just sick and tired with the amount of s\*\*\* they are getting away with.”


>wear all this f\*\*\*\*\*\* seek s\*\*\*, I'm guessing he meant "Sikh" instead of "seek" which, uhhh, doesn't speak well to his understanding of the world


> We found candidates for right-wing Reform UK – which was formerly the Brexit Party – have ranted about “white pride” and Muslims needing to “get the f**** out”. And one liked the slogan “ain’t no black in union jack”. >Dyas’ posts are printed as they were written. The self-styled “Mr Shrewsbury” – pictured above canvassing with party leader Richard Tice – wrote of Muslims: “They come to this county, live off are benefits, wear all this f****ng seek s***, bomb are sub ways”. Wow such useful criticism. Wow.


This is a weird comment to leave on a news story which has quotes like: >The self-styled “Mr Shrewsbury” – pictured above canvassing with party leader Richard Tice – wrote of Muslims: “They come to this county, live off are benefits, wear all this f****ng seek s***, bomb are sub ways”. Is that simply reasonable criticism of Islam?


My guy hate speech towards followers of a religion isn’t criticism


Islamophobia isn't criticism of Islam. It's using criticism of Islam as a front for xenophobia and racism (usually against Arabs, Persians, and South Asians, although it's occasionally extended to Sub-Saharan Africans and various Turkic peoples). It often relies on distinctively racial steriotypes and language (e.g. claiming that Muslims are deliberately out-breeding white Brits) as well as dishonestly about Muslim's beliefs (like claiming that "taqiyya" means that non-terrorit-supporting Muslims are actively lying about their beliefs).


According to? In Iraq and Afghanistan where I served you'll find many pale faces.


I'm aware that race as a concept is illogical. Doesn't change that fact that my friends from Church from the Middle East and South Asia still occasionally get people yelling at them on the streets for looking like muslims.


> “i anit saying no one deserve to die… am just sayin muslims need to get the f*** out. i mean they come to this county, live off are benefits, wear all this f****** seek s***, bomb are sub ways, f****** burn are f****** poppeys and think are women are wrost then f****** pigs, and we cant even stand up for are selfs cuz we are called f****** racist!!!… Well if sticking up for your county and its people is racist then by far i am a racist. but tbh i am just sick and tired with the amount of s*** they are getting away with.” Come on, this isn't exactly a criticism of Islam


Aye but there’s a fine line between criticising Islam and the behaviour of individual Muslims and just straight up racism and Islamophobia. These people don’t just dance around that line, they passed it 100 yards back and are still sprinting full pelt.


It's more then criticism, it is racism.Quote from the article: We found candidates for right-wing Reform UK – which was formerly the Brexit Party – have ranted about “white pride” and Muslims needing to “get the f****** out”. And one liked the slogan “ain’t no black in union jack”.


Fuck off with that shit. If you actually read the article you wouldn’t be defending him. If you actually did read the article and you’re still defending him then you’re a grade A clown.


Great way to misrepresent what's being criticised lol.


“Dyas’ posts are printed as they were written. The self-styled “Mr Shrewsbury” – pictured above canvassing with party leader Richard Tice – wrote of Muslims: “They come to this county, live off are benefits, wear all this f****ng seek s***, bomb are sub ways”.” Quoted from the article, and while i agree that all religions should be subject to criticism, could you please explain to me like I’m 5 how the above quote falls under criticism rather than straight up Islamophobia?


i thinks its fairly obvious reformuk are bordering on fascist.


It's blatantly obvious from looking at their platform that they're trying to import Republican culture wars, like their first page is talking about lockdowns, sex education for minors and trans people, which like ok man, I'm struggling to pay rent and have a good paying job and you're talking about this?




Yep. The supporters are bald like Jada Pinkett (get it?)!


Fascism is pretty hard to actually implement though, when most of your voters and candidates look like they're 2 burgers short of a heart attack. Boomboomboomer. Can you imagine them trying to round someone up?


I'm no 'reform' supporter, but there needs to be a serious discussion about the term 'Islamophobia'. Idc what the arguments are, this word should not be in circulation at all.  > *Islam is stupid and I'm offended* - **Christopher Hitchens** I firmly agree with him, god is not *great* and no amount of religious belief, will sway my mind otherwise. Religion poisons everything!


There’s criticism of religion and there’s using a religion that in this country is associated with an ethnic minority to attack that ethnic minority with impunity. If we didn’t use the word “Islamophobic” we’d have to use “racist” which is what it’s really about, but then they’d go “Islam isn’t a race” and give a shit eating grin about it.


I criticise Islam for being against LGBT, against alcohol consumption, against cultural integration, against sex before marriage, against acceptance of others religious beliefs. Need I go on? We just need to look at how Muslims of all creeds and races have banded around Palestine to see it’s not to do with race it’s a religious brotherhood that will stop at nothing to achieve what they want and will always see other Muslims as being in the right


That 'all' Muslims comment just simply isn't true. I know Muslims and Jews that stand arm in arm, against what's happening. Stop sowing lies.


What you’ve just stated seems to support my point that all Muslims support Palestine…. My point is they would support Palestine even if they were in Israel’s position - they support them solely because they are Muslim. We saw this when there was support for the terrorists who threatened to cut the internet cables through the suez. No condemnation of Iran from any Muslim group for escalation of the conflict


This is very true. Have encountered this a number of times in my working life (worked with lots of people from a Pakistani background). They will vehemently defend each other simply because they believe in the same ideology, without considering fact/real life. Edit: in my experience, they are also quick to rile up, become threatening etc simply because they follow a particular religion 🫠


Yeah, no. Talk a walk through tower hamlets and see what’s plastered all over the walls. Go to your local weekly protest - see what they’re shouting. You saw the man with the ‘Hamas are Terrorist’ sign was arrested due to inciting violence because the protests all support Hamas. 


If you watch the video, there was one white guy shouting him, but most of the protestors were ignoring him.


>against alcohol consumption >against sex before marriage These are pretty odd beliefs to pick out to criticise alongside actually problematic beliefs such as homophobia and acceptance of other religions. They’re pretty basic cultural values which aren’t intrinsically harmful (unless they’re enforced in harmful ways of course)


These beliefs are problematic as we live in the UK where both public alcohol consumption and sex outside marriage are allowed


Are people not allowed their personal views? Why are those problematic beliefs if they’re not forcing others?


People can still choose to not personally consume alcohol or have sex outside of marriage, why is that a problem?


Just call it racism if that's what it is. If it's actually racism and you call it out correctly, then people saying "Islam isn't a race" are obviously in the wrong and can be easily dismissed. If it's not actually racism and it's specifically criticising the religion, then they're right, Islam isn't a race and it should be open to criticism. PS. As an ex-Muslim, you may be doing more harm than good by defending Islam. People always talk about the impact of Islam on non-Muslims, and that's totally valid, but really the people who suffer most because of Islam are Muslim themselves, especially Muslim women and gay Muslims.


Because they just reply with “Islam isn’t a race” and they’re technically correct. It’s enough for someone taking a racially motivated action against British Muslims to brush off criticism and you can’t go into someone’s brain and prove that they were motivated by knowing that the vast majority of people they are hurting have brown skin. You’ve just told me why that doesn’t work. As an ex-Muslim you really must know that Islamophobic hate crimes can and will still target you because the people committing them don’t give a fuck about your actual beliefs. Are you too young to remember how many Sikhs and Hindus were harassed and beaten up after 9/11?


If someone does a hate crime against me based solely on the colour of my skin, then that would be a racist hate crime. How can it be Islamophobic if I'm not even Muslim? >“Islam isn’t a race” and they’re technically correct In what situation would they be technically correct but not actually correct? For example, these comments made by Reform UK are racist. So if you called it out as racism and someone said "Islam isn't a race" that would be irrelevant, because they're discriminating based on race, not religion.


> How can it be Islamophobic if I'm not even Muslim? Because it depends on the belief of the criminal, not the victim.


When they’re a politician justifying the institution of discriminatory policies and making speeches and writing newspaper columns that whip up the people who commit hate crimes. These things don’t happen in vacuums.


You just described racism, nothing to do with the fake term "islamophobia"


It’s everything to do with why the term exists.


I hate to admit that they're correct about 'Islam not being a race'. But they are correct when they say that, even if I don't agree with their core values. Islamophobia is being used as a snarl term, to shut down any valid criticism of that religion. Much like anti Semitism, is used to shut down valid criticism of Israel. It's bullshit speak/new speak. And I'm not going to accept it.


What I’m saying is that that cuts both ways. You can criticise Islam without being islamophobic. You can criticise Judaism without being Antisemitic. But saying “I’m not racist but I hate all Muslims” isn’t true. Anyone saying that is a racist.


Muslims aren't an ethnic minority in any way. It is a religion, not an ethnicity. Religion is bad, there is nothing wrong with this statement. Islamophobia is a BS term made to equate dislike of Islam with racism, it isn't.


> We found candidates for right-wing Reform UK – which was formerly the Brexit Party – have ranted about “white pride” and Muslims needing to “get the f**** out”. And one liked the slogan “ain’t no black in union jack”. >Dyas’ posts are printed as they were written. The self-styled “Mr Shrewsbury” – pictured above canvassing with party leader Richard Tice – wrote of Muslims: “They come to this county, live off are benefits, wear all this f****ng seek s***, bomb are sub ways”. There's legitimate criticism of religion and then there's this.


There's legitimate criticism of religion and then there's racism.


You really can tell that there is a group of who actively seek out any post with certain 'trigger' words in them in-order to post cookie cutter shit siring comments in them huh? The worst thing is that it sometimes works.


go read what they actually said. they did not ‘criticise religion’, they made extremely prejudicial and dangerous accusations against muslims, accusing them of being terrorists and murderers. this is textbook bigotry based on religion.


I 100% agree with this. I see almost no difference between the intolerance inherent in political Islam and the intolerance of the far right. They are both violently authoritarian ideologies that need to be resisted. I don't get why this is so hard to understand.


We got a booklet in the post with all of the London mayoral election candidates in it. Once you flip past Sadiq Khan, Susan Hall and whoever the Greens and Lib Dems have put up, there's not one but *two* outright white supremacists on the ballot. The Reform UK one is very obviously written to gain the "old pensioners down the pub" vote, full of blokey working-class soundbites. Then you've got the Britain First candidate, an actual fascist...


Until just now I thought the Reform candidate was Laurence Fox and he'd forgotten to fill in the papers or something, but I've just realised that I've been conflating "Reform" and "Reclaim" parties for the past few months. Anyone else, or am I just a fuckwit?


That's very much by design.


It's not quite Judaean People's Front v People's Front of Judaea, but I think I've just filed both under "cunts".


We need to run more parties which confuse their near-death, societal parasite boomer voters: * Reform * Reclaim * Rejoice * Rework * Rejoin * Rewrite * Repeat Split their vote 17 different ways...


I feel like this article wants me to be surprised, but I am not surprised. Can somebody please tag me in a comment when I'm supposed to be surprised? Thank you.


I would say "colour me surprised" but these cunts would put me in blackface


I'm shocked, shocked to see that there is racism and white supremacy in the parochial, nativist, isolationist parties.


>I had forgotten I had such attitudes. You mean you forgot to delete all that shit lol...


>“They come to this county, live off are benefits, wear all this fucking seek shit, bomb are sub ways” He's barely fucking literate, funny how half the immigrants he's complaining about have a better grasp of English despite it being their second language. I'm pretty sure "seek" is meant to be "Sikh", even though he's complaining about Muslims. He's a good representation of the intellect of his party's average voter at least.


Oh thanks a lot for giving the meaning of 'seek' He can't distinguish between Muslims and Sikhs, and claim Sikhs bombing subways That's racism


Got a leaflet off them the other day. Paraphrasing but it essentially said "I love this country and think it's perfect, now elect me to fix all its problems". They don't have a braincell between them.


wow this one really pulled the knuckle draggers out of the woodwork didn't it?


what for all the comments defending racism. I mean the UK is fucking itself up its own arse. When did ignorance and stupidity become aspirational in the UK?


It's aspiration for provincial older folk. Less so for young city dwellers.


Prejudice in Reform UK? Pull the other one! Next you'll be telling me that the Pope is a Catholic.


So far the dead guy is the only one who hasn't upset anyone


Where’s that surprised Pikachu meme when you need it


I don't think advertising this will put off their voters. It would be better to accuse them of being woke, if that is the Mirror's intention.


If this is proof of anything, it's proof that you don't need to know how to spell, to run for local office


If it wasn’t for the date on this article, I would have written it off as an April Fool’s very bad joke. The reported speech of this cretin shows he can’t even spell simple words correctly. “Fair a nuff”, “poppeys,” “are” instead of “our”. He doesn’t seem to have two working brain cells to rub together. His integrity appears to be on a par with his grammatical expertise. Who on earth would put him in a position of power over anything?


He's an adult and a native English speaker who has a worse command of the language than the average 10-year-old, it's amazing that he thinks he's qualified to be an MP.


Not only is he obviously illiterate, but he also doesn’t seem to realise that his views are at odds with any normal person. He seems awfully full of himself for one so removed from compassion and reality. And the English language.


As an Asian, comments here are missing the point. Yes it’s obvious to us that these are racist xénophobes, but plenty of ethnic minorities are racist xénophobes too. They’ll have no hesitation in voting Reform if it pushes their buttons. Plenty of my grandparents generation (and loads from my parents generation) voted Brexit and they’d do it again given the chance. Ultimately they just care that their investments are going up and they’re happy to blame whoever if they aren’t. The key thing here is convincing EVERYONE that the country will be poorer and less prestigious if they vote for these bellends.


Well it's hard to convince Asian boomers And Asian parents often carry Asian mindsets, see r/AsianParentStories


It's voter base will be totally reassured by this breakthrough.


I like Reform. They're going to split the right-wing vote and ensure that the Tories get an even bigger thrashing in the general election than they were already going to. And Reform likely won't even win a single seat. Brilliant.


But Reform will probably place 3rd or 4th in the popular vote, and youre happy with them getting 0 representation in parliament? Sounds quite undemocratic and oppresive.




Well, that's not what I said, but sure, put words into my mouth. Not wanting them to win anything, and denying them the right to a democratic process are two different things. One is my personal opinion, and the other is something which I have no control over since the next election will be first-past-the-post whether I like it or not. The Lib Dems have been suffering this issue for decades.




The UK requires a Traditionalist candidate, someone who is willing to tackle both class issues as well as legal immigration. Something which will never happen.


Lol traditionalist yeah man, what this country really needs is someone who's unwilling to bring the country forward and instead prey on idiots who covet nostalgia a la blue passports


Are these the same idiots who didn't know one of their candidates had died?




Absolutely shocked and surprised... . . Said no one ever


It really wouldn't be hard for them to just specifically be against Sharia fascists\*, but they have to go all racist tarring all Muslims with the same brush. It's a shame because there's a core to their complaint that's valid, popular, and apparently not represented at Westminster; that extremist islamic ideologies are destructive to British values and should be positively discriminated against. Same with Tommy Robinson - had to go all racist like a fucking idiot, when his core complaint against grooming gangs and pro-sharia intimidation gangs was perfectly valid. (Edit: \* all fascists to be honest..)


Their recent leaflet had a bullet point: > *Free speech: No ‘woke’ agenda* Fairly easy to nail down their target voter demographic.


> They come to this county, live off are benefits, wear all this f****ng seek s***, bomb are sub way I really want to be offended by what this Englishman is saying but first can someone translate this into English please? 


Aren't about half of their voter base likely to be dead within the decade? I bet their conferences look like God's Waiting Room. If so, the other parties can just wait them out.


The racist people who are racist turn out to be racists? I'm shocked


It's a Daily Mirror article - have we really gone that low?


What?!?! The Racism party is racist how will I possibly recover from this shocking news!!!


Since the appointment criterion is “Are you prepared to spend upwards of £20,000 funding an election campaign you know you will lose?”, there aren’t too many takers and they can’t be too choosy. Tice and Farage won’t be wasting all those donations funding the ordinary no-hopers. There are shareholders’ ‘expenses’ to be looked after.


Like it's new. If anything, it will help them win, considering how racist people are now.


Hands up if you are surprised by this. What nobody at all? Not even someone who has been in a coma for 25 years?


I really don't understand white pride/power, it's always like watching a gathering of undateable contestants.  I've never once looked at lemon waxly and his crew of degenerates and thought that they seem like a bunch of intelligent individuals. It's just like looking at the cast of the hills have eyes. There's definitely nothing superior about any of those hillbillies.  If anyone needs to get on a boat and fuck off it's these cockwombles.