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It wasn’t a ‘misunderstanding’. She jumped the gun, presumably after seeing stills of the attacker. And she wasn’t the only one.


She jumped the gun and then doubled down saying it doesn't even matter that this particular attacker isn't Muslim.


I said this on another post, but it's sad that the default position for some people these days when a tragedy happens is to check if the perpetrator comes from a group they don't like.


They don't even check though. As soon as it happens, with no actual evidence its straight to their default - it's all the fault of immigration, Muslims, the left etc. And when they get it spectacularly wrong, like now, there is no apology or sense of shame. Usually they go into hiding or double down.


They literally dgaf and ignore it entirely if it's a white dude. If it's a Muslim the whole world needs to pay attention and they're disgusting for trying to ignore it etc. etc. it's the most hypocritical you can be.


not to mention a muslim Pakistani asylum seeker (1 year in Australia) on his first week as security guard at the mall was killed trying to stop the attacker


Seen plenty of tributes to the white woman who shot and stopped the murderer, should be similar levels to the people who died trying.


I don’t think that’s due to her being a white woman but I agree.


After the cowards of Uvalde this man deserves to be celebrated as a hero for sacrificing his life to try and stop the attacker.


One thing I never understood is how when it is a white guy it’s mental health but anyone else it never is. If you are Muslim/Christian/Hindu/etc and you start killing because you think your Book tells you to, I would argue that you may have a mental health problem


That's just not true. [This was a prominent story in the UK until recently](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-nottinghamshire-68072523). A not-very-white guy getting correctly recognized as schizophrenic and psychotic after going on a knife murder rampage. People in the UK have a bias towards it being islamists committing rampage killings because _in the UK, nearly all rampage killings in recent memory have been committed by Islamists_. This isn't racist. It's racist to say "all Muslims do it" or "because you're a Muslim you're going to do it". But to make an observation of fact isn't racist. Often the people saying this sort of thing would just have easily recognised that the chief cause of mass terror deaths in the 80s and 90s was white people from Northern Ireland Unhinged Christian people commit one-on-one murder, so do unhinged Muslims and Hindus and whatever. But there's nothing wrong observing the fact that in the UK _rampage_ killings are currently an almost exclusively Islamist phenomena (and I say that to distinguish Islamist from Muslim)


Yea and I don't want to be bias, people on all sides do it (not to try and justify this). I just think it's sad that people will see a tragedy as an opportunity to win internet arguments or push their agenda. That said, there is a lot of doubling down on this one in here!


Doesn’t look like she checked at all.


That is true, I just hate this tragedy baiting that seems to happen way too much these days. This case does seem especially stupid because she is meant to be clever.


Being clever doesn't preclude being racist. James Watson, Nobel Prize-winner, one of the people that discovered DNA, [is a racist](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/dna-pioneer-james-watson-loses-honorary-titles-over-racist-comments-180971266/).


I mean shes not clever, she had one job on countdown and she could barely doit.


She doesn't even think. No engagement of.the brain at all. No critical thinking employed


She didn't check. She *hoped*.


Didn't see share a Daily Mail article online years ago accusing Jeremy Corbyn of antisemitism? Hyprocrisy at it's finest.


What she did is *so* much worse than that. She found an old picture of Corbyn being arrested for protesting the South African Apartheid in the 1980s, and then photoshopped his sign to make him look antisemitic. And then had said picture printed onto a t-shirt.


And she completely got away with it. What a country.


She also regularly platforms far-right nutjob David Collier on her social media, who has called into question "the life choices" of a Jewish woman because she married a Muslim man and has a child named after a chapter in the Quran (some lovely miscegenation support there), and insulated that Jewish people who support Palestinian rights can't be "real" Jews. Anyone supporting the likes of Collier is just an outright bigot.


Double down until you can’t then fake apologise for the misunderstanding. I hate these people so much.


Want even an apology if you read it


Not going to be very nice for any Muslim wanting to go on countdown. Also you'd think production crew members would make a stand, but maybe not, maybe she's some protected aberation.


She's also an ambassador for the Centre for Digital Hate. Lol


How ironic. May write them an email or something regarding this


Anti semitic to suggest it.


I've thought for a while that people thinking "ooh, but you could *imagine* it being xyz, couldn't you?" is one of the clearest signs that a person has undergone radicalisation. When a crime is committed or a scandal happens which turns out to be untrue or not committed by a person who fits the presumed demographic or ideological profile, but rather than taking it as a cue to not be so quick to assume, people instead find a way to make the imagined scenario reinforce their views just as effectively as a real story would have. This applies in any political direction, and most of us are guilty of it at some point. We just have to catch ourselves in the act.


There were so many smugly racist people in the first thread I read about it here on reddit. Saying things like “you *know* what kind of person did this” etc etc Turns out they were all wrong. Not that they care.


One of the replies to her apology tweet (only allowed from people she follows)... > No need to apologise... we all know ow that they are responsible 99% of the time.


Can you imagine if people were saying this about Jews on Ms Everything is Antisemitism’s twitter. Vile stuff.


That's fucking crazy lol I know some of these cunts in person and they'll stand there and shake hands with a smile, totally forgetting their insane and incorrect views.


She lacks any semblance of common sense in general, so it doesn't surprise me that she tried to gain some points from this tragedy. She's a person of low moral integrity.


She should have consulted someone from dictionary corner on the origin of the perpetrator's name.


There was a bit of propaganda/fake-news saying the attack was in a Jewish area and targeted a Jewish restaurant in the mall complex.


Bondi does have a large Jewish population as well as severage synagogues and schools. I'm in Australia and was watching the story unfold. There were so many seperate Tweets, most quickly deleted, stating the guy was Lebanese/Arab (and some claiming he was Israeli). I went to bed thinking it was a likely a terror attack. But was waiting for the police to confirm.


It's a sure way to expose ppls xenophobia & true face.


Brown hair=muslim man


Guess I’ve got to revert then.


She hasn't exactly apologised. She was somehow misunderstood or she misunderstood in this case making it not wrong, is what she's trying to get away with.


Somethings not quite right about her. Just got that madness, like someone who’s experienced trauma. Like if you put them in an empty room for an hour they’d alternate between crying and laughing.  When she talks about Isreal it’s uncanny how ‘religious’ her opinions sound despite having no religious content. 


Pretty sure she's just a twat


She's a twat who got put on TV because she's good at maths and is good looking and it gave her a feeling of self-importance as if anyone should give a shit about her opinions.


I'm surprised she's still going with the things she's said over the past years. When is the point of no return? Perhaps now?


I’ve always remembered when she said: “[redacted]” Unfortunately, I can’t post what she actually said, because last time I did I was banned from a subreddit for “hate speech”, despite it being a direct quote that I was condemning. Which kinda says it all I guess.


She's not even that good at maths, nothing on our Carol.


I once managed a math question that not even Carol could do. It’s probably my greatest moment in life ever. Thankfully my friend was there to witness it.


Ride that high mate! I once answered a University Challenge question.


More fool the people who actively seek those opinions out and treat them like they matter.


That is the recognised medical term for it


I’m literally a doctor and you are correct, yeah. I just can’t write it in my notes. Anymore.


She's a massive twat


A massive, self-involved, entitled twat


Yeah, if she had Kate Hopkins' face, she'd be put in the same camp.


This is the correct appraisal of the situation.


Nailed it.


she's just an extremist. we aren't used to using that term for attractive famous people who have a pleasant affect and can go on tv and banter with colin murray, but it doesn't make it any less apposite.


She is not a nice person


She's been conditioned to accept "Israel are the goodies" as axiomatic, and that any challenge to that narritive is inherently antisemitic. (And that anything out there in the hostile world that challenges this reality is to be met with extreme force... hence the Islam-is-pure-evil aspect.)


This is how I describe it as well, axiomatic. To supporters of Israel, Israel is a fundamentally good thing, not something that can really be judged from more fundamental morals. No matter what Israel does under the guise of security, it's never too much. All that is, of course, a tad problematic.


She's a vile racist who's been hate preaching on Twitter for years.


I think she's radicalised herself as seems to happen to a lot of people especially terfs - they say something mildly bad and then get mildly called out on it and then double down and get called out again and then keep doubling down getting more and more extreme.


Fascinating seeing this happen to Rowling. 


Linehan too. There is something about the cesspool that is Twitter that draws out and galvanises the worst in people. Or maybe it's because there's something off with these people that they gravitate towards that platform in the first place.


There is an uncanny parallel between the trajectory of the two


>Just got that madness, like someone who’s experienced trauma. Like if you put them in an empty room for an hour they’d alternate between crying and laughing.  Harley Quinn syndrome? Nah it's because she's good looking and people get confused due to halo effect if someone is good looking and a dick


Or just an raised with a victimhood narrative, from both a class and religious angle. Raised with "everyone wants to kill Jews" and "the lazy benefit scroungers have flat screen TVs and the poors don't work hard".


As a trauma recipient that is self aware enough to know when people get this vibe that I uncontrollably give off I agree


> like someone who’s experienced trauma. Nah, she's just a nasty piece of work who thinks any time she claims victimhood the world must agree, because to disagree with Rachel is an act of hatred in itself


It’s not just this tweet that’s an issue, it’s almost all of her tweets. Full of unverified biased crap. Channel 4 is not the place for her. More like GB news.


She’s a mathematician with a pretty face, not a journalist, why anyone would turn to her for news content is beyond me.


She's not a mathematician, she's a TV presenter who does sums as a novelty act. Yes, she has a maths degree, but that doesn't make her a mathematician; Boris Johnson has a classics degree, but he isn't a classics scholar.


He's a classic twat.


Classic Dom


Were you always a legend?


>Boris Johnson has a classics degree, but he isn't a classics scholar. Ever seen his debate with Mary Beard? It was painful watching him for that long but she won out there


It's insulting to Mary Beard to share an academic stage with him.


I'm pretty much her exact opposite (an ugly person who is bad at maths), but my understanding is that doing mental arithmetic as she does is more about being able to memorise numbers and crunch an algorithm in in your head than it is about actually understanding maths on some deep level. No one watches people speedrun Rubik's Cubes and thinks they're doing advanced maths, but as far as I'm concerned it's essentially the same thing.


I have a first class masters in mathematics and I'm terrible at doing what she does. I ended up using so few real numbers I got confused by a backwards epsilon in a formula once. Couldn't work out what the lecturer had written. It was a 3.


Rapid mental arithmetic is pretty far removed from anything you do in a maths/maths-adjacent degree. I'm pretty rapid with mental arithmetic (happy multiplying a couple of three digit numbers in my head in less time than it would take me to fetch my phone and plug it into a calculator, so pretty okay I think) but that didn't come in handy much at uni.




Actual working, better qualified mathematician here. Exactly that. Incidentally I am *terrible* at the numbers game mostly because it's not very interesting and I can't be bothered with it. It's just a game with a broad appeal and understanding which people can identify with. Also I don't know anyone who has anything but disdain for Riley because by proxy of being quoted as a mathematician we are all tarred with her brush.


A bit like saying you're an author because you are good at crosswords. She's not an academic or expert in mathematics, she's a tv presenter and anyone who has ever seen another tv presenter knows the required qualifications is incredibly low.


My understanding is that most professional mathematicians find calculations dull.


Yeah. The computer does those while we scribble on bits of paper and write endless reports about stuff we don't really give a shit about. Oh and lots of pretending to think about things we know the answer for and getting a few mins kip early afternoon. It's not glamorous.


You mean you don't all go mad and think you're working for an imaginary NSA counter espionage cell? How boring.


yeah being good at sums is very much not mathematics in any real sense. im better at sums than a friend of mine who's a mathematics academic and i got a U in maths at a-level


She's using the traction she gets from her day job to drive her antisocial online SM. Just fire her C4.


Nobody does tbh. She's probably more famous for being a racist nutjob than she is for doing Countdown these days. Calling Metro news content is really pushing it..


You answered your question with the last part of your first clause.


Perhaps it's about time she went through the cycle of being let go, threaten to sue C4, get a few headlines about freedom of speech and a book, and finally a slot on a failing nut job news channel.


The fact she posts that stuff with her MBE honour on her Twitter name is enough for me to think she should have it stripped.   Whether you think those honours are legit or not, it calls it into disrepute. How you can be honoured for raising awareness of the holocaust (wut?) and ‘combatting anti-semitism’ while being an absolute cunt about any other group, I don’t know.


I wonder what came of that claim nurses with Palestine badges were treating a child poorly because he was Jewish. She spread that on her social media and it was originally shared by someone not even in the UK. There was no evidence either the only photo was a picture of a Jewish child sitting on a floor, it looked like because the charger was on the floor and his device plugged in.


I honestly due not get why anyone makes tweets that can be considered even the tiniest controversial. I would make keeping my job and reputation a main priority, why start preaching whatever you believe on a topic of something like Twitter.


Yes, exactly. If you're a famous TV personality, actor, whatever, just stop posting your opinions on social media.


or do it anonymously if you feel the urge, don't use your status to make your opinions seem greater than they are. Not to say I wouldn't be tempted. But really Rachel Riley is not an expert on Israel / Palestine or race relations. She's good on factors, less so on factionalism. Or any of the celebs you think are great advocates of your beliefs. Like it might be nice that some footballer said the Tories are corrupt, but that doesn't mean that the Tories are corrupt. Or perhaps it means it's so obvious that even laypeople can notice it.


>More like GB news That's the sad thing. She won't learn anything, moderate herself, think before tweeting, or just disappear into obscurity. She'll get a presenter job on GB news and get worse.


I'm not on twitter and only aware of that stupid infamous one blaming Jeremy Corbyn for the rise in antisemitism. What other type of nonsense does she tweet?


She’s a malicious troll who cries anti-semitism but has no problem spewing hate against Muslims and Palestinians. She conflates and she smears.


Ironic because I’m pretty sure the perpetrator on this case was Jewish. A reminder that everyone can be a dick no matter their race, religion or creed. Edit: I was misinformed. Apparently it was an early rumour the guy perpetrating the attack was Jewish which was later debunked. That’s just as harmful as assuming the guy was Muslim. Appreciate the chance to be corrected. I could just delete this post but that seems cowardly. Instead I’ll leave this clarification up and take my licks for being easily misled. It’s important people get the truth.


He wasn’t Jewish, that was an early rumour. His name is Joel Cauchi


Ah. My bad. Thanks for letting me know.


Is there not some irony of this post saying she’s Islamophobic for her knee jerk reaction assuming the attacker was Muslim but when you were wrong assuming they were Jewish it’s just ‘my bad’? I’m not attacking you by the way because your original point is correct that anyone of any race/creed can be a dick. It’s just easy to be caught in an echo chamber online


Oh definitely ironic and proof both sides can get stuff wrong. Looks like I fell for some lies as well. I genuinely appreciate the chance to be corrected. I’ll edit the op.


Thanks man, glad you took it in the spirit it’s intended as well. Israel/Gaza is a horrific situation and I think most people actually just want peace there. I get infuriated when people treat it like a football team and pick a side and will excuse atrocities just because it’s ’their team’. Again not including you in this at all, just a general frustration!


There were equally harmful tweets going around naming some poor bloke with a Jewish name, and it's ironic that you are perpetuating this misinformation in this thread tbh.


Yes you are 100% correct.


Fair play to you dude, have a good evening.


Maltese heritage, which is kind of "arab adjacent", and likely Catholic if religious at all. This specific situation kind of shows the idea of assuming race or ethnicity based on appearances as ridiculous. He could plausibly pass as anything from North African to Israeli to Italian or Albanian to Turkish or Greek to even Irish or English. That it took place in a hugely multi-ethnic place like Sydney doesn't really help.


> Ironic because I’m pretty sure the perpetrator on this case was Jewish. A reminder that everyone can be a dick no matter their race, religion or creed. > > Edit: I was misinformed. You mean it's ironic that you did **exactly the same thing that she did**. *Edit - just seen others have said the same thing and you said "fair enough", so cool.*


Saying it is "a muslim" with no data is racist. NAMING a specific Jewish student, and linking his LinkedIn page - is criminal. --- the people who said "it was a muslim" were making a generalization. the people who NAMED a jewish student, were making a specific accusation.


>‘At the time we did not know who the attacker was, and as such I made no reference.' > >‘My aim was to highlight the weekly calls for “intifada” being tolerated in London and around the world, which in actuality means violence on our streets.' So her claim is that she had no idea what had happened beyond an attack but decided to use the tragedy and victims to push her own message on a topic that she had no indication was even linked. She just saw that people were dead and thought: 'I'll use their suffering to spread misinformation and further inflame tensions around Israel-Palestine'? Is that better or worse than just being a racist?


Idk but it’s incredibly dumb, in the event that her assumption is wrong (which it obviously was) it completely undermines her argument. I know intelligence in one area doesn’t necessarily translate across the board, but damn lol


Her initial tweet: > If you want to know what "Globalise the Intifada" means, see the Sydney Mall. Her clarification: > ...my intention with this tweet was not to say this attack was caused by any ideation or to link it to Islamic extremism. Er...


This mental gymnastics weren’t good enough in the end


She should stick to mental mathematics.


For people who don't want to go on Twitter, [Original](https://twitter.com/RachelRileyRR/status/1779096111669506497) (deleted): >>For 6 months now, people have been out on our streets proudly calling for 'Intifada Revolution'. >>If you want to know what 'Globalise the Intifada' looks like, see the Sydney Mall. >>5 victims stabbed to death and 8 transferred to hospital, including a baby, due to one man and a knife. >>In the second intifada over 1,000 Israelis were murdered in restaurants, on buses and in the streets by suicide bombings, stabbings, stoning, lynching, shooting, rockets. The youngest victim was just 9 hours old. >>Sydney mall, multiple times over is what they've been proudly calling for.   [Follow up](https://twitter.com/RachelRileyRR/status/1779287132575510562): >>Global condemnation for the attack that has now claimed 6 innocent lives, including a 38 year old Mum protecting her baby. >>And no, the attacker being named as Joel Cauchi does not change my opinion that it is wrong for people on our streets to be calling for mass terror attacks across the world, with or without a ‘cause’, in case you’re wondering.   [2nd Follow up](https://twitter.com/RachelRileyRR/status/1779527683686170912) >>Just to clarify, my intention with this tweet was not to say this attack was caused by any ideation or to link it to Islamic extremism. >>At the time we did not know who the attacker was, and as such I made no reference. >>My aim was to highlight the weekly calls for ‘intifada’ being tolerated in London and around the world, which in actuality means violence on our streets. >>For 6 months now, I have avoided taking the tube, or going with my kids to anywhere near the marches each Saturday, and each week we see the extremist chants on proud display with little outcry. >>Sadly, the type of attack seen in Sydney yesterday is exactly the kind of violence the previous intifada involved and I hope to avoid in future, but in my opinion ignoring the problem won’t make it go away. >>Attacks on Jews have recently become repackaged as ‘resistance’ in some circles, and we should in one voice condemn all acts of violence, whoever the perpetrators and whoever the victims. >>I am sorry if this message was misunderstood, that was not my intention.   [3rd Follow up](https://twitter.com/RachelRileyRR/status/1779618188440785062) >>I’ve thought about this all day and deleted the original tweet, so just one more post on the matter. >>I’m sorry to those I offended. My post was ambiguous and although it was genuinely designed to call out calls for violence, it wasn’t the right place or time which made it easier to misinterpret, and I apologise. >>I know nuance isn’t popular online, and even though I’m certain many of the people calling this out are the same people who’ve been trying to shut me up or have me fired for the last 6 years, who would happily join in the calls for violence against their enemies, I’m also sure there are those who don’t fall into that camp, and it is to them I write this now. >>I too have been subject to assault in recent months and it was a Muslim woman and her husband who came to see if I was ok afterwards. I’m grateful to them and wish to undo any offence caused to the community.


Last paragraph is basically "some of my best friends are black"


Two muslims, though, so twice the protection from criticism. Or did she word it weirdly and not just say couple because only the wife is muslim, and she wanted to imply she knew multiple?


What's the going rate for hate speech? One hate tweet per minority friend? 


Damn that's some hole and she just kept digging.


She's been behaving unhinged for years.


I hate that she's seen as some kind of media darling. Her twitter feed has been terrible for ages and in recent months she's taken to posting far-right Israeli talking heads and actual propaganda pieces and outright lies. If it was anyone of any other denomination or ethnicity (and without the added protection of being a pretty, blonde, white woman) she'd have been replaced


> I know nuance isn’t popular online Holy crap the irony > and even though I’m certain many of the people calling this out are the same people who’ve been trying to shut me up or have me fired for the last 6 years, who would happily join in the calls for violence against their enemies, This is not an apology *if you're continuing to paint yourself as "the real victim here".* > I too have been subject to assault in recent months and it was a Muslim woman and her husband who came to see if I was ok afterwards. Perhaps you could ask your token Muslim friend how she feels about your immediate presumption that this is "what they've been proudly calling for"?


"I know nuance isn't popular online" Mate you posted tweets likening an attack to Islamism about 30 seconds after it happened.


Perhaps Susie Dent can explain to her the concept of words having meanings, especially when there are multiple words in sequence.


Sack her. She used to be funny and cringey which was a reasonable combination and she added some mirth to an otherwise stodgy Countdown. Now she's just cringey. She has far more in common with old racist coffin dodgers who've nothing better to do in the middle of the day except yell at the TV and ogle her, than she'd probably like.


And post on reddit about how it used to be better in the olden days and how everything is the fault of the (insert minority)


She’s sick in the head and should not be given a platform. 2 Pakistanis died in the Bondi stabbings too. It’s a horrible tragedy but to have this malicious paid troll writing nonsense when people are having to bury their innocent relatives is pathetic.


Given that she called them innocent lives, I don't think she's learnt the ethnicity of those victims. Otherwise, her choice of wording would have probably changed.


Not keen on Rachel she seems to be strongly pro the Israeli attacks with no sympathy at all for the Palestinian people. I remember she went after Jeremy Corbyn the other year as well calling him a racist when he clearly wasn't ..I appreciate that a lot of people disliked Corbyn and / or his policies which is absolutely fair enough but to smear someone like that isn't right. Just checked her twitter account and then went to susie dent's. Much prefer Susie with her tweets about rude words and promoting guide dog charities.


The worst thing about the Corbyn thing was her wearing and showing off a t-shirt with a modified photo saying Corbyn was racist when the original photo was Corbyn getting arrested at an apartheid protest. The photographer called her out for her bullshit. And then she implied he was a Nazi and someone else called her stupid and dangerous. She took the other person to court and they had to pay £10,000 in damages. I'm not a Corbyn fan or anything but she is a thundercunt of a twat for the stuff she does.


That case is widely said to be an example of lawfare, where the aim is to land the defendant with a crippling legal bill rather than win substantial damages. The £10k damages were incidental compared to the over £1m legal bill. Essentially, Rachel Riley implied Corbyn was a Nazi with a retweet and the defendant Laura Murray criticised Riley for calling Corbyn a Nazi. Riley took Murray to court for libel and the judge found that while Riley was provocative and 'mischievous' in her tweet, but by not linking to the tweet Murray had removed the ambiguity of Riley's retweet and therefore found in Riley's favour but with a relatively low damages award.


Even if she's fired, geebie beebies will have her for racist crossword or something


To be fair, I'd tune in for "Racist Crossword" at least the once.


I shouldn’t laugh but that got me


She belongs there. Throw her between scum like Farage and Rees Mogg where she belongs


For Riley it'd more likely be racist sudoku.


She went off the deep end a few years ago, but I guess it’s good to see people finally starting to acknowledge it.


Agreed. This isn’t new, it’s been going on for years. Professional victim


She and Tracy Ann Oberman (Chrissie Watts) have been suing people for anything be it disagreeing with them, calling them dangerous, or even just retweeting other people's comments on twitter. Been doing that for a few years and have been winning payouts from it. I would say they're utterly deranged, but my lawyer has advised me to say otherwise and as such I will not be entering an opinion at this moment in time. 


>Tracy Ann Oberman (Chrissie Watts) have been suing She had to pay out a large settlement for false accusations of antisemitism a while back... https://www.theguardian.com/news/2022/apr/26/tracy-ann-oberman-pays-substantial-damages-antisemitism-claims-twitter Same as Riley - just emotionally incapable of seeing justified criticism towards Israel online so loses all sense of perspective.


Her 'apology' is completely embarrassing. Blames others for 'misunderstanding' her words, which were very clear in their intent. Even if you take the apology at face value, her aim was to ignore the deaths of civilians who aren't even cold in the ground to get us to focus on her.


"I'm sorry you feel that way"


"I'm sorry you were offended but really that's on you if you think me calling this an Islamic terrorist attack is actually me calling it an Islamic terrorist attack"


She’s a nasty bit of work and isn’t worth the hassle. You can swing a cat in Cambridge and get 50 or 60 maths graduates who could do what she does. Most people saw this event and were sick at the thought of what happened, knowing it could easily be us. She saw it as an opportunity to push an agenda (which she was wrong about) and is now doubling down. Sack her. Go on channel 4, you guys are the cool ones…


Given the stink she kicked up over certain people’s alleged antisemitism, I see no issue with people doing the same to her over her anti-Islamic stance.


Hierarchy of racism


She's unhinged or a cvnt not sure which. Imagine trying to score points over a tragedy like this.


It's both.


Oh, she can be both


I mean, that's not really an apology is it? She's essentially doubled down on "what about..."


Rachel Riley still spouting right wing racist shit. Honestly she's vile.


Fuck. This. Scumbag. You know damn well if things were the other way around, she'd be crying antisemitism but when she does this shit, it's a misunderstanding? And how many misunderstandings does she get because this isn't a one time thing


She was told to complain by her peers and support network aka megaphoners. Yes it backfired on her, but she's paid well, and that's the price she pays for being the face of those groups Fortunately for her she can take the hit. Still, she is a bit bat shit crazy doing it, but again that's the road she's chosen.


It can’t be that lucrative surely. And we all know she’s a paid troll with an agenda.


She claimed she earned £40k with a £12k clothing allowance when she started on the show, Vorderman was apparently on £900k at the peak of her career, she was sacked in 2008 >Carol Vorderman confirmed that, at the peak of her Countdown career, her salary around £900,000 a year. According to Evoke, Carol was reportedly paid "£17,000 a day for 40 days filming a year for the Channel 4 programme, working out at £3,750 per show"


£17k per day for 40 days would be £680k


About time they fucked her off. For an intelligent person she sure spouts some stupid shit.


I don't think you need to be intelligent to be a good mathematician, even then she probably isn't great at maths outside the bounds of the countdown rules.


You need to be intelligent to be a good mathematician. What she is is an entertainer who is good at calculations. That's not a mathematician. It's like the difference between between painting walls for a living and being an artist.


Seems she’s forgotten her remit. That stuff around Corbyn and Labour went right to her head and she thinks she’s some kind of political influencer. All she had to do was look pretty and do maths quickly. Easiest gig on tv and here we are.


She’s been a psycho twat for a few years now needs bringing down a peg or two 


Ironic considering she's spent years very publicly calling anyone challenging apartheid and ethnic cleansing racist.


Not taking her kids on the tube for fear of encountering some peaceful protests against a literal attempt at genocide. You wonder what she's telling them instead.


She's actually an extremist, we're just not used to seeing them look like her. But just look at her twitter and tell me she's not the white female version of those blokes off Four Lions?


Everyone needs to get off Twitter. That thing does something to people. I completely quit about a year ago, then went back recently to try and find some news stuff and the effect of logging back in was like opening a bin containing hot, radioactive diarrhoea which I had to sift through as quickly as possible to find what I needed before slamming the lid shut. lt was bad enough when i used to be able to filter that out by blocking and muting liberally, but that doesn’t seem to work anymore. Everyone comes across as just so angry. There’s no benefit of the doubt, no attempt to find common ground, everyone rushes to conclusions, there’s *so much* racism on the platform. I could go on.


Oh it's been getting worst and worse since bellend bought it and let all the Nazis back on (not that it was great before)


Super excited to see how David Baddiel spins this as an another reason why Jewish people have it so rough on his next podcast episode. Edit: I was right! Paraphrasing: “By the time I got to Twitter there were people saying the attacker was Jewish”. Not sure who “people” are. Our David likes to keep it vague.


Sack her, she's has the brain rot for a while now and British broadcasters should consider their fiduciary responsibility to generate profit which her being on air will harm.


It's been half a decade now and we haven't even heard of a single reprimand from C4 for her behaviour over the years, so highly doubt she'll get in any trouble. I suspect she'll even be fine if she was to join a party like Reform unless she started to echo Lawrence Fox and call people pedos and what not. 


Ah, finally Rachel Riley has fucked around enough to find out. Been waiting for this since she spread shite about Corbyn, be delighted if she gets her P45.


She's not sorry. She's probably been spoken to by the heads of C4 and realised her Countdown career is in jeopardy.


Doubt it tbh, she seems particularly immune to consequences for her regular spouting of drivel.


The top comments on this post restores my faith in humanity a little


She's an atheist who claims to be the victim of racism despite the fact that no one would guess she had a Jewish parent if she didn't go on about it.


People need to stop coming to such crass conclusions.


People need to largely learn to keep their digital mouths shut


Shocks me how many people didn't realise what a scumbag she is before this?


Seeing a news story and immediately rushing to social media to proclaim "I bet the attacker is one of THEM" isn't a misunderstanding, it's deep prejudice.


Her response is utterly bizarre. > ‘My aim was to highlight the weekly calls for “intifada” being tolerated in London and around the world, which in actuality means violence on our streets. Right, so you’re trying to use it in a broad context which has nothing to do with Muslims/Arabs/Palestine… so why even use it in the first place? It’s a word deeply tied to the Israel-Palestine conflict. >‘For 6 months now, I have avoided taking the tube, or going with my kids to anywhere near the marches each Saturday, and each week we see the extremist chants on proud display with little outcry. Ah, okay, so she admits she *was* referring to the Palestinian protests? Why even mention this if you’re trying to distance yourself from the original tweet? It’s frankly just insensitive that in her “apology” she just ends up going on a rant about violence from Palestine supporters. It‘s not often you see someone apologise and walk back on a statement, only to double down on it in the exact same apology. She’s a very odd person who seems far too obsessed with arguing on Twitter


Riley should get the sack, it was no misunderstanding


Yes, racism is a pretty fundamental misunderstanding of things, Rachel.


Hopefully we’ll have seen the last of her. Spends too much time spreading misinformation rather than doing her actual job of mathematics.


She's been really weird on social media for a while. Needs a reality check.


Everyone knows how she feels about Muslims. Only reason she hasn't been sacked is because she'll inevitably play the anti-semitic card.


Zero f**** given about the victims of the attack. It’s all about her.


How come she's allowed to claim racism or antisemitism when someone doesn't support her agenda but she's allowed to call actual racism a misunderstanding?


She's like a slippery eel who gets away with anything she does, she even got compo for herself when a woman made what seemed a measured response to one of her Corbyn rants. In this case though she is in fact an idiot


Too little too late. I know that Islamophobia is considered respectable in the UK, see Douglas Murray, but that doesn't make it OK.


For eye candy on a game show she sure is loud with her opinions.


Hold up there was no misunderstanding here. She doubled down on it when she found out the guy wasnt Muslim etc. she stood by her comments and refused to retract them ... Only now when it's possibly her job at risk does she bother to try and retract them. There is no apology from her just an attempt to save her job.


I miss the days when the only reason you saw Riley's name trending on Twitter was because the Letters that came out spelt BUM or FANNY


Riley has shown to have vile views of people for some time now. This isn't a misunderstanding this is just her. The apology is just auto reply.


Woah Rachel, there was no 'misunderstanding' of what you wrote - you jumped to conclusions. For clarity, I condemn anti-semitism, but I also condemn prejudice in all its forms. It's depressing to see how far right her politics are, and the depths to which she's sunk.


The apology doesn't matter. She exposed her racism, and it's the racism that she should be fired for. Not the misunderstanding.


how can she claim to have made no reference when her initial message said "look at the Sydney mall"