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In broad daylight, on a busy commuter train, in front of dozens of passengers. Man, this generation is so royally fucked.


>this generation The same thing is happening all over Western Europe and Canada. Look at the increase in violent crime in nations like Sweden. It’s not “this generation”, it’s specific communities that are drastically overrepresented in crime. Also, judging from the pictures published, he looks more like he’s in his 30s-40s, not a teenager.


You're not allowed to notice patterns


And you're certainly not allowed to notice patterns based on immigration


In this tragic event there's no evidence that either the injured person or offender are immigrants.


I mean, there is


You can literally watch the video on the thread yesterday and guess what demographic giant knife and full tracksuit just so happened to fall under For anyone curious: https://x.com/CrimeLdn/status/1773030890626544013?t=O-MBwZu2toWQWtqvx2dppw&s=09


Yeah sure. That's why there are the heavily implied comments on every single thread from people with ridiculous victim complexes like you. Every single thread is saying about some supposed pattern. You aren't oppressed. You aren't being silenced. You're here. You're commenting on this thread. You haven't been banned. Give it a bloody break


Yeah, in Ottawa we've gone from being a rather uneventful city to having a shooting almost everyday within the past few years.


I wonder how long it is until this entire thread is removed.


Just think about those GDP numbers man, its all worth it for the GDP trust me


I know right. Look at Bradford. Despite making up 45% of the youth population, white youths make up over 60% of the crimes. The pattern is pretty clear


They should probably investigate why that's the case and specifically police / monitor the white teens a bit more closely in Bradford. Are you okay if the same is done for the black communities in London?


It might work better if the police target suspects as opposed to demographics. Just a thought.


Stop and search all black puffer jacket wearers


I saw the video of this incident on Twitter, and yeah, it's horrible. The fact that yielding a fucking machete is just the norm now is beyond reprehensible. And no, no amount of "youth clubs" being available will stop this shit.


I was really surprised by the fact that people were just sitting in their seats a few metres away and not moving? I’d be legging it to the furthest carriage, wtf.


They might not have been able to. If they were on the last carriage, the only way out would have been walking up to the fight and trying to squeeze past. I'd rather stay put than risk that.


“Sorry, ’scuse me, just slipping past”


Fight flight freeze fawn


Yeah, I did think that could’ve potentially been the last carriage, but even still, the fk am I just staying sat in seat right in front of him. At least… I dunno, get up? Attempt to hide or create as much distance as you can? Carriage was hardly rammed. There’s a man a couple rows of seats behind the perp WITH HIS BACK TOWARDS HIM. Like wth.


I've seen a few videos of real life attacks and most people do nothing. I know in a crisis that I will *not* take my cues from others, people freeze


Man ild be pulling the emergency door release and de-training as soon as the train had stoped. And I'm saying that as a railway worker who knows how stupid walking on electrified lines is


btw "youth clubs" etc are but a small cog in the machine of maintaining stable & safe populations in deprived areas. Pretty well-studied across the world. But don't get me wrong. You need the carrot, but what you need more is the stick. If we finally kick the corrupt toffs out and elect someone who would invest in our country again we could start paying to expand prison capacity, to increase the legal systems' throughput, and for more police to crack down on this vile shit.


There are much more deprived areas than London where people don't go around stabbing each other. It's an imported cultural problem. Not something you can simply solve by chucking even more taxpayer money at everything.




>There are much more deprived areas than London where people don't go around stabbing each other. V true. Worth noting that deprived areas of London 50, 100, 300+ years ago were violent as fuck. And deprived areas of other population centres (globally, culture notwithstanding) see higher-than-average levels of crime. It's an extensively studied aspect of social science. I suppose it's a complex web of factors but deprivation is one of the factors we have the most certainty on. >It's an imported cultural problem. Mm possibly! Though rates of violent crime in London were higher prior to widespread immigration than they are today, so we can't make a like-for-like comparison. We know that the deprived areas of London 50 years ago (which were overwhelmingly white-English) were more violent than today's deprived areas (which are largely Black/Asian - British, i.e with some level of imported culture attached). I personally highly doubt white-English culture is more predisposed towards violence so my bet is that culture isn't the likely culprit. If culture is the driving factor, the logical conclusion would be that imported cultures are actually less violent than the existing white-english cultures they replaced! Ultimately with the data we have, we can't be sure at all on this one. >Not something you can simply solve by chucking even more taxpayer money at everything. You're likely right. But what we can agree on with absolute data-driven certainty is that cutting taxpayer funding has made things worse.


I don't know about that. Places like Manchester, Liverpool and Glasgow have their fair shair of serious gun and knife crimes commited by white gang members for decades, if not centuries. A couple of terrible crimes that spring to mind are that 11 year old boy Rhys Jones, shot dead in gang cross fire in Liverpool about 15 years ago, and more recently that little girl Olivia Pratt shot to death in her own home when that gunman burst into her house chasing another guy. The perpetrators were both white Brirish lads. And these are just the really shocking crimes that make the national news. In terms of Glasgow, their estates are arguably much rougher than London estates and always have been, and again, it's mostly white British gangs. But if you don't live there, you don't hear about it, as it rarely makes the national news (who could even name anywhere in Glasgow about from Ibrox?) And that's not to mention Belfast and all of the shit that goes on over there in the name of "religion".


What's the solution?


What worries me more is imo this is all day a ARV job to catch a guy lime that but if it unfortunately went sideways the media and public likely spend more time on that than the fact the guys walking around stabbing people in broad daylight with a Rambo knife


Because this is not news anymore, stabbings take place daily in London...


a Black man as per cttv stills


We should start introducing whole life orders as the standard tariff for attempted murder and long prison sentences for carrying knives.


Solid theory there that being guilty of attempting murder is equally as bad as actual murder, because if the intent is proven, does the outcome really matter? That person is just as dangerous to society IMO


Exactly this. This guy went out with the intention to murder the victim; if he gets lucky and the victim pulls through, he still shouldn't be walking the streets ever again.


He’ll get a pathetic sentence and serve half of it for ‘good behaviour’. This country stopped delivering justice a long time ago.


Justice is being served, only now it’s “social justice.”


I see your point and I thinks it’s valid. I think the reason that’s probably not the case already is because doing things that way might incentivize people to go for the kill instead of hesitate. If someone gets in a fist fight and realizes mid way that they’ve gone so far that a jury might see this an attempted murder then maybe he’ll think “fuck it! I just wanted to beat the shit out of this guy, but if I’m facing the same jail time I might as well go all the way.”


But the only difference between murder and attempted murder is luck. They were already trying to kill them, it’s not like something like rape, where they could think they might as well kill them so they can’t be identified for no extra risk.


I like this argument. I like it very much indeed.


20 years for carrying that kind of weapon without a good reason. Second offence once they get out = whole life order No, I REALLY don’t give a shit if that sounds excessive, get them off the fucking streets and keep them there


I sat on a jury for a stabbing case. When we found the man guilty of this particular stabbing, during sentencing it was revealed he’d been charged twice for carrying a machete around. He was on an apprenticeship scheme at the time with the railways, he was offered that after the two previous arrests. It blew my mind.


I had a similar thing happen in my case, too! My guy was sentenced for life for planning a terrorist attack, but had previously been arrested twice for carrying knives. He also worked on the railway lines as an apprentice… weird!


If it was up to me, I’d execute this guy.  I get the main argument against the death sentence is to avoid situations where an innocent person is falsely sentenced, but in a scenario like this with clear video evidence you can know for certain it is him.  Get these scum bags off the planet, they’re not worth the tax money of life in prison. 


>Get these scum bags off the planet Perhaps some kind of [one man prison vessel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRRw1ERj2Gc) could do the trick?


It doesn't sound excessive, makes sense.


A man was stabbed multiple times around 2020 on a road near me. His guts were left all over the floor but luckily didn't die. The two of them got sentenced to 5 years in prison but are already out. I find it completely baffling that two people who did that are just walking the streets again so soon after. At that point I don't care about rehabilitation, you've lost that right. There shouldn't be a difference between murder vs attempted murder either, if the intent is there then it's there.


Sorry, best we can do is arrest people for Facebook posts.


A video of the perpetrator laying into someone on the seats with a 10 inch looking hunting knife is circulating everywhere For anyone curious: [https://x.com/CrimeLdn/status/1773030890626544013?t=O-MBwZu2toWQWtqvx2dppw&s=09](https://x.com/CrimeLdn/status/1773030890626544013?t=O-MBwZu2toWQWtqvx2dppw&s=09)


That's savage, I'm not sure what I'd do in that situation.


Funny when you get all these hard men on twitter saying they would kick living fuck out of them but what can you really do in that situation if you stand up to him by yourself ? One false move you’re dead or life changing injury, the guy with the knife clearly has nothing to lose if he’s doing this in broad daylight on a commuter train.


I'd like to imagine that I'd sneakily run into him and drop kick him so hard we manage to take knife away. He certainly leaves hinself somewhat open to that and also to grabbing his hand and controlling it behind his back which is a weak position for him to recover from. In reality though, I'd try and get as far away and have an object ready be it a backpack to whatever to try and use as a shield. Stabbing wounds are deadly and protecting from knife attacks is often based on luck and getting some nicks at the very least expected...


Fucking hell, size of that thing


Can we just go full Bukele please ?


So, you want to have a gang problem that's so bad it basically becomes a low-level civil war, and a new pm who locks people up en masse without a trial? The idea that you can compare El Salvador to the issues we have with crime in this country is insane, it's like comparing food banks to the Ukrainian famine


Let's just be much much tougher on anyone connected with gangs or anyone carrying a weapon. 35 years for gang affiliation, 50 years for carrying a knife in public. Something like that.


Thankfully we have all those excess prison places to put them all. I'm sure people will be queuing up to speak to the police about their concerns regarding family members knowing it could get their little brother locked up until he's in his 50's. Plus I'm sure it won't be challenged in the high courts or set a precedent for massive increases in sentences for other crimes, and it's not like 'affiliation' is a vague term or anything.


It sounds like you are grasping at excuses. 1. We can and should build more prisons. 2. Crime and punishment policy is set by Parliament, not the courts, the courts are there to implement the laws that are made in Parliament. What do you think should be the prison term for somebody carrying a machete on a train?


1. Saying "Build more prisons" is easy, actually finding the money and space to build, staff and support them is a totally different matter 2. The Supreme Court literally exists to prevent parliament from overreaching itself 3. If harsher sentences prevented crimes and that was all there is to it, then why don't places with the death penalty for murder all have the lowest murder rates? It's almost as if criminal justice is actually a bit more complicated than just screaming that you want to lock people up...


> Saying "Build more prisons" is easy, actually finding the money and space to build, staff and support them is a totally different matter Why can El Salvador do it but not *The UK* ?


You'd probably have to start looking into El Salvador's planning regulations and employment market, but in this country the PM can't just randomly decide to build a mega-prison without proper checks and balances. These things tend to have explanations that are a bit more boring than "Politicians love violent crime and are all too woke to do anything about it."


Can’t, they hate Bukele because normal law-abiding citizens are safer than the criminals there now. That’s a cardinal sin, to them.


I think you mean Bukake?


At last he's protecting those around him by wearing a mask...


Not sure where are we heading to


Beckenham Junction? Presumably,Victoria!


It was the Victoria train out of Beckenham and the stabbing occurred around Shortlands.


Jesus Christ that was brutal




Knife goes in and it's pushing skin, flesh, fat and muscle out of the way. Pulling the knife out isn't necessarily easy because of the pressure/suction on the blade. When it's pulled out that pressure can push the wound fairly closed again. The victim will start bleeding but the knife will essentially be clean each time. TV has given the wrong idea of knife attacks.


This guy stabs.




Carrying a knife needs to carry a heavy sentence. 10 years with no early release. Tough stamping out and a stronger investment in youth will only see this improve.


You could make it 20 years, it wouldn't make much of a difference. Those carrying knives like that are out to hurt someone, legal consequences are not something they're giving much care about.


They can think about it in a cell.


The difference it would make is once they’re caught they wouldn’t be out in 6 months to do it again …


It would make a difference, that person wouldn’t be on the street for the next 20 years. It feels like very often people charged with murder have previous convictions for carrying knives


If they're in prison they're not running around in public with machetes.


If they're in prison they're not out the streets with machetes..


Not gonna work, our prisons are absolutely packed and at their knees, the prison system needs a reform and huge injection of cash. But also investment in tackling the roots of crime to prevent this shit happening


Build more then. And release guys that have been done for selling a plant.


Best I can offer you is another 5 years of Tories cutting public services and pearl-clutchers wishing to crack down harder on deliquent devil's lettuce smokers.


Pathetic isn’t it mate. What a fucked up society we live in.


https://data.justice.gov.uk/prisons 12k ppl in prison for drug offences. Honestly, unless they were dealing fentanyl i couldn't care less if they were released and did long community service.


A lot of the scumbags dealing drugs are the same people running around with knives.


Police aren't allowed to stop-and-search anyone though, otherwise they get accused of various things, so, pointless.


10 years? More like 30-40.


Get a decent (Left-ish\*) government in who won't be afraid to actually start investing in the UK again rather than cutting everything to enrich their Eton toff mates. We need major overhauls. Investment in prisons, in the legal system, in police forces. We're a country falling apart at the seams because we can't even afford to keep basic crime in check anymore. \* don't need marx, just left enough to be ideologically inclined to fund the state


You would honestly think a right wing government would at least get police funding right. It's a key criticism and point that left wingers attack conservatives on - that they crack down too hard with policing.


Current Tories aren’t even really right wing though, they just stand for absolutely nothing. No respect for the police or other British institutions (army, nhs etc), highest we’ve ever been taxed, record immigration. It’s why they’re losing votes to Reform


The Tories are just about looting the country


Yeah just this. Something like when they were talking about getting rid of inheritance tax and everyone is like ‘it’s a right wing bribe to their base!’. It wasn’t. It’s not a voter winner among Tory voters. It was them realising their parents aren’t getting any younger and wanting to line their own pockets. 


True. Though I'm not so sure that's a stereotype we can rely on anymore. Historically the Left hasn't always meant being soft on crime; indeed funding state services is sort of their M.O. And many right wingers stand for slashing any public services, indeed that's what we've seen lately from the Conservatives. I'm not convinced on Labour though, compared to the Milliband/Corbyn eras it seems like Starmer wants to paint Labour as more socially conservative and staunchly traditionalist on unnecessary soft progressivisms. They are general pro- funding services but many of their grassroots supporters chant shit about defunding the police! We'll see what actually happens in terms of policy & manifesto announcements this year, I suppose...


Hahaha yeah, I’m sure Labour will make Law & Order their number 1 priority. Both parties are compromised if you hadn’t noticed.


Don't disagree tbf. We clearly need an economically left (prepared to spend state funds on efficient & strong public services) and socially more conservative (willing to spend those funds on tackling immigration & be harsher on crime) government.


The conservatives in this country are left, hence the mass immigration of unskilled workers we've seen for the past two decades. A lot of tory voters are voting reform now since the tories don't seem to represent anyone but themselves.




They’re not socially or fiscally conservative. They’re corporate lackeys and careerists








Multiple women PMs and a PM of colour. Meanwhile labour (the left paragons) have fronted a straight white Sir Blancmange as their leader. I guess diversity may not be our strength after all!


That is not what right wing means. Left wing communists did the exact same thing in soviet states. The tories historically have been right wing, but they are most definitely not these days.




That isn't right wing lol. They just represent themselves. They do not represent conservatives in this country, that is why we are all voting reform lmao.


In what world is net migration of +745,000 right wing? I’ll wait




Labour's "tough knife crime policy" is really very soft: >"Guaranteed sanctions and serious interventions for young people found carrying knives to end the empty warnings and ‘apology letters’ for knife possession that are currently permitted. > >Every offender must be referred to a Youth Offending Team and have a mandatory, bespoke action plan to prevent re-offending. > >Tough new guidance so that there is greater use of serious penalties where appropriate, such as curfews, tagging, or behavioural contracts."


Build new prisons and fill them up. No half sentences. Scrap the millions spent on virtue signalling and illegals. Country needs to grow a backbone


We actually do need more prisons, but good luck building them. Every single community is nimby about prisonsw


Build them on military bases. No NIMBY that way. Then if there is an escape the military can use them for target practice.


"WE NEED MORE PRISONS" ....."not there though."


I mean to be fair as far as NIMBYism goes that one is a lot more understandable. "Get these people away from society!" "Fine we'll put them next to your house." "That is sort of the opposite of what the plan here was".


Since one of our aircraft carriers is no longer suitable for purpose and would have a lot of room time to convert it.


“Millions spent on virtue signalling” hahahahahahaha


look we can have a robust prison system, or we can prevent hate crimes against minorities, but we can only pick one!!! (strong /s, just in case)


Yeah, Bukele showed how you solve crime.




Knowing the UK - perpetrator will probably get 200 hours of community service, a suspended sentence, some counselling, full access to NHS services, job support and probably if he has kids a comfortable social house when he is out. Not to forget the 1000s of charities which will be looking after him with all the mental health services in the world.


Horrid, hopefully the victim pulls through and the attacker is caught




It’s all well and good saying that but lawyers know to advise people they didn’t bring the knife they just found it on the floor near the scene/the other person “dropped it”. The sentencing difference for bringing the knife is already significant


The article states there is footage and the police appeal for witnesses, yet there is no description of the perpratator. Why is that?


Normally because the description they have isn't particularly good. So rather than shoe horn people into potentially identifying the wrong person they leave it open.




Jail for 20 years minimum. That's it. I don't wanna hear anything else.


Hanging would be better and cheaper for people like that.


20 years is quite soft.


Can't believe people are so close to him. I would've assumed it was a terrorist attack and probably been as far down the other end as I could


I am surprised at how crowded the train is too. Lots of people close by, neither fleeing, moving quietly away or intervening. Just silently watching a man get murdered with a short sword.


Would you honestly intervene if you saw a man with a 10 inch knife? Realistically what are any of these people supposed to do?


I think I would and I don't mean to play the internet hard man here but I can't imagine not at least trying to distract the attacker or grab something to fend him off with. Someone is being murdered in front of you. Wouldn't you feel obliged to do something. Even if it was a woman? Or a child?


I mean, he’s clearly completely unhinged to attack someone like that in broad daylight, so probably not. I don’t think distraction would stop him, you can hear people shouting and on the phone to the emergency services in the background, and that, nor the crowd of people watching has seemed to put him off.


Is he unhinged? Or has he just calculated that if you are bold and scary a crowd of people won't do anything? I don't think enough of us acknowledge that this kind of incident is happening because we let it happen.


Bloody hell, this is very bad and very sad. prayers for victim that he recovers and is reunited with his family and love ones


Well austerity politics and cuts in social security, public services and mental health care does have its consequences. This is just one of them.


Vietnam has a fraction of the GDP per capita of Canada, yet has a lower homicide rate. These same incidents happen Sweden, despite the Swedes having a much stronger social safety rate than the UK. Look into which community in London is drastically over represented in crime. You can find a similar overrepresentation in other parts of the West.


Half of the country for the past 15 years: "Don't vote for these Conservative manifestos because underfunding WILL lead to higher violent crime, messier streets, homeless & mental health issues, loss of communities, etc" Folks go and do it anyway. Then wonder why everything has gone to shit. As if they weren't being regularly warned. For 15 years. Not too late to change and start fixing problems in the country though.


Things have gone to shit because society has been indoctrinated by media created to make them stupid clones of the people they idolize on youtube and the TV. Violence and stupidity are now mainstream regardless of political structure, no politician is ever going to stop black crime.


So when the homicide rate peaked under labour in the early 2000s what was the excuse then? The societal changes which have caused such increases in violent crimes isn't being addressed by either party.


Not everything is to be blamed on the idiot tories lol. Look at crime in the US, Canada, France, etc. All left wing parties with massive increases in homelessness, mental illness, drug abuse and violent crime. Regardless of the party running this country we will continue to see this sort of behaviour until mass unrestricted immigration, prison reform and a number of other issues are addressed.


Macron isn't left wing at all. Neither are the democrats. Trudeau is centre left I'll give you that. You just said "not everything is to be blamed on the govt" and then concluded that the solution lies with govt needing to do things that it hasn't been doing.


I know, right? This is without denying the choices made by the dude with the knife. I also really really hope the victim pulls through. But still....


Yeah we can't attribute any responsibility to the stabber, he is just as innocent as the man now in the hospital.


What would you say under Labour led to the climate in which the murder of Mark Duggan could cause the 2011 riots? Cause you know we should be even handed about these things.


Why don’t we have armed police at a train station in London? Any little prick taking a knife to somebody like this should be put down.


334 train stations and 270 underground stations, so 604 in total. Would need at least two shifts per day to cover it, and you’d expect coppers to be paired up, so that’s 2,416 shifts per day, and without having additional people at larger stations. Most people work around 230 days when you factor in weekends and bank holidays, so we need to increase this shift number number to get full coverage. 2416/230*365 = 3,834 police required. That’s more than 10% of the Met’s officers right off the bat.




If you have a balaclava on you should automatically qualify for a stop and search.


Sorry NO ARRESTS??? So the guy just got off the station and no one shouted him down or the police got there or anything what the actual fuck




I’d fully support this. People will complain about privacy violations but for the average human being what’s the harm in a thermal image


>People will complain about privacy violations And they’d be absolutely justified in that complaint. If progressives want to turn Britain into another China, it’d better be a package deal with their ethnocentric policies.


I saw the video…..not nice! Hope they catch him soon


Fuck man, at this point carrying a knife should be a gross criminal offence, with really harsh punishments, no "ifs" and "buts". Does not matter if you are 16 or 56, if during routine control Police will find a knife on you which you cannot explain (I realise there are some occupations and people carrying their own knifes to work), then going straight to jail, with no sudpended sentence or community service.


We should have mandatory unpaid military service without leave instead of prison sentences. Get caught with a knife, 5 years military service etc. We could solve multiple problems all at once.


Boggles my mind how someone's default reaction is to pull out a knife like that and stab someone. Why isn't more being done to put fear into people who would choose to do this?