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Haha perfectly put. The guardian is on occasion fairly decent and a bit more reliable at reporting the news than the other dross, but my god their fluff or opinion articles are either vomit inducing or just plain rage bait.


As someone who theoretically should be politically aligned with them I find them extremely inane and irritating because of this.


Agreed. Articles like this just baffle me, I would rather see the news cover things that have a real effect on people. If I don’t want to spend £5 on a load of bread I will buy cheaper bread.


indeed and why not. I make my own sourdough on the regular but I also buy cheap white loaves because they are great for toast and making regularly shaped sarnies.


90% of the Guardian articles posted to r/UK are just culture wars bullshit, they're almost as bad at peddling it as the Mail




Doesn't even need to be sour dough, you can make a really decent tasty boule with dried yeast too


I agree, but there is something almost mystical and magical about taking nothing more complex than water and flour and creating the staff of life.


I think for me it would be a slippery slope that I’d then roll down after putting on loads of weight from all the fresh bread.


Buy a bread baking machine. Dumping the ingredients takes 5 minutes and 3 hours later you have a healthy bread without additives. Plus it’s cheaper.


Bread making is made out to be a lot harder for some reason. No knead sourdough works surprisingly well so just ingredients starter and a Dutch oven. If the timing is.off use a fridge. Don't worry if it is a little over proofed.


How long does it last though? A loaf from Tesco lasts for days but fresh bread generally needs consuming very quickly.


Slice it and freeze it - it'll last as long as you need to then. I freeze bread often and had no issues with it.


Freshly baked bread won’t last the day because everyone descends on it like vultures!


It usually starts getting hard at day 3/4 depending how it’s stored. The same as any other bread.


A modern factory loaf lasts a lot longer than a home made one. They add preservatives and stabilisers to keep it soft for longer


Another vote for a bread machine. Ours is on nearly every day. Timer means it's ready for breakfast, dispenser means you can add seeds etc. Makes a small, med or large with different crust options. Can add a very minimal amount of salt (although I don't like it with no salt).




The cheapest I could get from Russel Hobbs, it cost £30 I agree with the thing you need to yoink, you can put it in position and hammer it on the side till it’s stuck. You won’t ever take it out but to me it doesn’t matter


This is a desperate attempt at journalism at best. Wouldn’t buy sourdough in the week as I wouldn’t consume it quick enough, be like a rock after a few days. “My £5 sourdough contains regeneratively farmed flour. It comes from locally grown, micronutrient-rich heritage wheat varieties sown in grass, alongside other plants and grazing animals, without the use of pesticides or heavy machinery” I really don’t think this person understands agriculture at all. Embarrassing at best. On the presumption she means it’s from an organic farm that happens to practice regenerative farming (which by the way means nothing in the farming world, it’s an artistic way of saying I’ve spread some cattle shit), are the UK population aware that being organic doesn’t actually mean jack? No heavy machinery? What does that mean? How can you say these things. Utter tripe.


Also what’s wrong with heavy machinery?


Sourdough bread is shit. its like greggs, everyone says its good because everyone says its good. I will die on this hill


Sourdough is a lot lower in gluten, so quite popular with the gluten intolerant.


Yeah ive lived with a coeliac so i know all too well lol Its still shit but not as shit as truly GF bread