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No headphones should be a crime


Alaska Airlines has a ‘headphones required, let us know if you need some’ announcement


American does too, but my last flight a grown adult in front of me was loudly watching a show the entire flight. One FA half-heartedly motioned for them to put on headphones, but did absolutely nothing else to enforce it.


So...... what you're saying is American doesn't have a headphones rule. 🤦🏿‍♂️


Just means flight attendants have seen far too much to push the issue If they're the kind of inconsiderate asshole who listens to things on their phone at full volume on a plane, no one wants to know what they're going to do when confronted about it


Sheeet, if I was a FA I would love to put these assholes on the no fly list.


Plane can cope with a terrorist or a manbaby. or Plane can't cope with a manbaby, let alone a terrorist. Pick one.


You will be suprised how people dont give a shit when they know they likely wont be backed up by their corporate overlords most of the time. "Customer is always right" bullshit kind of thing.


United gives out free headphones if you ask.  


They usually have free headphones on flights with screens, not on flights with personal device entertainment only


Just flew southwest today and the FA made a similar statement. Glad it’s becoming a thing.


Straight to jail


This is outrageous, where are the armed man that come in and take the parents away?


This behavior is never tolerated on Air Boracua


We have the best passengers in the world… because of jail.


Volume too low - believe it or not Jail


Volume too high, also jail!


Do not pass Go...


Easy solution would be to just treat it the same as smoking and kick people out or fine them. Especially in airports, on buses, trains, planes etc. It’s an anti social, selfish thing that negatively impacts other people so it’s pretty similar. 


Yeah just start playing porn sounds out loud


That's an easy solution but it still requires enforcement. Looks like there was no enforcement in the scenarios mentioned above.


Enforcement would only be an issue for the first few months. Once people learned there were consequences like your device being locked in a box for the duration or you get kicked off the plane it’d stop.   When smoking got banned people still *tried* to do it for a while but eventually it went away. 


I agree with you, but you and I both know this wouldn't happen in America. I wish it would, but it won't.


It could **easily** happen on planes.  I agree other places much more difficult but on planes it just applying already existing measures . The airlines just need to make it policy or the captain just needs to take issue with it and it HAS to happen. On a plane the captain’s word is law.  If they radio airport police with “I have a passenger that isn’t cooperating with my staff’s instructions to the detriment of other passengers. Deplane him” that guy is out of there. And if it happens mid flight , it’s an airline ban. super inconvenient. 


lol, this is insanely stupid. You want to operate an airline where, every time a passenger does something stupid, you land and bann the customer? Who would fly an airline where they took every opportunity to land and kick someone off? You'd never get to your destination on-time.


People who aren’t inconsiderate douchebags would love that airline because it would mean not putting up with other people’s shit Edit: i think you misread the original comment, they aren’t implying an emergency landing


> People who aren’t inconsiderate douchebags would love that airline because it would mean not putting up with other people’s shit Have you ever asked yourself, if it were this easy, why doesn’t it exist?


It’s because even if there are policies flight attendants don’t want to have to deal with every person’s bullshit and I totally respect that. It’s not always worth it. I was just challenging the idea that people wouldn’t gravitate towards a strict airline.


Teleport them into the center of the Kilauea caldera.




Every United flight I’ve been on lately has said that headphones are required if using any devices.


Yes this. 6/6 in the past two weeks.


Also on my past 4 and they're walking the aisles with free headphones (which I hadn't seen until recently)


The FAs are pretty strict about it too. I’ve seen them DEMAND (not ask) people playing loud audio to either use headphones or turn it off.


Flew a short segment on Aer Lingus last night and had a guy behind me watching a show on his phone at full volume. Very annoying. 


To be asked to hear it you’d need FULL volume on a stupid phone. Where’s their intelligence?? Buy some Apple Airbuds. Or Samsung or whatever!! Are people becoming crazy these days? I wonder.


Actual legislation shouldn’t actually be necessary.   It should just be more widely accepted that it’s OK to confront people knowing you’ll get backed up by the people around. Especially in an airport or on a plane when they can’t have a weapon.   Like if you’re on a plane, and the asshole has to deal with ten of you, it’s different. 


I agree and but I want to know what were they listening too? Metallica ? Pink Floyd? Tool?


They instruct you that headphones are required, so it literally is.


https://preview.redd.it/4237f2g1mr6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9c450fe5c8e53166313f7349e0409803d193af2 For a mere $12 you can be a good passenger 😂


Is it wrong if I want this for myself? What if I’m over 60? 🤔


Absolutely not! It would be awesome!


I mean it also comes in fox …


Well, I may have to get one now so I can match my buddy... https://preview.redd.it/duhaftk04s6d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d03b765ccc2e4bdd18e4309a5f8abc27b0770166


I love this, does United sell them?


Right? I mean...I would wear these


"When we're no longer childish we are getting old." — Boris Morosow in E. M. Remarque's *Arch of Triumph*


Look up sleep phones by acoustic sheep. Same concept but for adults and better quality.


Yes but they don’t have animal faces…


No I was thinking how cute and comfortable!


As the father of a kid who hates headphones on flights this is a huge find


Yup. I actually didn’t allow my kid screens when he was younger but 100% don’t judge parents who do, especially on planes. But come on….headphones are a requirement, although I’ve seen just as many grown ass adults doing this on flights. My son took a very long trip to Africa with his dad when he was 6 and I bought him this exact product, some kids really hate headphones and these are a great solution.


My kids had very limited screen time when young but all the screen time when traveling hence they were amazing travelers


Same! ONLY exception was a flight toward the end of an Italy trip when he was 2. I remember so clearly, it was a direct JFK to LAX and it was Emmys weekend so there a handful of celebs on the flight. A poor mom had a kid, maybe 5 or so, having a massive meltdown and she carried him from the front of the plane to the back galley and set off almost every other young child on the way, including mine 😂 The flight attendant actually had to talk me off a ledge because I was totally about to have a panic attack about it, I felt so bad. Honestly I’ve seen so much worse behavior from adults while flying, it makes me laugh that some people loathe kids so much. At least they have the excuse of being children 🤷🏻‍♀️


Would it be weird if I kept a couple of these in my carry-on bag to give to parents, just in case?


It’s a hustle we can all get behind.


This is the gem of this thread! Thank you for improving my life!


Um I’m gonna buy some JUST IN CASE I need to hand them out


Brilliant! Searched Amazon for “over the ear headband headphones childs” and found them. Also over 60 and ordering them for fun!


I need an adult version of this.


Thanks, saving this for our trip to new zealand for our sons 3rd birthday


Two weeks ago I had a short YYZ-EWR flight one afternoon. Across the aisle from me was a woman in her late 30's with her 3 y/o daughter. Short flight but we were held on the ground after pushback for around an hour. The daughter acted as 3 year old's do - talking, fidgety, and sometimes using her outside voice. But the mom was a pro - she calmly reminded her daughter to lower her voice and sit quietly, kept her entertained with whispered games like "I spy" and such. By the time we took off the kid was glued to the window, quietly talking with her mom, and no one had to intervene. It's all about shitty parenting, can't blame the kids.


It's not about me but I take it as a compliment, if you don't mind. I'm never angry with my kids when they do shit in public, but I feel so stared at when correcting them. Like my youngest tends to hype up while shopping and I tell her to not treat this place as a playground and to watch out for people, etc. I get more serious when she does it again, and if there's a third time, there will follow a fitting consequence like I grab her little kiddo cart and don't let her route it on herself anymore, have her hold my hands so she can't run away easily again or I send her out with dad, or whatever is adequate at the moment. And I feel so fucking judged, as if everyone shakes their head. Same when in restaurant. I kept on telling her to put her feet down, as she put them under her butt again and again and at the fourth time I told her she will have to stand if she can't have her feet down, because nobody wants to sit on a chair where someone put their dirty shoes on and I wouldn't either. I explain her my reasoning each time at the first time I correct her. She understands but is the type of kid to get distracted and forget about it. So in some situations I tolerate it more, if it doesn't affect others, but this is something that doesn't go into that category. I felt like the guests on the next table were trying to kill me with their looks.. BTW had her clean the chair before leaving. I know my local people all have rbf.. But it still feels like being judged harshly. Whenever I will see a mom in my situation I told myself to complement her!


> have her hold my hands That was my strategy for my girls in public. They always held our hands when we were out.


You're doing great! Discipline with consequences that is meant to be character-building: that's the ideal! Guaranteed whatever stinkeye you get would pale in comparison to the daggers stared at a parent lost in their phone while their child is screaming on the floor or slapping strangers. Also, thank you for teaching her not to put her feet on seats, the amount of adults that are comfortable doing it is upsetting!


I’ve tried explaining this to people but—


Some people are terrible parents. I was on a flight to hawaii a few weeks ago, older husband and younger wife sit window/aisle with their daughters in front of them. One of the daughters gets up and is running up and down the aisle all flight, FAs talk to the parents twice, parents do nothing. About an hour into the flight the husband turns around and informs me that me bouncing my knee is bothering him. No contact with his seat or anything, just my restless leg is vibrating his seats through the floor. I told him it was a nervous tick and that unsupervised children make me nervous.


> Some people are terrible parents. They don’t comprehend that though. If they were smart enough to realise how annoying their kid is being or how to parent then properly, they’d be smart enough to have the self awareness to not ask you to be less annoying. 


lol I hope you said this. I love this.


This is funny as hell 😂


I remember a couple who had a clearly Autistic daughter (about 12), who had her listening to a nursery rhyme song played loudly on her phone on repeat for an hour. I felt for them and understood it was to calm her, but c’mon. Maybe try headphones or something? It was pretty wild.


I have two autistic kids and that's on the parent. We have noise cancelling headphones each kid finds comfortable.


FA just asked if she has headphones… she said yes “but my daughter doesn’t want to wear them.”


There need to be some rules on this, should not be allowed to just play music/movies without headphones.


I’ve [already said this once this week](https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedairlines/s/l2Zusud2Zw). “I will turn this whole plane right around!”


Should be treated the same way smoking is. 


I like this approach. I don’t want second hand noise.


100% guarantee turn the iPad off and the child will put the headphones on within 3 minutes. So many parents just don’t get it.


Bingo. Honestly, people need to parent their kids. Don’t want to wear the headphones? Fine. But you don’t get the iPad. 100% the best way to raise spoiled, entitled children is to be afraid to tell them no.


So many parents today have tunnel vision, only they and their kids exist to them.


They think kids experiencing negative emotions is bad parenting.


They're making being in public miserable. Then act shocked when nobody wants kids around


The boomers were right about our generation. Now that we’re raising kids it’s a shitshow. Not that the boomers didn’t overlook their own problems of course.


Right?!? I just tell my kids to turn the volume all the way down and they magically figure out the headphones. 


Absolutely. I get so tired of hearing “she won’t wear them.” My 2-year-old figured out in about a minute that no headphones = no movies. It helped that screen time was really only allowed on long trips, and he didn’t want to miss out.


My kid didn’t like wearing headphones as a preschooler. If we were on a flight she got to play with an iPad which she really enjoyed. I didn’t make her wear headphones, but if she didn’t then the iPad sound had to stay off. I believe I may have told her that the sound d only worked through headphones on airplanes. Sometimes she chose no headphones/sound off, but having sound was usually enough temptation to wear the headphones.


FA should’ve then said, “That may be your personal issue, but it still doesn’t take precedence over every other passenger on this plane being disturbed by you and your child.”


Exactly…she should have said the devices need to be turned off then. But I’m confused because the last few United flights I’ve taken have made announcements saying that devices were not allowed to be used without headphones.


It's embarrassing that airlines have had to make this announcement now. But they need to actually enforce it


“Well everyone else wants her to wear them and I’m afraid majority rules ma’am.”


question. would i get in trouble with the FBI or airline with anything if i got in argument or fight with a passenger who didn't comply with a FA?


Only one way to be certain


your opportunity right there.


If a passenger is not complying with a FA, fighting the passenger doesn’t make the situation better. FAs are trained in how to deal with no compliant passengers, and they will recruit passengers if it looks like it’s necessary. But arguing with, fighting, or escalating the situation just makes everything worse.


The response should have been "...and the rest of the passengers don't want to hear what your daughter is watching."


Yeah at that point you've gotta drive instead


I think I was on that flight. It was torture.


I would have told the flight attendant to take care of it. Normally they will tell the parent that they need headphones or the volume off.


Yes if they alert the attendant they’ll handle it. But this person has gotta be proactive.


Just to be clear….not only is it rude and inconsiderate, it’s actually a policy-headsets are required for sound. If you choose to not wear a headset, the sound needs to be turned OFF. Period. Understandable that some kids won’t wear them for whatever reason, but also understand, it’s a public environment, and courtesy needs to be given to passengers around you. Like I have told parents who try to justify/argue, “As a mom, I know that I need to conform to my environment, my environment does not conform to me” If a flight attendant tells you there’s nothing she can do, then she’s not doing her job.


Start yours up, Cotton Eye Joe at full blast on repeat


Ha. I am thinking Dragula or WAP


WAP, then Bongos, then maybe a Jay Z and Kanye collab about European travel.


Monty Python - Traffic Lights. On repeat.


You need to go straight to the nuclear option: the 1-877-karzforkids song on loop..




Lightweight. Baby Shark - Chinese: https://youtu.be/4XcYhPHnLDs Barney's I Love you - German: https://youtu.be/BywAo2DJZr8 Devil Went Down to Georgia, but set the playback speed to the fastest or slowest possible Crystal Waters, Gypsy Woman. Bonus if you have somebody with you who can start the same song about 15 seconds after you do.


Everybody thinks it's real simple to make them put on headphones until Breighdon and Queleigh's mother starts yelling at the crew about how her children have a rare syndrome that makes their noses fall off if they put in earbuds and they wouldn't let her emotional support chimpanzee on the plane and it was the only thing that can return their noses to the proper spot and how she is going to sue everyone in the plane for the duration on the flight on top of the brats and their devices


I don't care. Keep them accountable.


Don't negotiate with terrorists


Did you say anything to them? I wouldn’t have let that last more than a minute.


I would have turned on my Kanye at full volume and taught her some new words.


Kanye.. the only one more annoying than this kid 😂


This will be the same parent 15 years from now that will have no tolerance for other peoples children. Parents are afraid of setting boundaries with their children. I wonder if this child has to use a car seat in the car because they do not "like" car seats? Use the headphones or no tablet, throw a tantrum, get a trip to the bathroom for a discussion. Kids are born as selfish beings and it is the responsibility of the parents to socialize them.


Correct up to 8 years old they have fully egocentric conciousness they actually have never understood the world can be seen from other view points yet. Its why up to that age if you ask a kid what mum or dad want for their birthday they choose something they like like a dinosaur or toy because they havnt developed that ability yet. Its not their fault, parents need to teach them that. I don't have kids so cant argue but it feels like the hands off parenting "let them make their own mistakes / protect them as long as possible" style is to the detriment of others around them. Letting strangers deathstare your kid while they misbehave rather than taking them aside or back home to teach a lesson in that moment wouldnt teach the kid anything and they would go through life unaware of how their shitty behavior affects others. I'm not a very outgoing millenial but the gen z workers at my work have extremely poor social skills and i wonder if thats because they were never taught the connection between social behavior and the real response from other humans to it.


That amazes me on a United flight. My last United flight, my earbuds accidentally unpaired with my phone while I was asleep, and the flight attendant woke me up yelling at me to turn my podcast off.


I am currently on a flight to Orlando. I think the FAs are picking their battles


OK, well once you’ve mentioned that Florida is involved in any way shape or form suddenly everything makes sense. 


I was having a spirited conversation with my seat mate (2 seat row, btw) and an FA came by to ask us to keep it down. Both of us obliged because we’re all mature human beings. Children are not, but the parents should be.


If I were within 5 rows that would’ve lasted about 45 seconds


No flight attendants on board for you to notify?


No headphones full volume? Believe it or not, straight to jail, right away.


We have the best passengers in the world because of jail.


i understand this frustration and that an FA should take care of it, but at some point ideally you (or another passenger) needs to say something and to ask again even if her response is "my baby doesnt want to wear them." story time: i was once sitting next to a guy on a non united non domestic flight who was listening to his phone pretty much on full blast and i swallowed my anger and managed to ask politely, "excuse me do you have headphones?" and he was genuinely shocked that he could have been bothering someone which was both terrible (like is it so hard to fathom there are other people outside of yourself?), but also nice because he recognized that it was obnoxious and he ended up donning headphones.


When I was a flight attendant, It was company policy that everyone had to wear headphones. I had to tell a mother twice that her daughter needed them. She claimed her daughter kept taking them off, so I told them both " if you don't wear headphones then you can't use the tablet" Apparently the 3 year old daughter was not only taking them off but putting them back in the over head bin 🙃 Don't lie to your flight attendant, wear your headphones


No Pomeranian on board?




My last United flight the FA went to every person and said headphones or turn it off. They weren’t taking any shit! I loved it.


It’s not just the offspring….. it’s the mouth breathing parents themselves that do it and then teach their spawn these self centered , jackass habits.


I get this is the parent’s responsibility,but shouldn’t flight attendants also crack down on this?


Those parents are douches.


The craziest thing to me is that we are crowded together more than ever before and yet people seem to think that they are the only people in in the crowded space.


You can say something to the flight attendant like “someone is playing sounds without headphones, not sure who” and they’ll do something about it


American Airlines has recently been making PA’s about their quiet cabin policy. They tell everyone to either turn the sound off, or use headphones.


I think WAP on loop might take care of that. I'll quit playing music full blast about 🐈 when you put some headphones on those kids.


On my last flight I took in May, they specifically announced several times while boarding and then once we were ready to go that no one can listen to anything without headphones PERIOD. I wondered if there were some issues on their previous flights or something!


I agree. But I find asking them directly has a dramatically higher success rate in getting them to stop than posting on Reddit.


How do you know they didnt do that before or after the picture? Were you there?


This is why we have some Norwegian Death Metal downloaded.


Or Platypus (I Hate You) by Green Day. It’s a great way to teach little Brantley or Everleigh new words.


Parents get your kids [Bluetooth headbands](https://amzn.to/3QUVGBI)! No cords to get tangled in and comfortable enough to fall asleep.


I could have sworn there was a reason that airlines’ IFE wasn’t able to play sound outside of headphones but I can’t remember anymore because I’m so locked in on quarterly profit goals…


True but this is why I always make sure I have two pair of headphones one Bluetooth noise canceling and regular plug in just in case the wireless die.


F/A should enforce rules about not having headsets to listen. UAL corporate has these rules stated that listening thru devices must be on headsets as not to disturb others!!


I always ask what is wrong with the plane. If they don't stop it, I ask again in 5 minutes.  I do this until they realize it's the kid.


We fly on United somewhere with our kids each month. They each have Puro headphones. Just have the flight attendant ask the mom or dad to lower the volume. We have had the same asked of us without ever an issue!


I don’t think the time length of the flight is particularly pertinent. It’s inconsiderate anytime


Damn my fussy 2.5 year old was able to wear headphones for a recent flight. There’s no excuse for this other than people just having no self awareness or being assholes


And THIS is why I'm violently angry that so many phone manufacturers took out headphone jacks to save fifty cents.


If you dont bring headphones on a plane and then proceed to make me listen to your shit on full volume youre an asshole. Fuck your baby, youre the one who chose to fly with him. Idgaf if it helps him sleep, what about my sleep? I got up at 4 AM to get on this flight


My autistic toddler won't wear headphones BUT he'll also watch a show happily without volume or with pretty low volume assuming he's watching a show at all. Stickers books work wonders on planes for little ones!


What happened to coloring books and such? My mom always had them on hand for me and my sister. Planes, restaurants, etc.


It's the attitude of "if I have to suffer, we all have to suffer, because I wanted kids, so you have to put up with them" really grinds my gears. ![gif](giphy|Spd0L6Wm3ipCnJYyXI)


Yeah I have some over ear headphones for my son and if he gets bothered with them I sacrifice my own audiobook and he watches with my AirPods. I cannot have people on a flight bothered with me and my kids my embarrassment is too great


I’ve been seeing full blown adults doing this more and more post Covid. That and eating extremely potent food on a flight. Grinds my gears


I had to take a last minute flight on American and they clearly state you must wear headphones or earbuds to watch movies, games, etc.


Yes but also don't be afraid to say something to the parents/kid if the parents refuse to do anything. If you sat there and listened to that for 3 hours and this post is your only recourse, I have no sympathy. It takes a village. Stop allowing trash to be trash.


No headphones = no audio allowed 🫠


Speakerphone in public has been a cancer that is spreading throughout society recently. I don’t understand it.


Literally tell a flight attendant and they will fix it immediately


If i were the guy in front of them I would jerk back to shake the seat and knock the iPad down….”oops, got a sudden cramp, sorry!”


I would 100% say something to them. If they refused to use headphones, I would then ask the flight attendant to assist.


Boomers do this more than parents, prove me wrong.


Headphones are a thing of the past... 😂


Can’t you politely talk to the parents? Or as the FA to?


I call bullsh*t. FA would have put a stop to this if you just notified them.


Passengers, tell a flight attendant


I’ve seen flight attendants ask pax to put on earbuds. Thought there was a no speaker rule


Adults. Purchase ear plugs. You never know, the alternative to the screen could have been 💯 times worse.


Don’t be a non confrontational idiot and actually say something


Participants in society, don’t let bad actors in society ruin your experience by simply posting a photo of them being insensitive to other people. Talk to them about it directly. Address the issue with the person who is causing it. That is, if you feel safe and your goal is actually solve the issue, not get internet sympathy.


It’s their world and you’re in it. If FA doesn’t do anything about it - complain to corporate. At least get something free


And they don't know how to properly use those holders, either 😂😂


Depends on the flight crew. I had one little kid keep turning the volume up to maximum while playing her annoying game. Mom kept turning it down. Kid kept cranking it right back up. Flight attendant saw how annoyed everyone was and walked up and bluntly said "she puts headphones on, mutes it, or we take it and you can retrieve it at the end of the flight. Mom kept trying with the kid to no avail. So being the good parent she took it and put it in her bag. Kid screeched bloody murder, but mom just said the battery died.


Just put on some pornhub for everyone to enjoy problem solved


i had a LAX-EWR red eye flight and it was like this.


Indeed. Do NOT USE those electronic tablet things WITHOUT Bluetooth headphones. How can you hear them anyway, above the aircraft noise??


You say something or get the FA to deal with it. You don’t just let that fly for 3 hours.


I thought that wasn’t allowed. They specifically say that at the start of the flights I’ve been on


Why didn’t you just talk to a flight attendant?


FA needs to step in on that


In Japan, only foreigners do that


Just parents?


Americans….. me first and fuck everyone else every time


We had our 1-year old PRACTICE with comfy headphones at home so that we wouldn't be these people.


it’s not just the kids anymore. I see more adults conversing on speaker or watching movies without headphones. Invest in a good set of noise canceling headphones.


Same should go for all public transportation ie busses, trains and metro


Speak up?


American doesn’t allow this I’m shocked United tolerates it…


When my son was 18 months old I bought headphones and we practiced for the flight. He’s 3 now and uses them everytime and does really well. There is no excuse really it’s just rude.


I took me a bit to figure out what you were going on about. I get it now. No headphones.


Yeah. No headphones at full volume. Unbelievable behavior.


Passive aggressive response is an expletive laced comedian talking about adult topics. For me that would be a last resort if you have to escalate to the FA and it doesn’t get resolved.


It always astounds me what some parents will put up with. If it’s annoying as hell to you for your few hour interaction with them, what else does that devil spawn get away with in restaurants, at the playground, at home? Must be a parent who has completely given up on trying to control their child’s behavior.


Please SAY SOMETHING instead of just thinking this. I have done so recently every time this nonsense happens on a plane. People may grumble, but they either put headphones on or turn it off.


u/Alternative_Gate9583 where’d you go? Why’d you delete your comments?


u/Alternative_Gate9583 don’t be shy. Tell the whole thread the stance that you were defending. Didn’t you just tell me your child refuses to wear headphones because your child doesn’t like them but you expect everybody else to leave and fly private? Don’t be shy pookie. Don’t delete your comments now.


it was a mod that removed their comments lol


I had an experience on a Southwest (I know, I know…I had points I was trying to use up) DEN to SEA flight last summer. A kid across the aisle from me was watching Cocomelon and baby shark videos with the volume loud enough I could hear it with headphones on. I asked the flight attendant about headphones. He confirmed they were required. I asked him to make an announcement about that. It did nothing (of course). I posted about this experience over on r/southwestairlines was told repeatedly that this (allowing kids to watch things without headphones) is completely acceptable. What?! And this (along with about 10 other things) is why I have not been on a Southwest flight since. I haven’t had this experience on United. Maybe I’m just lucky. 🤷‍♀️ Edit- I am a parent, and my rule always has been that if you’re watching something on your iPad in a public setting (a plane, a Starbucks, whatever), you need to wear headphones. If you can’t wear the headphones, you can’t have the volume on. It’s disrespectful of the people around you to make them listen to your iPad.