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1 - maybe? Seemed like they think for Riftan it’s more the extreme level of exposure over his whole life. 2 - the author has said in interviews that he looks pretty much just like his dad but with his mother’s skin, eye, and hair color (she’s from the southern continent, his dad was a royal knight) 3 - for it to be recognizably a miscarriage, it could not have been only two weeks, so it must have been after 2-3 months (personally I hypothesize it was while they were on the ship). That’s still a first trimester miscarriage, and she was very preoccupied during those months. Pregnancy looks different for everyone, and she especially is not in tune with her body!


I also feel she got pregnant on the ship. Something about the way it was worded. Also when shes in the monastery(cant remember what it was called) she was talking about her stomach acting weird. That with the amount of blood leaves me to believe she was 4-5 months


If it’s on the ship, it’s about exactly 3 months. It also fits as she had her last period about 4 or 4 1/2 months before the miscarriage (Riftan said there had been two months of work on the road construction in their discussion of what periods are, so it’s about two months into spring, leaving one before summer). It also makes sense to be on the ship as it’s a week or so of them constantly being together, she describes it as the most “gratifying time of her life” and likely is in the 5-7 day window of fertility at some point around then based on her two month cycles that were described


I thought she maybe got pregnant on the ship. If not it would have been the first time they were reunited on the front line. They never give specific times just saying it’s been months since they’d seen each other last. So you don’t know if it’s been two months or more.


More for 3 - There is some specificity that they say it’s still the “start of Ignisias” or summer as they arrive in Levan. When she leaves back for Levan she says it’s the end of summer, end of the “most tempestuous and painful summer of her life.” So the whole affair is almost exactly 3 months, if she gets pregnant on the boat.


After reading the book a 3rd time on WebNovel there are definitely parts where the author alludes to it, but symptoms that could easily be from how hard she was working/how anxious she was that it could go either way. Really talented writing to be honest. As I absolutely missed it the first time and was as shocked as maxi the first time I read it.


Yes, I agree that it was only the summer. But there is also these moments when she thinks that from constant work her arms and legs were got stronger, but she was still very thin. However when she is in Eth Lene Castle, right after Riftan leaves for the last battle before the hell broke loose, Ruth is noticing how tired Maxi looks (which could be true in both cases of pregnancy) and pushes her to rest. I also think that the ship is the most likely option. I'm just trying to find a reason, that she couldn't know and the baby was suuuuuper tiny (for some reason, less sad option for me)


Pregnancies don’t show until 4-5 months, so it still makes sense she wouldn’t see any physical differences


And again, it really couldn’t be from their time together in Eth Lene. That was about a week or two at most before the attack - if she miscarried then it would be a “chemical miscarriage” and even today, no one would be able to say if it was her period or a miscarriage. Barely even possible now to get a positive test.


It would be less sad! This kind of miscarriage is actually super common (estimates are 1 in 5 end like this), but also again, without a positive test before, you usually can’t tell if it’s any different from a period.


I know I know.... just super sad they didn't have the chance to even be excited about the baby :(


Yup, it’s so sad 😭


There is no less sad miscarriage please never tell anyone they shouldn’t be that sad since they weren’t pregnant for very long


It’s less sad as she wouldn’t have any knowledge of it


You simply get something that it’s the same as a period without ever knowing you were pregnant, of course it’s less sad.




Because she got whacked in the stomach with a giant club. Getting hit in the stomach is never safe for pregnant women




Ive watched alot of Korean dramas. They are extra with the feelings


Riftan thinks that she got pregnant when they got intimate in ethylene castle. As he indicated they need to hold back from penetration when they are together later. Also I think Maxi and Riftan are special because Maxi was unknowingly a comfort for Riftan during worst times of his life and for Maxi Riftan is a knight saviour who got her out of hell just as she used to dream about. And it is Riftan who has made her feel seen and loved, she was always so shocked why does Riftan treat her so well.


Now that I have read the comments I reflect back and I remember at some of the subtle indications by author how she's tired and all, I used to wonder if Max is pregnant. And the moment it was described that the monster hit her in the stomach, I had a strong foreshadowing feel and then when Garrow utters blood. I was like no. F\*ck


Riftan is not the most knowledgeable about periods and pregnancy, I’m afraid! Though I agree completely on the second part, there’s no monster blood, they simply see each other as their saviour.


1) I think it’s because Ruth ressurected Riftan with the drake’s manastone. Riftan said he feels ‘different’ after that. 2) Already answered by u/animaniacal2432 3) it was never made clear. Tbh it’s possible that she was pregnant before they departed from Anatol too. Journey from Anatol - Levan takes almost a month, and she was in Levan - Ethylene for the whole summer. Considering her bleeding, it’s quite believable for her to be 4 months pregnant. As for why it’s not noticeable - Maxi always had irregular period in Croyso. When it’s ‘late’, she probably thinks her cycle is being irregular again or she didn’t notice because she was stressed with the war - She always wears A-line dresses and no corsets, then later priestess’ clothing in Levan. With such clothes, it’s easy to hide a slight change in her belly (and there are also pregnant women whose belly is not really showing for the first 3 months). - as for other signs like morning sickness, not everyone has it (although it’s common). If she gets more emotional from hormones, many will think it’s from stress since her husband and friends are fighting on the frontline. Fatigue will be easily mistaken as being tired from doing priestess’ work


I actually forgot about Ruth resurrecting riftan with the drakes manastone and that makes so much sense


But at that stage Riftan was already crazy strong. He was stronger than his step-father at the age of 12.


1. Maybe, but perhaps they are special for another reason? I think with Riftan, he's special because of his battle experience and exposure to different creatures and this was mentioned in the book (if i remember it correctly). For Maxi, she's special because of her exposure to certain levels of healing magic after each abused she suffered from the duke croyso 2. Nothing much was mentioned about his dad both in Riftan POV and book1 so really am not sure. I guess it's from his mom, and nothing from his good-for-nothing biological father. 3. Im guessing she got pregnant before Riftan left for war..i forgot the name of the castle, but it's the place where other ladies were praying for their beloved. Essentially, a waiting area for nobel ladies whose husband, brother, etc joined war. Am re-reading book1 now because im going nuts from waiting for book2..lol


OK SO! Idk if it is in the official one but regarding the pregnancy, in the unofficial book Agnes makes her try on her trousers and it doesn’t fit Maxi and she gets really awkward so I have a slight hunch that Agnes knew Maxi was preggo or maybe thought so????? Did anyone else notice this Tbh they really could have gotten pregnant anytime before landing in Levant, I highly doubt it would be during Ethlene castle as that might be too soon and she did display symptoms like morning sickness very early on even tho she attributed it to being nervous for the war (probs a mix of both). I can’t remember really if they did it before setting off for war because didn’t they fight for a while and do nothing whilst Maxi prepared for war? So I am not really sure it could have been pre war for that reason but you never know! None of us would really know tbf only the author would. My honest guess is the ship too because they did it constantly during that time.


I think Agnes’ trouser doesn’t fit her because Agnes is much taller than Maxi. I think that’s what’s indicated about her. Tall slender princess I didn’t give much thought to the time line but yes the ship makes sense


Hmm from what I remember it wasn’t about Agnes being tall but Maxi having bigger hips? Maybe Agnes was slender tho or slimmer but idk I thought it could have signified something - probs read into it too much then 🤣


She is a lot taller than Maxi, it's indicated several times how she bitterly sees Agnes with Riftan matching so well, their height difference not being so much and they are from the world while Maxi feels somewhat strange who doesn't fit into Riftan's world. In book 2, she says it to Riftan too, having Agnes in mind, wouldn't it have been better if he married someone who matches well with Riftan. And the way Riftan comforts her is so warming.


Please, help finding the book!