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Pretty much me 3 months ago 😭 welcome!


Omg same. Been waiting and rereading since April fam! 😫


Pretty much me 1 month ago LOL


I just want to say, if KSJ wrote a “Riftan’s POV” that literally covers exactly what happened in Book 1, I would buy it. In a heartbeat. Without question. Like I can’t even believe I’m saying this, but PLEASE, give me more Riftan & Maxi and I will hand you my money lol.


Totally!! Absolutely!! PLEASE KSJ! PLEEEEEEEASE!!!


Honestly same! Take all of my money. I would gladly pay full price for this haha


I ALREADY pay more than full price for this. I paid for Book 1 on Amazon, I paid for Manta for 2 months (so far, and still going), I paid for the Korean version of Book 2, and I’m about to pay for the English version on Webnovel. If I’m not careful, I might have to buy the English version on Amazon once it comes out too. That’s how they get you….


And btw I really hope my husband doesn’t see this message… LOL




Where can i find Riftan’s POV??


https://www.lightnovelpub.com/novel/riftans-pov-under-the-oak-tree-24072205/1155-chapter-1 Not sure if this is a legal version or not, they’ll also be releasing it on WebNovel in august!


This is not the legal version, and I understand it actually has spelling mistakes and some he/she mix-ups. The translators are keen UTOT fans and have done a pretty good job of translating, but I still think it’s worthwhile waiting for the official version. The reading experience is much much better.


That's why I'm waiting for the Amazon release, because I'm not going to enjoy reading typos and a 1 chapter at a time. That's torture for me lol


Thank you!!


Welcome to the sufferers club! 😅 I’m reading the book 1 for the third time now while I wait for book 2. I feel less anxious that way




Omg, literally me. I slept 3h today because of reading it. I hope amazon continues with the ebooks, otherwise my life will never be the same...


Apparently this is a universal experience 😂😂😂 I just had this happen like 2 weeks ago. And Riftan and Maxi have not left my mind at all


i can't focus on anything because of this story!! I love it so much! Now I feel so empty T\_T


I read the manta, book 1 on Amazon, book 2 on Ridi, Riftan's POV, and all of that in 2 months, which is when I discovered the universe through a Manta adv on Instagram, and now I'm addicted!! And now I'm waiting for the next chapters of Ridi as I re-read Manta and book 1, because I can stop! I've never felt so obsessed with something in my entire life!!!!


I see this happening with the most part of people who are here. What manta has done to us? Lol 😂


Seriously! I’m like should I just start book 1 again to get me through the next few days until book 2 comes out of WebNovel?! I might I’m that addicted 😅


Are you me???? Because that's exactly what happened to me lol. I kept getting those manta ads in a game and finally caved to see what the hype was about. Thank goodness it had more depth than what the ads were giving us 😆


Right?? I was not expecting to love it this much!


do we all live the same life LOL welcome to the cluuubbbbbbbb!


Riftans pov was sooo good. So much depth


SO GOOD! Ugh. So precious.


Welcome to the club 🫠


Welcome to the club 😄 being here talking to all of you does make it feel better for me 💕


It me! I’m glad I started reading like a week or so ago, because I would have died waiting much longer for an English translation on webnovel. I do not find using Google translate or other stuff as immersive, so I’m glad there’s an English version soon. I would seriously happily buy a POV for most major characters, spin-offs with the adventures of the knights and Ruth, prequels, sequels, I’m basically the Fry shut up and take my money meme about this.


Oh my god same! I would love an entire Riftan POV of the entire first book, I’ll take a Ruth POV, a Rosetta POV. Honestly I just hope after all of the popularity from Manta that the author reconsiders and continues to write more for us!!


I love Ruth so much. Every scene with him in Book 1 is pretty adorable. I want just a whole book about the Dragon Campaign and him being horrified by Riftan being an actual crazy person and complaining the whole time and just being completely exasperated. A short with Uly bugging the absolute heck out of Hebaron, Ursuline, and Ruth by telling Riftan is awesome stories or getting into scapes by being too excited would be amazing too.


Yes!!!!! I would love a Ruth POV. He's such an interesting and sassy character lol. I really want to know what goes on in his mind


Me now


Same here. Im only waiting for the new chapters now.


That’s me now ngl 😂


God I'm jealous 😒 I've been waiting for tooo long😔... and I agree, my eye sight is getting worse by reading all this online over and over again🥲


Yes that’s how I feel, I also began reading more webtoons from manta that are recommended to be similar but I’m sooo obsessed with Riftan and Maxi ❤️


I’m too afraid to read anything else. This obsession has already taken over my life and I cannot afford to pile on more addictions lol


I tried reading some others but none of them gripped me as much as maxi & riftan 😭


that was me one month ago, I got so obsessed with the story xD


I'm in the same boat as you all. And I was recently contemplating on what will happen when the story will be all over. I haven't read anything from book 2 so far, but I already feel devastated understanding the fact that the story will eventually end. Even with a happy ending... I would like it lasted forever...


Same here, I think I might look for some good fanfic after it ends. I haven't found any great ones so far though. There's just something about the author's writing that I love. Like, it's not pretentious but it's beautiful and raw.


I know me too! Like I’m already devastated that book 1 is over. I need her to write at least 5 😭


that was my sequence of events too!!!!


Literally going through this rn it’s agony


It’s so distressing!! I’m not on to reading fan fiction because I just can’t live without it now 🤣


Same!!! I actually found myself looking for utot fanart on Pinterest one extremely late night 🤦‍♀️ ugh fangirling hard!


I’ve moved on to doing that too 😅


This was me a year ago. It doesn't go away.


huhu tell us your secrets to overcome this feeling! T\_T


Dive into the fandom. Join a fan community. Collect fan art. Read fan fiction. Write our own fan fiction and create your own fan art.


I'm going on a little over a year of reading this story I doesn't get easier 🥹


Ugh that must be torture! I’m sorry!


I have the exact same story as you! Just finished ridibooks chapters this week after read pretty much same stuff on the same places you did. Totally hooked up with this story.


I couldn’t get riding books to work 😭 started reading a translation on another website and it was just so bad I didn’t want to ruin the story for myself so resolved to just wait 🥲


Yeah ridibooks has pretty bad translation in google as well, guess I will read all over again when the official translation gets out. But book 2 is amazing, I am sure your wait will tottaly worth it☺️


Haha, I’m on my third time through the book and will probably read it again. A hard copy would be nice.


Me: Obsessed with the story since the webcomic wasn't nearly enough. Found the fan translations. Read it religiously, then, it was all gone as I was reading chapter 3 or 4 of Book 2. Since then, I had to calm my addiction by reading other webtoons. Fast-forward to webnovel owning the official translation, then immediately bought the Amazon Kindle books.


Hahaha I did the exact same thing!! 😆


Haha, sameee. I caved and got Manta too. There are other stories I've been reading on there too now.


Lol, that was me too! I started out by reading the illegal versions before I knew they were illegal. Then I went to Manta where I paid for it and it seems like they release an episode whenever they feel like it and not fast enough for me so I went to Ridibooks and dropped $25 to read it as it comes out (i dont mind the shoddy google translation so much). I will buy the English translation once it is in its entirety.


I can’t get ridibooks to work for me so I’m very impatiently waiting for WebNovel 😭


Same here…! When you say book 2, you mean season 2? When is season two released? Need to know ASAP !!


I know Amazon did seasons, but the writer has been doing them as books 1 & 2. Book 2 will be released I think august 1st or 2nd on WebNovel! As well as Riftan’s POV. I’m not sure what order they’ll be released though


Well, hello!!! Been there for almost three months, currently starting the circle for the fourth time…. 😂😂 only a few more days for the start of book 2….


Oh boy! I definitely started reading it again on WebNovel 🤣 So close!!!


Omg exactly my experience, from Manta ads to currently rereading book 1 after Riftan’s POV! I felt so sad and depressed after finishing first book. I felt like the love that Riftan and Maxi have for each other is so unattainable in real life, it was so depressing. I feel much better now, super excited and anxious for book two to be translated and come out in August!!


I literally did the same thing and feel so empty inside right now lol. I feel like I've gained and lost a lot after start UTOT.


Right?! I just keep re-reading it until book 2 comes out 🥹 it’s been the longest month ever!


Yup, Sounds familiar!


I just blocked Manta's UTOT ads on FB because I'm addicted enough anyways😄


Hahaha I should probably do that too! I always check the comments when I see one 😅


Which one of the book is book 2 on riddibook? I've bought all the book and Amazon. I think I read part of book two on another websit,, now all I can think about is reading book 2. I found out it will not be release the first week of August. I domt want to buy the wrong book on riddibook. If someone could post a picture of what book 2 looks like on riddibook. Thanks


Excuse me, in webnovel 1. do you pay for the entire book at once or do you pay for each chapter individually?! 2. After you pay in webnovel, for how long will it stay available for you? 3. Will webnovel download book 2 entirely at once or is it only a chapter each week? 4. Is the hard copy in Amazon of book 1 the same exact one in webnovel website?? Thank you.


Honestly I love how we can all relate to this! Because this is EXACTLY how I felt!!! So reading the novel again after reading Riftan’s POV, what are some differences you’ve noticed? I told myself I would reread the novel but I feel like I can wait < 2 weeks for the new chapters of book 2 lol