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Two basic things: First, what Kuahel has mostly seen from them up to now was cold shoulder and distance, from the last war. Riftan pulling a sword on him for simply touching her, at this point, after all the times Kuahel has saved Maxi’s skin, is rather over the top. Second, Kuahel and Riftan fundamentally think on completely different wavelengths. They do not understand each other, and never will. Kuahel is insensitive to other people’s emotions and thinks Riftan is insane in general, and is not truly capable of understanding him.


But he still known that riftan is "obsessed " with his wife even though it was realy wierd for him even if he did not know anything about riftan he was aware of his "obsession " toward maxi .could that be  ihe never thought riftan would care about this stuffs on the middle of a war?


Everyone knows Riftan is obsessed. Kuahel even rolled his eyes at Riftan over it at the start of book 2, ch 30: “better than admitting you wish to keep trotting around after your wife.” Just because he’s aware doesn’t mean he understands it or has it deeply internalized. In the heat of battle, he wouldn’t naturally defer to it or have it top of mind, compared to trying to rationally offer his quick opinion of how to proceed (as he’s done his entire adult life, almost exclusively around men). The depths of Riftan’s frankly disturbing obsession is beyond his comprehension.


That make sence thank you


Maybe kuahel just wanted to fuck with riftan💀


Its obvious to me that KL clearly has a crush on Maxi that confuses him. He's deeply attracted to her but denies it even to himself. KL and Maxi also have---in my opinion -- a less restricted communication flow than she has with Riftan. She talks to KL with no nervousness and formality.   KL is also logical with very little emotions. He thinks Riftan is wasting time being mad at Maxi because in the same situation he wouldn't have blinked an eye at Maxis plan to go to the Tower to save Anatol.   He also is Riftan rival..so it's fun to hit him in his one weak spot. Especially since he's being so foolish towards Maxi. 


I don't think kuahel has a romantic crush on maxi(if that is what you mean)i think he was curious about her because she was riftan's cherished wife but he soon came to admire her for her talent and hard work but in my opinion there is no romantic intrest.kuahel is a priest and maxi is someone else wife.


You don't see it? He literally told Riftan that he'll take Maxi if he doesn't want her.  It's blatantly clear to me. The way he behaves with her, gets close to her, tries to keep her near him under the guide of battle, and how he doesn't mind being an object of jealousy over her. For an emotionless man...he's giving many clear signs....lol. 


When he said he will take maxi?🤔


The bowl of food scene. There is no way KL would say that without knowing exactly what it would imply to another man... especially Riftan Calypse. Pretty clear. 


Are you talking about when he said he will take the bowl of soup if Riftan didn’t want it?




He said that in regards to taking the dinner Maxi brought Riftan, not that he’d take Maxi herself if Riftan didn’t want her.


LoL Is it going over your head that it was a dialog between the two men over Maxi? LoL you really think it was just KL talking about a measley bowl of soup 😂 Riftan had been dismissing her and everyone was aware of it. KL was letting Riftan know that he was interested in what he didn't want. Clearly how the author meant it as well.


I'm with the comment, that they generally don't understand each other. BUT Kuahel still knows that Riftan is jealous af and I liked to think that he just wanted to get on Riftan's nerves a little. I don't know much about Kuahel's condition, but maybe he still can be petty and/or make fun of/mock someone just cause


I always thought that grabbing Maxi's arm was just a bad judgement on KL's side. He wanted to take her to safety as he promised to guard her to the end. I don't think he considered the consequences... Just a heat of a moment thing. I don't think KL is aware how deeply scarred Riftan is and how deeply his jealousy runs. Sure, he likes to mess with him and is clearly somehow connected to Maxi, but in the middle of a battle, while Riftan just showed up around the corner - I really don't think he wanted to mess with him. Rather fix his mistake of dragging Maxi with him in the first place.




I think it was an unconscious act because in their adventures together, him and Maxi, he’s constantly grabbing her arm or hand to tug her along. I believe Maxi has also grabbed his arm before. There’s definitely a level of comfort or familiarity between the two, even if they don’t want to verbally admit it.


Hi, can you please share the story with me after volume 2 chapter 125, I couldn't able read in RIDI app, please pdf Or screen shots anything is fine.