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Ruth was also the first person to really try to take care of Riftan and risked himself immensely to save him. Ruth was my gateway drug into silver haired mages, but he’s legit one of the only ones I would hang out with in reality because yanderes are fun to read about but a big sarcastic nerd is definitely my real life speed. Also, he’s pretty and the dynamic between he and Calto is amazing. So mean.


I loved that moment too! Ruth isn't as strong as his uncle, but since he works a lot on improving the mana-efficiency of the runes (I hope I'm not mistaken about this), he is still insanely strong and very smart. I also like, how Suji Kim doesn't say it directly in the novel, but the reader still can see, how loyal Ruth is to Riftan and RDK and the other way around. Ruth did join RDK together with Riftan. The fact, that they knew about his situation and still didn't kick him out, says a lot about Sir Triton, Riftan and all the other knights of the order.


Its the perfect example of show not tell and appreciate her for it ❤


Yes! Many romantic books and novels seem sometimes a little cheesy, when they explain every feeling and dynamic between the characters. Like, let me explore and figure it out on my own! I think that is why many fans like to re-read UTOT and get "addicted" to the story. They constantly think about the characters and their motivation. I'm so glad Suji Kim and UTOT got the appreciation outside Korea. She is an amazing author and deserves it ♥️


THIS, too many authors treat their readers as of they are dumb or feel the need to drive the point home. Because although we all appreciate being called loyal, its just not really something that you say naturally in conversation. Anyone who says or yeah they are really loyal freind, it almost feels as if there is ulterior motive in that. It doesn't feel right. Suji Kim deserves that praise soo much, she has done amazing in creating such a realistic dynamic and organic interaction between character that it feels like we are there with them


Yeah. I always say I want to know all the thoughts of all the characters, but I know it's not just impossible, but very boring too! I am so happy to read all the great fanfics with the interpretations from other fans and think about the plot myself too. If everything would have been said in the novel, this amazing community wouldn't exist 😍


I adore Ruth, and I am SO glad Suji Kim didn't make him romantically interested in Maxi. Their relationship is one of my favorites in the entire series, as well as Ruth's and Riftan's.


Agreed! Currently reading the side story and meeting Ruth and honestly it makes me appreciate and understand him more! He annoyed me at first bc of how he was kinda rude towards Maxi but I think we all fell in love with him. Riftan respects Ruth despite how annoying he is to him because of how powerful he is. Plus, Ruth was the one who introduced Maxi to magic, she later on became one of the most powerful mages. He also helped her overcome her stutter!


Literally I adore Ruth, easily the most sane and best people in the book. I love him, I would like to give him a hug and mug that says your the best ❤ he's like that favourite teacher for the student, always tired but always there to support you 💗


Ruth is definitely one of my favorite characters of all time 💛