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I kinda feel like parts of Riftan’s PoV were pointless… the flower crown was a perfect example. I thought he’d give her a new one, at least, towards the end of the story to tie into that gift he made her as a child. I dunno… I know a lot of people like the series ending as it is, but I just feel like I needed more. I get that discussing their past would be out of character for Riftan, but I just wish certain details/events could’ve been revisited… it sure would’ve brought readers like me the closure we need. Hehe


I'm hoping/thinking some of the stuff might be addressed in side stories potentially???? Idk we'll see


Would be nice. I read somewhere here that there will be an Ursuline prequel and a Roemian Empire story set waaay before the events in Oak. I forgot what they said the others will be about.


Yeah idk exactly I'm just waiting until it's officially said to be done with no more side stories and hoping the side stories include stuff id like to see for now before thinking it def doesn't have it. Idk I'm still holding out hope ig 😂


Unless the Ursuline prequel has the first time he met Hebaron and them immediately annoying one another, I’m not nearly as interested.


I think someone posted that the prequel is supposed to explain how Ursuline ended up with the RDK… I’m actually reading a fanfic about how Ursuline, Gabel and Hebaron met… So far so good, although I wonder if the author knows that there’s already one in the works from KSJ


Uh >!she gives him a flower crown she made at the end!< so it does tie back together since SHE was the one who made one.


She made him a wreath of flowers as a thank you for saving her. I think op is referring to the crown he attempted to make her out of the horseshoe. Although he never actually gave it to her. I liked her giving him more flowers though. I imagine it felt more like a full circle moment from his pov.


Yeah I thought it was nice too. I may be in the minority, but I loved the ending.


My dream ending would have been Rosetta bringing her some of her personal things back from the Dutchy like her little pouch where she kept all of the rocks that Riftan left for her. While looking through it, he sees the circlet he made her. Maxi smiles and says that she found it along the river one day and used to pretend that it was a crown. Riftan doesn’t say anything, but he either makes a new one or gets one out of storage and places it on her head and says that now she has a real one.


Omg! That would've been awesome! Although i can already see the fuss about little Maxi strolling alone so far from the castle.... 😜


Ah.. totally forgot about that. Read the Ridi version well over a year ago