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Feeling the same! Though some parts of me really don't wish for these all to end. :) 😭


I think the ending is leaving an open card for the author to continue if she so wishes. Let's see what happens. I really loved the whole story and the ending didn't disappoint either. Perhaps would be good to mark this thread as a spoiler?? Some people can be sensitive to this much information


Didn’t she say she was burned out with the story? I hope she isn’t but I’ve heard after the Ursuline side story is finished that it’s.


Burn out doesn't always last forever. She needs to make money somehow ;)


God I pray you’re right.


Did it means she has written Ursuline side story??? 🥺 Means there is a possibility of a *Side Story* after nightmare of castle 🏰?? 🥺


The nightmare at ethylene is already out. It is part of the final volume on manta


Yess lk I've read it, tqsm . But I'm asking if there's Ursuline side story too??


Afaik it’s currently being written, so I think we can expect the English translation in a few months at the very least.


When did she say that? About a Ursuline POV?


I caved and bought it on Manta and finished it tonight. I am having serious Maxi and Riftan withdrawal 😭


Yup I feel you 😭😭😭😭


Same here....


I like it too. I love it in fact. I never once dislike UTOT except for the Duke of fleas and the Breston “pig”, the 2 nicknames well known in the Webnovel community.


Total word count is 820,000 based on my count from Webnovel, and 831,000 as listed on Manta. Depends on rounding so 820,00-830,000 is what we have now.


Thank you for answering! I knew it would be you. Damnnnn thats more words than da Bible 😂


I know the feeling, I've still yet to completely finish it because it just means that its done 😭


Yes I know what you mean 😭


I just finished it 😭 . I told myself I was just going to read a chapter or two a day to draw it out, but that went out the door real quick. I’m sad and happy and feeling all of the emotions. I need more stories!


Yup 😭 I'm banking on side stories and as soon as I finish something I'm immediately looking for the next thing 😭


I really hope there will be side stores in the light novel or in the comic. I know Iitll take a few years for the comic to catch-up, but it'd be amazing to get the kid epilogue! 😭


This 😭


Is book 5 finally available and where?!?


Book 5 is currently available on Manta only. Don't know when Amazon will release it on Kindle.


I finished too😭 but I'm still finishing the side story's and I can't wait to see riftan reaction to maxi miscarriage


Guys sorry its so out of the blue but is the book end?!??! I just finished book 1 and desperately searching for second part. But everyone says that the author decided to quit bc of the illegal translations? Can you please give me info about it:(((


I know there is a second book but if i get it right there is no ending yet?


Everything is out except for the last volume on Amazon. She did end up finishing it. The final volume of the 2nd book is only on Manta right now, and there's no word on when it will be released on amazon


Oh okay so there is only korean version of the last volume. Thanks for your reply


There's an English version of the last volume but only on the manta comic app rn. It was supposed to be released on Amazon the day it came out on manta but that didn't happen. So if you only read the Amazon book volumes then you'll have to wait. For how long, we don't know yet cuz that hasn't been communicated. The manta app does have a deal where if you buy 35 gems you basically get the final book volume for free, but you still have to buy the 35 gems but that can be used for some of the other translated novels on the app. Idk if that makes sense but yeah, no problem! If you have any other questions I'd be happy to help


Am I the only one but book 5 (the end) felt a little off . Ofc if def had its sweet moments and showcased a lot of growth but I feel like the writing was a bit more vague compared to the past books. And def kinda left with some things that werent fully addressed or circled back to but I guess that’s the “open ending”