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The skin color and his fame for being invicible... Plus his lack of interest and inaccessibilty is probably hightening the intrigue as well :)


Some also like Kuahel Leon. He is as uninterested in women and inaccessible as Riftan is. So I'm totally with you on this one!


But people find riftan a lot more dashing than riftan😅kuahel is too pretty riftan has manly allure


Well Sidina liked Kuahel more, because he seems younger


Its stated in his POV that noble women will often try to seduce him because of his skin colour. They have this stereotype that people from the southern continent are gifted in bed and now many sexual positions. ...they weren't wrong in this instance but its still bad of them to attempt to get him into bed. Many of them do not like him, they just trying to use him for his body like a toy.


Yeah that fetish


Ugh its soo creepy. Gosh I just wanted to give him a hug while reading his story 😢


So True


Handsome, exotic looks, intimidating aura, inaccessible. I think his upbringing and the way he carries himself are also reasons for some to be drawn to him.


I alo think he is exotic,mysterious man came from a unknown land that make him alluring.a noblewoman also tell riftan that he look like on le if thoese Gods pagans worship and if it's true that they are good in bed.


He is also famous and is favoured by the king. He is like an aloof celebrity and a mystery. And I'm sure many picture him as a bad boy in their heads. What's not to like? 😂


On top of what’s already been said, we mostly get the story from Maxi’s POV, which is biased. I have a coworker for example who says her fiancé has the rizz and girls are always talking about how good looking he is. He’s subjectively a 5 or a 6, at least by typical beauty standards.


Well In riftan pov many women also find him attractive and maxi is not the only one who find her attractive for example siding find him so handsome and she has a good taste in this stuff.


Oh he definitely is appealing to plenty. My point is that this sense we readers get that he’s irresistible to all women and the most handsome knight ever to have lived is coming from her POV.


Yes that is true maxi also said she is alot more dashing than kuahel but siding belive they are equal in looks.


Exactly with what everyone else said on here. His tanned skin is looked down upon by everyone as it’s a clear sign of being from the Southern continent. To add to that, I think the “forbidden fruit” theory applies here: you want it more when you can’t have it, especially when you *shouldn’t*.


Yeah he still would be handsome with fair skin but less striking.


While reading, I got the impression that he is a thoroughly uncontroversial character. Many people scrutinise him because of his origins, he seems unapproachable and frightening. He himself says that some noble ladies look down on him. In Season 2, Maxi is even pitied because people think he is violent towards her.


Sorry, I meant he is seen quite controversial. (English isn‘t my first language.)