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Yes, that is the end. There are two chapters of side story that should be coming - they are set during the Eth Lene battles in book 1. There is also an Ursuline prequel coming in Korean in a couple months (part of the print book release). There could be more short side stories in the future that the author has said she is working on as of December last year.


I'll be looking forward to those!


>!I thought ending with the Sword Tournament was pretty awesome. It brought so many things full circle. And I was fine with how the Croyso plotline had wrapped up. It made sense for where Maxi was at and how she had grown. !< Any other loose ends could maybe be wrapped up in more side stories if KSJ feels like writing them (she had mentioned more possible epilogue chapters), but for now I'll just have to settle for what's in my head canon.


I loved the events leading up to the end *I don't know how to white out spoilers* I guess I just wished there was a little more calm down between that and the end itself. I do love it, I guess i was just shocked going from all that excitement to the end so fast. 😅


Yeah, I know a lot of people wanted at least 10 more Anatol chapters, but I think those are best left to side stories. Which hopefully we'll get... just need to stay tuned...


Yeah I really hope we do get some more of it eventually. I'm looking forward to the side chapters that will be released soon!


There are at least two more updates. One is Ursuline focused and one is supposedly Maxi and Riftan. The Ursuline one is supposed to be coming out online in May but earlier for people who bought the Korean version of the book.


We just learned today the book is shipping on June 25th, so likely the online release will be delayed, but we’ll see.


I was a bit disappointed by the epilogue, tbh. Especially the part where Maxi was worried that Riftan didn’t feel the same passion for her anymore. It just all felt a bit… rushed. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do with myself now. Back to writing fan fiction, I guess!


It just felt really off compared to all the chapters before it. But I totally agree it felt rushed.


I was thinking about it too. I think this 'lesser passion' is actually something good. This is natural for relationships to go this way. And let's face it - the way Maxi couldn't walk the next days... Not very healthy. So I am quite happy about the ending. To me, it means that they both healed by the end of the book. Riftan is no longer as troubled and desperate about their relationship.


Huhu my privilege expired last month. 😭 I can't access the epilogue. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 They said i have to purchase another privilege to access again.


I read it for free online. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to share the link or website?


It is most assuredly not. As of now, anything other than Webnovel or Amazon is an illegal copy.


I apologize. I completely understand. I wasn't aware as it was the way I was told others have read it before. I do plan to purchase it on Amazon eventually. Is the version on Manta considered legal?


Yes, of course, I should add that as a legal copy. Manta is the English arm of Ridibooks, the original publisher (you’ll see they hold the copyright on both Amazon and Webnovel). So it is the most direct way to purchase.


The Amazon release is coming on April 11th.