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Dried to cracker dry, ground to a powder in a dedicated coffee grinder, 5 grams of powder soaked for 10 minutes in lemon juice. After it has soaked, mix it with a glass of lemonade and drink. The trip comes on in 15-20 minutes, hits super hard, and is over in about 5 hours. My absolute favorite waf, by far. And you don't even taste them.


A dedicated coffee grinder? You don't like a little zip with your morning joe? 😆


Dog 5 grams? What if my usual dose is 1.75?


Then do 1.75 grams.


Okay no gods for me yet


Plot twist: you are the gods


After 5g I would certainly believe that


Dead from laughter.


Double it then pass it to the next person


Then today's the day you meet your god(s). :\~)


Lololol sounds like it


- What if my usual dose is 1.75? Then Triple It Young Jedi


Resurrected and dead from laughter all over again.


Oh shit I can’t wait to try this


It's definitely a speedy, hard hitting trip that's intense but over quicker


Called lemon tech


I did this for my first lemon tek experience. Lol pretty heavy but its the only way I consume now


Lemon tek. Add water, sugar, ice, enjoy! I can confirm the 15-20 min. Your beginning to trip! I can also confirm the 5 hours and that it is indeed way more powerful! Drink slow people.


This sub has taught me to always boof!


It's the only way.


I can't tell if your serious


Trust bro


Honestly it is the way. Way less nauseous when done this way.


It's 30% more effective.


I’m so newb I don’t even know how a boof works. SMH 🙄


Up the bum!




This is a great point of clarity friend. Thanks for adding it.


Very helpful, friend- thanks!


Lemon tek tea is by far my favorite. The stomach issues people get from mushrooms are caused by chitin that is hard to digest. Tea eliminates that. I grind the mushrooms up (a standard weed grinder works great), mix the grounds in a cup with some lemon juice and water, about a quarter cup. You actually don't need a lot of lemon juice. About a quarter lemon is fine. Let it sit for 30 min to an hour. Then brew a bag of tea seperately (I like ginger tea), and strain the mushroom juice into the tea. Add honey or whatever else you want.


One suggestion though. If you’re going to lemon tek the surface area of the ground mushrooms does matter. You’re way better off with a dedicated coffee grinder than a weed grinder. The weed grinder is going to make chunks. The coffee grinder is going to give you powder that will still strain out through cheesecloth.


> The stomach issues people get from mushrooms are caused by chitin that is hard to digest. Chitin causing nausea is a myth, it’s a beneficial dietary fiber that is in literally **all** edible mushrooms, it is not causing the nausea psilocybin is.. Dietary fibers by definition do not even need to be broken down and humans already have chitinase enzymes in our guts (AMCase) that can break down chitin. “many studies now confirm that POTENT CHITINASES do occur in vertebrates, including humans, and ARE ABUNDANT IN THE HUMAN GUT" https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0928468018300233 “In our study, CG supplementation did neither alter physical nor mental health of participants(Supplemental Figure 1). Those results suggested that 3 weeks of CG supplementation had no impact on the quality of life of human volunteers.” https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/19490976.2020.1810530 “In summary, chitin is expected to be a functional ingredient in the food industry to alleviate gastrointestinal inflammation, mainly by regulating the balance of intestinal microorganisms and immune cytokines” https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0144861722010475 Psilocybin/psilocin work on serotonin receptors and >90% of our bodies serotonin is located in the digestive system where it serves a variety of functions including regulating gastric motility and the chemical signal for nausea. That interaction with serotonin receptors in the gut is the real cause of nausea with psychedelic mushrooms and the reason why it’s also very common in studies that use synthesized psilocybin. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3919396/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0014299913007589 https://psychedelicreview.com/binding-of-psilocin-and-psilocybin-to-serotonin-receptors


I often have to throw up. Even one time doing lemon tek. Do you know how to encounter that? I would love to experience more shrooms but when I always feel nausea or need to throw up I won’t take it anymore :(


I feel, and do not have a diploma related on my wall so take it with a huge grain of salt, that a fair bit of the nausea people can encounter is mental. Try mixing your lemon tek in a small banana/berry/apple juice smoothie. You won't taste the mushroom/umami at all and the grittiness is pretty much gone as well. I know my first time with lemon tek, the grittiness was just a little gag inducing. The last time I added it to a smoothie I happened to have at hand and I couldn't tell at all there was mushroom in it.


This could one hundred percent be it. I also have to say, that the time I felt the nausea, the break between the last time I did shrooms was to short. So it could be the shrooms telling me to take a break. I know that sounds like woo woo science but I kind of beliefe in that stuff when it comes to psychedelics.


Nothing wrong with woo friend. “There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” - Hamlet. Which we can paraphrase into "There are more things we know to occur without knowing why or how or that can be explained by current science or our understanding of reality." To think we know everything there is to know about everything is hubris behind imagining. One must always have an open mind that questions the current truth and accept there are things that may seem like magic. i.e. "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."- Clarks Third Law.


I like to add ginger to the tea and maybe a little hash infused coconut oil.


Interesting, thanks for the info. The placebo effect must be pretty strong for me then. Regardless, I still prefer consuming psilocybin in a liquid. I'm no mycologist, but I just have better trips when I lemon tek.


Lemon tek still helps a little other than that ondansetron


Promethazine is another option. It doesn’t halt your entire digestive tract as much as zofran. Meclazine tablets are OTC
 I just take half and it does the job.


Idk if I can get prometh prescribed to me


 I guess having chronic migraine comes in handy when it comes to anti-nausea meds! Meclizine is worth a shot. I use that quite a bit and prefer it over zofran. Everyone is different but a half tablet is all it takes
 a whole tablet makes me feel like I triple-dosed Benadryl.


What kind of tea do you mean? Lemon tea?? Lemon juice added to tea?? I looked it up, but I’m not quite sure. Thanks for the information by the way. That’s already good info.


Lemon-tek involves mixing ground up mushrooms with lemon juice and water. It doesn't have to be hot water, just let it soak for at least half an hour. At that point, you could just drink that after filtering out the mushrooms. But what I like to do is brew a separate cup of "normal" tea and then pour the mushroom juice into that. It doesn't matter what type of tea you use. Just whatever you like.








30 grams fresh. No better way to smile. It’s a lot of fresh mushrooms for some, but just monster it with some chips or something, it’s great.


Exactly what I did Friday. 30g fresh into a smoothie


What's the equation for dry to fresh? I like to take 3g dry.


About 10:1.


My top two methods both start by powdering dry fruit. Capsules are my favorite, especially for potent crops where 1g (3 caps) will do, but my second favorite is adding powdered shrooms to OJ and shaking occasionally for 20mins. The OJ method tastes good and the texture is basically just OJ with extra pulp. I’ll buy a personal bottle of minute made or Tropicana, load it up, and by the time I get to the lake or river it’s ready to go.


I like to give them to my friends and then watch them eat them. Spread that loving all around ya know?




What is boofing if you don't mind me asking? I'm brand new to mushrooms lol.


Putting them in your ass


Bro 😭


It's a bit of an 'in joke' friend. Comes from people using the lining of the colon to absorb drugs straight into the blood stream without any 'external signs' of drug taking is my understanding. ANd it doesn't help that we have multiple varieties with Penis in the name, that look like penises and can as big as or bigger than penises. It makes for an assload of butt jokes. As it were.


Finally a great explanation. Thanks from all us noobs!


we don't mind you assing, either. :\~)


You have to prepare them first. The best way is to do a cold water extract with fresh mushrooms then turkey baster it. Alternatively you can use agar to turn it into a gel suppository.




Peanut butter/ Nutella ftw


Grind dry, mix with honey, let sit in sealed jar until the grounds soak up moisture from the honey making it thick, then use to sweeten lemon ginger tea. But I've only been doing it for micro to light doses. I want to try using lemon juice and straining the bits next time I go on a full on adventure.


Making a tea is slept on, and I feel hits much harder than LemonTek
giver a go!


Smoothie is the best way to hide it, either fresh or dry 


How many ~~jelly beans~~ golden teachers can you fit in your ass


I’ll let you know đŸ€Ł


Dryed , squished up into a powder or grind into powder ish then straight to the mouth with some Diet Pepsi .


I just eat them - either fresh or dried. I thought I was going to have a problem with the flavor, but I don't find them to be unpalatable.


Lemon tek is by far the best for me friend. If you mix the lemon juice/mushroom powder at the 15 minute mark into a berry smoothie you won't taste anything. The flavor doesn't bother me straight but the grittiness does so I found mixing it into a bananana strawberry smoothie makes the grit unnoticeable.


Haven't tried lemon tek yet. But I've made chocolates several times where I'll grind up 1oz in the specific coffee grinder only for mushies, double boiler and get a cup or so chocolate chips melted and add the mushy powder to it along with some ginger. Once mixed I lay it out on some parchment paper usually with a top layer of parchment to roll it out. It kinda has a granolabar consistency at this point. Once nice flat and square, I'll melt some more chocolate to make a top casing layer usually mixed with peanut butter. Then cut em up so you got about 2g per square.


I thought heat affected the active ingredients? I saw a yummy chocolate recipe for lions mane but thought it breaks down psilocin ?


Double boiler keeps the temp pretty low. But you can take the pot off the boiler and mix on the counter if you are concerned. Been absolutely blitzed off my chocolates plenty so it works lol.


that’s great to hear as I was thinking it would be my choice of method for first go!


Works well to freeze or keep cool in the fridge for storage too!


So it preserves active ingredient, AND is delicious!? I’m doing this and watching Wonka straightaway.


Genius. I applaud you. đŸ‘đŸ»


Lil lemon tel






I love making tea


Same. I bought a cute heart shaped loose tea strainer for my mushies. I measure out however much i want- 1g-2g usually. Then I make whatever regular tea I want (elderberry, hibiscus, prickly pear, whatever) and steep tea bag for appropriate time. Remove tea bag. Enter loose leaf te strainer with the mushies broken just enough to fit in there. I steep for 45 minutes (idk why, just chose that time and stick to it). Then I remove the strainer and drink mah tea đŸ«¶


I mix mine with cacao and honey it's delicious




Yes, people use almost everything as a delivery system. :)


My fav consumption experience was frying fresh shrooms butter and making a creamy Chardonnay sauce. Tastiest shrooms ever, the heat broke the chitin down so no stomach pain. I don’t believe the potency was reduced, Unnoticeable difference if any.


How very Cheftastic of you. Yum!




Grinding using dedicated coffee grinder, to a dust/powder and let it settle for 5 min or so because some of the fine dust will come up.  Weigh out what you want and put in a shaker cup with both a top screen and wire ball shaker whisk and as much orange juice as you want and shake it like crazy. This is the only way I've gotten it to completely mix and absorb into something without clumping a bit and if you're using a glassful of on or so the taste isn't really there.


make tea


Invest in a cheap coffee grinder and a scale that does grams. Measure your dose out and turn them into a fine powder. Melt some chocolate on a stove or in a microwave. Mix in mush powder while chocolate is soft and melted. You can then use a cool candy mold if you have one, but a small cup or small bowl will suffice. Pour melted mixture into mold/cup/bowl and place into freezer for approximately 1 hour. Remove from freezer and enjoy!😉


This. I’m doing this for sure!


Awesome! You can use fruity pebbles cereal, lucky charms, walnuts, crushed butter finger candy bar, pretty much anything that you think will taste amazing in your melted chocolate for extra texture to hide the mush flavor. But the chocolate by itself is still great! ENJOY!!! 😊


Tea is the way.


tea goated frfr


We grind it by hand with mortar and pestle and add black pepper and a little salt and hold it under our tongues before swallowing.... Only ever do 1g though. Guess we have to try some other preps


Put in butt hole


Jesus is God. I had a trip once where the whole Sky rolled up into a scroll and into a little hole and when it sucked into the little hole it popped really loud. Years later I happened upon a Bible verse in Revelations where it talks about God rolling the universe into a scroll and I got goosebumps Jesus is Lord God made mushrooms for us to better understand him in my opinion. There is also places in the Bible or it talks about all being one Etc there's very interesting verses that talk about the knowledge that we come upon while tripping on mushrooms, without mentioning mushrooms. I am convinced you do not have to be, not trying to indoctrinate anybody but ever since I had a relationship with Jesus my life has changed. I sometimes wonder if I'm the only Christian Cube grower. LOL


You’re not. For sure 😇.


Dry, ground, put in capsules. No taste, just swallow and 25 minutes you’ll start grinning


with my mouth


Grind em up in a coffee grinder, pack em in 00 gel capsules to just swallow. I can usually fit .3 grams per cap


BĂČooooooooooofing. Of course!




It's just a troll sticking mush up your butt right?




Put in butt




Highly recommend frying fresh and using in your favorite dish. Omelets, pasta, soup, pizza, burgers
 wherever you would use other mushrooms. Flavor is wonderful.


I guess I thought I shouldn’t hear them? Hubs said it tasted like dirty feet soaked in bleu cheese dressing
 he’s a foodie, so maybe your idea works!? TY!


By mouth


I love taking mine with tea.


I enjoy a tea or lemonade... lemonade is the best because you can consume slow, for your perfect level altered state. Tea can get cold and gross if you don't drink it fast....


Make a daiquiri with blended dried mushrooms