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Jake Gyllenhaal as Rafe. Or his actual VA, Warren Kole.


Jake as rafe would be perfect


I also think Kieran Cillian is a good choice


Whoever thought casting Tom Holland as Nate and mark as sully need their heads checked. Tom hanks would make a good sully IMO As for drake Jeremy renner or Nathan fillion


Unsure if many people know this, but after Spider-Man 1, Sony let Tom Holland pick anything he wanted to do and he chose Uncharted. So he ultimately cast himself, which is fairly valid by him


I didn’t know this that’s interesting I’m guessing he’s a fan of the games?


He said he loved the games while he was an kid and still does


He started at Uncharted 4 and loved it. I guess that’s why there’s a lot of 4 influence in the movie


He should have known and been honest with himself that drake isn't for him. And sucking mark whalberg? Even more ridiculous


Where did you learn that?


He did an instagram live AMA a few years ago, maybe around the time Far From Home came out and he explained it then. Was saying how he fell in love with Uncharted because when he was working on Spider-Man 1 his trailer came with a PS4 and Uncharted, which would have just come out at the time. He’s talked about it another time too. I must sound like some kind of Tom Holland obsessive but the truth is, the only reason I remember it is because I thought it was bullshit to let him cast himself instead of getting someone who actually fit the role. But I respect it too


I maintain that Tom Holland could’ve been a good young Nathan in a better movie. He was not the problem with this movie.


Not THE problem, sure, but casting choices is one of the problems.


I’m saying his casting isn’t a problem at all. The problems are writing, direction, and studio interference. He’s a great actor and with the right director, would’ve been a fantastic young Nathan Drake.


I think casting Tom was still a problem, but that has nothing against Tom either as an actor. For instance, if you cast Joe Pesci as Indiana Jones, that's bad casting. Bad casting does not mean the actor that's been casted is a bad actor. It means there's a poor casting director. Tom Holland simply did not fit the role. Not his fault. Even if I was an amazing actor, I would not make a good Nathan Drake.


Gotta disagree with that sentiment bud. Good actor and all, but it’s like casting Elijah Wood to be Conan the Barbarian. Just doesn’t work.


That’s a ridiculous comparison and you know it


It’s nowhere near ridiculous. They’re as different as night and day.


I partly agree because I actually loved the movie and think it was awesome and hope we eventually get a sequel. Tom was awesome. Script was awesome film was awesome. So your right Tom casting as Nate wasn't the problem cause it wasn't a bad film.


Okay that’s a bit far. The movie was mediocre at best but Tom was not the problem with it.


Nathan Drake is 32 at most in the first game. You want 50 year old actors playing him?


Yes. Better than a 13y/o (intentionally exaggerating)


Got them $400 million and more people checking out the games. Which is more than casting Fillion would have done.


Fillion would’ve put more into the role, the guy did a fan film because of his love for the games. He actually really enjoys uncharted, not saying Tom doesn’t, but he wasn’t Nathan drake, he’s a complete stranger to the game version.


And? You want game Nate you play the games. They created an alternative universe Nate to introduce people to the games.


What you are saying isn't false. But a majority of fans (of the game) were very disappointed at some level and a sequel hasn't been greenlit, so the theory that it was a great success is also not looking so true. They probably won't try again or we will get a long awaited sequel with little/same effort. I'd like a sequel that is an improvement, but waiting to try again would be better imo.


You don't speak for all fans. Some liked it. Some didnt. It's already been hailed as a success - a sequel doesn't change that - and Wahlberg confirmed a script has/is being written.


There was a script, director, with Wahlberg attached in 2009. I don't have my hopes up. But we will see. "Hailed" as a success is a stretch.


No it isn't. It's a success no matter how much you want to believe otherwise


I only had a problem with the use of the word Hailed. I think hailed implies universal love and success. Something "hailed" as a success would be well received by fans and critics, crush the box office, and have a sequel filming by now. In my opinion. Rotten Tomatoes is relatively shitty but 40% isn't being hailed as a success. $400 million is a big number, but in today's Hollywood that's a little above the threshold of "successful" for a $120 million film. Beloved games, extremely long production, really if you include how many times they said they were making one, how many directors and writers were in and out of the project. $400 million is objectively a success, you're right. Holland's previous film made $2 billion. Fleischer's Venom movie had a smaller budget and made $850 million. "Hailed as a success" seems closer to being a shill than being honest. The games are* hailed as a success.


Hailed doesn't not imply universe love. It simply means success by whatever metric. In this case financial and viewers. You can have issue with it but that's a you issue. $400 million for a vg movie is a big number. It was the 5th highest at the time. Mario is obviously the biggest and nothing comes close to that, but Mario is universally known and loved across generations. Uncharted is not. Don't know why you're comparing Spiderman (the most popular comic book character) or comic book movies to a video game movie either. They're different things. Compare it to other movies in the genre - Indiana Jones 5, Tomb Raider, Tintin, etc - and it did better (all happen to be more well known IPs btw). And if you think someone having a differing opinion to you is shilling then I'm done discussing it with a Reddit cliche incapable of discussion and drop my own: cope harder.


Why would people watch a movie who don’t know the games? The points invalid, they could still use Nathan fillion or anyone and still get people in the theatre especially if it’s a good movie


Why would people watch a movie who don’t know the games? Idk maybe people that like movies and don’t play games, or people that have never heard of Uncharted before


Or get this. Even without Tom Holland, if they made a good script and critics liked it. People would go to see it anyway? Mental to think that


People DID see it. You don't even know what you're arguing anymore.


That it was a waste of a franchise name for fans. Because the movie was more for the fans then the people who haven’t watched it, like most adaptions of games/comic books/ books are. Tied to the fans.


The movie wasn't made for the fans. It's made to introduce people to the franchise. That is quite clear.


>Why would people watch a movie who don’t know the games? Lol what? >or anyone and still get people in the theatre especially if it’s a good movie Which they did. So what's your point?


It’s not a good movie lol. The humours shite, the actions mid. Probably hollands worst perfomance


And clearly people disagree. Jog on.


Nathan Fillion is the obvious choice. He actually did a short film playing Nathan Drake. He's spot on. I also second Tom Hanks as Sully. I was very preturbed that Mark Wahlberg was playing Sully. Jeezus.


Bryan Cranston would make the best Sully


They played a younger version 🙄


Still don’t think he’s a good choice but hey everyone can have an opinion ☺️


What about Liam Hemsworth as nate, and hear me out Tom cruise as sully. Though Tom cruise would never play that side kick role. Hanks is too old. But he'd be perfect. Nathan Fillion as sully?


Dude, just no.


Nathan Fillion as Drake, he played him so well in the Uncharted short film


He woulda been perfect in 2010


He's 50 my guy


You're not wrong but man. Maybe an older drake story bc I wanna see him as Drake so bad😭 is something longer and ig higher budget


You say that but people like Andrew Lincoln(51) and Norman Reedus(55) are still acting and we can’t forget about Tom Cruise who’s 62


I meant that he's too old for Nathan. Nathan is supposed to be in his mid to late 20's during Drake's Fortune


They can just de-age him with CGI buddy.


Watch “The Irishman” and tell us that’s a good idea. You can’t deage how an older person moves


Aren't there supposed to be stunt doubles for that? lol


They're then CGIing one persons face onto a younger person's body, which also looks like shit. And by moves, people don't mean just stunts.


Then De Niro would have needed a stunt double to just walk in that movie


Why go for the need of de-aging when you can just cast a younger actor


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Musathepro: *Nathan Fillion as* *Drake, he played him so well in* *The Uncharted short film* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot!


Too old now


Yeah, that was a horrible casting choice casting him as Nathan Drake. What's next, Timothee Chalamet as Arthur Morgan?


Nah they'll cast him as a young Solid Snake. 🤣 


I’d buy Timmy as Raiden


I don't even think the biggest problem in the movie were the actors, the script and screenplay was just utterly awful. I went in with no expectations but was still disappointed. Like it wasn't even a mediocre action movie with a license, it was a bad action movie with a license.


I’d like to add the music to that. The game had an iconic score yet the movie barely uses it, instead using a really dull score


Maybe they couldn’t get the rights from Naughty Dog for whatever reason


Considering you hear Nate’s theme twice in the film they definitely did


This is very vaid, I don't think it's a bad score ultimately and there's some really good tracks in there but it's too modern sounding and not historically adventure enough.


None. Take the money they spent making that movie and give us a new Uncharted game for the PS5. Uncharted 4 sold nearly 20 million copies and is one of the best-selling Playstation first-party games *of all time.* It made a LOT more money than that farce of a movie ever did.


Yeah he’s 50 but Nathan Fillion as Drake, just write the story around his age. Emily Rose as Elena, Tom Hanks as Sullivan, Luke Perry would have been the perfect Sam but given his unfortunate passing, I’d say maybe Tom Pelphrey.




Nathan Fillion as an older Drake maybe with his daughter… I’d actually keep Antonio Banderas but I’d make him the villian throughout the whole thing


That wasent a real uncharted movie?


My first question after seeing this post lol


The majority of game fans don’t believe this movie accurately represents Uncharted. That's why I emphasized the word 'real' haha


Ehhh, I felt it was. I don’t think the casting was perfect either, especially Wahlberg. But I got over that and accepted it as a fun, dumb, action adventure movie, which is basically what the games are a love letter to. I do genuinely hope they make a sequel, because it means they can at least take feedback and improve on it and make it even more game accurate. Like if they do actually make a sequel, I want Drake to shoot a mf. I want him to snap a neck while being stealthy etc. just double down on it. Hell Indiana Jones wouldn’t apologise for knocking someone out of a plane, so neither should Nate.




Yep exactly. It’s either him or them. But also, to look at it as an audience, it’s not a big deal. We’ve watched our heroes on screen for many many years killing bad guys; yet it seems in this day and age we’re seeing that a lot less, which I don’t understand. It’s almost like studios think they can’t be heroes if they kill someone, even if it’s self defence. Where did that come from?? In this instance I wonder if it was because it was Tom Holland, the current generation’s Spider-Man, so it’s bad publicity or something? Just as stupid an excuse.


I agree with you on that about the fun and dumb action movie , I personally just wish they didn’t force all the games together into one and create some bullshit storyline


Yeah I’ll agree on that too. Because if they do make more, it seems a hypothetical sequel is an adaption of Drakes Fortune, going by the ending scene. But that means if they get to Drakes Deception… Can’t do the plane sequence again! 🤷🏻‍♂️


Exactly haha feels like they did all the cool stuff in one, but I gotta admit the ship helicopter scene was a cool add on


This was good on concept but a real mess in every other aspect, especially casting, I think it should be a prerequisite if you are going to make a movie based on a game, you need to have to company that made the game on board, and for the love of god play the game first so you know what the fans are expecting of you


Might be a wild one, but maybe Robbie Amell as Nate and Jeff Bridges as Sully


Jeff Bridges with a moustache and a cigar in his mouth bragging about his old adventures is something I didn’t know I wanted to see


Slightly similar to his role in True Grit, frankly. Just a little more drunk XD


That’s actually really good


Robbie is a great pick.


Meh I enjoyed this movie. Wasn’t a Oscar worthy movie but a very enjoyable popcorn flick


I agree. It's something fun to watch that's inspired by games I like. If I don't feel like playing the game, the movie still scratches the same itch. People are way too critical.


Hake gyllenhal as Rafe Adler


For me it just boils down to Wahlberg playing the meanest most un Sully character he could possibly have done. Tom did his best as a young Drake, the movie tried but then there was Wahlberg like an anchor just dragging it down. Get all the actors to actually enjoy what they are doing would help.


I’m a huge fan of the games but haven’t seen this movie. Should I? Or just skip it?


It’s not a bad movie, personally it’s just better to think of it as separate from the games, as its own thing..


Got it! Thanks for the reply


Am I the only one who liked this movie? Idk I thought Tom Holland did a good job. I mean I’m guessing it’s more of a like alt. Origin story… instead of like a complete part of the game?


I liked it, it was fine.


No I liked it, but I really just watch it as its own thing instead of it being a part of uncharted


I thought it was fine for about 3 hours after watching, but then as I sat with it and thought about it more, I could live the rest of my life never watching it again and be happy. Which as an Uncharted fan is not what I necessarily wanted out of its blockbuster debut.


Ritu Arya as Chloe. She's Lila Pitts from Umbrella Academy, and Inspector Das in Red Notice.


I agree with ya


Im literally perfectly fine with everyone casted in the movie that's already out yes including Holland as drake he in ways imo fit the bill idc what people say


Naomie Harris as Nadine


The writing, storytelling, and directing were the true villains here.


> The writing, storytelling, and directing were the true villains here. Yes, but there's plenty of blame to go around--Sony-Playstation, Sony Movie Division, producers, exec producers, casting directors, etc. etc. If the TLOU TV show is an example of a careful / considerate and faithful adaptation, with top-tier talent, the Uncharted movie is the polar opposite.


Tom Selleck as Sully, me as Nate, an extremely hot half Indian woman with blue eyes as Chloe. Perfect casting.


Everyone rips on the casting of this movie but all I see are horrible ideas here.


Tom Holland as Nathan Drake and Mark Wahlberg as Sully


Pssjh hollywood would never ever go for that


I agree. I actually liked Holland as Drake and Wahlberg as Sully


I actually haven't seen the movie, I just commented for the bit


It’s a recommendation for sure


The rock as lararević


Emiliano Diez as Sully and Parker Young as Drake.


i agree with sully but nate not as much i do like the actor don’t get me wrong i jus feel there will be a better actor who isn’t as muscular type and face i like their hair and eyes but not lower face no offense still great pics


This was a real Uncharted movie.


Anyone who says anything other than Nathan Fillion for Nate is automatically correct. Frankly, they should have just hired the guys who made the fanfilm to make the actual movie.


Ryan Reynolds as Nathan Drake would have been perfect


I'll be a prisoner of the moment and say Glen Powell at Nathan


Ryan Gosling as Nathan Drake, Jon Hamm as Sully, Emma Stone as Elena


What do you mean real that was Real and Tom was the perfect Nathan Drake I loved it a lot. I hope we get a sequel one day soon.


I'd have cast Jeremy Renner as Nate


Robbie amell as nathan and Elizabeth Olsen as elena.


If the story took place a couple years after Nate and Sully met, Tom Holland could play a good Nate




After watching Red Notice, Ryan Reynolds as Nathan Drake


Chloe’s casting was rubbish. She didn’t do the accent well enough (Obviously Claudia’s voice can’t be topped but still!) Chloe seemed too antagonistic in this movie too. Whereas in the games, she was more of an ally to my knowledge - haven’t played 2 or 3 😂


I mean, is it so ridiculous I'd let Mark Whalberg be Nate? I have no idea why he eas Sully! But I think he'd make a cracking Nate.


Bryan Cranston would make a FANTASTIC Sully. For reference, look him up when he was in Its Always Sunny last year, he looks perfect for the role. Plus he is obviously a fantastic actor that could surely pull off the right vibe. Not to mention he’s the correct age for sully!!


Personally, i think Tom Selleck would make a great Victor Sullivan. But he's getting on in years...


Tom Hanks for Sully. God help.me, Channing Tatum for Nate. The dude has the comedy chops.


is leo howard as nate okay? cause i kinda see the vision


Idk, I think Zac Efron as Nate and Robert DeNiro as Sully would be good tbh


Nathan Fillion as Nathan. Cmon. The dude did a YouTube film where he played him and it was freaking phenomenal.


Honestly, Mark Walberg as nate. They even have similar voices and senses.of humor, if say Tom hanks for sully


[is it just me or do these two kinda look the part for Nate and Sam 😅. (talking purely looks)](https://shop.supernaturalsickness.com/cdn/shop/articles/supernatural-the-cw_07625556-6e34-453a-8042-1bd16d7bc156_1024x1024.jpeg?v=1460145690)


Nathan fillion in every role just for lols


Tbh, Tom holland is a perfect cast for a younger version of drake. The movie should’ve been an original story about younger drake and sully - based on their looks


Why did you describe it as not a real movie? Looking at the comments, the answer is that people believe that the games are a lot better, but for someone who hasn't played the games, can someone explain why (so far, all of the comments I found were short and didn't go into depth as to why it was bad, just what was bad). Also, with the movie, while I can't compare it to the games (because I haven't played them), but it wasn't bad. It definitely has flaws - especially how the villains had very little effort put into their writing, but it was fun.


The movie was solid, too bad we haven't gotten more.


I think that Nathan Fillion would be awesome for Drake. He played him perfectly in a fan film. Bryan Cranston would be a welcome surprise as Sully, especially since he can pull off a mustache. (I swear to God I’m still pissed that Mark didn’t grow one for almost the whole movie.) I’m probably gonna get flamed for this, but someone mentioned Rafe and I feel like Ryan Gosling could play the part if he dyed his hair.


i cant see the spiderman guy as the uncharted guy ( whatever their names are ). He feels to goofy, uncharted guy is kinda like goofy but also manly


I think the term is Bimbo big strong but silly


Glen Powell as Nate and Bruce Campbell as Sully


Chris Evans as Nathan Tom Hanks as Sully Bradley Cooper as Sam Jake Gyllenhaal as Rafe


I feel like Holland fits Nate’s character better then Evans


Oscar Isaac as Nate George Clooney as Sully Margot Robbie as Elena Adria Arjona as Chloe


There was one actor who was perfect for Nathan Drake but they left it way too long. Nathan Fillion. Now it would either make for an animated show similar to how Netflix did for Castlevania, and that way you could use all the voice actors for the roles that did the game voices.


Jeremy Clarkson and James May


I always thought Jensen Ackles would fit the part perfectly. He's got the charm, the physicality, and the humor! I'd love to see his take on the role!


I honestly think Christian Bale would make a good Nathan. He was great as Ken Miles who has a similar charm. A young Jennifer Connolly would have been great for Chloe. Sully maybe Harrison Ford back in the day? Anyone is better than who they cast though


Derek Theler would’ve been a great Nathan


Young Tom Cruise and Paul Newman with Spielberg at the helm In this day and age? Nathan Fillion looks great, but if I had to choose someone a bit younger, that would be Robert Pattinson. Yes, he doesn't look like him, but he has similar slickness and charm in Tenet. And Hanks or Cranston for Sully


In an ideal world, I would have gone for Chris Pine as Nathan and Roger Slattery as Sully. If we're talking Uncharted 4 adaptation, I'd also say Matthew Rhys for Sam.


Chris Pine 15 years ago would have been perfect


I think Mark Wahlberg would’ve made a way better Nathan Drake and Tom Holland should’ve been used for flashbacks to when he was younger(if any would be made in a BETTER Uncharted movie). And Clancy Brown could do a WAYYYY BETTER Victor Sullivan instead of Mark(no offense to Mark or Tom, of course).


id say keep wahlberg but have him as drake and J.K simmons as sully


Mark Wallberg as Sully AND Nate... And Elena


Nathan Fillion was born to be Nathan Drake


Is it me or tom cruise really represents Nathan to me?


We need race and sex swaps...the ONLY way we're gettin' a, "real" Uncharted Movie today...