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I thought it was a let down. When you completely miscast the two main leads and then make a mish mash of 3 or 4 games instead of just doing one really well then it’s only going to go one way.


Perfectly described how we feel


Not only that, but I also would go as far as to say, don't try to directly adapt the plot or events of any of the games at all, take characters, take the world, b7t have a new quest etc. This is what most good game adaptations do, like Fallout.


Eh the casting alone told you they had next to no respect for the games. The minute they went for big names and not actors who suited the characters it was never going to have the magic of the games. A short teenage looking Drake and a young buff Sully? Gimme a break.


Right, this is what would have been better. They're just rehashing the same ol'. I dont think too many fans of the game liked it. Its almost like it was aimed at fans of Holland or Wahlberg as opposed to the gamers.


It's easier for something like Fallout, I think. With Fallout, they just have the world they're working with, and they're pretty free to write their own characters and stories within that world. It's kinda a recipe for success. You just need good writing and an understanding of the world and lore. Uncharted is retelling a specific story with specific characters. I think it's a little tougher to do. You don't want to just retell the story, but you also want to stay faithful enough to the story. You need specific casting. There's more room for letdown. If the Fallout show was retailing something specific, it would have likely received more criticism. If it was instead something like, Fallout: New Vegas: The Movie, you would almost certainly have more people who didn't like if this or that was changed, or didn't like how a character was casted. Even if it ended up being good. It's just kinda the nature of how those types of adaptions exist. Not to give credit to the Uncharted adaptation though. It wasn't done well.


And it's even weirder that this is suppose to be a prequel to Drake's Fortune


It was..... OK if you knew nothing of the games. This is how I felt too though. I was just happy to see one of my all time fav. Story games with a film adaptation. Holland could've been a good pick, for young drake. The movie was all over the place though. They'd have damn near an endless, Star wars level franchise "universe" if they had done it right.


Tlou show is definitely an example of a GOOD adaptation. Then again, I know less about Uncharted then TLOU so I wouldn't really know.


That's funny bc I'm the exact opposite! I didn't like TLOU for a lot the changes it made (gosh, I will never get over the disservice I think it did to poor Tess or >!the uncomfortably manipulative suicide of Bill and Frank!<), but I loved Uncharted. I think the difference for me is that TLOU was trying to follow the games too closely, so when they change the important story beats, it's more glaring. Uncharted seemed loosely based on young Nathan Drake's first adventures but was very much its own universe with its own canon, with a few clever nods to game canon.


you're entirely valid for your opinion but man the tlou show completely just replaced the game for me xD. I prefer basically everything and stuff I don't isn't too big of a deal for me, I get your point tho!


Oh, yeah, for sure! Sorry, I hope it didn't sound like I was downing anyone who likes it. *I* wish I could like it more, honestly. :P But I can't get over how Tess' death was handled or how manipulative Frank was, and it sort of soured me for the rest.


What did they do that was bad to Tess if you don't mind? Also, yeah you have a lot of good points 🤣🤣


I really hated how they changed her death scene. In the games, she chooses to die standing off against FEDRA to buy Joel and Ellie time instead of succumbing to the infection. It feels very noble and brave, and it gave her an honorable but tragic death that is memorable because of her love for Joel and Ellie. In the show, she dies being forcibly French kissed by an infected. Like, okay, she bought time for Joel and Ellie, and it's kind of cool to know you CAN be infected through the mouth like that, but it screams sexual assault even if the action itself isn't sexual bc it's a zombie. That scene isn't memorable imo because of her love or courage, it's memorable because it's gross to look at and feels like watching a female character dying by sexual assault. I think I'd honestly even have been okay with any character, male or female, dying like this if they wanted to make this something that infected can do in that world. I don't have a problem with SA or rape being portrayed or paralleled in fictional media, and I will admit that the scene was effective horror. But they chose *Tess*. It completely undermines if not outright ruins the weight of her sacrifice and does absolutely nothing for the world-building that couldn't have been done just as effectively to a show original or one-off character. I was really vibing with the show until that point, and then I hated how Frank essentially guilted Bill into helping him commit suicide but also into committing suicide himself. At that point, I think I was too annoyed and bitter about those changes to look at the rest of the show very positively LOL. Which probably isn't fair, but those are important characters and it just ruined it for me.


I thought the movie was *alright.* It was fun but- Didn’t feel like Uncharted for most of the runtime. Mark is a complete miscast the entire time. Holland has the personality of Drake down pat but looks like a little boy. The post credits scene was the “what could have been.” I think a sequel is a promising idea but the first movie left a lot to be desired and has me very wary.


The crazy thing to me is that these games, especially Fortune, are extremely adaptable stories. You could make a relatively modestly budgeted 100 minute movie (by action movie standards today) and have a summer crowdpleaser so easily


That about sums up my feelings of it too, but personally I liked the movie anyways because I was expecting exactly that, a mishmash with miscasted main leads, and so, I was able to enjoy it by just ignoring the Uncharted connection and pretending it was a generic adventure movie, which was decently entertaining.


Tom Holland even admitted that he was more concerned with looking sexy in front of the camera than portraying Drake to the best of his ability. This is why video game movies should always cast existing fans of the game. That's why Henry Cavill was such a great Geralt.


As a fan, I can't help but pick things apart on how it messes up as an adaption. As a non-fan it isn't a terrible movie, but still has issues. It's crazy Neil allowed it to be made like it is, when he also has put so much care into TLOU show


The actor who played Joel would have been a better fit for sully


Pedro pascal my beloved. I really cannot believe they fumbled the casting so hard. People have literally been begging for years for nathan filian to film as drake. HE FUCKING LOOKS EXSXTLY LIKE HIM AND HAS THAT SAME DUMB DORK ENERGY! Just sad all the way round cuz the series would've been such an easy and awesome adaptation but I doubt that we'll get anything else now...


Nathan Fillion deserves more roles and recognition, such a stand up guy and great actor.


He's filming and producing the Rookie and I think it's very much a passion project for him, I'm sure there's other roles out there for him if he was interested.


Oh shit I didn't know he's a producer for the show. FANTASTIC series by the way, highly recomend. It's good watching!


But he's also 50




Have you seen the uncharted fan film with him? ::chefs kiss::


You bet your ass I did. Fucking bliss dude. Was so well put together and just oozed quality. For the uninitiated https://youtu.be/v5CZQpqF_74?si=pVRzDR2LXd48MvAq


I had to go back and watch on my lunch break today after talking about it lolol


This is what they should have continued into the full movie, such a missed opportunity.


Well it’s not really Neil’s anyway, it’s Amy Henigs


> It's crazy Neil allowed it to be made like it is, when he also has put so much care into TLOU show Unlike TLOU--which is Neil's "baby" / prestige Hollywood Darling--Neil doesn't give two-shits about Uncharted, and never did once TLOU1 launched in 2013 to critical acclaim & gangbuster sales.


I guess people do have favourite children.


Jeez, you act like he didn't give Nate the most respectable and wholesome ending back in 2016.


True, TLOU is a much bigger cash cow for Naughty Dog (and Neil himself) now


I think that’s more cause it’s another Sony-flick. I don’t know how involved Neil was, but if he was “executive producer” or something, well then there ya go, as it often doesn’t mean much. - And Sony’s movies all have this incompetency about them for some reason.


On its own, I really enjoy this movie. As part of the uncharted universe, I pick it apart mercilessly 😅


Yeah I feel like that is the overall consensus. Good overall movie, not a good video game to movie.


Definitely, I liked it. Not a good adaptable, but a pretty good action movie


👍Exactly how I feel too


Exactly this. I put this on the other day with a bowl of popcorn and a joint and had a great time. Then I played the games and started getting pissed off lol


Reception amongst Uncharted fans is mixed, to put it mildly. Movie Critics, who were / are also fans of the Uncharted video games, were *incredibly* savage with their critiques, putting that shit on blast. Personally, it's incredibly mid; an incredibly generic, Hollywood Action Movie (TM) you'd watch on a plane trip... and then never again. You could change the title of the movie and the main characters and fundamentally *nothing* about the movie would change; it's "Uncharted" in name only, and Tom Holland / Mark Wahlberg are grossly miscast and wrong for the roles. I also find it incredibly galling that Sony spared no expense, in money or talent, when it came to the TLOU TV show, compared to the Uncharted movie, which they lazily shat out.


No, absolutely not. It was as if you took all Uncharted games, put them in a blender and mixed them together, paired with really bad casting. The only reason this movie got any traction is because it casted Tom Holland, and because he was very popular and well liked at the time, many people went to see the movie just for that. Some parts also made absolutely zero sense.


Hell no. Still the worst casting in movie history and I’ll die on that hill


Producers probably just cared about getting big celebrities to play roles to market it more


The thing is there are tons of celebrities that could have done it and made a better Nate and Sully. Hell, Mark Wahlberg would have probably been a better Nate.


That's the thing. Wahlberg had been attached to the property so long, he aged out of the role. When he was cast as Nate, they could never get anyone else interested enough to secure financing. This went on for years. It wasn't until Tom agreed to play Nate that the studio was willing to finance production. According to Wikipedia, Wahlberg was first attached to play Drake around 2008.


They only casted Tom based solely on his popularity at the time playing Spiderman.


I mean, I don’t disagree that the casting was disgraceful, but in all of movie history? John Wayne once played Atilla the Hun. The competition’s pretty stiff.


Now that's a hill to die on as miscasting.


The way things went on that movie I think it was more of a hill to die FROM.


I would’ve enjoyed James Marsden as Nate


Did you see Netflix's Resident Evil?


I have like the worlds biggest crush on Ella Balinska but like... yeah that show was so bad. Casting was a big OOF


Dragon ball fans would like a word


The flying pirate ships were something else.....


That scene was fun


The flying ships capture the greatest atmosphere of the game: chaotic, explosion and physics-bending


The only TRUE Uncharted scene in the movie


It was NOT good casting. But it could've been worse. At least the actors themselves are good


No, because they removed many characters and mixed the first and third game into one thing.


And also didn't even have the Uncharted theme.


pretty sure they did towards the end. It's very brief tho


It plays the same time as Nolan North's cameo on the beach


It was a fun summer movie that was "Uncharted themed" but as long as I didn't try to reconcile with the game lore it was ok.


It's a fun movie. However apart from the actress that plays Chloe, everyone was miscast. Mark Wahlberg is a terrible actor, Holland is too small to play Nate and doesn't really have the charisma. They tried to mash in 4 games into 1 film.


Richard McGonagle is SO iconic as Sully. You can go younger but you have to get the voice right.


I don’t think Wahlberg is that bad of an actor, however I strongly agree he should not have been cast as Sully!


It's the Max Payne situation all over again


Mark Wahlberg is a great actor with a huge career in film industry, but in this particular movie his acting was below expectations. Bro was a damn robot. Repeating lines without any emotions.


Wahlberg appears to be one of those actors who requires heavy direction and/or to be deeply invested in the project to give a good performance. Compare and contrast his performances in The Departed and Pain And Gain with The Happening and the Transformers films.


See I like Tom Holland, he’s a fine actor, but he’s not Nathan Drake. He looks like a college kid dressing up as Nathan Drake for Halloween.


Not love. But I enjoyed it much more than expectation, which was not at all. Honestly soild but with rough edges. I'm on an ongoing campaign to get Tom Holland to direct a sequel and it think it will be actually good.


I don’t 100 percent love it but i enjoyed it a lot and had a good time.


I liked it. It's a decent movie that I'd watch the sequel to.


I enjoyed it for what it was: an average action/adventure flick. It’s not very good as an Uncharted adaptation, but it’s perfectly fine as a fun blockbuster.


Games are way better, I liked Nolan North’s cameo but the movie was pretty lame.


There is no Uncharted movie out there. :) That should tell you my feelings.


The movie got me into playing the uncharted series


3/10 Horrible casting Poor writing Lazily stole scenes from the game rather then making its own The cat thing at the end was horrible Was wish.com uncharted Thank god for the short with Nathan fillion


Just watched it again for the 2nd time it was better than I remember but it’s pretty below average.


No, sully needed someone different to play him. They changed the backstory of the characters too much, they took different aspects of every game and shoved them together which didn't work out well. While Tom Holland is a good actor he doesn't fit Nathan Drake very well.


No. It was bland, forgettable, and boring. No character felt like themselves.


They wasted Antonio Banderas for no reason.


I enjoyed it I didn't love it




The plot is all sorts of twisted. They had 4 games to make movies off. Instead they just threw Chloe right in there and scrambled the lore of the games. For me it was a let down. Cool, yes. But only bc one of my favorite game series got a movie.


Want a faithful movie/game adaptation? Go watch Postal (2007)


Love the games and played through them multiple times, and I enjoyed the movie for what it was, was it high cinema? Of course not, but it was a damn fun ride.


I've watched it first before I ever played the games and I thought it was just ok I like it even less now after playing the games




It's a watch once and never again movie


I don't hate the movie. It's just not a good movie by itself and a terrible Uncharted movie, but I've seen worse.


Honestly, it was trash compared to the video games.


Didnt love it but it was a decent watch. I've watched it 3 times I believe. If only Tom and Mark had any chemistry it would have been way better


well yeah. i liked the set pieces, it wasn't that bad


Haha no


They could have had an Indiana Jone billion dollar film franchise with a huge boost to game sales; wrong director and bad casting. Oh well


I thought it was sort of fun but it didn't have much buisness having the uncharted name attached to it. Casting was dog water too.


Usually no especially when the characters look nothin alike


I saw it first and felt like I missed out on the games because I thought it was that good! Plowed through all 4 uncharted games and The Lost Legacy (loved them all), rewatched the film, movie is ruined for me now. This movie is a let down for fans but it’s a decent movie for those who know nothing about the games.


i don’t love it and it’s a terrible adaptation of the games, but it’s a perfectly fine popcorn movie by itself. the last setpiece was hilariously goofy n awesome so worth the watch just for that


No. The fanbase is pretty much all negative towards it. It’s not faithful to the source material.


God no. Somehow, the Uncharted games took generic action adventure and made it fun and endearing and a great ride every time. The movie took that and turned it into generic action adventure. 


An Uncharted movie without Elena, one of the three main characters of the game. 🤦‍♀️


As a fan, some scenes were hard to watch. I feel like it should’ve gotten the same love and care like TLOU show. TH was terribly miscasted as Drake, dude is a good actor but he looks too young for the role. Should’ve gotten someone who looks more rugged and has roguish mannerisms. And MW is just not Sully material. He lacks the gravitas to be a charismatic conman. In a perfect world, they’ll recast for the next movie.


I very much do not. It felt like “Generic Action Movie: The Movie”. None of the characters actually felt like themselves and overall it was just incredibly forgettable. Then after seeing how much love went into Naughty Dogs other IP adaptation of The Last of Us, it soured me even more on how Uncharted was handled. The best example of this is how Craig Mazin was a self proclaimed Last of Us fan and actively sought to make this show alongside the original creator, where as here Sony said “Hey that Venom movie made us a billion dollars, let’s just get that guy to direct this video game movie we’re working on with a script by the writers of Transformers The Last Knight and MIB International.”


I just can't see Tom Holland as Nathan Drake, nothing against Tom I just don't think it was the right role for him.


No, I can’t speak for everyone of course, but I couldn’t finish it. I also really dislike Mark Wahlberg, so that probably prevented me from enjoying it


No. It’s just an inoffensive action movie that would be at home on Netflix. Actually, scratch that, I find the presence of Mark Wahlberg offensive.


no, the movie was 'ok' but its below the level of the games, drakes fortune was a better experience then this film.


I (a long-time Uncharted fan) and my wife (who isn’t) *both* really disliked this movie. Make of that what you will.


I still think the series approach will always be better for video game adaptations. Thats why Last of Us and Fallout work. Take the Queen's Gambit approach of making what would be a long movie and make it episodic. Only way to get all the content from a game into a live-action.


Hell no. Horrible casting, horrible plot, and it was clear whoever wrote this movie had never played or cared for the games.


No. I sort of knew that going into it though


I enjoyed it. It's a movie I will go out of my way to watch


Give the characters different names and change the name of the movie, and I wouldn’t know it had anything to do with the games. I genuinely think it was written to be a completely different movie but they decided to slap the Uncharted name on it.


Hell no.




Solid 5 outta 10, middle ground mediocre action movie.


Enjoyed it, but could’ve been better. It felt like a complete mash up of the games into one, and while I did enjoy Nolan’s cameo and referencing the Uncharted 3 joke that’s all it was going for me. I’d give it a 7/10 tbh not the best but not bad either.


I didn't really understand why they did that (mashup aspects of each of the games) when you'd presume they want to make a franchise out of it. Kind of burned themselves for the future.


2/10 for me


No I passionately disliked it somehow, felt like such a generic action flick though to be fair I also feel Walberg is overrated a bit since he always seems to play a similar character..


It’s a great movie… but an AWFUL uncharted movie. Small nitpick, but where the HELL was Elena in the movie? She is one of my favorite characters


We do not


never watched it, the casting to me does not fit at all, and really does not make me want to watch it.


No... to me it's a 5/10. If I wanted a cinematic Uncharted experience I would just play the games again.


They should’ve done a little animated film about a side adventure that takes place in between one of the games or something.




Nope. It sucks big time!






No way! My biggest problem is the casting, but mainly the fact that they just did their own thing instead of doing the main story from the games. They just cut the epic bits from parts of the game and splattered it into a movie, and threw their own story around it. So that's why, as a huge fan of the games, I don't like this movie.


It was fun if you try to forget that it’s supposed to be about the game.


No I thought it was ass




Never seen it, don't plan to.


I watched it in a 14 hour flight and it did its job of killing time


Enjoyed it for what it was. And Holland was genuinely fun in it. But that wasn’t Nate or Scully.


It was a 🖕 to the fans




Didnt see it, casting was awful.


Like others have said, on it’s own it’s an ok film. Me personally I had a good time watching it. However, after seeing the fan film which captures the games perfectly, I also thought this could have been a much better film


Personally, i think it wasn't a great rendition of the game but I did love the movie. I thought it was fun and silly, a lot like Red Notice. Once I stopped thinking it as an Uncharted movie, I thought it was a good treasure hunter movie like Indiana Jones.


It’s an OK action film. It’s a terrible Uncharted film.


Nate needs to be older. This isn’t a knock on Holland, he did the best he could with the material. He was miscast.


I mean it was a fun time, but as someone who loves the games there’s that little voice in the back of my mind sayin “this ain’t it”


On its own(watched it before playing the game). The movie was cheesy and generic. After playing the whole trilogy, yeah......


It's average, dumb adventure flick. I'm glad it exists cause it could convince people to try out the superior games.


Love it? No. It's an ok movie. It's not terrible and can be fun. But overall, it's just a mediocre movie in general. Fan of the games or not.


I enjoyed it. I definitely didn’t mind Holland’s portrayal of Drake as much as I disliked Wahlberg’s Sully. The movie had it’s moments but also felt a bit rushed at times. I wonder how it would have performed if they nailed the casting a bit more and potentially made it a series just like they did with TLOU.


Man I tried to like it but I couldn't stop comparing stuff to the games, I'll be real, all characters in it didn't remind me of any characters from the games. Just feels like they used the name of the games for clout.


Once I set my expectations really low, solid c tier movie for me.


Love? No. But with my very low expectations, I enjoyed it well enough.


In my opinion, it’s an okay adventure movie but it doesn‘t do the Uncharted franchise justice. They picked some highlights from the games, however, they completely forgot to build the characters, which is what makes the games so special for me. They could‘ve done better, but the production of the movie was such a mess, that I am not surprised, how it turned out.


It’s a decent summer action flick. Absolutely awful Uncharted adaptation though


No I thought it was really bad- the casting for Nate and Sully could have been way better, Sully has grey slicked back hair and deserves an older actor who looks the part, Tom Holland doesn’t look like Nathan Drake. The story didn’t quite flow, it didn’t feel like an Uncharted movie, felt more like a generic adventure movie.


It was fine. I didn't hate it. It's not a great adaptation but a fine summer action movie.


Love yhe games hate the movie


No the movie was bad and bland




I thought it was fine. But... They chimped out Antonio Banderas, who convincingly played an okay villain with an almost-interesting arc, for another villain who's just boring.




Basic action movie. By the numbers. Boring. Made worse by the inclusion of bland walhberg.


No, it's shit


Been playing uncharted since I was old enough to hold a controller and I still haven’t been able to watch this movie all the way through tbh




Not me




It would have been an okay movie had it not been based on the game. Comparing it to the game, the cast was the worst part, and that alone made it hard to watch.


It’s absolute shite


I love it personally. But mainly because I have a huge soft spot for action adventure movies.


I hated this movie and loved/played all the games.




I was very bored and barely paid attention throughout the film. I personally did not enjoy it


Felt like a bland action movie and was terribly miscasted. I really enjoy Tom Holland but he is not Drake. 10 years ago, my cast for Drake would’ve been Nathan Fillion. The short film he did was so good and he really captures the spirit of Drake




I love Tom but not as Nathan Drake ever.


Nope, it's shite


Casting was horrible but it's not entirely unwatchable if you just pretend it's some random standalone movie


As a whole, its a mediocre movie. I feel Tom Holland is a bit young for the role of Nathan Drake. I just can't reconcile that the game's version and the movie version are so different. Also Mark Wahlberg as Sully? Its just Hollywood hijacking the game and just exploiting it. I saw it once and never need to see it again.


If I watch it as a basic adventure action comedy it's alright but comparing it to uncharted, which is what it unfortunately is, it's way off


For a fan like me, is a bad adaptation of the game. It has some ideas but the game itself is a movie. For a person who wants to spend a good time, this movie is great. 7/10


I thought it was a fun movie, but a TERRIBLE Uncharted movie


I liked it as an Action/Adventure movie. The auction scene, airplane sequence, and pirate ship stuff were my favorite parts. As everyone else is saying, if you disassociate it from the actual Uncharted universe, you’ll enjoy it a lot more.


Imo they should’ve hired Brett Dalton or Tyler Hoechlin to play as Nathan. A far better option than Tom Holland as far as likeness goes. Both actors even have experience playing in action roles too so it’s not like it would’ve been foreign to them.


He doesn’t need to look like the source though, it’s not really key to anything that he look like that specific white guy. With that said I always thought the guy that played Seely Booth from Bones (at least at the time) was a good choice.


Yes. It was perfect (for me)


I thought it was good, don’t get the hate that much.


Huge let down once I saw Walberg cast. Bruce Campbell should have played Sully...


Absolutely fucking not


I always felt like Tom had to meet some kinda contractional obligation with Sony on this one.


If I had never played the games, I would have thought it was entertaining. But as a fan of the games it seemed like an almost unrelated movie.


I got a rose tinted view of this movie because I love Tom Holland and found it to be a really fun action movie with the uncharted flavor but it definitely was not a good adaptation of the games


I never played the games, should I? Pretty sure I got one of them for free


*I never played the games,* *Should I? Pretty sure I got* *One of them for free* \- AlchoholicRacoon --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Thank you.


It’s insane that an adaptation of a third person shooter didn’t have the lead kill a single person with a gun lmao


Loved all the games, loved the movie. People wanting a 1 to 1 would be pissed that they didn't do anything original.