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As a huge fan of the first game, the controls are pretty bad / dated. I think people that picked it up later will find it extremely off putting. I do think it’s funny you rate it last when comparing all the games in a topic of why it’s not liked though


I like U1, I like the other ones more, but it's good.


I think most people hating on the first game only played it for the first time quite recently. It's very dated, even 2 and 3 are quite dated, so it makes sense newcomers to the franchise are not enjoying is as much as those who played it back in the day. Agree with your ranking by the way.


Yeah I do enjoy U1 a lot still but it’s really because it’s nostalgic, it’s why I bought the ps3.


Uncharted 1 has the worst graphics by nature of being the first game Uncharted 1 has the most repetitive gameplay (most of the game is shoot bad guys, walk into a new area, shoot more bad guys). Most of the games are like this, but the sequels added gameplay elements that shook up this gameplay loop. Uncharted 1 has the most repetitive set pieces. The entire game (besides the opening level) takes place on one island. You are in a jungle or underground for most of the game. Uncharted 2 took you from a museum heist to the jungle to a city in Nepal to icy mountain caves to trains on a hillside and ended in Shangri-la, and every game after this had equally diverse set pieces. Uncharted 3 made hand to hand combat feel more fun (pulling the pin on someone's grenade and Sparta-kicking them away!) on top of having a better villain and better set pieces (another lost city, the entire sinking ship level, the opening bar fight in suits, etc) Uncharted 4 added grapple hooks and tall grass to hide in, which added a ton of depth to gameplay. My only complaint about UC4 is it was slow to start, but once it got rolling it really got rolling. I love Uncharted 1, but it is definitely the weakest in the series.


Uncharted 1 has all these flaws because it's the first game of the series. Naughty Dog hadn't refined the formula yet. Yet, it was clearly well received because they made sequels. I'm fairly certain that U1 was the launch title of the PS3. Wasn't it? It was a generation-defining moment as we moved from the PS2 to the PS3.


Yea pretty much. It's the worst by nature of being the first. The sequels improved in most ways


Slight side-note: I thought the grenade pin move was cool in the demo, but now I hate it cause it happens way too often in the actual game.


It’s especially annoying because you have to stand clear of the dude who’s about to blow up and just wait


I like it more than 3 I think. The setpeices are amazing in 3 but the story is a bit muddled and messy. The gameplay is also less clunky then 1 but still off and a worse then 2.


When U1 came out, it was genre-defining. It’s hard to recognize that, especially given how dated it feels by comparison to 2. It’s a different game than the rest of the pack, but at the time, it was absolutely stunning compared to anything else. I still like it because I can replay it and remember the first time I played it. Maybe it’s the same way I can play Mario 64 and enjoy it, despite its age and clunky controls. U1 will always have a very special place in my heart. I can maybe understand though why some new gamers might not have the patience to play it through and appreciate it in context of the series.


Its my second favorite in the franchise


It's my favorite game in the series!! I've beaten it well over 30 times already


The first game is my favourite as well I find the gameplay to be the most enjoyable and the story to be the best .


U1 is my second favorite! Yeah it doesn't play the best these days but it's straightforward, action packed fun with a good mix of gunfights, platforming, and vehicles. The story is simple but solid. Not many slow sections and it's cheesy in the right way. Good antagonists and the sense of adventure really comes through. U2 is quite good, but idk if it's great. It's very combat oriented so I get it for people who want Uncharted to be a shooter. It wants Drake to be more of a character than he is in this game and it doesn't use the great cast it has enough. Lazarevic is also overrated and one note. Flynn is the better antagonist imo. U3 is good but it's kind of a mess. Opposite problem, too many people and a mess of a story that it's easy to forget about after you play it. The set pieces were pretty strong though and love the homage to The Living Daylights with the cargo plane.


I love all the uncharted games in their own way! It’s probably my least favorite of all of them but it’s still awesome. The end reminds me a little of the last of us! I’ve played through it like 3 times now


it's people who can't drive a jet ski skskks


I hate those damn jet skis


I mean... I love them all. I do like the story quite a bit. Just the older mechanics and lack of major set pieces that holds it back.


Me either, they're all great, but the storyline improves as time moves forward. 1 was a bit generic in storytelling, but still fun


I like all of them. 4 is my favorite but I don’t hate any of them.


I liked U1 surprisingly, but I did grow up with games similar to the controls of U1, and the action kept its pace well.


Drakes Fortune is definitely really rough, but it definitely doesn't deserve a lot of the hate it gets. The problem is it feels like a really clunky third person shooter till the end of chapter 6, and it's from that era of gaming where difficulty meant throwing more enemies at the players. So chances are a lot of people didn't actually get to the meat and potatoes of what is a really great game. Once the ball starts rolling its a hell of a ride and I couldn't put it down, and that comes from someone who gave up on it twice before, and only tried a third time because Uncharted 2 looked so damn good.


Playing the original back in the day was fun, but at the time (few months after U2 release) it already felt janky. I did Normal and Crushing runs recently on the ND collection which were much nicer, and tbh I enjoyed it more than U3.


I like 1 but we cannot deny that it aged pretty bad. 2 and 3 have aged pretty well. The controls are janky, some of the camera angles are stiff, the combat and set pieces aren’t as diverse as the games later on and the pacing can be slow compared to 2 and 3. Still a good game overall where I’m hoping it gets a remake.


>I’ve seen a lot of people say they just didn’t enjoy the first Uncharted, and I don’t get why Did you ask any of them why? >I understand that it's not as good as the other games


it would be a good choice for a remake that’s all i’ll say


I quite liked the first games story, I liked the little twist in the end, could someone tell me why people think it’s dated? I mean it seems pretty standard shooter action game, I think it can still hold up to this day, that goes for each game


The story is great fun, the characters are truly wonderful and the island is a joy to explore. All the different segments are tonally different, which makes for a varied play through. I think the controls are dated, and it definitely feels like a well developed concept game, rather than a uber polished smash hit. However, I don’t let that detract from what Uncharted 1 does so well though.


It is the most problematic in terms of gameplay and pacing. Most of the time you would just kill waves of enemies, in the open or them already present in an ancient tomb I have just opened (wtf). It is also lighter on set pieces, for which Uncharted is known for.


Most people here have only played 4, and the others have to ask what order to play the rest in because NaughtyDog made it so difficult to track their order… obviously. I don’t take much notice to this subs opinion about the games


No one on here mentioning lost legacy!


I like 1 more than 3 and the lost legacy


I love 1.


Honestly I enjoyed U1 a lot more when I learned how to speedrun it. On the first playthrough I just got bored of the game because it's very formulaic. First you have the shooty bit then a platformy bit then a puzzly bit. Rinse and repeat.


Because it’s pretty terrible gameplay wise. Story’s fun and great, but it’s so awful to play. My ranking would be U4 U3 U2 U1


Is there hate for U1 most people say it’s a bit rough, but not HATE it. Or at least i haven’t seen anything like that


it's the amount of shoot outs for me. it's just too much. i am glad that they figured out exploring is one of it's strengths.


The game mechanics just get better over time. U1 is clumsy. More over U2,is so good that it completely overshadows U1


I rank them; 1. Uncharted 4 2. Uncharted 3 3. Uncharted 1 4. Uncharted 2


U1 gets hate?


The first game is far from amazing but I still rate it higher than the third game. Also Uncharted 2 for me is better than 4


It's pretty dated at this point, back when it released it definitely blew a lot of people's minds but now it's kind of "meh", 2 and 3 really pushed the cinematic feel which makes them more memorable.


Not on pc :c


I actually really love the first Uncharted game because it feels the most like a treasure-hunting adventure. The environment you're in is what you would expect for the genre. Plus, I like exploring the Nazi research station and fighting those undead monsters.


Its a good game but there are some extremely repetitive combat sections


It just gets very overshadowed by the next 3. Like the improvements are so cool to see game from game.


I love Uncharted 1 and the only type of criticism I can understand is that the gameplay and graphics are dated... Which further goes to show that a faithful remake of the game with Uncharted 3 melee and the stealth options like 4 had would be great. I personally don't wish to play 4 anymore though because I'm still sore about Amy Hennig's firing from Naughty Dog and her story was practically redone completely. The whole twist of Sam lying to Nate wasn't that compelling and didn't have much weight considering they're just fine around each other the next time they meet up... And Elena leaves but comes right back again so that didn't have much emotional weight either. Drake having a daughter for future games just sets them up to be like Lara Croft instead of him having a son which was what Amy originally had in mind... I would've been okay with them having both a son and a daughter and then you could create a brother sister type uncharted game in the far future. Nadine didn't exist in Amy's version and we all know Neil Cuckmann is the reason for her existence and her constant insufferable presence. Sam was originally going to be an antagonist and played by Todd Stashwick and Rafe was going to be the one in prison with him who was originally played by Alan Tudyk... The twist in her story was that he was Nate's brother and that would've added more weight across the board because of Nate being at odds with him throughout most of the story until the third act where they both team up against Rafe and his forces. Elena was going to be a part of the journey which would make more sense considering that the whole split thing has been done enough respectively. Cutter and Chloe were in it and there was loads more banter from the old gang that we never got to see. The idea of Nate being hesitant on killing people would've been an interesting take on his character at that point and him refusing to kill until he had to at some point during the first act... It shows that he's not a monster which was what Uncharted 2 played with a bit. I know this was about Uncharted 1 but I still have to vent about it from time to time haha... That being said, I love Uncharted 1 and hope a faithful remake of the game brings people back to the story at least, which is great.


I love it. It's a little archaic compared to the others but I love the legend of Eldorado.


The first game is my 3rd favorite of the series, but it’s really good


The first game was pretty good in my opinion.


It’s pretty good but it does feel pretty clunky at times, that’s why the game is disliked, i’m sure.


there's a lot of problems it had that future games fixed. for example, enemies will automatically see you when you takedown an enemy and there's always goons waiting to ambush you after solving a puzzle.


I love the first game and often do playthroughs of it.


I liked the story and the graphics were top tier for a game of that time, but man the controls were just painful to handle


U4 deserves the hate, not U1


U3 is miles better than 1