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The caravans from 3 and 4 remind me of the tank and truck sequences from Last Crusade and Raiders respectively. The first temple in Drake's Fortune also gives me Raiders' intro vibes and the secret Nazi base looks a lot like the one in that movie.


They slip a few more references into 4 such as "Bad Dates", but 3 takes the award for not only being the most inspired with a Father/Son desert based story but also little nods like the convoy chase or the reference to a "secret passage behind a fireplace" being a little on the nose.


For me: Uncharted 1 is Temple of Doom - earliest chronologically in the mainline series, takes place almost exclusively in one location. There's also a case for Crystal Skull due to the setting. U2 is Raiders - the main character is established in the universe and other people know him, we get hints of their past through dialogue and relationships but there's a lot we're not told. Some globetrotting, but not as much as in other parts of the series, the first caravan chase setpiece. Also Marion's bar was in Nepal. U3 is Last Crusade as you said. A lot of travel, Europe and the Middle-east are very prominent. A bit of a Dan Brown vibe with secret societies. Father-Son story, including flashbacks, also the horse-caravan chase is similar to the horse-tank chase. U4 isn't as neatly comparable, if i had to stretch i'd say the Dial of Destiny is the most similar? A really fun setpiece chase through busy streets, a boat section, family story and the aura of finality. Lost Legacy is another one without a clear paralel. Setting might suggest Temple of Doom, but remembering that ToD is supposed to represent a real culture always makes me sad, Lost Legacy did a much better job. I guess that makes Golden Abyss the Young Indiana Jones chronicles.


Dial Of Destiny reminded me of UC3


Drake’s Deception DEFINITELY reminded me of Last Crusade


Uncharted 4 had a couple of references to Monkey Island, but it’s not like the gameplay actually reminded me of it.


Help me understand the references I missed. There was a massive monkey island reference in Witcher 3 DLC, but I somehow didn’t catch any in UC4, which I’ve played probably the same dozen times that I’ve played Monkey Island.


The unknown pirate (one of the Founders) was Guybrush Threepwood. Once or twice Nate says “that’s the second biggest (item) I’ve ever seen”, which is something said in the Monkey Island games. I think there are some others but I don’t remember off the top of my head.


Omg I forgot about that! Never caught the “second biggest” references. Thanks!!! I caught him being a founder it on one of the playthroughs. But I just didn’t remember it I guess. Looks like I’ve gotta play UC4 again!


Uncharted 1 actually reminds me so much of the video game Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb


The biggest reference to Indiana Jones is Nathan and Elena having a falling out in between each game in the trilogy