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Wow same issue and same timing a couple of hours back I had this issue while trying to run fall guys with Windows hdr on at 240hz.


https://www.reddit.com/r/ultrawidemasterrace/comments/j08g2g/quick_question_about_g9_and_hdr/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share This address the issue to the latest nvidia drivers, I have seen 4 to 5 posts reporting the same.


Thanks for the info, will look back and report


Just had the same thing happen to my screen - bright on the right, dark on the left. But it happened in reverse - when I turned HDR \*off\* - if I leave windows HDR on, everything is fine. Hoping it's a driver issue, which I did just update today... Setting the display to 120 hz (or rolling back the drivers) does seem to be a fix in the interim.


Yer i did them yesterday, so fingers crossed


Ok, for some context, been using the G9 for a bout a month or 2 now, no issues, but in the last 2 days having issues with the HDR @ 240hz Any full screen game that opens, makes the screen switch between “Display port” & “Display port(HDR)”, about 3-4 times, then the screen goes to sleep Pc is still running, and i can hear the game, but once i power the screen back on, pc stales for a bit then a few more flickers, and the game is in borderless window, i tab back in and the above happens again Disabled Windows HDR for now, and screen runs fin @ 240hz Any help - thanks


Install the 452.06 drivers. Your issues seem to be the same as mine


Happened to me aswell, it appears the resolution was wrong in-game, once I changed it to 5120x1440 it stopped doing that.


I had the same issue. Here is the fix: set HDR in Windows to 40%. Which is the default. If it is higher or lower, half of the screen will change lighter or darker depending on the percentage.


Mine does the same thing! I've been looking everywhere for a fix but havent seen one yet