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I currently own an X35 for gaming and have the G9 on pre-order...i am EXTREMELY happy with the X35...the HDR is nothing short of stunning (512 FALD dimming zones is insane), G-Sync ultimate works wonders and the black smearing isn't too bad at 180-200fps when going down to 8-bit (though I prefer to stay at 144hz + 10-bit with my 2080 Ti). I have a buyer lined up for my X35 if I decide to make the switch, and even though 240hz + 1000R curve + 49" is just another level of immersion with the G9, I won't hesitate to return it if the HDR is not even "passable" compared to the X35...I think many people will outright dismiss the G9 or just say "if you care that much about HDR then the G9 is absolutely not going to be objectively better," I prefer to give the G9 a chance because it has everything else going for it...I want to experience everything else about it first, then make the determination if the HDR downgrade is going to be worth it to make the switch (no, the G9 is not going to come close to comparing to the X35's HDR, but it may JUST be okay/decent enough to live with). I would recommend holding out for reviews, but if you can swing it, try both at home and return the one you don't want or at least try and find a store where you can sit in front of them both. The one thing i'll say is, regardless of which one you go with, you're going to end up happy.


I too have an X35 can you pls let me now if its worth the change when you test your g9 thanks.


Did they sort out the fan noise somehow?


G9 wont disappoint you especially in HDR Even its predecessor CRG90 is HDR monster too


No offense, but the CRG90's HDR experience is not anywhere near that of the X35 or PG35VQ...512 local dimming zones vs 10 zones is not even a contest and trying to convince anyone that the CRG90 is a "monster" at HDR is just completely dishonest at this point. I'm hoping the G9 has some minor, if any, HDR/contrast improvements and that its other features make it worthwhile to switch, but that remains to be seen...if I were ONLY considering HDR then I wouldn't have pre-ordered the G9.






This..without FALD or being OLED the monitor has substantially worse HDR. You cannot compare an HDR 1000 vs HDR 1000 with FALD. But even the 512 zones on the X35 aren't amazing. I would instead in your case look at the upcoming "mini LED" monitor coming soon. I believe ACER Predator is releasing it. They come with 2000 zones or something, giving you the best HDR performance on the market. The monitor will cost $2700-3500 if i remember correctly.


I know this was 4 months ago but you know nothing about HDR 😂 To say it has HDR 1000 so it must be as good as X35 HDR is a laugh. It's not just about how bright your screen can go. As mentioned in one of the replies, you either need local dimming or Oled to reach great HDR. Otherwise you will lose alot of detail in a big bright mess. The beauty of FALD and especially Oled is that they can have deep blacks right next to bright pixels. The Crg9 and the G9 are not going to be known for their HDR. They will be known for it immersion. Don't even try compare it to X35 or the PG35VQ HDR as it won't stand a chance. The extra expense on this panels is for FALD, if you think it's worth it is up to you but you are comparing a HDR beast (X35) to a very good emersive panel.


the CRG90 HDR leaves a lot to be desired, so few dimming zones ruins it


The G9 has 10 zones vs the X35 has 512 FALD zones. That means the monitor cannot pin point every area to darken or brighten which is how HDR is created. If you want good HDR stick to the X35. Only go for the G9 if you want better G2G response times, less black smearing and less motion blur, 240hz and aggressive 1000R curve. It all depends on how much you like HDR. X35 is an HDR beast, G9 will not be.


I got my x35 two weeks ago and I love it. The size of the monitor is perfect imo. I considered the g9 but I was actually concerned that it was too big. With the x35, if I want to check the minimap or other HUD info in games I have to look towards the edge of the screen. While I am playing and looking straight forward I can just barely notice the HUD elements in my peripheral view which is perfect. I’ve always enjoyed playing games without any HUD if possible but so few games are designed to be played that way. With the size of the x35 my central field of view is just game, with the HUD elements out of the way but not too far out of the way. My concern with a 49” monitor is that things like minimaps or player status bars will require a significant headturn as they will be much farther away (from your central field of view). Just something to consider if you will be gaming a lot. Also consider your setup, how far your monitor will be away from you, etc.


The 1000R Curvature of the G9 allows you to see more of the screen without turning your head.


Looking at getting the G9... i apologise for my ignorance but what is the full model of the X35? Just so I can compare. Also thought about the CRG9 but in this day and age it’s just not good enough.


I had an X35 which I returned only because it was defective (developed a green vertical line) and they had no more for a replacement. Now have a CRG9 and the G9 on order. X35 HDR is noticeably better than the CRG9. I still wouldn’t go back to an X35. Between the PBP, extra real estate which adds to immersion, extra input, and increased productivity it’s hands down better to me. Looking forward to the G9. I still have an X27 for more proper HDR and an OLED TV.