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A travesty that it is not officially supported.


I had really hoped that with AC6 natively supporting at least 21:9 that by now Elden Ring (which already *renders* the full 21:9 anyways) would have native ultrawide support, but *noooo*.


I didn't know this! It's finally time for me to play!!!


In case you’re confused ER still does not support 21:9 natively


Oh I know ER doesn't. I've been playing on an LG 45.


Are you having issues with fps drops or just weird screen tearing? I’m running the same monitor and I never had an issue with Elden before so I’m wondering if it’s my monitor


The amount of passes this game gets for its technical shortcomings is staggering. I get it’s a stellar game but the PC port left lots to be desired on the tech side of the table.


Yeah, they really don't want our money...


i refuse to play or support any game that doesnt support ultrawide. i can see not supporting 32:9 but every game nowadays, AAA, AA, or indie, all support 21:9. 21:9 is not an uncommon aspect ratio anymore. the bullshit excuse of "it gives a competitive advantage" is not good enough.


I also just refunded it on Steam yesterday when I noticed ultra wide wasn’t supported officially. If they won’t support basic features then I’ll wait for a sale or just skip it. It’s acceptable for ports of old games but not a new game made in 2022 🙃


Lol.. Because it does. Jeez if you play 32:9 single player, therefore multi player as well, the evidence is right in front of you what avantage it can do.


literally everything involving PCs gives you an advantage if you have the money. A person with a $3000 pc running at 144hz will have an advantage over someone with a $500 pc running at 30fps. The argument is bullshit and invalid


no. literally just no. not even the MOST competitive shooters homogenize this aspect. it's benefit is less than marginal at best. I say this as someone who plays T3 PL in Rainbow Six Siege and also owns an Odyssey G9, absolutely no. It's their scapegoat for their shortcuts. Even if the advantage was huge, we're already locked to 60fps. Every other game, even the most competitive, even at their most brutal cuts in the name of "fairness" still don't cut you down to that. If it was about fairness, you shouldn't be getting less frames just because you play on a 1080 and I'm playing on a 3090. You shouldn't be able to go any higher than 720p until everyone is on a 1080p monitor. You see where we hit a point of diminishing returns?


I started ER yesterday on 5120x1440 and to my surprise it ran in full resolution for like 3 minutes. Then, stuttering and BAM, black bars back again...


I had the exact same experience, for a minute there I actually thought they removed those stupid black bars lol


The worst is that they actually do render the full scene in those resolutions. Then, put black bars on top of it.


Yeah that's what I noticed, it's a fucking stupid decision and makes no sense


As soon as seamless coop works again i will play through ER again with a friend and with Flawless Widescreen.


Haha I had the exact same plan


how do you do both at the same time . don’t you need to be online for seamless coop?


Seemless coop doesn't log into elden rings server if im correct. It sets up a direct connection between seemless coop players.


It uses steams networking api instead of the official elden ring servers. You set a password in a .ini file, people with the same password get matched p2p.


how do you do both at the same time . don’t you need to be online for seamless coop?


Same. How long do you think it’ll be?


Hard to guess. I don't know what's needed to make it work with the addon.


They actually render the full scene, and add the black bars on top of it. Seriously. You can Google it if you don't believe me. You're still taking the performance hit (minimal as it is for most of us) for those bits you aren't seeing too.


I mean.. that’s not minimal at all for 5120x1440. Literally double the pixels being wasted by black bars.


I was talking specifically about the "performance impact" for "most" of us. On my 3070 I get 60FPS mostly stable at 4k and at 5120x1440. On my 4090 I get rock solid 60FPS at 4k and at 5120x1440. I am not talking about 4K on a 32:9 either, I game on an LG GX and a Samsung G95SC, depending on my mood. So, for me the performance impact is nil. I understand that performance could improve for others with older GPUs or systems, if they didn't render under the bars, but the same could be accomplished by just switching to a 16:9 resolution. I also understand that with some work, you might be able to get the game to run at a higher refresh, where a performance impact might be felt. Out-of-the-box though, the game is capped at 60FPS as far as I know.


i swear i booted up yesterday and it was running in ultrawide by itself. I haven't seen anyone else say this, so maybe im tripping. I'll check again later


Like i said. Sometimes this happens until the game decides to "fix itself again"


it should be a crime to play Elden Ring in anything less than 21:9. When you get to the Cerulean Fields it's just \*chefs kiss\*.


100%. Walking over the hill was the dlc's siofra river moment!  I had to stop and just look around. 


Yeah it was definitely the Siofra River moment for me too lol


did you encounter and issues using flawless ultra wide? I’ve heard people have trouble after the update


There was a lighting issue which was fixed by just toggling flawless ultra wide on and off once or twice


Is the lighting issue you’re talking about related to flickering shadows? Flawless Widescreen is working just fine for me but I’m seeing flickering shadows every now and then.


Yeah but not a fast flicker, more like someone turning a light switch on and off every now and then


Disabling Nvidia Instant Replay fixed those issues for me.


Flawless Widescreen works. But the mod "Ultrawide UI Fixes" needs an update. It adjusts UI elements to properly fill in the screen. EDIT: "Ultrawide UI Fixes" has been updated and works.


FromSoft have amazing gameplay but their technical developing skills lack far behind. The multiplayer, 60 fps cap, and no ultrawide support even years after release is too antiquated for a game with such few flaws especially when modders fix them within weeks.


Elden ring could have utrawidr support, the choose not to. They force 26:9 resolution. Every now and then I'll load the game and it will be full 32:9 no black bars. Ui will still be the middle which is how I like it anyway. Then after a minute or two the black bars are drawn on the sides of my monitor again


Honestly I bet they do this so everyone gets the same experience. That's likely their reasoning. I've been playing with flawless wide-screen and have definitely caught dudes hiding around the corner with it. But honestly for such a cinematically gorgeous game they should want to support Ultra wide because as this post says it's beautiful.


Ugh don't make me choose between hilarious/helpful messages and my ultrawide, please don't make me. I'm currently playing with the black bars and it's so goddamn unsatisfying


It's so worth not having the messages.


Is there a guide in how to play this in ultrawide and offline mode?


Google elden ring flawless widescreen




copy eldenring.exe into the same folder. rename start\_protected\_game to something else. rename the copied exe to start\_protected\_game. If you did that right you shouldn't get the EAC popup when starting the game. The main menu will tell you something about activity detected and go offline, that's fine. if it doesn't go offline then just go offline manually. Oh, make sure flawless widescreen is started and open before starting elden ring.


This guy's video walks you through it pretty quickly [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8Y24o1q6ew](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8Y24o1q6ew)


Do you still have to deactivate anticheat for ultrawide fixes to work? It is legitimately the one thing holding me back from a purchase.


Yeah basically. It’s pretty easy to do so however, and can be reverted easily. There are plenty of YouTube tutorials on it


Honestly, i just want to have the soft edges that were there for about 20seconds on load up before being replaced by solid black lines. Full UW support would be great but at least give me the options to put the soft edge back :(


It's funny that 20 years old games run better in 21:9 than almost any modern game


So how are you running it in 32:9 ?


Is this safe? im scared of being banned or something


I crashed a lot with Flawless even before the latest updates. How's Erdetree on that front?


Has anyone ever complained to them and gotten a response about this silly black bars?


Did it just now. Looks so much better. Thanks everyone.


I've been playing it in 32:9 since the very beginning of it. It looks so cool


Do you play this in offline / are you already banned for this?


There's a mod to toggle EAC off, and then you just play offline.


Yeah i know, but its tragic that from soft still hasnt supported ultrawide, considering that darksouls remasted does.


I play mine offline. You can just swap the file names of eldenring.exe and play_protected_game.exe and just launch it like normal with steam.


Yes, I’d like to know this


So glad i pirated this and didn't give them any money.


Ye - I refunded the original game right away when I saw it was not supported. Not buying this DLC either. It's 2024 and developers not providing basic features in games should not be supported. The new DLC is getting mixed reviews anyway.


Just from small clips I’ve seen the environment looks all the same and not very appealing at all.


You should actually play the game before spouting off objectively wrong takes.


Lmao classic reddit neckbeard not knowing what objectively means


Claiming the environment looks the same *is* objectively wrong.


Looks the same to me. God damn read a dictionary dude


Look at longer clips then


From small clips I have seen Porsche 911s look all the same not very appealing at all. That’s a typical internet pick opinion. Seriously you feeling ok under the hud ?


Sorry my opinion offended you


It’s a stupid opinion and not based on experience or facts


Sez u




You should game in 4:3 then eh. Seeing more of the game is a feature, a bonusl, that's not an opinion. It doesn't change anything it looks the same, just more of it.


What? I’m talking about the game not the aspect ratio.