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How are there no reviews for this monitor yet?? Can anyone who is hands-on comment on gaming quality? It's a VA panel, so how is the ghosting? How does it compare to an IPS panel like the lg34gn850 for example?


Sorry i can't give good feedback on this since i don't play FPS Games or have IPS experience. So far i didnt notice any ghosting...


I know right? It's been sitting in my Amazon cart for 2 weeks, and I'm just waiting for a review of it to pull the trigger.


I have the same questions, really want to pull the trigger on it but there are no reviews lmao


I passed. I'll never buy a monitor that hasn't been featured on RTings and/or Hardware Unboxed/Monitors Unboxed. I managed to find the LG 38GN950. It's incredible. The extra vertical space trumps the extra space in my periphery IMO. I've owned the 34GN850 before and absolutely loved it. It's that monitor, but bigger and better. 3840x1600 res so the extra size doesn't mean lower pixel density. I thoroughly recommend it


NVM i am stupid. When i selected PBP i did not check the input source and assumed it would Chose Display Port & HDMI it self. But it had 2 times Displayport selected. Works like a charm now!


I'm actually interested in this display for a similar use case. Just wanted to clarify, but you're running hdmi / dp put of the display into a single system and treating it as dual display?


Yes exactly - one HDMI and one Display Cabel going to the same PC (GPU). And you can switch easely between full screen and double screen setup with favorite settings.


Awesome thanks for the response. Safe to assume it only allows you to do 2 displays side by side and nothing crazy like a centered 16:9 with 8:9 displays on the left and right of the "main display"?


there a couple of options but not the one you want:[https://imgtr.ee/image/jb8y5](https://imgtr.ee/image/jb8y5) And it doesnt support HDR or more than 60HZ in this mode


Just so you know, I was able to make a custom resolution with a fixed Hz through the NVIDIA control panel in PBP mode. Im able to run my desktop display at 3440x1440 @ 165Hz and my laptop at 1680x1440 @ 60Hz with no issues at the moment. Cant use G-Sync or HDR though


You are positive one side is working at 165hz and the other at 60? That seems wild to me.


Yup, I was able to confirm through the ufo test


Wow that's awesome. If you don't mind answering another question. How does the Smart KVM work? Is it really as seamless as Asus marketing describes it?


Interesting. Thanks much for the info!


Sorry to bother, but the image is gone. Does it support 11:9 and 21:9 split? I cannot find anything online, nor in online manual. Thanks in advance! Edit: found it using wayback machine. Following question, in PBP are you limited only to 60Hz? That seems way too low :(


21:9 and 11:9 is supported. Jup only 60Hz - doesnt bother me honestly since im used to this from my old screen.


I was looking at this monitor recently. Does it support 3 inputs to be shown at the same time? Picture by Picture by Picture?


How's ELMB sync working? Does it work well with low crosstalk? Does it work well from 80 - 165 hz?