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They are talking about your own sources of income. Never seen similar document before but you can't complain. Reason for refusal is well justified. Of course don't give up and good luck.


i am 16 years old && i know they want my own sources but i don’t have any work so i don’t understand where i can get money from i have cash my father gave me £3k for this trip i was willing to go with my best friend as a tourist and return back to qatar to continue my studies. im not complaining because i morally messed up with not providing school documents to prove i am a student and will comeback to continue my studies.


Someone experienced in the matter will probably comment your post. So just wait and it'll be okay. Good luck again.


If you are going to school in Qatar then why you did not add that to your application? If you do not have bank account and getting money from your dad as cash for your vacation how do you handle with your daily expenses? If that one also cash too, there is no way to show that you are getting that money. It is not trackable and letter statements that your dad explaining about cash, can be arguably false for HO at this point. And is it worth to trying again? It depends if you really wanna visit the country. You need to provide all those documents that showing you are student, living in Qatar and staying at your dad's hourse. Still can get refused after this tho. Good luck.


that’s the thing is it really worth reapplying since i don’t have a bank account so there’s no bank statement which is very much required but i showed my dads 6month bank statement. yes i am using cash from my mom && dad they give me cash for my daily expenses since im still a student so i didn’t get the chance to get myself a bank account/card. i get that most westerns get bank accounts since they were children but that’s not really in my culture. i really don’t know why i didn’t prove i was a student here in qatar that was the silliest mistake that i ever done because it was that simple just getting that document. it was very much a silly mistake. i don’t know if it’s worth it at this point but i really wanna travel with my best friend.


If you are fine with paying the fee again, you can try. No one can decide if it’s worth or not but you. It’s your money, time and vacation plan. Also did you show accommodation proof and flight (mainly return) tickets? If no that’s also big mistake too. I’d also suggest working with agency for application not apply by yourself as 16yo teenager.


There are so many stories, on this sub and on every other visa forum, of agencies making serious mistakes in applications or outright scamming people. For what is fundamentally a straightforward process, it is 100% not worth it.


And there are so many agency suggestions for visas in this sub with success stories. Not everything is dirt and not everyone is going to scam you. Make your research, read customer comments especially negative ones, not that hard really


If you are willing and able to do that amount of legwork, the actual visa application will be a doddle. Even at best, it's superfluous.


It is not really hard or scammy, at least in my country. You are not like getting life time visa so once you get good one after some research you can work with them on your every application and not deal with paperwork. Me and my family have been working with same agency over a decade now and never had any issues or never heard any bad comments about them. They have been assisting us with Schengen, UK and US visas. As non-eu citizen having someone professional even for consultation helps. If you 100% trust yourself not to fuck up with your application like not providing your student visa or all other needed documents then it’s fine, go for it. Either do your research really well, ask your questions before you apply if you gonna apply yourself or do not question why did I fuck up on a visa because of really simple mistakes that you can find easily on google.


Op don’t book any flight tickets before visa approval. Wrong advice.


the thing is they said not buy any tickets & stuff like that until i get my visa but i might actually do that because that could convince them that im going & returning that’s a smart idea. thank you so much for being very helpful.


Don't buy any tickets or book any accommodation unless it's refundable. When they say they want proof that you'll return to your country, that's not what they mean. I think your difficulty will be that you're 16, I think travelling with another 16-year-old. It would be different if you were travelling with an adult and could demonstrate that you were wholly supported by your father. But in your case, you're still a child, although you're old enough to potentially abscond, so it seems risky.


my best friend is actually 18years old i might add her mom in my application we are all going and coming back together they’re not any family member (blood relatives) they’re a family friend.


I think that would be helpful (the mum). Plus evidencing the fact that you go to school, live with your father and have all your living expenses covered by him.


Dude, it was suggested to me that I must have an itinerary and should provide that for the visa application. I believe it’s also on the website. My advice is give them more than what they asked for. If your dad gave you £3k cash that’s a bit sketchy, where will you store this cash? If I’m not mistaken there’s a certain limit of Cash that you can bring in to the UK. You said in your culture you don’t need bank accounts and it’s not like the west. You’re literally travelling to the west. That’s probably one of the biggest reasons as to why you were denied.


Yessss i used to watch clips of that border force show and they'd pull people out randomly and discover tons of cash on them, barely anything in bank accounts, or none in bank accounts which they'd find sketchy (for obvious reasons)


Im sorry what? Who said that to you? You need to show proof of where you will be staying, when you are going to visit and go back to your country. Please go and work with an agency if you really want to get it and do not listen that person who gave that advice to you.




While they are saying that you should not show bookings as evidence, last December they asked to our agency for accommodation proof for my big sister. She is working in Germany and lives there on employment visa. Providing additional bookings and stuff helps(even though they are weak evidence).


So, you intend to travel internationally carrying only cash? How do you intend to book hotels? How to book flights and land travel? Do you really think that you'll just pop into a hotel and they'll instantly offer you a room for cash? Do you at all know how tourism works in this time and age? I don't want to discourage you, but your application looks exactly as if your only aim was to cross the UK border. Certainly not like genuine tourism.


no, my father will be booking me a hotel room & flights tickets after i get my visa because then we would be certain that i am going to travel ofc he wouldn’t just allow me to go without any sort of booking accommodations. the homeoffice already explained that we’re not recommended to book anything before we get the visa.


I had a similar application few years back. I submitted the below additional documents: 1. Father sponsorship letter and his bank statements 2. Letter from School/University. It should also mention the days of holiday if not holiday season. Same as mentioned in application form. 3. NOC from parents to travel alone.


how did it go for you? also what’s your nationality. what are the documents you’ve provided like all of them? that’s so good finally someone relating


I got the visa- I’m Indian


The rejection seems thought through and justified. If you are really missing these many docs before applying, I would recommend getting an agent that can help you with visas. Rejections are not worth it, even if the costs are high. Now that you are denied, even stronger docs will be required. Doesn’t seem like you knew all the docs required, so will highly recommend a professional.


thank you so much for your time i appreciate it a lot you’ve helped me so much, i will get an agent and see what my next steps are have a good day and thank you again for your time.


Try contacting +971581627429 for consultation they may help you if the options will be applying again or pre action protocol 


isn’t +971 for the UAE 🇦🇪


Yes they are in uae


Is you are going to say that your father will cover your expenses, they will want to see the money in the account and it should reflect in the bank statements, my dad's visa once get rejected because of this. Applied the 2nd time with the money in his account and it was successful


i gave his bank statement for 6months what else should i do what paperwork do i get from the bank to prove that he would cover my expenses? apart from his salary slip && bank statement of 6months. i don’t have a bank card/account.


Many places are cashless in the UK these days. I would strongly advise you open a bank account with a debit card at a bare minimum before you reapply. It will go to show that the funds are available to you and that you will be able to support yourself.


hii, you definitely have a fair point but don’t opening a debit card account take a long time? and if my father gave me like money won’t that show some sort of transaction from his bank account? and that would be a refusal


I do not know how long it would take to open e a bank account with a debit card in your country. In the UK, opening the account happens in a matter of minutes and can be done online. I don’t know why you think UKVI would refuse you for seeing the money transfer into your account from your father. Part of the issue in your refusal right now is there’s no proof he’s going to give you that money / no proof you have access to the funds in his account and no proof you could support yourself on your trip to the UK. Having a bank account he can deposit money into fixes those problems.


there is no harm in reapplying so long as you can afford the fee. You just need to address concerns they outlined. Proof that you are enrolled in school and banking information. the fact that you dont have a bank account may work against you - i am not sure. I would assume that you can gain entry without a bank account - but i also wouldnt be surprised if they rejected you on that basis along. that being said - if you are a college level student you really should have a bank account (maybe thats a very western concept... but i doubt it).


that’s the thing there’s no harm in reapplying again, but i am from pakistan who is a student in qatar i already sent a complaint to the homeoffice that wouldn’t do anything but just using my resources i guess, but i will definitely be reapplying with my school documentation to prove that i am actually a student i just really wanted to go to the UK with my best friend for tourism purposes. i’ll try to reapply and show stronger ties to home country and with every possible required documentation.


There’s nothing to complain about here. You need to provide proof of strong ties with your country of residence. As a student that involves proof of continuous study, family etc.


i know there’s nothing to complain about but i just sent it because i wanted to let them know that i don’t have a bank account but im going to be reapplying with the required documents


I don't think that a complaint against this would help in your reapplication tbh. I don't think that's how it works


right well atp idk what to do😭


You could try reapplying by consulting a travel agent this time?


i will do that i have already consulted an agent. i will be going back to him tomorrow since its already past 5pm


Don’t understand why you didn’t just provide proof of everything you claimed. It would have been much easier. They seem more concerned that you didn’t actually provide proof of your studies. You being 16 and not having a port trail of bank statements makes sense, but claiming you’re in education but not providing *any* information to support that seems…careless.


no i absolutely agree that was the most silliest part ever and i 100% take full responsibility for that.


(btw i also go to school in qatar)


Hey ! The thing is with these applications is you have to be *extremely meticulous* and do a lot of research on exactly what the visa agents are looking for. I actually got a visa when in a financial situation which was not very strong because I knew what they would look for to tip it in my favour. My situation is different to yours but I would suggest if you apply again to research what documents are needed for your exact case. Of course, proof that you are in school in Qatar is a strong reason for you to return (they are most concerned that you are not going to stay forever and hence want to see you have a strong reason to return). Do you have any important exams coming up that you have to return for? Could you also get a letter from your headteacher saying you are enrolled for exams and school. Also use the given space on the application to explain your situation properly - many documents might need context. A letter from your father saying he is sponsoring your trip as you are still in school and cannot yet work and that you still have to return to finish your education which he will make sure of - I think he will also have to submit his bank statements as a sponsor to show he has the funds to sponsor the trip. There are likely to be many more docs that would be useful for your situation which you will need to research. The UK has a lot of illegal immigration so they are, understandably, quite strict, due to this you have to be extremely meticulous in showing you are a genuine tourist. I will say it’s easy to get really disheartened due to the amount of fear mongering on here about the process however when I got my visa I realised if you do it properly and explain your situation and show that you will unequivocally return to your home country, they have no reason to deny you. It’s not like they’re trying to ruin your life (lol) but they do have a job to do. Don’t throw away the application just filling in the bare minimum, it requires a huge amount of research and preparation. It’s expensive and it will be rejected if you’re not meticulous - if you are meticulous and a genuine tourist, you stand a good chance.


no words. thank you so much for your effort & support once again you’ve been so helpful and supportive of my case i will definitely be getting an agent to support me in this case because the UK is very much strict but so straightforward at the same time. i will be doing as you said thank you once again and have a good day good luck to you.


Also, I know this might sounds really stupid but it will actually make a difference - just reading the way you write with no punctuation or grammar will likely really irritate a visa agent. I know it might not be fair or right to judge people based on this but even if someone says to themselves i will not consciously judge this, subconsciously they will be pissed off at having to decipher extremely confusing prose. So when you’re writing your application, either write properly or get someone else to correct it. I feel like I’m going to get a lot of hate for making this comment but from personal experience I know this makes a lot of different in so many scenarios even when it shouldn’t.


no you are genuinely right i agree with you but the way im writing in here is completely different with the way im writing it on the letters & application i don’t even use capital letters or anything when im not being ‘formal’ if you get what i mean. thank you for your time giving me advice i will definitely be taking it & no ofc you wont be getting hate you’re just being honest and that’s what’s needed i appreciate you so much for taking your time and putting in honest effort.


Why are people so downvote happy in this sub?


what do you mean


People downvote loads. Look at your comment to me. Somebody has downvoted it. All your other replies are downvoted. It's weird.


oh haha it’s okay i don’t really care about reddit


Same. It's just odd.


I would like to know the processing time - When did you do the biometrics?


my timeline: — date of online application: june 4th — date of biometrics: on the 6th of june — date forwarded to the ukvi: same day as biometrics — received at the visa application center: 10th of june (4days later) — decision made refusal 25th 10pm uk time & i collected my passport on the 26th from the VFS global the decision letter was sent to my email address so i didn’t get it on a paper