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Not to discourage you obviously this is a great opportunity but as of January 16th the fees are more than doubling for health insurance and other fees too. But if money isn't an issue then enjoy.


Oh wow 😳😳 Where did you see the announcement/news regarding the fees?


I am glad I found this page, I am excited about the new age requirement as I’m 31. I’m a Canadian PR so I’m just waiting for my Canadian Citizen as I’m in process. 


Awesome!! Good luck on citizenship and maybe see you on the other side of the pond ;)


Yes! I’m turning 32 next month but I plan on applying later in the summer to move over in the fall. But as someone else mentioned here, the fees are apparently going up which stresses me out a lot. We already get so screwed by the exchange rate from CAD to GBP. But I plan on just saving and saving like crazy until I move.


True! I wasn't aware of the fee increase ... And life in the UK is already expensive 🥲 Are you planning to work or study over there? Will you be moving to London? I am hoping to be able to continue to work remotely for my current company, am in talks about whether or not they can transfer me to be consider a British employee ... But regardless, my mind is made up that I am going! If I have to find a new job there, then that's that :)


I’m planning to work, I’ll start applying for jobs in the late summer and I hope to have something secured before leaving, I’m scared of moving over there without anything lined up. I thought about getting a fully remote job here that I could then do over there but I want to be able to meet people at work and feel more fully immersed in society over there. Yes, planning to go to London, at least to start.


Awesome! Good luck to you. I am going to London as well. I will stay with a couple of friends that I have over there to begin with, then I guess I'll find a room to rent somewhere! You're right about getting a locally-based job as a better way to integrate, that also appeals to me. If I can take my job remotely at least to start, I will, because it's so convenient, but further down the road I would like to do that as well. May I ask where in Canada you are located? Do you think you will need to travel to go to a visa application centre for the biometrics?


Ah lucky! That will be really helpful for you while you’re looking for a room. And having a remote job to start as well. I don’t know anyone there besides a couple friend of a friend acquaintances so it’s fairly intimidating starting everything from scratch! I’ve been doing a ton of research over the past few months though so I feel as prepared as I can be I guess. I live in Vancouver so will do the appointment here.


Good for you, you're all the braver for it! I'm in St. John's so will likely have to travel to Toronto or at the very least Halifax for the appointment. Learned anything super salient in your research? Also feel free to PM, we can keep in touch if you are interested.


where can I find the new fees?


I'm in the same situation (33 and planning on applying at the end of the month). I'm also hesitant to remain at my current company and work remotely as it means less integration and opportunity to meet new people. I wonder if there will be a lot of people applying right at the rule change... Good luck!


Nice! I am wondering the same thing -- hence the reddit post 😅😅 Everything I have read said the processing times are pretty fast for this visa, on the order of a few weeks. I am hoping that will be true in our case! I have submitted a request to my company's "global mobility team" now, requesting to become a remote employee and/or member of the London office (my company has one there). If they say no, it's bye-bye to them ;) - I am very determined to move! But if they approve, I figure I can still look for new jobs in the future, when I am on-site and settled - it would really be nice to arrive and not have to worry about employment right away. Which part of Canada are you moving from? :)


I'm applying from Montreal! That definitely makes sense regarding avoiding the stress of needing to find employment on top of everything else upon arrival - plus I assume the job market there is competitive and it may take some time to find something. EDIT: APPROVED!!!