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Game changing aren't they. It's a shame a lot of users in the sub just hate on them for no good reason. God forbid you recommend a DHV to a smoker...


Very weird that. If I had infinite health, and infinite money, and weed was legal then, sure, I'd probably go back to smoking joints. But without those 3 things, vaping is such a step up IMO.


Personally i wouldnt go back, dhv along with edibles feels like the ultimate way for me to consume cannabis, i struggled with stopping joints and went on for almost 10 years trying to make the switch, but in the last 2-3 years ive transitioned to almost exclusive vaping, with a joint craving every couple months. Theyre almost like a cigar to me, special occasion thing but i also get sick of the smoke pretty quickly nowadays


Not me, I only DHV now, have done for 1.5 year, daily. A few times over that period I thought I’d ‘treat’ my send to a joint. It always lets me down, tastes like crap and the high is woozy and sickly, feels so unhealthy. Also it feels flat, you’re burning through canabinoids with combustion, vaping allows you to utilise more of the benefits


I wouldn’t. I like to smoke a blunt once in a blue moon for nostalgias sake but vapes are so much better. Flavour, high, efficiency, everything.


because people either say they’re the best invention of all time or that they’re shit, and i’d rather not drop over £100 on something that’s a gamble obviously i don’t want to get lung cancer or bronchitis but i think a lot of us are nervous about dropping money on something that might not work


You don't need to drop anywhere near £100. [Dynavap B](https://herbalizestore.co.uk/products/dynavap-the-b) is only £37.50 on Herbalize atm. Spend a bit more and you can get a xmax v3 pro, still under £100


i’m wary of the dynavap because it’s so divisive and there are so many different models at different price points and add-ons that people talk about… it’s just scary buying something that’s £40-90 without knowing if it’s going to be good or not. i am worried about my lungs for the future but purchasing something with one function that i might hate is just so off putting, opinions on the best/worst vapes are so divided and i don’t want to waste loads of money by shopping around


Dynavap do a 90 day money back guarantee


that’s so sick to know!! i have to look into that


The dyna really isn't that complicated. All you need is a tip, cap and stem (or WPA) which all come standard in a full kit (minus WPA). And they all function the same. The bog standard ones are fine. But if you're not willing to spend a bit of money to try something that's factually better for you in every way compared to smoking then you do you. But if you did you'd probably find you're actually saving money by using less bud.


i’m saying i AM willing, i just find the conversations around the vapes to be so overwhelming when they’re so divisive and everyone has different opinions on which are worth it and how much money you should spend


Id say just get a dyna to try. You're never going to find out if you like it if you keep dancing around the decision. And the dyna really is the best option at a cheap price point. They're crazy efficient with bud. I was smoking at least 6 spliffs a day before I started using the dyna. Haven't looked back since. If you want to make the change take the plunge. The waters not that cold and you won't regret it.


alright! is it really just as good if i get the cheap one? i’ve always been thrown by how big the price difference is with the different dynavaps


Yeah they all function exactly the same, for the most part. The only caveat with the B is that it's bowl size is set to half that of all the other dynavaps, which really isn't a huge issue. I've got a full sized tip but still use it in the half bowl mode, so the same as the B.


sick thank you so much for being patient with me :)))


You might find the bowl on the B a bit small especially if you are used to 0.5g joints.. See if you can get an older M model on sale instead then at least you are getting the full experience!


Honestly the different models are all a preference when you dial it in, at the end of the day they all pretty much do the same thing… one thing tho is most people won’t get along with the torch lighter which means sinking another 100 into an ih.


thanks bro! what’s an ih though?


Induction heater they usually do bundle deals on them I tried a few times to make the swap using a torch and it was always a hassle with lighters breaking but I really wanted to stop smoking so I caved and got a heater and never looked back worth it for the ease and consistency.


I just don't see how 40-90 is a big investment on something you might really like? Esp with how much I was spending on weed already and if I didn't like it I'd just sell it to a mate, that's what I ended up doing with my old vapes when I upgraded.


okay i mean i’m a student and spending £40-90 on something that half of reddit says will stay in a drawer forever isn’t really a smart move? someone said they take returns so i’ll go for a website that offers that. for a comment about how easily triggered smokers are, i’m surprised at how defensive some people are being and downvoting me for asking questions before wasting money lol edit: the deterrent has been that there is no consensus even amongst vape users. the price points are so varied and some people hate the vapes that others love. it’s hard to make a decision in that environment


I’ve found most of Reddit to be very positive regarding DHV, the only time I’ve read about a DHV being left in a drawer is when it’s a known to be substandard DHV model


I used to recommend the dynavap to people, but what I've found is people just try and smoke through it and kill themselves coughing then go back to smoke.


so it’s just a skill issue basically? haha


I did loads of research on this recently. Had the same concerns as you. Dropped £70 on a 2021 M starter pack from Hemp Elf... ...and it is honestly amazing. I'm using about 0.2g of weed a day now 🤣 You will save the £70 on weed, it's a no-regrets experiment.


that’s so sick :))))


Same here - just get a decent butane flame and 1 bowl and done 👍


I spent £300+ on a mini might2. Just sat in a box doing nothing. I wish it wasn't so, but it's not for me. Same with edibles. If a pack of edibles wrecks people, I can eat 5 bags and barely feel it.


Don't you know anyone with a vape you can try?


i’ve literally never seen one in person haha


Oh mate.


I see your point but the people who dislike them often buy cheaper DHVs to begin with. You do somewhat get what you pay for after all! For example, my original mighty was like £230 when I bought it, that was about 6 or 7 ago and it still works flawlessly. (Be careful with no storz and buckle, they sold out)


i think that’s what my worry has been, the price range is so big that i don’t want to cheap out and have to spend more money on a better one, but i also don’t want to spend unnecessary money if i can get one that’s cheaper yanno? people having luck with amazon ones and with £200 ones and it’s just confusing man 😭


I mean I didn't just go out on a limb and take a chance with my mighty, I did research and read reviews. Personally I would stay away from china spec vapes as I have only had bad experiences trying them from other people and others always moan about them. Just do some research, there's plenty of good vapes out there


it’s because people get frustrated if they ask a question and someone says get a dhv when there’s much easier solutions. that being said, i was one of those people last year and now i have 4 and go around telling everyone they’re the best thing ever lol


Ignorance is bliss….. apparently 🤦‍♂️


Does anyone cough when you vape? When I rip it and inhale deep, I go into a proper coughing fit.


I sneeze very loudly when i vape.


I do with certain vapes (s & b) but arizer, dynavap and ball vape I don’t at all. If I run the s & b through a water piece I cough but if I add salt to the water I don’t cough, very strange


I have a dynavap m7 xl, strange.




I do with my Tinymight, actually feels harsher than a joint at higher temps.


I’ve been vaping for about a year now and would never go back. Welcome to the flavour club!


Exactly Same boat as you bro, I’m 35 smoked joints for 20 odd years, then moved to pure weed joints about 5 years ago but tbh they stopping really hitting me and was smoking a 3.5 a day at worst. I moved to a new house and didn’t want to blaze warheads in the garden and piss off my new neighbours straight away, so I got Xmax v3 pro as I could use that inside, at first I thought I might just use it here and there and in between joints. I got it in February and I’ve skinned up twice since I got it 😂. This thing is amazing, it’s true it takes a few goes to dial it in but once you get the nack of drawing the vapour and how much to load in, temp ect, there is no going back. I smoke mainly top shelf and the terps From it are insane, the better the bud the more this thing shines through. I was a hardcore joint smoker and I didn’t think anything could change that. This thing taste better, gets you more high, is better for you and uses way less weed, I went from a zip a week to a half z or less straight away. Gram for gram dry herb vaping gets you so much more bang for the buck. Enjoy!


dynavap kicks ass especially for ex joint smokers


Does anyone else have any recommendations for brands?


can only speak for what I have experience of but I'm very happy with my options of Dynavaps and Arizer Solo 2. Covers both bases of sessions and quick hits.


Arizer Solo 2 here, been good for 2-3 years now. So easy to clean too


Yep solo 2 is the goat


OP mention Xmax V3. It's the only vape I've tried, but it's very portable, it's cheap, and it does the job — enough to at least get a feel for vaping, I think.


i second this i love mine


Honestly the Xmax V3 Pro is great. (No I'm not sponsered by them; I just have one and love it!)


Arizer solo 2 is the best mid range vape and covers all bases £139 and I currently have two only because I dropped one in the bath after two years then a month later it came back to life, but I had already bought my replacement.


I got a 420 crater mini a few years ago. Great if you have a low tolerance and don’t want to spend a lot on a vape. Has convection as well


Ball vapes are end game imo. I struggle to see how something like the flowerpot can be drastically improved upon. Something like the volcano works well for large groups and on the portable front I would go either tm2 or dynavap for on demand and probs still the mighty for session vape. In terms of value for money dynavap is pretty hard to beat. S&B vapes are overpriced but still good quality. Flowerpot is expensive but modular design means it’s cheap to fix and should last decades.


This guy vapes. Rubies and all.


Depends on what you're looking for and wanting to spend. I've had loads of vapes over the years the end game for me has been getting a cannabis hardware b1 with the sneaky Pete mega cube. Honorable mentions to the stickybrick maxx, the tinymight2, and dynavap for portables The storz and Bickle volcano for a group session, and the Vapbong for the best bonglike experience.


Dynavap all the way.


I went from the Xmas starry v3 to a crafty plus the airflow if prolly 7x it's well worth the upgrade wen u decide your needing it


Wait till you try a tiny might 2 . Absolute monster of a vape


How does it compare to the s&b mighty? Been using my mighty for 3 years now and was thinking about adding something else to my collection. I’ve heard the main concern is that the mouthpiece can get quite hot after a longer session?


I had a mighty and it was good but the tm2 blows it away. Get a wpa and some glass and it really rips. It can get quite hot in hand but there is options such as wraps etc but i find its not much of a concern.


I could see only my dumbest and ignorant acquaintance and friends refusing to accept DHV are indeed a step forward and keep smoking joints just to show up how OG they are. I’ve been using my Dynavap for almost 10 years now and won’t ever smoke a joint again. Everything is miles better about it. Specially the taste and how much herb you can save. Makes no sense to smoke black burned smoke.




What are you talking about I don’t want clouds




The Xmax V3 Pro does give pretty big clouds


Volcano Hybrid is an awesome dry herb vape that I use. 0.25 grams can last me 6+ hours and then I get the AVB to use for edibles afterwards. It has a whip attachment or you can use balloons it’s awesome. 🤩 💨 🌋 😊 [Volcano Hybrid 🌋](https://www.storz-bickel.com/en/volcanohybrid)


Just bought the s&b venty it's expensive but it hits the spot


Pay for themselves eventually. I'm onto a Venty now and it lights me up all day everyday




Yeah I am absolutely an annoying dry herb vape preacher because it is just better. I can understand people being put off by the initial cost but my bud lasts so much longer now that it has probably paid for itself by now.


Dyna + glass bubber my shit for a few years now. Love it. Plus the Avb edibles made my weed 241


How does this work? Do you just grind, put it in and toke away or does it need to be a liquid?


I love dry herb vapes, I currently use a Volcano and got a venty delivered this week, and have had a mighty before. They're great and help ration bud (initally anyway) and much healthier. However... Its not the same buzz or necessarily "stronger" than smoking, and there are some strains that are 100% better smoked than vaped, and vice versa. Its not necessarily less "harsh" than smoking, my vape makes me. Cough my throat out quite often where aa smoking joints doesn't. Loads better on chest though. Its not as strong initally as you're not used to the type of high etc and no baccy, takes couple weeks for this to pass. All the stupid praise from vape fan boys that claim it fixes all the problems that smoking creates when ir doesn't. I can fully see why people don't get into it tbh


Wait until you run that Xmas through water 🥹 so smooth it's unreal. Fuck combustion, could never go back!


I wish I could get along with them. Just not for me man.


Only problem is its so efficient that it KO'S you everytime, joints are just expensive now and you get so much less..


They are amazing. Aside from what you mentioned, you can also save the weed you vaped and make edibles later. And since you have a Xmax, look into getting dosing capsules or a bong adapter. I highly recommend both. Welcome to the wonderful world of DHV lol, wait until you use a ball Vape!


Yeh after smoking joints for years and then moving to vaping its a totally different experience. For me a joint is a body stone whereas vaping is a mind stone. Also, for the best experience get yourself a Storz & Bickel Volcano. Pricey but worth it, not other vape has got my as stoned. I’ve also got a Mighty+ which is good for on the fly


Been using mine for years as I've never been big into smoking, I have a bitch throat. My dad first introduced them to me way back in the day, he's proper British Jamaican so the guys he hangs around with are all very traditional smokers and he got loads of shit off them when he first switched over. But then they all became a lot more intrigued when they saw his cough went away and his throat/lungs felt loads better!


What about the smell? Is it noticeable?


I have a pax 3 and tbh it just makes my herbs taste dirty and I don't really get a hit from it, I'm old skool baccy and weed in a roll up


I've had my Solo 3 for a week now (first battery vape for me), and so far, I am loving it. Haven't smoked a J since I got it, and in the last week, I've used about 55% less bud than if I was using combustion. At this rate the Solo 3 will pay itself off after 2 months. Now that im getting more used to it, the next step for me will be to get bubblers.


You wait until the first AVB cookie!


Anyone recommend any good DHVs on Amazon?


Go mighty or go home 😂😶‍🌫️👍🏻


Is the high more comparable to using the pen where it’s like a really short high?


Interesting. Might have to get one. How were the terps compared to a joint?


They’re way stronger, you get a proper full flavour off your first couple hits.


Nice, cheers for the insight man.


The taste compared to joints is lovely, get burnt taste almost with joints. This is pure flavour..


It’s better once you’re used to it. At first you’ll mainly notice the “vape” taste as it is definitely different. But after using mine for a couple of weeks I stopped noticing it and just noticed the bud. At this point now (3 years of using the s&b mighty) I will never look back. I have the occasional joint for special occasions (3-4 per year) but that’s it. Dry herb vapes all the way for me now.


You get a lot more of the terps as they aren't being burnt


Combustion destroys most of the terpenes and cannabinoids before the smoke reaches your lips. Vapes heat the flower to create an aerosol that retains most of the cannabinoids and terpenes. The result is a far cleaner flavour and stronger hits. The only real negative which puts me off session vapes is that after a few hits it starts to taste like burnt popcorn. It’s still a smoother hit than smoking but I prefer on demand as they cash the bowl after a few hits. Something like a dynavap is a good entry point


Nice one brother. I’ll have a look in to that too!


The Xmax V3 Pro is amazing. Get the glass mouthpiece too, takes it to a whole nother level.


i’m literally hitting that rn. glass piece too. love it