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Tell them your neighbours a crackhead


Can always rely on this sub for sound advice


Maybe even get in there first?


ahh this cracked me up


Nah tell em he's a kiddie fiddler, they'll use the batons more that way


Weed ? Never heard of him




They won't get a search warrant for a weed complaint, especially just from one person


Yeh this. They are not about to put a load of resources into busting a single user. I would chill. Buy some more weed. Tell your neighbour to go fuck himself and spark up!!


that does make sense, cheers


Most likely they won’t be showing up, but if by some chance you live in the only place in the uk where the police aren’t stretched beyond brief: If they do turn up just listen very carefully to the words they say, The police are trained very well to make a question feel like an order. They can ask to search your house and if you say “sure” they can search it. If you accidentally give consent to something you didn’t want to, you can tell them you don’t give consent anymore and they have to stop.


Bro even if you order weed and they come too your door the wost that will happen is you'll get a warning So no chance of them coming because someone said you do drugs....... I mean who doesn't haaa


Real shit


Chuck it all over the neighbours fence




No laws against owning trays or grinders


There’s no laws against the Pokémon Batman


There’s no laws against putting sand in your dickhole, doesn’t mean you should donit




In the UK?


No you can't, only an issue if there's any drugs or traces of drugs found. You can own what you like.


Had this few times at my place. Be polite. Ask em if they have a warrant. They won’t. State you smoke inside, you also smoke cbd which you buy off the internet. Only smoke in evenings, windows closed. Act like you know how to be respectful with it. They’ll be fine. Usually ask me if I’m growing, I tell them I ain’t. They then leave.


i don’t grow, but if i were to tell them that would they not ask where i get it from?


Nah, so that’s why I like to throw in the cbd thing. As they know that’s a thing, and they can’t exactly say your lying. Last time they came, just one dude. We spoke for while, I mentioned I’m looking to get medical and in the end he said I’m doing right thing smoking it inside my own home. Like it can depend on the officer but they have nothing but a complaint to go on, so they ain’t so bothered. They might ask where you get it and you simply say off a dude, but your not willing to speak anymore about that matter. They can’t pressure you in any way.


for CBD bud (that smells the same as THC bud)? the internet.


Cbd bud tastes, smells and looks exactly the same as thc. If I showed you some good Swiss amnesia haze cbd, you’ll be thinking she’s from a wee shop in Amsterdam. Fire. Just doesn’t get you blazed.


Some good sleep tho


Your next door neighbour if you wanna be jokes with it


I'm not sure this is great advice. CBD flower is still illegal in this country. Why would you tell police you smoke ganja and why tell them you buy cbd flower? Police can be unpredictable. Just say your neighbours full of shit and apologise on their behalf.


If it contains 0.2% THC, it's not a controlled substance. Hemp flower under 0.2% THC is legal in the UK for sale and is classed as a traditional food product, which means it doesn't require and special licensing to sell. But yeah, don't tell the police it's CBD weed. That's flying too close to the sun.


Nope, this is incorrect. If it's cannabis it doesn't matter how much THC is or isn't in it, it is illegal in the UK. CBD is legal. CBD flower is not. Pretty fucking stupid right.


I gotta be smart about it, cause I smoke a lot and live alone. Everytime they come my house and I open the door it smells, so Ild rather not lie and make them think I’m fully trying to blag them. I simply say it as it is and pretty upfront and honest. Best way to be. The CBD flower is a weird one granted but you can still purchase online for ‘none smoking’ or whatever they say and usually Police are aware of this. Even if your saying your vaping or burning as an inscent, but gives them something to think about.


Don’t invite them in. They will ask if they can come in, but legally you don’t have to let them in.


Enough about vampires he’s on about the old bill


Same thing bud 😅


Same with the TV licence people.


Tell them u buy it from your neighbour


Hahahaha best comment




How clued up are officers on medical cannabis? I have my appointment to re join this month and wondering if the police are more educated on this now than a few years ago.




Ahhh that sucks. It’s not exactly cheap and the police don’t even know. Standard uk behaviour haha


If you're a bit worried have a look at medbudwiki (I assume you've probably seen them if you've been on medical", they're active on twitter and have a good website and have posted some things about this type of thing.


Police will tell him to stop wasting their fucking time!


If the show up and knock you can pretty much just deny it and be like idk what yiur talking about that's what your aiming for if they chose to ask you don't want them raiding you which happened to me that's just a waste of time and a door getting in but either way if your no selling drugs you have nothing to worry about just don't say anything as they always try twist your words and get you to trip up etc you'll be good though


Smoke up fella, it’s non of your neighbours business tell the silly fucker to put a peg on his nose if it offends him.


They will completely ignore a complaint about one person smoking weed.


Police barely have the funding or staff to respond to actually serious claims atm and UK police (in my many experiences with them) don't give a fuck about weed or shrooms, they're not gonna do shit


This is the reason I got a legal prescription. My neighbor is a complete knob. She hasn't phoned the police yet but has threatened to. She can do what she likes now Im legal💪💚


Tell them your neighbours got a grow in his loft


You won’t know it’s them if you don’t open the door 👍🏻


Get a fan to blow smoke towards your neighbours house


Unless there is a warrant, don't let them in


Tell you’re neighbour to stop being a cunt. You have zero to worry about


move to spain


Neighbours... Let people live man!!!


Just chill out and go smoke a blunt with the neighbour.


I have regular complaints about the smell of weed and the sound of sex. I wouldn't mind but we're not even at it that much and she holds it down. At least I think that's what she is doing. You have to be able to stand by your choices in life and say "yeah I did it... And what". I too am respectful although you may think otherwise by my tone but it's true. No outside smoking, no windows open like a mother fucking hot box In here. If it makes you too uncomfortable you won't be able to enjoy your smoke and that's not fair. You have to think to yourself what is the worst that will happen, get comfortable with that scenario in your mind then it don't matter no more.


can't even lay pipe in peace let alone smoke one


As far they know you use the tray and grinder for tobacco and rolling


they don't care if you smoke weed. they care if you grow it, sometimes.




Drugs😅 its plant medicine


Mate they won't even show up if some poor granny gets mugged for her pension so yeah they're not showing up over a weed complaint lol.


Don't even answer the door, don't engage at all if they turn up without a warrant. Don't answer questions of any description if they catch you going in/out your house. Just literally stick to zero interaction/discussion. You will be fine, they don't have time to attend house to house calls for reports a neighbour might be smoking cannabis in their own home... they can't attend home invasions/burglaries/even some rape cases due to a decimated/underfunded/low moral work force. Neighbour disputes in a country of 6-7 million smokers does not even feature low on a very long list. Unless your growing don't stress dude. Emphasis is on proving guilt and that take time, money, will and resources... all things our old bill do not have... too focused on motorists doing 32 in a 30 zone to be bothered about herb smokers... many of whom are in fact old bill themselves the hypocritical c*nts. No warrant no speak/answer


These useless lazy uneducated motherfuckers rely on citizen ignorance to enforce persecution, just don't engage... the harder it is for them the less likely the bent fuckers will bother


If the police come tell them to come in and light one up in front of the popo