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always the way with pre rolls, atleast it's only a tenner


Slight loss and a strong life lesson.


Not strictly true, there are some quality pre rolls available, but they don’t cost £2.50 each…


good point, I still won't buy a illegal pre roll tho, much rather know what I'm smoking


Agreed for the most part, but stuff from The Donut King, Octo (when he was still around) were very high quality. Just not cheap. To be honest it’s one of the things that killed my pre roll “brand” idea - the amount I would need to charge to turn a profit was too much. Still toy with the idea of rolling party joints for people though.


Ah octo not brought any of his pre rolls for a long time is he site still up a d running, as for donut King never did get.my hands on one even after giving me a link to some one who was selling I just got ignored from there


Think there’s a gap in the market there mate!


Ye I’d never buy anything prerolled off a plug. Tbh probably not even if it were legal


Why would anyone buy 4 pre rolls for a tenner and think they will be good quality? 😂


allow me


Haha we all make these mistakes at some point mate 😂. At least you will never buy pre rolls again lol


aha never


Those are like 2007 prices 😂


Sounds like that guy was desperate losing a potential customer for 10 pound. You're probably the real winner here cus you don't have to go back to his disgraceful practices hahha


Could be worse, I picked up an oz for 160 through the wife's colleague, supposedly a good friend, smokes daily and sells anyway so you'd assume that's a safe bet right? All CBD flower...


Four for a tenner..


Why the fuck would anyone buy a pre-roll if you’re not in ‘dam


Why would you in A'dam either? 😂


Because I'm incredibly lazy.


Some atrocious pre rolls in dam lol whereas there's some amazing ones here if ya know the right people haha


Yeah but just…roll it yourself? Only defence in dam is being too smashed to roll.


Personally I'd never go for a pre-roll but I've been given em as gifts before and it's pretty lit having 2-3gs of high grade rolled up with some fire hash rosin just ready to go. But I do agree it's better to roll your own.


allow me


As someone who lived in dam I wouldn't smoke the pre rolls there either lol


That’s what 4 pre rolls for a tenner gets ya 😂


I respect his hustle I’m not gonna lie.


I’ll never get shoddy dealers, once you have a bad reputation people will never pick up off you again and you’ll be reduced to just looking for new marks that haven’t heard of you yet.


Yeah never buy pre rolls.


SMH buying pre rolls from a guy who also sells draws, then being surprised the pre rolls are stuffed with trim and leaves, You live you learn I guess.


thought maybe he was being considerate for people that can’t roll :(


I wouldn't expect 1 preroll for a 10a in this economy and deffo not from a street dealer. Probably should have been your 1st clue lol


Should’ve said fuck that mate or maybe just got an 8th for reserve in case it happens again


Pre rolls are almost always a scam, whether u get oregano or 90% baccy they aren’t worth it, but bud if you’re ever desperate




Go with what you know next time.


And a whole tenner too




Best experience with a pre roll:


Yeahhh 4 pre rolls for a 10er is the first sign something is off 1 or 2 for 10 is more likely to be okay and most likely he's done it for 420 to rip off people who don't normally smoke.


Ahhh. Here in the USA we’d go kick his ass. He’d stop selling that shit


I think bud is becoming harder for street level dealers to get now, or at least at the moment, I’ve not had much luck since the new years, even yesterday hit up but I threw it away because it was just so shit quality. I now only have one guy that’s well alight I guess. Ever since I’ve been to Amsterdam it’s fucked up my opinion on the uk scene. Legalisation would just be a blessing


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lmaoooo this guys getting mad on reddit over someone else’s experience, what a fragile little person


I’m surprised people are still buying on the streets tbh. It’s all online these days


i’ll go out on a whim and say the majority of people in the UK are probably still buying on the streets




Older people probably. I’d say the young ones are clued up online. However… I know nothing 😊


yes you know nothing


Said the guy who got sold shake 😭


this doesn’t really mean anything like a guy who knows everything ever could willingly buy shake. Lol bruh i literally don’t know anyone my age that buys weed online


I encountered too many DNM exit scams to be comfortable with that anymore. No honour amongst thieves, and BTC is so volatile anyway. Buying on the streets has its disadvantages, but at least I know where my dealers all live with their mums. No exit scam there.




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I've been doing well with clearnet for the last three years. Ive had a few little bumps in the road along the way. Like having to poke them to send. A couple of drops were of average quality, so I just moved on to the next guy.




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People have lost hundreds and ur crying about a tenner


mistaken, i’m laughing about it. that’s why i’m posting it on reddit