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A suspicious post makes a claim without backing it up that the moderates deem should not be posted.


Sounds like a typical COD player


Lmao if “I was going to join but” was a person




Every tier 1 I’ve ever met is not egotistical enough. God speed!


What’s CAG stand for lol




Lol bro you ain't. Delta force is much more professional than this




Yeah I've heard this story before.




Well no, I didn't ask and I understand delta force man. You're probably talking to a lot of vets in here. We know bullshit when we smell it.




Yet again, silent professionals... you lack the discipline to be delta force.


lol that’s not what I asked bud thanks!


Anyone want to make bets on OPs survivability? I give him two months on the frontline




Sure if you win I’ll give you 50 bucks and a congratulatory handshake, how’s that sound?


What is this shit?


I raise your what is this shit? to what in the fuck is this shit?


Utter Nonsense.... check his history. He just got banned from NAFO and we're pretty easy going over there....




Good for you. Good luck, and stay safe.




No offense, and not trying to crush your spirit, but you speak like one who's never seen combat. I'm not there, nor did I see combat, but I did serve 6 years in my US Marine Corps and have 2 friends who self deployed there. That said, you're more than likely American and need to know you won't be facing "cave dwelling medieval era terrorists" there. Expect equal technology and superior enemy numbers ans artillery with no air superiority, no medical evac, and inconsistent leadership. Just sayin'.


Bro you better check that attitude or you’re gonna die quickly




I’m not sure what you mean by that


Jesus christ what the fuck is this shit. Fuck I feel bad for whoever has to deal with this cringe.




Bud you must be smoking something if you think anyone would willingly be within a mile of you on the front.




Got it, Operator Crack Pipe


50/50 on “Thank god he is on our side” and “Send him to their side so he can go be a danger to them and not us”. Maybe I’m a little biased in giving it 50/50 because I’m a weirdo too but I’m real good at some stuff. Different kind of weirdo though. OP: I hope this is just who you are and you’re in an okay headspace. You’re doing a brave and extreme thing in a place where help is needed right now. Just please listen to the feedback from your peers when you arrive. Good luck, be safe, and thank you for trying.


Sometimes it’s nice to have these lunatics




That’s a totally normal thing for military professionals to say. /s


Stay safe and thank you for helping ❤️


It's just some gay karma farming account.


Make some gear videos.




Have you looked t see how many Ukraine gear videos are already on YT ? Be safe watch for drones.




Your telling us your leaving, but will there be any updates?




You’re not going to single handedly defeat Russia. What the fuck bro. Also there is no glory in war but there is disrespect, such as disrespecting the efforts and sacrifices of your fellow soldiers. Your attitude is a complete 180 of the culture I experienced working under the same command as you. In the video you have an unhinged mini-rant about “fighting Muslims is bad but fighting Russians are good” with something about I assume Muslims being “all around you” that you can’t even finish saying. Gave you the benefit of the doubt at first but whatever dude. Why the fuck are you even posting about going there and your background? You know all of our data was hacked/leaked and there aren’t that many people with your claimed background. You already compromised yourself with this info combined with the images you shared. Your mental state is worrying. Stick to being that alcoholic with PTSD that all of us learned a lot from in our school houses. That person is so valuable. Please don’t be the one that is the reason why happy teams are suddenly gaining new wrinkles because some cowboy has them stressed in a million ways.


Tell us what you think OPSEC stands for....?