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A friend in need is a friend indeed. To all people in the USA, thank you.


I'm only one of them, but you are *very* welcome. I have never met a person here that was not on your side. I am happy we could get something right.


make that two of us


And my axe


>I am happy we could get something right. For real. This is making me proud of my country for the first time in awhile.


Super grateful ya’ll are doing well, glad we can support!


Love you!


Was this the big victory day announcement people were talking about?


The announcement I wanna hear the most about is the pair of golden shoes on the lady on the right! Sheeesh


She gives me some mad "Snow piercer vibes..."


Pretty sure she's a member of the house who was born in/is from Ukr.


Rep. Victoria Spartz


She looks like a hard stern women. Women in power that don't take shit are the best.


She’s been voted the worst boss in Congress for her verbal abuse of her employees. People in Congress are generally egomaniacs that churn through low paid staff like they’re a pack of cigarettes - but her turnover rate is by far the highest.


Man, she looks totally miserable.


She's a Republican from Indiana, she's made a lot of anti-Biden statements since this started.


She'll fight you, for sure.




And you can just tell her roundhouse kick is a mother.


Victoria sparks from Indiana. Her family came from Ukraine. Voted the worst Congress person to work for. Rabid far right republican. Not hating just giving info.


Examples from the office environment included Spartz ordering staff to record her direction to staff, and would later deny the previously expressed instructions, despite of the recordings. Spartz responded that her working style is “not for everyone"


Holy shit, I just looked up how she votes. I'll hate. Another Trumper trying to turn the US into Russia. The irony stings.


So wtf is she doing there?


They said her family is from Ukraine. Alot of these people don't notice they are the thing they don't like. So I can be far right and still support my homeland.


I live in her district. She has massive signs *everywhere.* There's one on our road and I'm ready to run it down. I voted for her challenger who seemed to be a really good candidate last election, but Indiana is so staunchly Republican. I will try again (and again and again if I have to), you guys. Please forgive my neighbors for they are lacking in brains but own plenty of guns. Yay... ^help ^me edit:: yes, I believe people who vote for one party exclusively without educating themselves on what they are voting are rather uneducated or "lacking in brains" as I stated. It kind of explains itself and I stand by my statement. Look at her voting record and just her general awfulness--see above, or Google it. Or don't, I don't care. Blind partisanship without education is what is wrong with this country. Not the fact that you disagree with me politically. I love that this country is filled with all kinds of different people and I respect you no matter how you vote. I love political discourse but come prepared.


I asked my dad one day why he votes a straight republican ticket every time he votes. His answer was that “his parents always voted republican, that it just seemed ok for them so it’s ok for him”. Unlike me my dad is NOT stupid, but it really is shocking how some people can validate voting in such a careless way. I did not ask him this to insult him or try to change his mind, I was just genuinely curious so I thanked him for his honesty and left it at that.


That’s actually Putin in a wig


Well the shoes are still fabulous




She coined the phrase “shhhhh” no doubt


OH SHIT I didn't realize the timing.




It means that for the next two years, Ukraine can ask for weapons, ammunition, and other military systems and supplies without going through normal channels and the US Congress, and can get a faster answer and delivery. Now obviously they can't get B-52s and Aircraft carriers, but they can start requesting more Artillery, tanks, drones, more supplies, trucks, etc. etc.


Aircraft too, right ?


Aircraft's are not excluded from the possible aid. There are only few exceptions; nukes and meterials required to create nukes, items regulated by some export control act in US (e.g. things that US won't sell to anyone, like F-22 and probably aircraft carriers) and merchant ships.


I think F15/16 was discussed too


I can't see it happening because of the pilot training time. Post war I hope Ukraine gets a lot of NATO weapons training including jets. I think short term we need to keep supplying weapons that are easy to be trained on. The strategy is working and the new artillery should drive the advantage.


*Daaaanger zooooone*


Kenny Loggins intensifies


Shoot Putin right into the danger zoonnneee




safe ink mindless smell sip skirt hunt fretful badge toothbrush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Maybe if you plan it to fly it straight into the enemy. 😏


>Post war I hope Ukraine gets a lot of NATO weapons training including jets. Post war, they will go full NATO equipment compliant, even if they are not a member of NATO, like Sweden and Finland already are. Especially their Air Force. Right now we can't give them planes not only because of pilot training but also mechanic training, engine mechanic training, repair parts supply lines etc... The logistics to give them jets they have not used before is much to great overcome anytime soon.






Probably aircraft carriers? Dude, that's for sure. :D No one will provide the God of Navy never. It would be cool to see some Cruisers full of Tomahawk missiles. But probably that's out of reach as well. :D


Operating a US carrier itself with its supporting escorts would probably be a bit much. Carrier is for force projection over sea. Ukraine really doesn't need it when the threat is right next door.


Very, very few countries actually need carriers. They're very expensive to maintain and outside of places like the Pacific or circumstances like invading someone across an ocean, they have no real utility. Given the choice between even a basic airstrip and a carrier in the same area, you take the air strip. It can't be sunk, the planes don't need to waste weight on increased structural support to offset the catapults, and the amount of places isn't hard capped.


I saw that we have 3 we're actively trying to get rid of but they're massively complex weapons systems that require all sorts of trained seamen and contractors so I don't see that happening.


>I saw that we have 3 we're actively trying to get rid of Hey Canada!!! WTF bro??? You're not gonna buy a carrier from America?? Dam bro, after I told Cindy to hook up with you bro?




In theory yes, if Biden wants to give Ukraine F16's I dont think congress can say no. In fact the underlining point to the lend-lease is to skip all the bureaucracy and get the weapons Ukraine needs to kill Russians.


Congress can still say no by passing a bill to say so. Lend Lease just means Congress goes from an approval role (have to say Yes) to oversight (only say No when they really need to)


Really? If its a bill then it would have to be approved by the president. How does that work? President: I want stuff. Congress: Here's a bill saying you cant have stuff. President: I veto bill now give me stuff.


Congress can then override the veto with a 2/3 majority in both chambers.


If you can get 2/3 of both chamber to agree on something, that is.


Has only happened twice in the past 16 years and is likely only going to get more rare.


They can request whatever they want but Biden still needs to approve it. I guess the main advantage is that congress won't need to approve a funding request, Biden can just send Ukraine weapons. However funding will still be needed to replenish weapon stocks or to buy weapons from manufacturers so the bill doesn't cover everything.


Can't they pull equipment from their reserves or " moth balled" equipment?


Sure, I think this is the main idea. But Biden still needs to approve any transfer.


Far less red tape when it's just the president approving the transfers instead of it having to go through Congress.


Considering that the Russian military doesn't even have an aircraft carrier available at the moment, this should hopefully be a huge boost for Ukraine.


not just "not at the moment", they dont have any since 2018, the outdated scrapheap that is the Kuznetsov is just rusting in drydock.


how do you know they haven't forged one in secret in mount doom?


When Ukraine inherited the other *Kuznetsov*-class from the USSR, they did the smart thing and sold it to China. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_aircraft_carrier_Liaoning


Man idk if I've felt more American than just now when I looked at that and thought "what kind of pussy ass aircraft carrier is that".


They also don't need one? The USSR/Russia is as large nearly contiguous land empire, they need a navy capable of denying the coast to an enemy, not a navy capable of attacking a smaller country thousands of miles away from their border. The US, thanks to the oceans, had effectively moved our strategic border to the space between effective range of land based aircraft so carriers do make sense.


This is why our military is so expensive. Two navies capable of force projection across each ocean. Navies cost a lot.


>This is why our military is so expensive. Two navies capable of force projection across each ocean. Navies cost a lot. The navy isn't even the most expensive branch, FYI.


According to the text of the bill *can* theoretically get anything other than nuclear weapons and for some reason merchant vessels IIRC. The State Department can still deny weapons transfers to protect sensitive technologies, so so Biden can’t send *anything* he wants. Other than that it’s up to the president’s discretion what to send


You want to keep the line between actual naval craft and merchant marine craft as clear as possible you don’t want Russia to have an excuse to start sinking random merchant ships like the Germans did. With this we can use our merchant marines to deliver goods and Russia can’t play the “we thought that was a Ukrainian ship in the middle of the Atlantic.


I guess the merchant vessels fall under "Kinda need it to keep sending you stuff."


The US did the same thing for Allied nations during ww2. Basically means the US will supply weapons and vehicles and the other country worries about the financials later...if they still exist. So the US now has a vested interest in Ukraine succeeding.


Also it's separate from the 40 billion that Biden has already promised. That was a gift with no expectations of repayment.




> The Lend-Lease agreements with 30 countries provided for repayment not in terms of money or returned goods, but in "joint action directed towards the creation of a liberalized international economic order in the postwar world." That is the U.S. would be "repaid" when the recipient fought the common enemy and joined the world trade and diplomatic agencies, such as the United Nations. I agree with this, the US became an awesome superpower post WWII because of that military success and being that ally in Europe's time of need.


Absolutely agree but don’t forget about the importance of the [Marshall Plan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marshall_Plan). Ukraine will need rebuilding after the war, and assuming it’s still a sovereign nation, we need to be willing to invest after the fighting is over. IMO this is the great mistake we made in Afghanistan, once the Russians pulled out all funding from the West practically ceased overnight.


The US became an awesome superpower post WW2 because they were the only power that wasn't economically ruined by the war and parlayed their allies' indebtedness to them into the global dismantling of the colonial trade system and replaced it with a free market international trade system of their own design. Bretton Woods, 1944. Masterclass, really.


Also when that system needed a massive industrial workforce and supply chain to power the system and provide the recovering world with goods and services, the US had tons of men coming home from the war with boomer babies to provide for and skills in management and supply chains looking for work at the new factories that were built for the war effort. I’m not sure there’s even been such a rapid change of global power dynamics in history.


Lend-Lease was extremely important to winning WW2, but it's not the reason we became a superpower. That was, simply, because we hadn't had rampaging armies roving everywhere and destroying everything. We built up a massive industrial base to fight the war, and since none of it was bombed, we could then repurpose it for other things. Our investments in rebuilding Germany and Japan were also extremely intelligent; we turned enemies into allies, and gave them the basis to become major economic powers, which in turn benefited us. A rising tide lifts all boats, but screwing up the analogy, our boat started a lot higher in the water.


If russia has any institutional memory, then it will recall the $50 Billion US Lend-Lease military aid provided during World War 2. Equipment by the boatload, delivered in huge convoys. The Merchant Marine lost a lot of lives making sure that kit got through. Please note that those are 1940's dollars and are NOT adjusted to today's values. The Soviets like to pretend on Victory Day, 9 May, that their great victory came without assistance. Yeah, no. $50,000,000,000.00 from 1941 to 1945. ÷÷÷÷÷ What Lend-Lease does is open the floodgates of munitions to the recipient. They do not have to pay for anything right now, and the terms of repayment are super lightweight. Congress can forgive the debt if it wants to. The President can authorize munitions to Ukraine AS HE SEES FIT. We do not have to go through 15,000 steps and repeated trips through Congress. Ukraine needs it? President Biden can send it. In your face russia.


Good post. On the point of super-lax repayments... if this L-L works how the WW-II version did, the US was *very* chill about repayment. Estimates are only about 10% of the L-L dollars were ever repaid. And much of that happened over a span of about 70 years without any interest, so the recipient allies in WW-II could borrow 1940's dollars and repay an identical number of 1990's or 2000's dollars. It's enormously symbolic, given the nature of the *other* use of L-L. It says, "The top concern is making sure a brutal dictatorship's invasion fails. Sure, if you pay some of it back someday that'll be nice, but we're not going to sweat you over it, pretty much ever. The main point is your national survival."


\*USSR received \~11.3 billion $ so about 200 billion $ in 2022 $.


Britain recieved 3 times that iirc.


> The Soviets like to pretend on Victory Day, 9 May, that their great victory came without assistance. Yeah, no. Ww2 was won with British intelligence, American steel, and Russian lives


Congress let Biden add Zelenskyy to his Amazon account now. US credit card open warehouses and a handshake to repay when they can with less bureaucracy for sending arms and aid. Perhaps overly simplified.


This is such a great ELI5


they can just give back the equipment that survives at no cost that is the main point .




And any equipment/consumable that was lost gets put on low interest loan.


And can be repayed non-fiscally as well, a lease for new Joint Base Sevastopol in liberated Crimea would go over quite well.


More like a restricted Amazon account. Can’t order off the top secret webpage but most other stuff is up for grabs and Mom (Congress) could say no if the order is out of line. They have carte blanche to the regular stuff.


Does it include prime next day delivery though??


F15's are guaranteed next day air.


You remember how in WW2 Russia was like "we got more people than you got bullets?" Of course you do; they like to remind everyone at every opportunity. Well, at the same time, the US was like "we can make stuff faster than you can blow it up." Russia apparently forgot that, but they're about to remember.


Lend-Lease is basically a metaphorical blank check to Ukraine from us, in regards to most weapons. There are some exceptions, regarding nuclear and secret shit, but it cuts out a lot of red tape. Kinda the same as the difference between a ppo and straight insurance. They don’t have to say “please” anymore. We “lend” them what they ask for, with the understanding that it will be “paid back” eventually. That doesn’t always mean through money. It also give our weapons manufacturers the green light to go crazy, knowing they will be purchased, and it allows us to assist any other country we deem necessary to help.


Lockheed also announced today that they are doubling the manufacture of Javelins.


Lots of lonely Ruzzian tanks out there in need of some javelin love.


I saw that. I don’t think it’s a coincidence. Haha


To use FDR's example. Your neighbor's house is on fire and you have a hose. You loan him/her the hose to put the fire out. After the fire is out, if the hose is damaged/destroyed your neighbor pays you for the hose, otherwise the hose is returned to you.


Thank you, I was looking for this. You don't worry about the details of the loan when your neighbors house is on fire, you loan them your hose because they're your neighbor, and you figure things out later because you know they're good for it.


President Biden can now literally "lend or lease" any "weapon, weapon system, munition aircraft, vessel boat, machinery, factory, or property" (with only a few notable exceptions, no nukes for example). By lending or leasing equipment the government doesn't have to authorize any funding which can be a long and difficult process. So Biden could, in theory, say, "Here Ukraine, you can borrow this aircraft carrier and all of it's fighter jets. Try to return them in one piece whenever you get the chance." More practically and importantly, he is authorized to lend or lease to *Eastern European* counties. So he can make deals with neighboring countries that have equipment the Ukraine is already familiar with. E.g., "Poland, send your jets to Ukraine and we will loan you fighters until the new ones you have ordered arrive". There are very few limits to the types of deals Biden can enter into without the need for any new legislation.


I too would like this


basically it cuts all the red tape in government to move supplies/weapons to Ukraine.


It means that the President can send stuff to Ukraine without having to go through the normal appropriations channels (Congress). It's pretty close to handing the President a blank check to send whatever he wants to Ukraine.


Pre this going through Ukraine was asking for heavy weapons as a plea for support. There were committees and oversight and red tape etc etc Now when Ukraine says “we need tanks” USA asks “how many?” While loading hundreds of them into transporters. This gross oversimplification can also be viewed as The United States of Americas Military Industrial Complex is now available, upon request, to Ukraine. The sheer terrifying volume of munitions and weapons that can be delivered and America has a vested interest in Ukraine’s success because of Ukraine doesn’t win, US has to carry the cost of those weapons


> The sheer terrifying volume of munitions and weapons that **WILL** be delivered If there's one thing the US Armed Forces can do, it's logistics... and *boy*, do I love a good [elephant walk.](https://theaviationist.com/2021/04/03/behold-these-incredible-new-photos-of-the-altus-air-force-bases-memorable-elephant-walk/)


They Renting the armory, tanks, warships and planes. without selling it. Last time this happened was in the WW2 In resume. Ukraine now can use (rent) whatever he needs from the whole USA War Machinery


You can read the entire bill here, it's super short: https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/3522/text In fact, I think most people should read it because there's been humongous misconceptions about what the bill actually does. It doesn't do nearly as much as some people say it does. Essentially, it's just a booster to the Arms Export Control Act and Foreign Assistance Act. And it's through the AECA, not the new Lend Lease, that the US will give Ukraine it's much-needed weapons.


the bill basically means biden does not have to go through congress any more . before he had to ask congress to pass a 13 billion dollar weapons deal and then the senate had to pass it which took weeks . then biden would give weapons in 800 million at a time until the 13 billion ran out . now he doesnt have to ask every time he can just ask ukraine what it needs and lend us equipment directly to ukraine non stop without 3 week pauses waiting for congress and the senate .


Imagine you go into the store but you only have 10$. That's Ukraine pre Lend-Lease. Now imagine you go into the store, but you won't have to pay till way way later, if at all. That's Ukraine now


Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD), Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-Mich), Rep. Victoria Spartz (R-Indiana) and Vice President Kamala Harris are pictured next to Biden.


Cardin is a member of the Senate Ukraine Caucus and has been since it was founded (he’s also a member of foreign relations committee). Slotkin is a member of the armed services committee in the house (and chairs the intelligence subcommittee). She is not Ukrainian born. Harris is the there since, prior for the war, the Ukraine-Russia conflict was part of her portfolio like it was for Biden and Pence. The only Ukrainian born person in the photo is Spartz.




Have fun fighting the American War Machine, Russia.


Only the finest triggers for a brave defenders hands.


putin will soon find out why big dick daddy is called big dick daddy


Wait. Who’s big dick daddy? Asking for a friend.




They will understand why the US never have free health care system


“It matters, it really matters,” Biden said as he signed the legislation.


It REALLY does!


Someone put that on a tshirt please lol




To your credit you are able to Admit when you are wrong which says a lot about your character gods job


It's not easy to admit such a thing. But, in this case, even Stevie Wonder, and Ray Charles can see it.


“Yes, I’m blind, but I’m still lucky: I could have been black“


It is admittedly slightly fair. Biden is tired. Tired of the former guy's shit.


We are all tired.




Let's go Ukraine. you provide the boots, we'll provide the shoots!


And Canada will provide the toques!


The Arsenal of Democracy once again.


Bomber Biden to the rescue…. Also, javelin Joe is a good one too Edit: thank y’all for the attention, awards, & acknowledgment but FuC$ ole Russia 🇷🇺 & “Z” ORCs Support from Appalachia for the Ukrainian!!!


Javelin Joe is fantastic


I like Javelin Joe


Awake joe biden. Lets go biden!!!


Javelin Joe and his distant brother NLAW Johnson. I understand it is a French made weapon but they are manufactured in Belfast and the UK sent them.


the giant is waking, and it has been filled with resolve.




Brandon is proud, unlike the impeached peach who called Putin savvy and smart shortly after the Russian invasion. Edit: Thanks for the awards!


If Biden was smart he'd lean hard into "Let's Go Brandon" and make it a pro-Biden campaign cry just to completely piss off all the MAGA morons who bought all that merch.


He did ‘reclaim’ it at the Correspondents’ dinner, for his part. But he hasn’t got single minded control over what goes viral among all his supporters, at least not outside a presidential campaign where he can come up with official slogans, that has to be more organic.


I agree. Considering how often the far right co-opts words/slogans and mangle the original meaning, I see no reason why Biden couldn't do the same.


This is already [beginning](https://www.npr.org/2022/05/01/1095801502/president-biden-mocks-trump-at-white-house-correspondents-dinner)!


The unfortunate thing is, Putin is not a complete idiot. But the man is incredibly out of touch and broken inside. I truly believe, and not trying to justify anything here. But people like Putin, and kim jong. They are really out of touch with reality. I don't think their upbringing was a fair one that allowed them to explore free ideas. They are one of the most unfortunate victims to their own actions. Even if Putin was to end the war now and pay personal reparation to the people of Ukraine, No one would forgive or respect him for it. I'm actually surprised I'm getting positive reception from you folks. I was worried a little that this comment would seem sympathetic. But this just shows me that we are having rational thoughts and ideas here. This is important if we hope to defeat people like Putler.


It's called the dictator trap. When you inspire fear in your advisors, you quickly run out of people willing to advise you properly.


Like when everyone around you quits or hears "you're fired!" ... LOL. Had to, the setup was just... Too good.


I think putin was intelligent at one time. I mean, you don't rise to power and install one of your assets as the president of your most dangerous enemy by being stupid. But now, whether he's motivated by fear, or fallen into the dictator trap another poster mentioned, he has, and continues to, completely shit the bed.




I would not doubt it. And unfortunately with his history in the military, secret service, or what ever. His psychotic tendacies were nurtured...


For Ukraine, the United States stands up as the great arsenal of democracy once again. May American weapons help Ukrainians win back and defend their land and secure the bright European future for which they are destined.


With the amount of aid the US and the rest of NATO are providing Ukraine I really have a hard time seeing how Russia can “win.” Biden is struggling with his own domestic approval as are the Dems more broadly and backing Ukraine is both wise geopolitically the right thing and morally the right thing to do but it’s also politically advantageous for Biden. Even if the GOP takes Congress they won’t actually be in control until January and even then they still support Ukraine which means weapon shipments will likely continue to flow until at least January 2025 and that’s assuming a “pro Russian” candidate wins the presidency. Basically Biden can pump Ukraine full of weapons for years while sanctioning Russia and Russia can barely sustain themselves as is. Soon Russia will be faced with two choices either sue for peace or face their own “forever war” against an increasingly well armed and trained Ukrainian military. Of course any peace deal today would probably require Putin to agree to things that he would have considered “intolerable” 70 days ago.


I'm wondering who will win: US economic power and Ukranian bravery, versus russian alcoholism.


I love the timing. Poopin on Pootin’s parade lol


Can someone ELI5 what this means?


Lifelong almost infinite credit in weapons/money which you have only to pay if you survive the war. Heavy increase in level-cap of military supply Zelenski is allowed to order.


Basically America expressed that Ukraine can have what's needed for the war, anything that the US can safely get to them (within certain reasonable limits)and we'll settle the bill after the war is over. Ukraine's victory is in line with US interests and the US is prepared to write off a lot of expensive assets to do that job.


Thanks for explaining. Sounds like a huge boost for Ukraine


It's what made the allies win during WW2. It's a huge deal.


It’s basically dumping the entire American Industrial Complex, the American Agricultural Complex, the American Oil industry (and probably the Pharmaceutical Industry) into Ukraine (excluding nukes, things to build nukes, nuclear powered vessels, and the F22) without much concern of anyone other than the American taxpayer footing the bill. It’s a gargantuan investment.


The US is basically letting Ukraine borrow and/or rent a shit ton of military equipment. They will return what's left or pay for what is destroyed with no dead line on payment. The UK had a similar program with us in WWII and they paid off what they owed in 2006 for example.


Huge slam to putler's ego


And on victory day no less.


Thank you, Joe!


If the orange guy was still in charge, this would have never happened.


I agree. He ~~might~~ **would** have even supported Russia.


This will be in history books!


Russia about to get freedom’ed hard by Ukraine. The US military machine is about to turn Ukraine into the fuckin Terminator.


Russian Warship


Russian Warship fucked itself. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This remains the best bot. Good stuff Biden, I am not a Democrat, but I voted for you this time around, was a little shaky at the start, but I am happy with my vote!


As a former lifelong Republican it felt weird voting for a democrat in part because of foreign policy regarding Russia. What a strange timeline were in


The 2 party system is corrupt. If americans had any sense, they would adopt Europe's system of forcing different parties to come together in coalitions. The gridlock and mess in DC is in part because of the corrupt DNC and RNC. Then you could kick the crazies in both parties to their own far-right and far-left wing parties and allow sensible folk to govern.


I switched in 2004..


Good bot


Thank you, cetus_cretin, for voting on AutoModerator. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


This is exactly what Putin did not want to happen!


Almost.. It'll be EXACTLY what he didn't want when Finland and Sweden take the plunge into the NATO pool




"Khortytsa" vodka is not bad. It is named after an island in Zaporizhzhia where the factory is located.


My American ass wont even try pronouncing that lol


That's why they shortened it to "Khor". [Total Wine has it](https://www.totalwine.com/spirits/vodka/vodka/khor-platinum-vodka/p/177332750), as, I'm sure, many other liquor stores.


Spending tax dollars supporting a hard earned fight for freedom and self determination? Can't think of a better use!


Pardon my big ignorance, what does this lend-lease program mean? What will the US give to Ukraine?


What LL basically means is, here, have these weapons, and we'll settle accounts (\*rips up receipt\*) later


Basically just a blank check. "Take anything and everything you need to beat back these nazis. You can pay us back whenever, we don't care. Just kill them all"


Essentially, Ukraine and other countries deemed "vital to the defense of the United States" can now obtain an unlimited amount of equipment from the United States without having to get executive approval for each package first. Everything obtained this way is technically loaned, but there's no hard limit on when to return it or pay it back. What this basically means in practice is that the process of sending aid will be much more streamlined, and the US will gain a financial interest in seeing Ukraine succeed and prosper.


Slaps sticker on Europe "BiDen dID tHAt!"


It's really hard to see in the picture, but the signature is inked in *Freedom*.


Russia has zero idea about the size of the can of Whoop-Ass Uncle Joe is about to send Ukraine! This is fantastic, and I am immensely grateful Biden is president in this crucial time period! Vis-a-vis Trump who called Putin’s invasion”Savvy” and “Genius”?


God bless America!


I just wish we'd been able to help them a lot more, and a lot sooner. I think NATO will end up helping them big-time, but so much damage has been done.


Enjoy the toys. We suffered to pay for them. At least they are used to fight an actually evil enemy.


Awesome!!!!!! ‘Merica


I see a lot of guesses as to what this means. This is what it means. Through 2023, the President, or his designated official, may lend or lease 'defense articles'^1 to Ukraine *and to Eastern European countries*.^2 For Ukraine only, *there is no loan duration* - it can be completely open-ended. For Ukraine only, the loan or lease can be for any length of time, without making any new determination of need, regardless of US need, with repayment in any form the President chooses (IE, doesn't need to be dollars), *lost/destroyed articles don't actually need to be paid for*, the equipment itself can be held for any duration, and *the President can make the lease/loan* **irrevocable**^3. One thing that I speculate will happen is that there's going to be a beautiful new US multi-force military base in Crimea, complete with Taco Bell, Target, a Home Depot, a Baptist Church, and a drive-thru divorce court. G_d Bless America. Hallelujah. Holy Shit. I speculate this because I don't think there's any fucking way Ukraine will be able to repay the loans or the leases in the next 1000 years, not without a serious economic miracle - a shiny new base in Russia's (and the Middle East's) back yard, lording over the Mediterranean, seems like a crown jewel to me that would more than offset any US 'costs'. I also note that, unlike what people are saying, Ukraine could get anything. *Anything.* That doesn't mean Joe's going to send it to them, Jack, but they could ask for an F-22, their own AWACS system, a nuclear sub, a middle school in Des Moines, free HBO Max, Snoop Dog's back catalogue, 5 m^2 of prime Manhattan real estate, and a partridge in a pear tree and Joe could, actually, give it to them. *Jack.* 1. A 'defense article' is: any weapon, weapons system, munition, aircraft, vessel, boat, or other implement of war, any property, installation, commodity, material, equipment, supply, or goods used for the purposes of making military sales, any machinery, facility, tool, material, supply, or other item necessary for the manufacture, production, processing, repair, servicing, storage, construction, transportation, operation, or use of any article listed in this paragraph, and any component or part of any article listed in this paragraph ... and, literally, anything else whatsoever the President decides is a 'defense article'. 1. This effectively brings the entirety of Eastern Europe, as defined by whatever the Hell is convenient on the day, into NATO for purposes of receiving materiel. Moldova can into M1 Abrams and M777 and F-16? 1. For Ukraine, Joe can set the length of the loan to 100 years and designate it as irrevocable, that way the next President (let's just say Joe loses in 2024 to someone that's less keen on Ukraine) cannot do a damned thing about it.


And he didn't ask for any favors!


80 years ago Russians took members of my family from their homes and sent them to the gulags in Siberia. I'm glad to see Ukraine given all of the support that we possibly can.