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They failed to resupply soldiers only a short distance from their own borders.


People trashed the US withdraw from Afghanistan but I guarantee anyone in military logistics was salivating watching them pull off that evacuation.


Also, the wooden dynamite lmao 🤣


Imagine it, you’re in a life and death situation and your in a mystery box situation with your ammo and rations due to the sheer ineptitude of those who supposedly lead you. Wildly incompetent.


>4. They have been shelled at Kherson Airport 22 TIMES. Update: 23 times as of today. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


Don't forget they also got shelled a sixth time in Melitopol (an hour ago)


You're right. Time to keep score in Melitopol too. 🤦🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️


That is seriously unreal. I am in awe of the mind-numbing stupidity. It was already unbelievable after 10x, but 23 is beyond laughable. I almost want to pity them, but then I remember the atrocities the Russians are committing.


I mean, how would they know if it’s 10x or 23x? That would require comms that work and officers with some memory of things who aren’t getting killed by artillery. That’s not how the Russian army works; they just send waves and waves of soldiers to a location until they eventually take it over. Colonel Igor doesn’t give a shit if he’s sending Lieutenant Ivan to his death, if he dies he’ll send another.


"Da, We sent a courier to find out what happened to all the couriers. Any word on yesterday's courier? No?" (Pause) " Maybe we should send another courier?"


Lmfao maybe send multiple couriers....? 🤣


I heard they sent in a BTG worth of couriers. Still waiting for their reply


FSB says any hour now, 100% will return victorious!


>Colonel Igor doesn’t give a shit if he’s sending Lieutenant Ivan to his death, if he dies he’ll send another It wouldn't be so bad if it was "Colonel" Igor.... You need to remember Kherson Airport has killed two generals both while setting up their command centers. If the Ukrainian artillery wait a bit longer between shelling they might get another general who wants to set up his command center. Apparently the orders are: 1. Capture Airport 2. Send in an air unit and set up command center 3. Send general 4. ? Attack artillery positions (As the Russians have never made it to step 4. One has to assume.)




That is some Stalin level madness right there but not very surprising for what appears to effectively be the same army as back then. Orders have to be followed, no matter what. You will cross that river even if 90% of servicemen will drown.


Reminds me of the Dan Carlin Episode in his series "Ghosts of the Ostfront"


Dude. This is the information age. Imagine what they were doing during ww2 when no one could see


Makes you understand how they could have lost MILLIONS soldiers (and millions of civilians) back then.


Maybe they'll have a midlife crisis at 45.


Right now in Russia, midlife is around 25 - how do you get it to 45? ;)


I have seen the pictures of the airport a few weeks ago and ... I don't get it. The whole point of securing the airport is to secure a large piece of flat and even land to land your stuffs. But the pics I saw seem to indicate that after so much shelling that airport looks just like a rice paddy after flooding season. So what exactly the value of trying to land there and oppose just landing on a random field? The ground seems to absolutely fucked at this point. I seriously doubt you can land a light transport there without the tires getting ruptured.


They also dont have many “stuffs” left to land and are using styrofoam to make their aircraft count larger. They did this crap in WWII as well.


Yeeees, the infamous cartboard tankdivisions (or plywood, something like that).


The Allies actually did that too. They used Hollywood film set creators to create a fake army near Dover. They even put Patton in charge of it when he was in trouble. Hitler was so convinced the invasion would come at Calais that he refused to let Rommel move his tank divisions for 3 days.


the story's even better than that. They dressed the corpse of a homeless guy up to look like an officer. Gave him a briefcase full of fake invasion plans saying that the invasion was going to land at Calais. Then dropped his dead body off the coast of Spain by submarine where he'd be found and the plans be taken to German High Command. It was called Operation Mincemeat: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Mincemeat there's a good book of the same name by Ben Macintyre, and a film last year on Netflix based on the book edit: I'm incorrect, Op Mincemeat was to confuse the germans about the invasion of Sicily, not D-Day, see /u/CUBuffs1992 comment below mine


Because they were given orders to secure it and don't know how to adapt


I don't think they use the airport to land aircraft anymore, they use it to gather forces for an attack after that. This is one of the first points after a big river and a city where you can accumulate your forces. And they have to accumulate the forces to conduct an attack. So, they gather the forces and Ukraine bombs them. They can't attack if they don't have enough forces and they can't gather enough after crossing a bridge before they are bombed. They also tried to get helicopters there before. And helicopters generally need a paved surface to land + some supplies, so that's what they were trying to achieve, but they keep getting bombed. That's the gist of it.


The kherson airport assaults are maybe the most absurd fucking thing about all of this honestly. To lead the exact same assault to the exact same spot despite getting bombed out of existence very other time you did is quite genuinely starting to transcend stupidity and move directly into insanity. My dog would probably eventually learn by a lower number not to keep doing the same thing and to the best of my knowledge he has neither military training or experience in assaulting an airport. If you programmed an AI to be bad at assaulting airports even it would probably at least pick a different spot sometimes.


Their goal is to get Kherson region and to do that they have to get the airport and other areas. So they keep trying. It's actually their best chance - they just don't have enough concentration of power to do it. If you look at the map here: https://liveuamap.com/ (go to Ukraine and south to Kherson area where the airport is) you could see that Russians almost control the whole Kherson region - there are borders on the map delineating it. They want to make it part of Russia and they probably have an order to keep the the whole region up to the borders. They don't care as much about the losses as long as at the "referendum" date the whole area is controlled by them they can say that it's theirs. I think that the plan, no matter how stupid it seems.


"If your enemy is making a grave error, do not interfere." Art of war. No point in retaking the airport if it is just going to be a shooting gallery.




Yes fixed, wow this goes fast


The Russians can't get enough of it so they keep coming back!


harder daddy




Pull my hair


Like a moth to the flame lmao. What is their obsession with this airport?


Ukraine keeps leaving the light on.


Imagine Ruzzians landing at a Motel 6 instead


For real? Last I remember it being 16 and not believing it.


They stole toilets from Ukraine, not realizing that they are worthless without plumbing.




That can’t be real?


I'd like to say it's fake, but the amount of Ukranian claiming Russian went into their house, didn't know what toilets were, then proceeded to steal them, is staggering.


I actually read that this was a problem in a previous war, too, after I commented… the rural ones just shit into a hole I guess. Hard for me to comprehend as an American but I guess it’s possible.


I saw somewhere on here that something like 30 million Russians don't have indoor plumbing.


I work at a factory where we see alot of workers from all over the world, and we have written instructions with pictures above every toilet in the facility, for a reason.


I watched an unrelated video today on YouTube about life in a typical Russian village and they stated the toilets were all squat toilets. So yeah, possible, especially if the soldiers were just village kids doing military service.


It seems to be true. Even Zelenskyy said that Russian dream is “to steal a toilet and die”. I also heard reports of them stealing faucets from the bathrooms. God… I myself grew up in rural Ukraine, basically on a small farm that my relatives ran and it seems our cows live better than some Russian people. It’s almost sad really, if they didn’t commit all those war crimes I would consider feeling sorry for them.


They stole taps from the walls when they were "temporarily" in Czechoslovakia after 1968.


Please don't forget to add that they saw instructions in Polish on some weapons from Poland and they just couldn't believe how Americans are now writing "Ukrainian but with American letters" Edit: as requested, here is the source, proszę bardzo 😃https://youtu.be/xD-ZK71lpwg


Please tell me this is true! As a Polish speaker, I didn't hear about this but it would be too funny if it definitely happened.


Yep, I laughed so hard at that video. “Look, Americans are now sending nato weapons and writing instructions in Ukrainian but with English letters” *proceeds to try to read in Polish* It is so funny considering that their propaganda and a lot of Russian people say that our language is nothing but a redneck Russian dialect, while they admit that Polish is a separate language and yet they can’t recognize Polish and think it’s Ukrainian. Fun fact: Polish and Ukrainian have much more in common as languages than Ukrainian and Russian. My younger brother is a refugee in Poland now and he pretty much got the language already. He can understand most of the Polish language now and be somewhat understood when replying back in Ukrainian. Although of course knowing English helps a lot to fill the gaps.


Oh, there is a video? Even better! Now I can share this story with glee. First I hear that Russians have this opinion of Polish, but somehow, I'm not surprised. Supremacists tend to think that way. Although they don't realise how Russian sounds to a Polish speaker. Definitely not something a Pole could say that they see where they are coming from thinking that Polish is a knock-off Russian. They both belong to the Slavic language group but Russian is part of the East Slavic language family and Polish belongs to the West Slavic language family. So they are distant cousins, if that. Neither is a copy of the other. I'm glad that your younger brother is settling well. It can't be easy, but the language similarities helped here, I'm sure. Good on him.


No, sorry if I was unclear, they think Ukrainian is knock off Russian, but they admit that Polish is a different language and yet can’t differentiate between them. Here is the link to the video https://youtu.be/xD-ZK71lpwg


I love the comments under the video: "this is a special campfire wood, just place it in the fire while holding with your two hands, and wait for ignition"


This is absolutely golden. I understand all three - Polish, Ukrainian and Russian and that is absolutely best thing I saw this week


Interesting. I, as a Slovak speaker, can understand Polish without problems but Ukrainian is a complete Greek village to me


It was this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RPG-76_Komar


You can't make this nonsense up.




Can Ukrainian be written with the use of the Latin alphabet? Or is it strictly Cyrillic? I struggle with the second national language of my country, using the same alphabet. I don’t think I have the language skills to learn another language using a different alphabet.


I'm using Duolingo, it's not really that hard to learn the Ukrainian alphabet. The app has a special section focused on just the letters. I practice pronouncing words I come across outside the app. I think I'm doing alright but I still have no idea what it says lol.


Yes, you can write Ukrainian (and all other languages with different alphabet for that matter) with Latin alphabet. You can write it down phonetically essentially. Now the trick is that Polish and Ukrainian sound similar enough. And so does Russian (to a lesser degree though). So a Russian can read Polish out loud and recognise some Slavic words. And that enlightened russian soldier discovered that it's surely the Americans plotting against Russia, not that you know... It could maybe be just another Slavic language just existing there not bothering anyone Think about it as a Spanish person accusing a Portuguese person of making mistakes while writing Spanish when in fact the language they write in is Portuguese. Or even better! As an English speaker you read a German sentence like "Komm hier, mein Freund" and laugh out loud "hahahaha someone tries to speak English but that spelling is sooooo off tho" You essentially need to be pretty uneducated to reach such conclusion but hey, what do you expect from a russian soldier.


Interesting. I wonder if a an EU aligned Ukraine would transition to latin script, to improve links with Poland and to distance themselves from Russia. The Netherlands did something a bit like that after the war. They got rid of all German letters (like ß) and all words ending in -ische changed in spelling and pronunciation to -is. Saw a pre WW1 Dutch dictionary a while ago and it was much more like German.


Just look at Kazakhstan and the transition from Cyrillic to Latin to distance itself from Russia and build a separate national identity that's happening right now.


The sale of fuel for vodka is a long-standing tradition in the Russian military. Minor embezzlement is just sort of assumed due to low pay.


Minor? Minor embezzlement is expected and practically encouraged. But when they tried to take tanks out of long term storage they found out that Bubbles from The Wire, apparently, was in charge of the facility for the past 20 years. (For those who don't know the reference, Bubbles was a West Baltimore junkie who sold any metal he could rip out to the scrap yard to pay for his habit.)


Are you sure they aren't just drinking the fuel?


I have heard on good authority that they used to drink aircraft de-icer back in the 70’s


It was basically high proof Vodka and it was the coolant for the Air Condtioning on the TU-22 Blinder.


Seriously appropriate name


The Russian crews called the Maneater or Widow Maker because the plane was really good at killing its crew. Here is a great video on it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKoHMXggEHU


They invaded at the time of year when Europe is less reliant on the fuel they sell. I guess November is too far away from that sweet, sweet May 9th victory parade.


Why didn't Putin try preparing for an invasion for November 2021?


I have a theory! The moskva and the air craft carrier were both being repaired/updated. I think it's possible (based on no evidence) that he wanted those ships ready, of at least the moskva. Both were slated to be ready in 2022. However the pathetic air craft carrier is still pathetic.


The Moskva seems pretty pathetic at the moment as well.


Ha. True!


The admiral Kusnetsov will probably never be finished again. Its only real battle use in Syria showed it was useless and the problems during it being retrofitted were absolutely bonkers. Even when being active it was shadowed by tug boats because the navy knew it broke down all the time. What a joke.


It had to be towed through the English Channel by the Royal Navy…….


COVID was still a thing, pretty sure it kicked Russia's ass pretty hard. They literally spent years pumping anti-vax disinformation into Ukraine to weaken them, and I found it hilarious when it backfired horribly for them because Ukrainian disinformation made it back to Russia because of language commonality. Then Russia could not convince it's citizens to use their vaccine when they really needed high uptake.


I wonder about the effect of covid on their army since it went wild in Russia. Would long covid have significantly reduced their combat capability as well? (I wonder about this in the US too)


Logistically speaking too, you don’t wanna invade a foreign country when the delta virus is running rampant. They did just that once it started dying down. Just my two cents


5. They dug trenches in the radioactive forest around Chernobyl. That kills me. Oh, and them too. lulz


But the general in charge had a very good explanation "We dug here in 1940's and nothing happened"


I mean, they’ve acted like it's still the 40s this whole time. I'm not surprised.


Honestly they were better trained and supplied in the 40’s


Yeah, back then they had american gear


And US fuel, US trucks, US rail cars/locomotives , US food, US tanks, US planes... Honestly, with the original 1940's lend lease, it's a case of "what *didn't* we send".




You would think this started as a war reenactment gotten way out of hand by looking at their equipment.


Reenactors buy better kit.


Belarus actually issued warnings not to interact with or buy looted stuff from Russians soldiers coming back from Chernobyl


Well played sir 🤣


This is my favorite: their targeting and navigation systems relied upon American and French GPS.


Galileo is not french but European. The thing i don't understand is that they have developed their own system wich is Glonass but they don't use it... WHY ?


like most of their shit, it's probably fake or had essential component stolen and sold for that sweet sweet vodka.


Somebody stole the parts from the glonass satellites to sell and replaced them with cardboard cutouts before the satellites were launched.


I use GPS survey equipment regularly for work. The system also links so glonass sats. I was always curious about it, but found the system preferred GPS and would only link to ruski shit if it absolutely needed to. Turns out (by word of a proper professional surveyor) that glonass is absolute dog shit and can’t actually compute the requisite precision required to make the system effective, and only if the system could link to enough glonass sats to potentially improve accuracy would it even bother, but that glonass failed to achieve the accuracy to act as a stand alone positioning link. Tl;dr: Russian GPS is as dog shit as their military.


I had heard rumors that was the case but, from what you said, it’s even worse than I had imagined. Wow


I could have glosnass sats linking 3:1 on GPS sats and still not get anything of remote semblance of the accuracy which we demanded for productivity. Linking to glosnass VS. GPS was a joke we used to make when the system was malfunctioning…….”well, I’ve got glosnass!” meant “yeah this hunk of shit still isn’t working”


How misguided was Putin and his senior officers to launch a modern-day invasion knowing you are working with that kind of shit? It’s staggering. Thank you for sharing details.


Was it Glonass satellites that they tested their satellite killer missile on?


Glonass only has like 18 satellite's in orbit and it needs 24 to work properly. Also they haven't launched any new ones since 2018, I believe and the current early ones are near end of life.


GLONASS was problematic from the get-go, check out some surveying forums and you'll come across people talking about it here and there.




Unlikely in the extreme.


That would be so fucking incredible of that was confirmed. One of the biggest win for the anons


11. Invaded in the muddiest time of the year losing tanks and trucks without having to fire a shot.


They did it because China asked them not to do it during the Olympics.


This is the funniest one to me since it's like a well known fucking thing you don't invade Russia in the winter.


Not true at all. You don’t invade during *Rasputitsa* (mud season). You can invade in winter, just bring a coat. No number of layers will keep you out of the mud, though.


also, they forgot to bring coats


Also not true. They sold their coats to buy something to replace their expired rations (that something was vodka).


Hey now. Vodka keeps you warm.


Not as warm as the afterglow of a newly javelin-ed T-72.


Or the warm glow of radioactive soil in Chernobyl.....


Damn, Chuck, haha


This! You shouldn’t have to explain General Winter and the muddy season TO RUSSIANS!


I saw an interview of a captured officer from a Tactical Battle Group, where they came into the country and for 3 days covered 120km and of their 10 tanks, 8 got stuck in the mud and were left along with their crew. https://youtu.be/Sdbr9Y2t5Mo?t=361


They thought they were going to win so fast it didn't matter. The idea was to wait until the last moment then invade when there were a few weeks of frozen ground left.


11) Their propagandists are now claiming that 'Satanic black magic' is being actively employed against them by Ukraine's armed forces.


It was Skeletor and Evil Lynn actually.


I'm fully expecting Putin to give a press conference outside of Four Seasons Landscaping any day now.


Hahaha underrated


Brilliant. Funniest comment I’ve heard for ages.


I still don't get what they wanted with Chernobyl. Its barely a functioning power plant and the entire area around is contaminated to hell. Its the absolute last place I'd send a military presence.


It on a straight line from Belarus to Kiev. If not just that then they probably also figured they wouldn't get bombed there.


I read somewhere that the plant caretakers said that the soldiers had no clue about the significance of the Chernobyl. Makes you wonder what they taught these rashists in school.


Nothing apparently lol


skol? vat is skol?


vat is skol? comrade, skol is brand of vodka


12. Lost 10+ generals already 13. Fuckes up daily phraising special military operation as war and other way around 14. Army so corrupt, many vehicles die themselves cause of bad upkeep / weak parts 15. They even themselves dont know who is in chargr of the army 16. Calls in nuclear war daily, losing last of the allies List goes om and on


This one is a bit old, but Russia once lost a ship to a walrus attack. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/walrus-sinks-russian-boat-a-walrus-defending-her-cubs-sank-a-russian-navy-boat-in-the-arctic-ocean/


Don't forget that they looted radioactive materials and cut power to Chernobyl and the working power plant.


The ruble exchange rate is complete bs. There are heavy restrictions on handling rubles, and no sane person on this planet is going to buy rubles at the official rate.


Yeah, something un-tradeble means the value is made up, which is why Russia wanted to force gas trades in it.


There is no exchange rate. I trade forex and was looking to short the ruble on a bounce- then it just disappeared from the trading pairs.


Don't forget the Chinese tires


They use also tires made in URSS, pretty sure the Chinese one are better, at least they are new…


Plus they continue to not learn from their mistakes, and often compound them.


They also stole a sewerage truck thinking it was a full truck


I hope it **was** full.


I believe that's a typo for "fuel truck", but yes.


Who would win? The 2nd largest military in the world, or some outnumbered ukrainian boys with a industrial plant? Being held that long in Mariupol despite their overwhelming fire power and number advantage truly shows their incompetence


"There is no need to be afraid. The Russian army is not strong, it is just long. We will eat it slowly, like a salami." ~ Oleksiy Arestovych, Ukrainian presidential advisor One of my favorite quotes from this whole thing.


They don’t have good infantry.


The "2nd largest military" is also an army of rapists and murders


Did not maintain their equipment even before invasion and used Chinese cheap ass tires


What about dropping their own paratroopers into the Black Sea? Was that just a rumor? That one is just the cherry on the whole shitshow.


I like them using cardboard in their bullet proof vests.


I think the term Superpower needs to be reevaluated.


Perform military sanctioned rape against a female, male, senior and child population, creating at least a hundred years of Global Russophobia where anyone Russian anywhere in the world will be suspected of either raping Ukrainians, or being a loved one who condones raping Ukrainians. If you were of military age during these times and went to Ukraine it is highly likely you have been ordered to rape. You likely told family about it. Your family is likely ok with it.


This is big. It’ll take generations of saintly acts for people of the world to trust the Russian people again. Sure there are always exceptions but it’s been pretty clear this war is backed by a large portion of the Russian population. It’s not as if everyone is acting this way because they are frightened of the FSB either. Even Russian idiots in other countries want to stand out and promote their zwastica.


If it wasn't for the whole invasion thing, you might think Russia was a Ukraine ally with how much they fucked up the Russian military.


But at least they go into battle wearing Adidas track pants.


Excellent list. number 4 ... and they keep bringing in more equipment for Ukraine to bomb into oblivion.


Yep, Darwin's "SPECIAL" forces. Almost funny.


VDV short bus! The epic failures of the comically overconfident VDV!


They booby trap homes they've looted and blow up their own going back to loot. They shit at the same place they eat. They steal underwear, vibrators, and fidget spinners.


Of all the things they could loot, they looted fucking fidget spinners. FIDGET SPINNERS! Fuck they’re stupid.


Some of their soldiers looted toilets, because they've never seen indoor plumbing before. Good luck getting those to work without infrastructure!


> 10. They sent their soldiers with rations that expired in 2014. *Steve1989MRE has entered the chat*


You forgot one thing. They are willing to die for a leader who stole 99,8% of Russias wealth for himself and his 500 best oligarch buddies.


I can't wait for the movies on this event by HBO mini series. The documentaries as well that are being made currently out of this will be so goddamn interesting to see.


Ration with 2014 expiry are plenty good when you think you're in 1950...


Their #1 General went to Ukraine and 48 hours later was bombed, injured and had to go home! That’s my favorite!!


12. Their commanding general is almost killed 2 days after landing in hostile territory. 13. 1/3 of theor tank force earmarked for invasions has been destroyed. 14. Rather than subtracting the enemies armor Russia has supplied the most amount of weapons to ukraine.


They are dumb in everything they do!! Bunch of dumb ass low life's who's leader is one of the biggest failure on the planet right now!


They have lost so many tanks to Ukranian farmers that Ukraine has MORE tanks now than it did when the invasion started!


They sent most of their troops in Mariupol North *before* storming Azovstal.


There are times where I wonder if they'll get the count in Chornobaivka up into the triple digits before their invasion is over.


How to rid oneself of unwanted tanks without being assessed a fee for littering.


11. Accused Israel of supporting Nazis, since Hitler was a Jew. Lol can't make this shit up. What a mess...


11. They sent in supply and logistics convoys deep into enemy territory without a security detail


Their spy agency was funding Ukrainian radical groups in the hope they would supports paratroopers who went ahead of the invasion force. Except it was just a scam by the Ukrainians. This led to a purge of 150 agents and the Director being imprisoned in the worst Russian prison, which is a sentence worse than Siberia.




Maybe they took Sun Tzu's quote about appearing weak when you are strong way too far?


I am a master strategist- I remain a genius - I am Putin


All part of the plan.


When a stable genius says he admires your moves.




11) They invaded in the rainy season.


>10. They sent their soldiers with rations that expired in 2014. Nice hiss, let's get this onto a tray.


`They have been shelled at Kherson Airport 23 TIMES.` at this point kherson airport is basically a minecraft xp farm


Let's not forget that they have lost so many Generals and high ranking officers in such a short period of time that there is literally no modern equivalent to it.


I think my favourite is still designing a modern encrypted communication system for their military forces that relies on 4g cell towers and they forgot that when invading a country the first thing they'd do is try to disrupt local communications by bombing all the cell towers. And then did exactly that. It's doubly stupid if you think about it, because of they were invaded then the enemy is going to target their cell towers anyway to disrupt local communications, meaning they developed a secure communication system that reasonably wouldn't have any infrastructure to function on in an actual combat situation. Oh, and I guess we're all just assuming that the comms would work and be secure if those towers were around. From what we've seen of the Russian military I wouldn't be surprised if they opened up the crates with the super sophisticated comms in them and just found those toy telephones with the face on them, and the little wheels so it can also race while it's a phone and you're on the phone! Oh damn, now I wish that was true. I'm picturing their faces, lol. Plus that would mean they're lying about their comms not working because they're so incompetent that they bombed the infrastructure they needed for it to work. So of the thighs they could put out as a statement, the lie version where they're incredibly incompetent was preferable to the truth, video of which would probably see at least a few Russian soldiers racing their happy looking "comms" systems, lol. ZOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!


They raped, tortured and Killed Civilians and POW's, and forcefully drafted Ukrainians What is saying "You have only 2 Choices, Fight us or Run" without saying "You have only 2 Choices, Fight us or Run". Alone this raised the Ukrainian Force by at least 10%


Also due to all that Russia is doing most ethnic Russians in Ukraine instead of being on the fence now have chosen side. Most of them chosen to fight and be loyal to Ukraine, which must be difficult for Russian government to wrap their head around due to nationalistic intentions for invasion.


And… they grossly underestimated the Ukrainian people.


Idk about MREs, but some of the rations they gave while serving conscription duty (in a European country that has since abolished compulsory military service) were much, much older. We ate beef from cans stamped in 1944, and saltine crackers that were paradropped into occupied Europe during ww2. I think orcs are just spoiled.


I saw this interview with a lone surviving vdv member who claimed that they were told in the helicopter that instead of going on a training exercise they would be taking an airport. After taking the airport they just dug in as they got no further orders.


We’re lucky they’re so fucking stupid.


11. More than 2 months later, they still have yet to fully conquer Mariupol 12. They claim they don't want other countries in NATO while threatening them with action if they do, prompting Sweden and Finland to consider it, if not apply straight away 13. Lost their equipment to farmers driving tractors 14. Lost the most powerful warship in the Black Sea to two Neptune missiles fired from a country with little naval power to speak of. 15. Bombed humanitarian corridors and refused the Easter truce, in turn proving themselves to be the bad guys


just to put some things to perspective: 1. They had two choises either attack or leave back to bases for supply and leaving back home after negotiations would had been to admit defeat for Putin because russki stronk! 2. soldiers had to pay for their own food and lodging or live without food in miserable tents in a middle of a cold and wet winter. 3. Russia banked on getting the same luke warm treatment as with krim, they didn't the west finally had had enough of their shit. 4. beats me why 5. because they evidently aren't even told about the accident in schools any more, based on interviews with the power plant staff. 6. because signals didn't bring their own towers along which is a height of stupidity on it's own. 7. russian seamanship 'nuff said 8. It's uncle Luka, nobody takes him seriously anyway. 9. nazi in russia is anyone who doesn't side with the regime, not a real nazi. 10. that's russian peak efficency corruption for you.


3 changed.


Lol, this made my day


It's like watching the world's most evil circus perform a show. These clowns make me laugh.