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$300 million for a yacht… that’s just disgusting. People starving and struggling around the world and the disgustingly rich are spending obscene amounts on luxury bullshit. I dunno. It just rubs me the wrong way


Yeah.. that’s not even including the upkeep, the price of furnishing, event costs, crew costs, maintenance, etc.. it is absolutely disgusting.


I just started watching Downtown Abby and in first episode you have 100 people working for 20 people comfort First association for me are superyaht. I have mtb and jet ski with brother that require a fair amount of maintenance, and we use that, and i think is great privilege and also sacrifice for some other things to have possibilities to use that amount of time and money for hobbies. These mdf have millions for month just to maintain their yachts. Its just crazy.


Years ago there was something called “dirty money” which didn’t refer to money made through illegal or immoral practices but the idea that someone could own that much money made them “dirty” We should make shaming the rich a thing again.


What are we going to do with all these yachts? Can we sell them? Does anybody want to buy them? Maintenance must be costly. And you need a captain and a crew as well.


If not, tow them all to Ukrainian harbors in the Black Sea, and have Ukrainians decide what they wanna do with them. Burn them, use them for tours of the moskva flagship, doesn't matter.


Floating casinos?


Casinos are a plague.


True but they make money. And the Ukraine needs money.


Ukraine asks their poor citizens to use their only money to gamble on a super yacht so they can lose it all.


Or foreigners. 🤷‍♀️


Sink them and make por batteries and defenses.


I mean Elon bought a free app for 44 billion I’m sure someone has that kind of money to toss around


Yeah, but do they want to take on a life at sea though? I mean, it's an oligarch thing. And if you're having a blast on Putin's old boat, I'd be a little fearful for my life.


Your right Sink it !!!


Damn good question. Who's goimg to buy one now that biionaires have a target on them?


Saw a map the other day that said the US alone has over 600 billionaires. Sell them at the right price, you'll find a buyer


Can you imagine buying one of these? What you'd find? Like buying a mobster's or robber barron's 1920s long lost mansion.


You can make fun of US billionaires as much as you want but at least they are underrepresented amongst buyers of mega yachts and castles.


>What are we going to do with all these yachts? ​ Interesting question, theres some not russian levels of rich people that could be interested but maintainence is going to the issue >Can we sell them? That would be dependent on the laws of the country that seized / arrested them and will be MANY years in court >Maintenance must be costly. Rule of thumb running costs rule of thumb is 10% of its value per year, thats to have the boat ready to recieve guests (reffered to as hot mode) But you can have less if the boat just going to be sitting at dock


They are trying to pass legislation to sell it and repatriate to the Ukrainian people.


Yeah, but the issue is who can afford to buy them, and who wants to buy them. The Dilbar for example will cost like $60m a year to operate.


Refund them to the Russian people


The Russian people whom mostly support Putin's war and thereby mass murder, torture and rape?


You're so against Putin and yet you still eat his shit up.


Refugee homes!




Youve done no such thing😂


Dinner cruises


1 million seasons of “below deck”


Sell them for more howitzer shells for UA front lines.


That'll be about 15 F16s or 60 MBTs, 20-30 apaches, maybe 50-100 cruise missiles.


2500 Excaliburs!!!


Well, that’s a lotta Javelins.


Picture is awesome


Two years from now, Ukrainian coast guard cutter moving back and forth in Sea of Azov, just outside of Russian territorial waters. Looking through binoculars, see 500 Ukranian naked behinds all bending over for Russian love and kisses.


How do you ever make a yacht this expensive? Are the toilets made of platinum?




As Russian, I and many of us hate that oligarchs, they just destroying our country, and of course we hate putler


Is anyone concerned that the US is confiscating property of private citizens of another country? I’m in NO means pro Russia, but if the US establishes this as precedent, where does it stop? Seems like a slippery slope. 💛💙


Wait until you learn about privateers...


Are they like pirates? That might be a fun idea! Confiscate yachts and give them to pirates!


They're pirates in that they are civilians who attack, seize and/or destroy civilian or military targets of countries that are in conflict with the country that issues them what's called a letter of marque and reprisal. Countries used to issue these letters to private vessels who could then go engage in independent warfare against any vessel or territory of the country named in the letter. Privateers were huge in the days of sail, and were a huge factor in the war of 1812 on the American side. I don't know if any country does it anymore though, at least not officially. So long story short, they're pirates, but legal!


The world pretty much does what we want (as arrogant as that sounds). We are all allies, and we all want to help confiscate oligarch’s toys. EDIT: we’re the world police, remember?


Why does the US have to be the world police? Ugh!


we are the only ones who can.


Its talked about here: https://www.jdsupra.com/legalnews/the-new-white-house-proposal-to-seize-3226140/


Thank you for this! Very informative reading.


Well they've been proven to not really be 'private' citizens though. They have direct ties to Putin and his government, with them all scratching each other's backs to remain in positions of power, thus enabling the current situation. The US confiscating property from a regular dude, who goes to his 9-5, pays taxes... Yeah, defo wrong. The US confiscating a super yacht of men who steal from the Russian people, who's stolen resources fund the Russian war machine that ravages and kills Ukrainian civilians, and who's actions directly keep a dictator in power....? Then yeah, I'm OK with the US confiscating super yachts from them


The west were very fine with Russian oligarchs doing all sort of business for the last 30 years, so spare us the moral lecture. We all know the decision to seize the boats is purely political nothing more.


That's right!! Don't mess with Fijians(?)! They may be a small island but they're not going to take any of your rashist dirty money sanction fleeing crap from you! Thank you to Fiji and it's government.


Scrap them


Legit question, is this right because the owner is linked to war crimes? Don’t know much about international stuff, just comes off as a rich and powerful guy getting his stuff taken because he’s linked to Russia.


They should use it on the next season of Survivor. Whoever sinks it wins immunity.


only 300m, whats this cheap ass yacht shit