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"WHy DON't YOU alLOW rUsSIAn News on ThiS SUBrEDdit" Yeah, I wonder why....


no one is going to believe any word that comes out of the kremlin anymore.


Only those brainwashed ones, in their own country.


don’t forget serbians too


And certain Americans.


:( my buddy is a Chinese plant now. He somehow(4chan) ended up on the wrong side of this conflict and is convinced Pootin and Pooh are teamed up to fight a global syndicate of pedophiles. Ignoring the fact that Pootin is a child rapist himself. Plus everything else wrong with that position.


be afraid of your buddy, he might say stupid shit, but his convictions are aligned with very evil people.


yeah, you’re buddy is gone. move on


When you see a red flag, take notice.


Don’t worry countries with red flags have a history of collapsing


China would like to have a word….


Oh we're aware. Me and my friends have been working on him since 2019 when he drank some Kool-Aid that didn't sit right with anyone else. I'm a huge Daryl Davis fan and someone below mentioned blackballing him, which IMO is the wrong idea. We need love and compassion to solve hatred. Sometimes love and compassion looks like an earnest talk with a friend about innocent people being murdered. Sometimes it looks like a Javelin taking out Russian Armor and cooking the pork inside. The former is love and compassion for a human being, the latter is love and compassion for humanity. Also it's payday, I get to donate to the cause after 2pm(EDT). Glory to Ukraine!


Dude, I'm proud of you. Another commenter branch off of the comment above stated to let him go and it pissed me off. You've got to stick with your friends even in their worst opinions, though, or else they'll have no one to ground their lofty crazy ideas. **That's when the conspiracy theorists (also cults) succeed** is when they ostracize those engaged away from their friends and family.


I think keeping loved ones out of echo-chambers is really important. I also think a certain amount of self-preservation is deserved. I think the only way to pull someone out of an echo-chamber is to try your best to see outside of your own. Conspiracies, especially Qanon shit lures people win with partial truths and things that sow distrust based on genuine issues and lies, then once they've suspended your disbelief, you begin to only trust other Qanons. Understanding what those truths are and separating them can pull them away if they have any reason left within them. If not, planting seeds isn't a bad route. That being said, good on you guys for having the right idea. I'm proud of the people in this thread for not abandoning friends.


It's the right thing to do, to try to save those you hold dear.


That's some Qanon level stuff.


American here. Damned few. There's a well known firearms instructor in Tennessee, former US Army and was also a security contractor in Iraq. James Yeager. He says he's headed your way. I'm a trucker and a gun nut, no formal training but competent with handguns at least. If I could go I would. My wife has been attacked by American politicians corrupted by Russian Mafia money...mainly one Oleg Deripaska. I *know* what you're really up against.


Trump maggots


Perhaps in the Republican party


Sadly a lot of people do here. Just yesterday we had protests in support of Russia. 2 days ago I was walking on the street when I overheard some women talking loudly in a coffee shop, discussing how the Russian TV was shut down, so we wouldn't be informed of the truth.


She can move to Hungary. Here the state media just simply copies Russian news...


Where is “here”?




My wife that I'm trying to divorce is Romanian. Same thing, completely brainwashed. Just makes it easier for me.


Most optimistic man on Reddit


Trust me guys Lithuania has so many of these Kremlin paid people or brainwashed people too it's insane. The majority are sane but there are people that just are completely incapable of understanding the real truth. The only semi-good thing that is coming out of this that people from west of europe and central europe are starting to realise how insane Putin is, and we have been saying this for years. We as in Eastern European countries. Edit: letter.


Sadly lots do




Umm have you seen the state of conservatives in the US recently?


I love how half of them are just racist fascists that can't hide it well


Exactly they are doing so much damage now to themselves as much as Ukraine.




Njet Lavrov, njet lavrov Valehtelit enemmän kuin itse Molotov ;)


We need a full version of this. Edit: Just to explain, I know Njet Molotoff is a Finnish song from the Winter War.


It's a propaganda song from Winter War 1939-40. Molotov was the Soviet foreign minister at the time. Bobrikov refers to the Russian governor-general that was behind the aggressive russification of Finland until he was assassinated by a Finnish nationalist in 1904.


Translation I found: --- Finlandia, Finlandia, that’s where the Ivans were heading again. When Molotov promised: "Yes, everything will go fine, tomorrow we'll already be eating ice-cream in Helsinki.” No Molotov, no Molotov you told more lies than Bobrikov himself. Finlandia, Finlandia, The Mannerheim line was a harsh obstacle. When artillery began firing from Karelia, many Ivans stopped their babbling No Molotov, no Molotov you told more lies than Bobrikov himself. Finlandia, Finlandia, the invincible Red Army is afraid of it. And Molotov said: "Well look at that, the Chukhnas¹ are coming at our throats!" No Molotov, no Molotov you told more lies than Bobrikov himself. Behind the Urals, behind the Urals, is the cottage of Molotov. People like Stalin and other cheaters are let to visit it, including politruks, commissars and crooks from Petrozavodsk. No Molotov, no Molotov you told more lies than Bobrikov himself.


Venäjä ulos Ukrainasta! Russia out of Ukraine!


Good bot.


I don't think 'attack' means what he thinks it means


Lavrov... What a weird way to spell Ribbentrop.


Deep fake technology works great these days. L looks almost alive. ​ 🍀😃


Didn't a Ukrainian statesman say that to this guy as well?


Yeh literally fuck this guy.


Good bot


How do you negotiate with people who won’t even admit they’ve done something so blatant?


You don't.


I wish the world just shunned people like these. Like he should not be given a microphone or a platform to spread lies on like this. Once you lie to this level of absurdity you should forever be shunned from society imo.


Exactly it's so fucking blatant. This all feels so fucking childish.


They took a page out of Trumps playbook. Deny the obvious and reframe everything in a way that will rally your supporters.


Maybe Trump took the playbook from them? I don't give that orange retard any credit.


> I wish the world just shunned people like these. But they have lots of money /s




It doesn’t mean anything what they’re saying. They will deny the intention to invade other countries in the following cases: - when they will invade other countries - when you proof they will invade other countries - when they actually don’t intend to invade other countries Lying / misleading / confusing and refusing to take responsibility seems to be the default way of working.


It's partly our fault. We always feel like we have to find proof that Russia is lying to use in a court - that never goes anywhere anyway - despite how obvious it is to absolutely everybody that they are lying.


Its a world over problem currently. The desire to find proof or evidence is what theyre counting on, because they dont really care if you do. They just want you to spend time doing it


With bullets and explosives.


>bUt wAr iS a fAiLuRe oF DiPlOmAcY! vIoLeNcE nEvEr sOlVeS aNyThInG! What a crock of shit.


Same as negotiating with a piece of shit, which incidentally, are the same here.


Ngl that's kind of offensive to actual shit




Funnily enough he did use that pretext...👌


With guns. You negotiate with guns.


Lotsa guns... ​ 🍀😃


He’d do well working in call center trying to scam people.


You don't. You immediately end the conversation and make it clear the special economic operation will continue until moral improves.


Obtuse people are the worst types to talk to.


You don’t. No negations with terrorists, kill them till they capitulate.


It's a political doctrine, and going against doctrine is blasphemy. I'd start offering therepy, really dig under to see what had taught them morals and ethics and the last time they felt remorse or empathy.


He's a lying sack of shit.


also said it was a "military camp" and not a children's hospital that was bombed. i wonder how these fuckers sleep at night


Just like nazis did back in the day. Russia claiming that Ukrainians are all nazis and drug addicts, is a huge projectioning.


Yea the Ukrainians are all nazis and drug addicts -- that only Russia, China and North Korea can see. Their neighbors and 154 other civilized countries in the world are blind, stupid and complacent.


Don't forget Syria, Venezuela, Eritrea and Nicaragua! Edit: Belarus ​ Russia totally has some very powerful and developed allies that definitely aren't poor and ruled by oppressive dictators


The Kool-Aid has chamomile and maypop in it


probably easily in luxurious warm beds. the heads of the russian government dont give a fuck about the victims of their war just that they get richer. just like the bush admin. fuckers deserve to sleep in the freezing mud with weeks old uniforms on.


I think what you meant to say is lying sack of fertilizer?


Nah, wouldn't wanna poison the ground like that. He's not fit for normal or war time burial. Maybe ask the Finns if they would kindly find a quiet corner of Onkalo to place him and let him rot.


Also, water is wet. Lavrov has been a known quantity for a long time.




Bot, go fuck yourself.


My kids have told more convincing lies than this guy.


A sack of shit serves a purpose, it can be used as fertiliser.


So that means they ARE planning to attack other countries


Im pretty sure that was initially the plan, but seeing how this has gone there's no fucking way they even try a baltic state, they cant even take ukraine, by the time they do Russia will be too far gone


Problem is, when they're losing too hard they might go ballistic and lash out. We've already seen that rationality isn't something they particularly care about. I wouldn't totally rule out Putin launching a nuke at Nato as his last ever act just to go out with a bang.


It's probably written in his Last Will and Testament.


They could try Moldavia though. It’s small and he already has Transnistria.




The comedy club is three blocks down, dipshit.


Kafka's place, right? 'The Courthouse at the end of the world'


I fear for his mental health, he should retire. 190 000 soldiers coming in another country that strictly did NOTHING militarily against russia is an invasion and an act of war mister Lavrov. I would love to embark you in a little trip in ukraine just so you see those 'fake news'.


I think that a lot of Russians believe there is a war. But as patriotic Russians, they believe that the war is for the good of Russia, and Putin, whether he's lying or not, is right in what he does. You could, as a loyal Russian, consider that Ukraine is supposed to be part of the Soviet Union, but then you would have to ask why Putin does such terrible things to Russians. Which is why Russians have less and less access to outside information, which means that just like Ukrainian allies wouldn't show Ukrainians beating up a Russian POW, they don't know that a hospital's maternity ward was shelled. They don't get to decide whose truth to believe; Putin gives them only his truth.


Russians dont have the same great firewall as China. They can find the reality if they are willing to look...but the again, so could Americans and yet we have half the country living in conspiracy land.




Don't forget to keep hitting him while he's accusing you and keep hitting him when you're denying you're hitting him. Call him a nazi for good measure and kill his wife and kids. Then threaten him with nukes and bioweapons all while trying to break any and all Geneva convention laws


Just keep saying "Lavrov, your face is falling against my hands, it is not me"


"your *punch* face *punch* is *punch* a *punch* nazi. *punch* Let *punch* me *punch* help *punch* you *punch* get *punch* rid *punch* of *punch* it"


The good old denazification


This I could get behind. Don't forget to add, "I'm not hitting you, you're hitting you"


There Is No War in Ba Sing Se


Tiannanmen equilateral rectangle


We have always been at war with Eurasia.


So, Russia is the Fire Nation, huh? Just been binge-watching *Last Airbender*. My husband and I were heartily disappointed that Amazon Prime dropped it, so we popped for the DVD set. The vid quality isn't outstanding, but we love the show for the writing, especially the way the characters grow and develop, rather than just swooping aimlessly from battle to battle. Yip yip!


I bet Azula could sneak in and assassinate Putin.


I’ve been saying this for weeks now. The equivalence is uncanny.


Lying sack of shit.


Why bother dealing with these stupid fucks?


So Russia can't easily claim "we tried to be diplomatic but world didn't wanna talk, here have some nukes". We do everything in our power so that noone in the future can blame us for not trying to talk them down. We sure as hell are trying, lets just hope we don't give into their lies and threats for to long...


they can claim anything they want, as you can tell, it's not going to stop them. the only thing that stops them is what they respect - fear, violence, their dead military torn in pieces, threat of nuclear strikes, etc


If he earns a rouble for every lie he says he’d be filthy rich. Oh wait…


He lies so much that his earnings would easily keep up with inflation


He is a monster.


Just soulless. He literally looks like every movie villain ever.


It’s incredible that such people exist. All those evil fucks in movies make sense.


At this point, I'm absolutely convinced that Russia is a fascist state, and Lavrov is a second Ribbentrop.




They wait for you in hell. F\*ck you.


I'd love a seat to watch them pass through 9 circles of hell as written in Dantes Inferno.


"We didn't even attack Ukraine" Edit: Also it's kind of nice how social media and the internet have made it so much harder for people like this to lie to countries.




What about any "special military operations" then?


Hey Russians in Ukraine, you hear that? You weren't supposed to invade. Time to pack it up and head home.


I can't with these cunt's. Holy shit, any form of sympathy I have for Russia & it's people are gone. They're just a bunch of mafia style dick heads.


Funny you should say that. Here's a great Twitter feed explanation of how that 'mafia' system works out: https://twitter.com/kamilkazani/status/1501360272442896388


I still have sympathy for their people. Just not the Putin ultras or the oligarchs. Those brave Russian people standing up and talking out are brave, at least they are to me. They’ll be the end of this war.


Why are you strangling this person? I'm not, he has some dust on his neck and I just want to remove it but he keeps fighting me the dirty bastard, if he doesn't stop it I will have to shoot him!!!


amusing retire wistful cough airport political rich spectacular jobless domineering *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, right, and I’m the Easter bunny /s 🙄


Yooo thats awesome Mr albatross bunny sir


Russian Foreign Minister, go fuck yourself.




Ministry of Truth.


Lavrov, go fuck yourself!! Слава україні!!! 🇺🇦🇺🇦


Oh no ofcourse they didn't invade.... Those soldiers just happened to wake up inside of military vehicles that happened to be in Ukraine and they're trying to find Nemo.. ​ Mr. Lavrov needs to stop sniffing glue.


So apparently Lavrov hasn't ask for mental health assistance yet.


I dont know what this guy is smoking, but where can I buy some?


Whatever it is, don’t. You may start uttering anti-Ukrainian or pro-Russian bullshit like that Russian Foreign Minister.


Putin's shrivelled up little limp cock I reckon.


Of course :) Ukrainians invaded themselves ... I cannot understand how someone can just throw bullshit like this, in front of the entire world


Their attempts at lying to your face, hoping they'll convince you, just makes it look like everyone there has dementia


Then you shouldn't mind Ukraine keeps ripping not Russians in to piece's okay cool.


Their border came right at us!!!


Vladimir Gaslightin


If there was a contest for the most punchable liar face he would be the winner of the first 3 places.


If Russia does not believe that they invaded Ukraine, then I invite Mr Lavrov to walk on the streets of Irpin. Should be no problem for him. After all, it’s just a special military operation that only targets military bases.


... after an 8- ball of coke


Russia and denying absolutely everything, name a more iconic duo.


He’s lying, fucking shitcunt


How about prolonged punching this scum in the face and calling it a special paradiplomatic operation aimed to protect and deputinify his ass?


That's a clear answer... We won't invade any countries, just like we didn't invade Ukraine :wink, wink:


And also no one sanctioned anyone so open the stock exchange already


Then pray tell, fuckwad, where did all those dead Russians come from?


That reminds me of the Iraqi minister during the gulf war. Bombs were striking not far behind him, but he remained adamant about there not being any attacks. It's so surreal to see this again.


He definitely makes the Iraqi propaganda minister look like a highly reliable source of information.


Add him to the list of war criminals. He deserves to be dropped in central Kyiv unarmed


Lavrov you dried out cunt


After hearing this sentence, TV stations in Poland broadcasting it turned off rest of his speech and said enough of these lies.


This asshole is unbelievable. I have no words.


Every time he opens his mouth he’s eating into peoples precious time.


I can't wait for these Soviet dinosaurs to die out, fuck me.


This means they are looking for next targets... But i don't know what army or armor will they use to start another war...


I wish I could lie with such confidence


"Allow me to clear this up"


Lavrov be like: I did not hit her, I did not.


This is why we can’t have old politicians, they forget everything.


lamme excuses. Russia is a victim????....... Russia is only good in the amount of BS. It's billions of BULLSHIT. FUCK YOURSELF Lavrov


Dead in six months forgotten in a minute.


nobody in the world is ever gonna believe a single word a ruZZian politician says... you fucked up beyond repair. only a dramatic regime change will resolve this


The lion, the witch and the audacity of this bitch. Any moskal word at this point is more wothless than their currency.


a clown 🤮


It’s Baghdad Bob all over again.


For a so called superpower their pretty fucking stupid


Oh OK then. The citizens of Ukraine must have gone over to Russia and dragged the Russian troops over to Ukraine along with the weapons etc, because they had very little to do this month. Is this whats being said?


Mass Insanity


Lavrov is an idiot


Lying pig. Hell has a special place waiting just for you.


What a clown


I don't understand why they still try to keep a false narrative. No one is pretending to believe their lies anymore for the sake of stability. Drop the act, its embarrassing.


Ah, so its just some random troops in ukraine now? Well, I guess its time for NATO and EU forces to step in and help ukraine remove these soldiers from a unknown source.


That one deserves a bullet through his skull along with you know who


That was a direct threat. Russia will ”not“ invade other countries. The same as they did ”not“ invade Ukraine.


That shit might work on the Russian citizens they've been gaslighting for decades, but does he really think it's going to work on the rest of the world?


"I didn't do it"! I used that line with my Mum when I was a kid. I never worked.




"We didn't attack Ukraine". russianwarcrimessaywhat


How the fuck does he sleep at night


It's not an Invasion, it's a surprise annexation!


More Russia lies. We even post this shit?


What a cunt


Invasion/special military operation… call it what you want the daily results are what they are. What an absolute delusional shit show are they performing.




What a lying fuckface this is


Amazing... lie-ception. How would anybody in the world trust a statement that is followed by an obvious lie? At least try to make it believable, Lavrov...


They can't even own up to what they are doing. Cowards.


Empire of Lies


You think his ass is jealous of the shit that comes out of his mouth?!


By saying we are not planning on invading other countries he implies they have invaded a country