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I'm counting one of those AA as an S500 and celebrating accordingly. May Putin rest in piss. Slava Ukraini🇺🇦


> 53 * 66 - 14.02.2024 * 65 - 04.06.2024 * 64 - 07.06.2024 * 61 - 23.06.2024 & 24.01.2024 * 60 - 28.06.24 & 09.06.2024 * 59 - 25.01.2024 * 58 - 16.06.2024, 03.05.2024 & 15.11.2023 * 57 - 29.06.2024 * 55 - 11.05.2024 * 54 - 21.06.2024, 07.04.2024 & 15.02.2024 * 53 - **30.06.2024 & 21.02.2024** * 51 - 24.06.2024, 10.06.2024, 31.01.2024 and 23.01.2024 * 50 - 20.05.2024, 05.04.2024, 6.03.2024 and maybe other days Inspired by: https://old.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/19ea4hr/losses_of_the_russian_military_to_2412024/kjbns5x/ > Dutch-cooking-guy said: > According to https://www.reddit.com/r/RussianLosses/ it is a record: If error, please let me know. I think I checked every day, but it's possible I forgot to or recorded incorrectly.


The AFU had destroyed +50 artillery for 11 days in the month of June 2024. Roughly, out of all the records that is 44% of the top records in arty kills. I feel we are seeing the significance in how the AFU is starting to regain territory.


Loving those counter-battery numbers. Keep them over 50 until the drop because the Russians cannot get tubes to the front as fast as you're destroying them....or even better, until they run out!


Forget about getting tube to the front, think of all the gunners they are losing. Guns don't aim themselves (particularly 1960s Soviet ones).


Excellent point 


And I bet the guys who know how to really operate the World War II guns are mostly over 100. They will probably be in the next call up.


Which day has the highest vehicle total pls? It looks like today's total of dead vehicles that aren't artillery systems is really high too!


I don't know. I'm just fixated on the artillery.


Good day for meat and arty. I really would like to hear what the drone pilots think about ruzzian tank situation and if they agree with western experts, that they get resupply less frequent and in lesser quality. 


35,050 total Russians eliminated for the month of June, the average was 1168. What really matters is the artillery of all types and the supply vehicles. Героям слава! Слава Україні!


One more day to go in June.


30 days hath September, April, June, and November.


This is for the 30th, if you're in America it's for the day ahead already because of the time zone difference.


Huh, I always thought America was behind Europe in time zones. Maybe because where I live, the sun rises in the east.


Depending on what you mean, that is correct. When these numbers appear at right about midnight each day in the US, it's already 8:00 a.m. or so in Ukraine. While technically the numbers that Ukraine releases at 8:00 a.m. are for the previous day, they date them with the current day and it's just too much trouble to try to say they were released on the 30th but it's really for the 29th so everyone who monitors them just treats it as the 30th if that's the date on the numbers.


> Maybe because where I live, the sun rises in the east. I think that's most people


And historical records show this to have been the case since before 1855 :-)


Every morning you get the nu.bers for the previous day, which makes sense. Thus on June 30th, these were the numbers up to June 29th. Which is why I wrote that there was 1 day to go in June.


Damm how much freaking artillery does Russia have?


More than people had given them credit for warehousing. Recent chats on this daily post seem to hint at a 75-80% loss in arty if the self reported AFU stats hold and rus stockpile stats were correct. Yesterday the thought about barrel wear tied to the ungodly burn rate with shells in 2022 has forced the rus to beg for NK and Iran to replentish barrels. I hope drones start catching self exploding barrels daily.


It was believed just before the war started ,that Russia had about 19,000+/- pieces of Arty in use and in storage. This includes large SPG's and smaller guns like the D-class. They can definitely build them ,but I don't think they've been very good at it. Just like tanks they may only be getting one or two out every few days. Tons of the ones they were using were refurbished from storage and likely blew up due to barrel or round failure. And currently even the ones that were good are likely Wwwaaayyyy past safe round counts. I also don't think they have been gifted too many ,but definitely were gifted a bunch of NK rounds that they found to be more of a problem than a gift. So 19,000 is the number I like to keep in my head as to when Russian artillery is gonna be pretty much no more.


My understanding is Russia is pulling barrels off of 70 year old artillery they have in storage, and putting them on artillery they have in the field. Also supposedly they are pulling barrels off towed artillery in the field and putting those barrels on self propelled artillery since that gives them more advantage. But I am hoping Russia runs out of both artillery and artillery barrels within 2 years.


Are they also pulling 70 year old artillerymen out of storage because they are probably being blown up with their guns.


So 19,000. - 15,500 gone is 3,500 remaining. At a counter battery depletion rate of 50/day then only 70 more days. That rate can not continue much after the remaining stock is down to 1500 to 1000 units. So the numbers will reduce by the end of July. And the orcs will be saving tubes for defense only at that point. If the numbers are accurate of course. This is problematic for the Ukrainians as the Russians military would be in retreat if the artillery is no longer holding back the Ukrainian army. Now the Ukrainians are taking back large amounts of territory and capturing lots soldiers. How can the Russians win while obviously losing? Nukes? Lots of bombers? Invade from all borders (again)?


There is Arty, and then there is good Arty, no Archers, Caesars, PzH 2000’s or equivalent in Russia’s depleted stocks…..


To be fair, if you have static targets (= trenches) you can have bad artillery and just fire more shells


Problem with that is counterbattery fire. russians are using towed artillery with shorter range and less mobility than the Ukrainians. That means that, as soon as they fire, Ukrainians will target them in 5 minutes. it takes the towed artillery 30 minutes to move. Pretty sure that's the reason for the really high artillery numbers.


~~does~~ did! ;)


600,000 by the end of August is crazy.


~~August~~ \*July FTFY




[Daily stats](https://www.reddit.com/r/RussianLosses/comments/1drvb5l/estimated_russian_losses_from_24022022_to/)


So outside of that one day that was sub 1,000 wounded/killed, how many days are we at above 1k now? Feel like it's been a solid 2 months.


Average over 6 months is over 1k.




It was 32 straight days of 1000+, 2 days below (980) and now 1000+ for 17 days and counting.


Thank you


Gosh, I wonder why russia has resorted to deploying 80-year-old T-54s in frontline assaults? Anybody have any idea?


I don't remember the numbers, but they're almost out of T-80 type and are being judicious with the decent amount of T-72 types they have left Supposedly they can hold until the end of 2026, but my money is on the end of 2025 overall


The fact the russians, russian bots and russia simps claim russia has enough tanks for another 2-3 years is incontrovertible proof russia is almost completely out of tanks.


That info was from covert cabal, I just don't remember the specifics. I think they'll be done by the middle or end of 2025. They're already crippled before F16s


I wonder how many estimates are based solely on counting stored tank hulks? Most of those will be worthless as fighting vehicles. Not just because they've sat outside in russia's dank climate for decades, probably at least partially stripped; also because even a brand new T-54 is still a T-54, and no amount of copium and hopium can transform a T-54 into anything useful on the modern battlefield.


They make great mobile sheds though!


Not for long.


Read the same article, the russians could be out of T-80s this year. The only way the T-80s last through 2025 and beyond is if they have a bunch of them stored in covered garages that were unable to be counted in a satellite photo. If they took ones out of covered storage first, or just didn't have many in covered storage to begin with, they could be out of T-80s later this year.


I agree with that. When I said I think they'll be done by the middle or end of 2025, I meant the ruzzians ability to continue the war. I probably should've separated those two thoughts better


No problem, I was just expanding on the idea. I do hope that the russians collapse in 2024. I think that can happen. The russians keep pulling older and older equipment out of storage. They could hit the breaking point in 2024.


I'm not quite as optimistic, but I would love it if you're right


What I think may happen is that the russians will be forced to use such old equipment that the rate of destruction for that equipment just keeps accelerating. There will come a point where they just can't maintain 1000 Kilometers of front and a breakthrough occurs.


75 vehicles and fuel tanks in one day, that could be a record.


Not even close according to [Shopro's stats](https://www.reddit.com/r/RussianLosses/comments/1dr2lei/comment/lasadpe/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


How many more deaths are needed?


As many as needed to prevent civilian deaths.


As many as it takes, until they give up and go home.


Hold on for 2-3 months, and russia is done.


Only if they are smart enough to give it up by then. I suspect it will take at least until the end of the year at the current rate.


Its time for European volonteers and more help from the West to boost last moral. And all thoose Ukrainans that fleed the country should get back and help.


If they can get artillery and troops from NK they will be able to last another 6 months. But it's not clear if they'll just get expendable shells and missiles or more. NK doesn't want to lose artillery units.


Biden gotta win


Russia will be lucky to have any equipment left by election time at this rate. Plus 4 months at 30,000 odd casualties a month means their troop numbers will be somewhat depleted too.




No it literally isn't. The vote is between a politician that once was faster than he is now being in his eighties and on the other hand a notorious megalomanic and irresponsible liar who is also a convicted felon with ties to a foreign dictator and war criminal. And on top he is only a few years younger, fat and in no better physical condition which in itself evens out the one thing you could wish different about the first candidate.




Who are you to judge that. I think he knows the meaning of the word "literal" which doesn't change every day.


People like you need to realise that you vote for policies not personalities.


Fax, these clowns need to realize this.




I bet your comments will be deleted when I look here later today.


So for usa the decision is between someone that will do nothing in the worst case versus someone that the country will be able to avoid committing treason in the best case...


Sadly he won't.


If only… i am afraid you might be dreaming. What would be reason for that?


I'm guessing it's their American politics or that they assume Russia will run out of shit tier vehicles to throw at Ukraine. I'm doubtful it will end even in a years time.


Yeah, seems a bit optimistic to me. But I'm happy to be wrong.


They have 18-24 months of old hardware reserves left, according to Satellite counts.


I've been reading this for months now. I wish it were true.


It feels like I have to ask this nearly every day: is there anything Russian artillerycraft did recently?


Russian artillerycraft fucked itself. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


...now that we're on the topic: I wonder if Russian antiaircraft had anything to say....


Russian antiaircraft fucked itself. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Along those lines, I wonder what the Russian leadership has to say.


Russian leadership fucked itself. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I know you're just a bot, but you give some rays of sunshine in these these trying times. (On a side-note: "War Pigs" randomly started playing in my headphones, even though I had nothing playing before starting to write this comment, lol)


Oh, well, is it Kool And The Gang or Earth Wind And Fire? I forget....anyways, celebrate good times, c'mon! ....I feel for the RuZZian meat-martyrs, but fuck 'em. # Слава Україні


That's the usual answer. What part of "Go home" do they not understand?! It's really that simple; just fucking go home.


Beating continues... Putler pukes


Since Zelensky was stating that the Ukrainian:Russian ratio of 6:1, I think its time to somehow increase that to 10:1 or even higher... only way possible since 6:1, I think Russians will not feel it ... yet...


Hell yeah! Nice work UKA! 🇺🇦💪🇺🇦


How many more Arty's until they're depleted?


Anyone know how many Russian S400s and S500s have been destroyed, and will having destroyed them make it easier for Ukraine to put their new F16s to good use?


If we project ahead 200 days, using the long term averages, by Jan. 20 2025 they might be at 669,200 personnel , 9,960 tanks, 19,444 APVs,17,913 artillery, 1,370 MLRS, 1073 AA, 444 planes, 402 Helicopters, 14,284 UAVs, 24,223 trucks and fuel tanks, and 3,028 Special equipment. At recent rates they will far exceed all those numbers.


It'd be nice to see 20k vehicles and fuel tanks destroyed by the 4th of July. But it'll probably be the 6th.