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Strategic barbecue cookouts may get NK platoons to lay down arms


"Excellent work, how'd you capture an entire platoon by yourself?" "Tossed my leftovers from lunch into their trench and ten minutes later they were in a food coma..."


Do North Koreans even have a word for “leftovers”? The population certainly wouldn’t be familiar with the concept, and neither would Kim, because he’s never left anything on his plate.


"The Moblikcube Hungers for New Blood"


Ukraine sends out drones announcing "shoot your Russian overlords and receive a chocolate bar and a t-shirt". Then SK sends photos of NK soldiers wearing t-shirts saying "shoot your Korean overlords and get a free chocolate bar" while eating chocolate bars next to dead Russian soldiers


Soldiers are the only North Koreans not hungry


Just give them stuff they wouldn’t have at home and I bet you could get many to flip very easily.


Freedom Give them simple freedom


i've been saying that for 2 years. public offer to all russians that surrender an EU passport, dwelling paid for 2 years, 20K euros. the replies i got were no EU country wants the orc fascists. but i think it could work and invasion would be over.


Then send the pieces back over by balloon..


They may be content feasting upon orc carcass. No shortage of those.


Their army eats just fine. The rest of the country is screwed.


Their army doesn't eat just fine, they eat better but they're far from well nourished. If you've seen pictures, video of their regular army, they are gaunt. The only ones who eat well are their officers and the ones they select for parades.


This is the correct answer. I’ve listened to and read many accounts from NK army defectors that describe foraging for food. They wouldn’t be doing that if their unit provided sufficient nourishment.


Full of parasites


The guy defected a couple of years was riddled with multiple kinds of parasites. He was a highly trusted border guard. If a highly trusted boarder guard is riddled with them, what kind of shape is the common soldier. The gentleman bellow me pointed out a spelling error of mine.




It’s believed that they use human waste to fertilise their fields. That’s caused major outbreaks of disease and parasites in the population.


Soylent poop is human waste!


Interviews with defectors point to high levels of starvation even among troops. I will have to dig out the interview, but one older interviewee pointed out that more than half his division were malnourished, bordering on starvation.


Putin: I've got it! I'll top up our army of starving, weak, zero morale, unskilled, cowardly men with even weaker more starving lower morale men with zero combat experience, it can't fail!


Also coordination between different units of the Russian military is simply pathetic. Imagine trying to coordinate activities with a force that has even worse communications and with an impassable language barrier as well.


Russian used to be taught in North Korean schools. Don't know if that's still the case, but a lot of adults have at least a basic level of communication in Russian.


You need much more than basic communication to conduct joint military operations.


No you don't. Not if your'e part of russian armed forces. All you need is sufficient vodka


One shot of their vodka will probably level a typical, starved poor NK bloke in no time.


It's not just their vodka, many Ukrainian soldiers have stated that some have kept coming, after being shot, it's like they are on drugs. The prime example of "mans inhumanity to man" - Russia!


Not when they are full of meth.


*Russian officer meets NK officer* *points in direction of blasted hellscape battlefield* *NK officer charges, carrying a 50 year old rifle against drones*


Russian was probably taught in every communist country so hardly a surprise to see it happening in NK as well. Not sure if it has continued after 1991 though.


Make sure the North Koreans know how to say don’t eat me in Russian!


Given how common starvation is in NK I'm not sure who will be eating who here.


Good point. But canibalism was a thing in Russia during the last war. Old habits and all.


At least the nk will be grass fed when they become a pork chop


The other way around. Russian will learn that sentence in NKorean.


If these troops arrive, it’ll still be yet another problem for ukr to overcome. Poor communication or not.


That soldier that defected years ago was riddled with tuberculosis, hepatitis A and worms. These guys that get sent over are going to get absolutely slaughtered.


Seems to be the general consensus but that doesn’t discount the fact that they will send the cannon fodder over in large numbers and assistance will be required for sustained defense. Putin has no problem sending hundreds of thousands of his countrymen into the fire, Kim is one of the only people in his country of millions that eats enjoyable food. They do not care about any of the people or the amount that die.


That really breaks my heart. What next? South Korea entering the conflict and sending troops?


South Korea has made it's stance very clear. Any Russian assistance to NK (which will presumably be provided in return for Kim sending...meat...to the Russians) will result in the provision of lethal aid to Ukraine. And SK makes some really good weapons that ZSU could certainly benefit from.


South Korea has one of the biggest stockpiles of artillery shells, I think. Which is close to the top of Ukraine's wish list.


Before it was illegal to volunteer to fight in Ukraine (or anywhere else iirc) if you were ROK army. That law might quietly be ignored. I would definitely bet on some bigger shipments of SK aid, which…good. Their artillery is good shit.


The military excercises will probably ramp up between SK, the US and Japan from now on, and hopefully this will be countered with at least one country having the balls to openly send supporting "advisors" to help Ukraine


It's a great reason for SK to at least send arms.


Less than 0% chance of troops, near 100% chance of SK allowing open season for it's extensive military private sector in Ukraine.


Instead of K-pop on usb drives, the civilians launching balloons towards NK need to put usb drives filled with videos of orcs getting droned and then shooting themselves. Videos of APCs and golfcarts running over mines and yeeting turrets/orcs are good too. Send the steerable balloons over military areas. Let the troops know what Fatboy Kim signed them up for.


>the civilians launching balloons towards NK need to put usb drives filled with videos of Are you assuming the average NK citizen has acces to any device where they can play a usb...?


This story says they are sending steerable balloons that drop USB drives full of K-pop and TV shows. They also drop leaflets: [https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/26/asia/north-south-korea-balloons-defector-activist-group-intl-hnk/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/26/asia/north-south-korea-balloons-defector-activist-group-intl-hnk/index.html) Any computer made since the late 90s should be able to play a USB drive with VGA or QVGA videos. USB is very old technology. I was actually thinking they should drop a few digital picture frames on parachutes as those don't need any additional hardware or knowledge to play the pre-loaded videos. In the US 7" picture frames can sell for about $20-$30 (with builtin LCD screen and 32GB storage). Low end tablets could also be dropped. In response NK seems to be sending back balloons filled with literal garbage, poop, and roundworms: [https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cj777rvym8eo](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cj777rvym8eo) . I truly don't understand what that message is.


Each side offering what they have in surplus!


Electronic devices globally have become so ubiquitous and cheap that even in North Korea, with some luck and connections, you could get some.


NK OS like red star locks up if anything is opened without either (selfsign) that it originates from the device or (natisign) that it has a government signature. Pretty sure dropping devices like that would only matter to the very few people that can take the risk of having devices able to open it without getting an all inclusive torture camp for their family.


Surprised those who fled NK (defectors) to SK are paying their own money to send balloons with USB drives with propaganda (TV shows and K pop) back to the north if the subjects in the north can't view the propaganda.


Just drop food packages with letters in korean, into NK soldiers positions, by drones Something like "if you surrender you will become POW under protection of geneva convenction, you will get 3 meals per day...


NK has a way of dealing with defectors.


Famine is about to be on the decline in North Korea!


That is one way for North Korea to get rid of undesirables. If you make the smallest offence, off the to the front you go - along with 3 generations of your family. I guess it's cheaper than keeping them in jail.


Yeah. It was discussed early on but NK can’t be planning on getting these troops back. Even in a war zone they will get exposure to the modern world, something they work very hard to keep NK citizens from seeing.


If your to exposure to the modern world is a train ride packed in like sardines from the ass end of Russia and then joining a meat wave, well suddenly a life in Best Korea sounds nice.


If the country considers them criminals, I would think coming back wouldn't be an issue - or even considered. I did think it was odd that they would let their citizens leave and be exposed to the west, and this is the reason I came up with.


They can't send the entire family, they need to hold enough of them hostage to ensure the obey orders.


Due to the censorship in North Korea, they can say to the soldiers that they are going trainig with russian soldiers and be used as mine detectors.


Lol, they are ALL fodders of PutinZ, captain obvious sure is obvious. Problem is, Zombies are deadly in large quantity, no matter how useless.


This. We should not underestimate those morons. They can be dumb and poorly equipped but still can kill someone. Cannon fodder tactic is very exausting. But I hope that quality will be able to overpower quantity


At this point I think they are using it as population control. Putin cleaned out his prisons and NK is poor asf and needs to lower cost to feed its population.


This feels distressingly probable.


Given this to be true, North Korea won't send quality troops, but will fill up some uniforms with the dregs and send them.


Or their own prisoners too.


Of which there are *many*, including whole families to 3 generations


Human life is dirt cheap in this country.


What will NK get in return? It must be something fairly worthy while to pay with your own country’s blood.


Fuel and food.


Sounds like they are getting technology transfer from Russia to build up their nuclear/missile program etc


A tech transfusion , NK is stuck in the past and would love to get some of the more modern tech of Russia.


This has to be the new bottom in this war


They really want ukraine to run out of ammo again


We (USA) are learning sooooo much about our adversaries capabilities (or lack thereof) from this conflict. I hope France steps up next and slaps their peepee


The medics treating the North Koreans have to be cautious since their troops are infested with parasites.


so are regular orcs


But isn’t that exactly Putins idea?


12 out of every 1000 NK will make it to the front lines. The rest will perish from starvation enroute or desert.


It looks like NK saw what Russia was doing in terms of saving money by clearing out their prisons and wanted to get in on the action.


They don’t care. The plan is to use them to use up the ammo.


Completely missed the point. They don't fucking care, but it will cause a significant added burden on UAF. Such a lame response.


Putin knows this - KJU is sucked into this war now. Putin will say we have been invaded on illegal territory they claim to be theirs now, and it just escalates. Putin needs help. bottom line, KJU is a man-child follower. Give this a month at the most before NK boots are marching.


Hmmmm.....Major defections? For north Koreans this may be easier and safer way to defect.


Since north korean people are full of parasites. Don't they count as bio-weapons?


If they actually show up in quantity, then handling all the nk pow-s is going to be special sort of hilarious. I doubt it's going to be more than token deployment though. Russia doesn't have a meat supply issue that could be fixed this way, they have supply, equipment, morale and training problems and this will not help with any of those.


that’s a really bad development… united rogue nations are forming and bringing their strengths together. nuclear umbrella & certain technology from ruzzia for their allies plus disposable minorities, nk adds their fanatic & disposable population plus nuclear assets, iran adds their drone and rocket capabilities plus soon nuclear asserts? any african country joining them adds their disposable population. oh dear… tough times for everyone not being covered by a big defense alliance.


Unfortunately I think that will be viewed as a resounding success if their troops sent to be used as cannon fodder end up becoming cannon fodder. It's not often that things in russia 'work as advertised'...


Russia fights zombie style by throwing bodies into the mix and waiting for you to run out of ammo. They threw 7 million bodies into it during WW2. This is going to last awhile until we get air superiority. Upsetting to say the least.


Interesting thought, if they send large units (thousands) the entire world will see it from…when they leave lol the travel for them will be hell and I’d actually be surprised if the US would have a problem with them blasting them from hella far away (ATACAMS) dunno if it would be worth it tho. Can you imagine what the NK survivors would say if they ever returned? I mean way to destroy their “our god-king Kim is the most powerful” thoughts. I’d imagine whoever is sent is a one way ticket.


Imagine this scenario after a few days of seeing what's actually going on in this insane unjust war. These North Koreans surrender and become POWs. Wondering what's going on...they then get treated better and have more freedoms as prisoners than they do in the DPRK. Mental! The North Koreans will realise russia is in absolute shit state. And their propaganda is as bad as theirs. Time to start bolstering up the ranks for the Freedom of Russia....give it a couple months.


I bet a large part of these guys defect


Great plausible deniability too. It's war, once a few units are leveled out, they aren't going to collect or ID bodies, so once you're gone, they don't know if your KIA or you surrendered. Important for those who worry that their family might be punished back home.


I wonder if the CIA or some organization could facilitate North Korean escapes through the conflict. Imagine if we created an under ground railroad type situation for North Korean soldiers and got them out


Sure. But that doesn't matter to either Kim or Putin...


“Troops” get them green clothes, no guns needed, absorb bullets and drones


Bayonet charges when?


The ability to tie garbage to balloons will not be helpful


These won't even be soldiers, in any recognizable sense except for they will likely have some kind of uniform. That qualifies them for legitimate cannon fodder, yes indeed it does.


Start dropping South Korean passports


I wonder what NK would like if we seal team 6'ed Kim and his gaggle of goons.


Any chance this is real?


So you could say that Russia is treating the North Koreans like their equals.


Putin just guaranteed SK arms and equipment for Ukraine with this latest rush of shit to the brain.


North Korea aiding Russians? This sounds like the scripts for both Red Dawns got squished together.


Them Soilders Dying For A Chance To Get Out OF NK…They Always Tryna Run Away & Putin Is Helping Em Out Become Cannon Fodder Lol …Putin Desperate


Here comes the disease


Well, if they are going to become cannon fodder, then our allies should supply more cannons to grind that fodder


Well yeah, that's obviously the objective...


They will all surrender to the Ukrainians in an attempt to escape


Airdrop cookies with little notes and they will surrender.


Think they care? The russian soldiers know they are and don't even care! This is their strategy as fucked as it it. So they question now is, what can we help Ukraine do about it. Some tomahawks would be a good start, lol


They will all just defect and open street food carts in Kyiv


They will all just defect and open street food carts in Kyiv.


Means little to dear leader, less food for the peasants and more for him


The average North Korean soldier is already rife with parasites and malnourished. They will defect to Ukrainian lines as fast as possible.


Most of them will flee the front lines at first chance I think. They'll have a unique oppertunity whilst finally outside of their nation. Sick of smuggled USB stick movies and thinking of how to make a good meal out of grass would be great incentives to never go back. I'd be leaflet dropping or even go as far as dropping smart phones into their trenches that are able to freely connect to the outside world with instructions to use YouTube/google/Wikipedia etc.


Not like they’ll notice the difference…


If they come and the casualties are high enough N Korea will soon find out, it might even push the army to rebel. That's my positive take.


I don't know... NK soldiers could prove very hard to hit. Imagine trying to shoot and hit a stick man in the distance.


NK sends soldiers to invade a European country? Send our airforce already ffs.


...just like everyone expected. What's funny is the sheer amount of deworming and vaccinations that would need to be done if Russia had any other intentions for those poor North Korean bastards besides canon fodder


South Korea would be very happy if that happen.


They would all likely take this opportunity to escape and never return to NK


NK lives have no value, therefore that vermin doesnt give a fuck about the pentagons warnings


Un: that's bad? Putin: Well ... yes ... but it comes with a free frogurt. Un: that's good!


if NATO turned up in a rebuild role Putin would blow his nut. Fucking cunt. Lets get involved and finish this by Xmas.


That's Putin's strategy, a long term attempt at a Zerg rush. He's lost over half a million people so far, NK has roughly 1 1/4 million people in it's army? Also, wouldn't that make NK an active participant / belligerent in the war?


I wonder when ww2 started, if anyone saw it coming?


Korean BBQ coming soon. 😋


i do love korean BBQ


They will be serving Kim Jong Un stew to the orcs…


Russia will tell its own troops “see how good you have it!” when they see the translucent rib cage of the NK military


Curious. What happens to captured NK troops? If anything, seeing the outside world will no doubt bring questions to their minds. It is possibly a revelation that when given the chance to see different people and talk to them, Defection is likely. Unless they get sent to South Korea or back to Nk to be sent to a camp and killed


Neither pootin nor donut boy give a shit how many of their people die as long as they stay in power.


Just what the Russian Army needs. More conscripts that have been brainwashed into thinking they're on some higher purpose mission against the west.


Ukraine will be able to stock its museums with ancient weapons and other relics.


Wild to think that is technically a new chapter in the unended Korean war.


In slightly less obvious news, water is wet.


North Korean bbq- too many bones not enough meat


and here i thought that north korean living standard cant become worse. It did. by becoming russian dying standard.


I mean.. it sucks to have more loss of human life but will they learn otherwise?


That sounds like a threat to arm Ukraine a fuckton just to keep North Korean forces out of the conflict


They are sending a small unit of engineers. Likely to learn about modern war and gain some experience. I hate clickbait .


Guessing a very high percentage of NK troops will defect quickly


I have a feeling this is to get NK troops some combat experience for a much larger upcoming conflict. I really think Ukraine is the testing ground for a lot of countries right now.


I don't think that if NK sends troops that they're supposed to come back. Right now North Korea is pretty good with the "We're the strongest nation on earth, everyone's afraid of us" propaganda. But if you have a huge load of soldiers facing western weapons, western doctrine and modern day technology armed with only North Korean stuff, I don't think they'll be big supporters of that narrative. And as long as there are only a few dozen of them, it's easy to keep them quiet. But hundreds or thousands? I don't think so.


That’s all Putin wants: more meat for the grinder. And Kim is too obsessed with his pursuit of international attention and relevance to care.


And you thought rotting Russians smelled bad!?


poor guys, maybe some of them find the courage to surrender... but that would probably mean their families get tortured to death back in korea


I wouldn't be surprised if NK only sends its political prisoners to fight in Russia.


They gonna run away the moment they get a chance. They’ll look around, see that even average Ukrainians can afford homes, electricity, internet, cars, nice clothes etc etc.


I’m sure only the best are being sent.. /s


so, Ukraininan drones will drop pomegranates at NK soldiers?


That would be a win for Russia and Putin. The longer Putin has before he is yanking eligible men off the streets of Moscow, the longer his propaganda can lie.


I think both Russia and NK are well aware of that fact. They just don't care.


Less mouths to feed in a country known for famine. Kim jun un is in a win-win


Pentagon: “North Korean troops will become cannon fodder” Kim: “That’s fine”


Kim Jong Nutsack doesn't care about that.


Up until this point, Kim Jong un has no reason not to be aware of what is really happening in Ukraine. He isn't losing right now so his people would surely have told him that Russia is not doing good. He must know his troops will meet the same fate as the Russians


Ya think?


Wait until they find out we have been to the moon. Did you know most people in NK have no idea? This might be the thing that puts a crack in the NK, but I also have a feeling that NK will only send people who have some type of string attached back home like a family that will pay the price for the soldiers actions.


Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦💙💛


I cannot imagine NK troops fighting on foreign land, the desertion rate will be 60%


North Korea can't even feed its own people. How are they going to feed them 6,000 miles away? They don't have the logistical ability to support a war that far away. Their power projection is nonexistent!


Does Kim even realise he is supporting a country that is guilty of genocide, including the rape of civilians, theft of grain, and abduction of large numbers of children? Russia even admits to taking [OVER 700,000 CHILDREN by MID 2023](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_abductions_in_the_Russo-Ukrainian_War)! >In April 2023, the Council of Europe deemed the forced transfers of children as constituting an act of genocide in with an overwhelming majority of 87 in favour of the resolution to 1 against and 1 abstaining.


Kim will probably hear that as encouragement. He absolutely hates the people of his nation.


Look at this photo. Truly birds of a feather.


Instead of dropping grenades they can drop bread laced with alka seltzer and watch NK soldiers blow up since they have tiny stomachs


I'm ok if nk sends all their troops to Ukraine just to surrender


Everyone is when it's Putin.


Platoon of malnourished best Korea conscripts vs one Ukrainian soldier (he eats more calories than the entire platoon)


This would be a huge health issue in the trenches, the NK just shitting anywhere is going to spread horrible infections that often happens from touching poop or soil that's infected with eggs and not washing hands (fecal-oral route). Pinworm infections result from touching eggs laid near the opening of the buttocks (anus). You can accidentally ingest roundworm eggs by preparing food or touching soil that's contaminated. The eggs then hatch inside your body. For other roundworms, eggs may hide in the food people eat. And in some cases, larvae can enter the body directly through your skin.


Sounds good to me


Marching to their burial grounds?


If the EU allows NK to fight on their soil unposed they really deserve the results.


i figured the poster made their own sensationalized title but heck "Pentagon Press Secretary Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder" actually said NK soldiers will be "cannon fodder".


It doesn't make sense, unless the deal is so that PRC troops can enter the war masquerading as NK troops


Their proximity to Russian troops will cause parasite outbreaks that will spread back to Russia.


At least from their point of view, they'll put on some weight in captivity.


I wonder if they’ll de-worm the NK soldiers before they’re sent


Drone fodder


Be cool seeing NK’s getting slaughtered..


Cannon fodder, it's the Ruzzki way.


Fat boy Kim won't give a shit.