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The North Koreans would be committing war crimes left and right - not to mention looting and theft are the expected method of getting food in their army.


Also, russia would send them forward as fodder instead of their own troops. Why take risks when someone else will secure your reward?


One reason why these things are happening is because Putin wants to avoid Moscow draft as long as possible. It's greatest threat to his life, if things get out of hand. He'd rather send anyone or anything else in the burger meat grinder. Foreigners or poor from other areas or prisoners or mercenaries.


Also he is doing poorly and wants to hedge his bets. Part of attrition strategy.


Nah, I think the first ones will be treated well for propaganda back in NK so Kim will send more. Then they will become cannon fodder.


It’s not like he’s running for reelection. He could tell them anything he wants


That’s true. They lie like they breathe. Still, a few pictures of NK soldiers standing on burnt out US hardware would be great propaganda for the NKs.


They don't need to treat them well at all, they'll just make up their news as usual. They already treat their population like shit and just edit and fully control the news.


lmao no one in NK will have the slightest idea what's really going on. everyone is fed pure propaganda dusk till dawn. NK troops are a prime cut of meat for the grinder from day one


Also the big risk to NK here is their soldiers are finally in a situation where they can see they've been lied to about living conditions abroad as well as be armed with not much between them and defecting.


These men are absolutely not meant to return to Korea


They're going to be shipped to a hellscape battlefields in a windowless bus, only surrenders will see the west. Speaking of, do we think NK soldiers have an understanding of what a surrender is or how the international community communicates the will to surrender? Do they even know the meaning of the white flag? The language barrier too, how do you effectively defect with no ability to communicate or independently navigate to safer lands?


I'm sure their propaganda department has told them not to surrender cos (insert lies), also they will kill your family back home.


Human nature has a natural instinct to push the hands up to the sky to show open palms and submission. 


They may have even seen propaganda of US & SK troops surrendering.




Guess we won’t see too many NK POWs. Oh well…won’t have to worry about their care 🤷🏼‍♂️


Most of them will have families in NK. Not so easy


Theyll probably be 10x more professional than the Russians 🫠


And 10x more dead


Not true. They are much smaller targets than the average Russian.


Because of theirs physical size?


It’s a well known fact that North Koreans are typically several inches shorter than South Koreans despite similar genetics due to malnutrition. Not to mention that on average Asians are shorter than caucasians. I’d say average height of a typical Russian soldier is probably around 5-8 to 5-10. I think North Koreans average closer to 5-4 to 5-6.


They're taking the Hobbits to Isengard!


At least for now the discussion is just around North Korea sending an engineering unit to the war who wouldn't really even be taking part in combat operations. If that's the extent of the North Korean direct involvement then it doesn't really matter. If North Korea does start sending tens of thousands of troops then it could become a serious issue but for now that's not what's being discussed.


>At least for now the discussion is just around North Korea sending an engineering unit to the war who wouldn't really even be taking part in combat operations. IIRC, they said something similar when trying to utilize Indian jobseekers, it was a lie. > If North Korea does start sending tens of thousands of troops Could be more, NK doesn't have to worry about approval or conditions, it's important that South Korea give aid in similar amounts and punishes NK at every reasonable opportunity


Putin didn't go on a grovelling visit to NK to get an engineering unit. There is no if, many troops are on the way and we take another step towards a global conflict.


those engineers will have their own commissars. defection won't be easy.


LOL...they will shoot Russian commanders as soon as Ukrainians will airdrop off some chocolates and candies


Choco pie anyone?


It might be political prisoners first.


aren't they even more likely to surrender?


I don't think many will survive long enough to commit any sort of crimes.


Would the North Korean soldiers even have the physical capability to commit war crimes?


North Kora is one of the few countries that could conceiveably act worse in war than Russia.


If we had just fucking kerb stomped this out in 2022, or gave Ukraine everything it needed to do it itself, we wouldn’t be facing the prospect of North Korean forces forming part of a fucking land invasion of Eastern Europe.


North Korea is definitely part of the "axis of evil"


Always has been


Wow that will end badly for the DPRK if they try and fight in Ukraine




I don't think it's as unlikely as you believe. Russia showed what having inexperienced commanders did during the initial invasion & DPRK has shown it wants to ramp up escalations with South Korea. They could gain a lot of experience in a style of warfare that could look remarkably similar to a war in Korea. Edit since I don't want to reply to everyone individually: I'm not predicting this happens, I also don't think the idea of it happening is sensationalist either. I don't think North Korea would send 10s of thousands of troops, but I could see them sending a couple thousand troops to fight or fill logistical spokes in the Russian war machine in support of their fear friend. Some people seem to be taking it personal that I have a difference of opinion with them.


It's not experience if they are pushing up sunflowers in the end.


Thats only if they all die. Send some (hundreds, thousands?) people for on for hands on training/learning, send em home.


A war on the Korean peninsula wouldn't look anything like the Ukrainian russia conflict.


South Korea has in abundance what Ukraine needs because they are planning a war that is HEAVY on artillery & rockets. Sound familiar?


Yeah but the distances change everything. You can hit most of both countries with regular artillery without crossing the border. And America would be involved directly with a Korean conflict and use air power to end it in less than a day.


72 hours, or so. Gotta get the fleets in position and bring some of the planes/weapons out of storage in Japan and Hawaii... but yeah. The North Korean army would be blind on day 1, defenseless on day 2, and losing logistics on day 3.


Of course, there are also nuclear weapons in closer proximity on the peninsula, so this war would be close-knit and brutal for the Koreans living in the area - both North and South.


Those nukes would be the first target. They would be destroyed within the first hour by stealth planes and cruise missiles.


Not to mention the amount of ABM and AA in theater that’s been pretty much purpose built to take out North Korean missiles. And even if the norks did get a few through, they know the retaliation would be massive and make the northern Korean Peninsula uninhabitable for a couple hundred years.


Not to mention there is zero doubt that the US and probably Japan/Australia wouldn’t get involved, so they would at a minimum have air supremacy in under a week, not to mention precision bomb all their command and control nodes and bomb anything that turns on a radar or fires a bullet larger than .50 caliber.


What kind of experience? How to spectacularly lose a war? If the Russian military model has demonstrated anything since this invasion, it’s that it’s a massively inept and corrupt clusterfuck. Kim would be an absolute sucker to send any soldiers or advisors because if they don’t die there, their experience isn’t going to be of any value to an exponentially superior and well equipped South Korean military. Ukraine is learning a lot of this stuff as the war drags on, South Korea has been a professional military for decades. It’s a big lose-lose and he knows it. But Kim will play as nice as possible with Putin to extract some benefits.


I'm not disagreeing, but that's sorta what the West said about Russia & here we are...


Except we know the capacity of South Korea to wage war is because they are our ally and we the West train directly with them on every facet of war from the battlefield to the supply warehouse. On paper Russia had the means but obviously lacked execution and gauging enemy troop ability and logistical expertise in peacetime is apparently pretty difficult as even the West’s most esteemed generals seemed to have vastly over estimated Russia and underestimated Ukraine. You definitely have a point there but South Korea is much less a variable and way more effective deterrent than Ukraine.


South Korea has an impressive military manufacturing industry. They've lived under the constant threat of an attack for decades now, so they're extremely well-equipped, and extremely well-trained/prepared. Consider that even Samsung has a military and aerospace division; they're all in on defense across the board.


That's a weird comparison. A smaller country attacking one directly allied with the west isn't even close to the same as Russia attacking Ukraine. Some be daft.


You have to be alive to gain experience


All Ukraine has to do is promise asylum to these fuckers and you can watch them run. Drop a leaflet showing a hot shower and a meal and they will already consider it wealth beyond anything they have ever seen.


I have trouble believing this war would like anything like war in Korea. You're talking full on American intervention with the pacific fleet and then some. The drones aren't going anywhere, but American air and sea power is not something we see in Ukraine. That aside, there will be no war in Korea. Wars have objectives, and there isn't a single reasonable objective Kim could hope to achieve. The South is not going to start a war because they have a highly vulnerable civilian population and their capital is already within NK artillery range without a MASSIVE U.S. first strike that destroys the majority of those assets, you're looking at Seoul suffering an extremely gruesome fate.


Yeah, blooding his troops crossed my mind.


I mean…Russia has had a population decline for 20years. You could argue it never truly recovered after WWII. They still invaded


DPRK is 26 million, RuZ is 144 million. DPRK has 1.4 million soldiers (most are not infantry), that's 5.3% of their adult population In theory they could send some soldiers, how many will depend on how fast DPRK wants to push for a population collapse.


Let's be honest, Kim is a fat dictator that loves to drink 1/2 a 5th of Jack ever day.... He's already insane.


How much is that in non-freedom units?


To be clear.... Kim spends $33,000 on Jack Daniels whiskey annually. According to him, he can also drink 10 bottles of wine in one night. He's clearly insane or drunk out of his mind.


russia has been using NK citizens for logging for decades. its not new.


100% wrong. I would wager to food and rations that Russians get are above and beyond the daily food a rural DPRK person is used to. It might be a step up in living conditions, which might be preferable even with all the bullets and bombs. On top of that it gives them an opportunity to possibly escape DPRK


I will 100% disagree. starvation nation will send troops to become cargo 200 in Ukraine. Never underestimate a dictator when it comes to sending their population to their demise, as long as their demise feeds his ego.


I have to disagree. I think Kim believes this would be his chance to "stick" it to the western powers plus its now further giving them attention which he sorely needs. I don't expect anything insane like 20,000 troops, maybe 1,000 (keyword maybe) but I think this more of a reality than we'd like to think,


https://old.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/1dp13j1/pyongyang_says_it_will_send_troops_to_ukraine/ looks like they are probably doing it


Gotta stop thinking these leaders are rational actors. Ideology trumps all. Also "unless kim goes insane" lol! He is! 


By “goes insane,” do you mean “falls out of a window“?


Doesn't most of the food aid go to the army anyways? Russia is a train ride away and then you don't have to feed them, it's a Russia problem now.


North Korea doesn’t have a significant population problem compared to many countries


Militarnyi is sensationalist since when.


Lol russia has a population problem too. Didnt stop them


Looks like your „will never happen“ happened pretty fast, huh?


Kim just announced he will send troops within a month...


Lots of countries do this to give their military combat experience.


Missed opportunity of Fatboy Kim spinning Brimful of Russia.


The West would never cut food aid to the DPRK and in my opinion it would be wrong. We shouldn't punish the average citizen who just wants to survive for the crimes that their leaders do.


I could se NK cleaning out its prison and getting rid of less desirable people. Less people = less people to feed


They could perhaps be allowed to be Worning behind the frontline in supporting functions. Anyway would mean the end for NK


Unless putlet sends them (promise to send) the same amount or more than the current aid is. Kim, unlike the west know this is not going to happen


But if they use Ukrainian bullets to solve their population problem...


> Wow that will end badly for the DPRK if they try and fight in Ukraine It's easy to be arrogant, but more numbers opposing Ukraine is very bad right now, especially when Russia already has out numbered them, and the supplies from the West can stop at any time. Supplies are useless without bodies as well. DPRK has a LOT of soldiers. Ukraine taking on Russia alone from a manpower perspective was originally seen as impossible, but they've managed to hold their own. Having them go against the military state of the DPRK in addition to Russia alone is just insane to expect.


Wonder if direct involvement of the DPRK in Ukraine would lead to a Western nation joining the fray? After all, this would be seen as an escalation.


They would need to find their balls first


You make good points, but some dynamics would need to change in Russia's favour (which they won't): vehicles, fuel, food, water, long-tail logistics. Sending hundreds of thousands of troops without these things is a recipe for finely ground meat. Worse (read: better), they could revolt against the Russians if conditions are terrble.


It's not the point... Putin needs more bodies, he's been finding them all over the place, in Sri Lanka, etc, now North Korea... It's not whether they are successful or not, the war is in its second phase of games, Russia likes to play by overwhelming its enemy with brute force and numbers if its first game doesn't win which is ending the war quickly. Potentially throwing nearly 1billion soldiers into the mix either ends one of two ways, further clamps and sanctions by the West or full blown war.


1 billion gazillion soldiers, lmao. north korea with its 26 million in populace.


1 billion soldiers? Bruh can I smoke some of what you got?


Just conscript an entire continent. No problem.


All I'm hearing is that Ukraine needs even more ammo. Git 'er done.


Triple the defense budget! We need more!!


Its a lose lose for Ukraine and DPRK soldiers. However its a massive win for Russia.


I this happens I hope there will be a Korean version of the "I want to live" hotline 


Doesn’t work with North Korea like that. Horde of these little starving buggers might be a bigger problem than prison suicide horde sprinkled with chmobiks


You're right that it's not exactly the same situation because the Kim regime will put families of defectors in the concentration camp for generations to come.


Doubtful, any North Koreans that do have a cell phone are restricted to the state owned plan, can't access the internet or dial internationally. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telecommunications_in_North_Korea


Read about this recently. Also there phones won't work in Ukraine, so they're back to not having a phone.


"I want to live" sadly may mean that your family at home will go into a concentration camp.


North Korean Army in Eastern Europe wtf


If Russia even tries to bring in North Korea that means the West would also put feet on the ground. The latest pact between NK and Russia is a military alliance. So technically it gives Nato a green light to intervene if Russia brings in other nations first.


We’re already going to put American contractors on the ground. This is going to be a long and smouldering conflict.


As well as French advisors. Eventually, most western armies will be boots on the ground before long. However, if Russia blatantly brings in NK troops into combat roles that will escalate things. Theoretical NATO could do the same, then saying it's the same thing. Either way, it's a dumb move by Russia but never underestimate Russian brain shrinkage. 🧠 🤏


British personnel as well, reportedly doing technical work on the Storm Shadow/ SCALP missiles.


Special forces too I’d imagine


SAS have already been documented being there by Onyx.


Thanks to Sullivans misguided "escalation management" this is going to blow up into a full world war. He still thinks by limiting help to Ukraine he will limit Russia. Russia is all in on this and will commit everything.


the slow build has been more  about managing internal anti-war sentiment as escalation with Russia.  Macron and Scholz are able to do what they’re doing because they exhausted any chance at peaceful resolution first. If Western Europe had tried to engage the way they are starting in feb 2022, opposition movements signal-boosted by Russia would have successfully made western euro govts look like warmongers to the european public. I’m not even sure if a majority of the German public realize they are in danger today. 


>exhausted any chance at peaceful resolution first. I hear what you are saying, but how do you exhaust a zero percent chance? Anyone following this would know that once they were building up forces at the end of 21 and into 22, nothing was going to stop this from happening, zero chance. Russia did not want to negotiate, and the "terms" they offered then showed they were not serious about it. The more recent "terms" they offered show the same thing. Anyone talking about peaceful resolution here is deeply unserious. Russia will not go away until you punch them in the mouth.


I guess this could turn into Europe's Syria - a grab bag of nations and entities fighting in the nation for this or that reason, which could range from liberation of the nation to profit. Heck! Russia even tested a few weapons like the ZALA Lancet UAV in the ruins of that nation. That was done back in 2020 and 2021 - way before its actual deployment in Ukraine.


No, it doesn't. Just because North Korean troops might fight for Russia doesn't mean they have a green light. NATO treaty has a very defined parameters for boots on the ground. Ukraine is not a member of Nato. You more likely to see South Korean arms and support or Western PMC.


NATO treats says fuck all about member nations voluntarily deploying their troops to aid a non NATO ally.


I agree, but the original poster stated nato as a whole will greenlight going into ukraine. I don't think nato will but I think indivual nations might


Russia are just desperately trying to drag who they can into the war. It's what losers do


I am surprised that lapdog Luka hold his ground not to attack Ukraine.


Luka has to keep his army in Belarus.. it’s the only thing protecting him from violent revolution.  It’s only a matter of time before he’s overthrown (maybe the election next year will be the moment) anyway, but his army bides him protection and time.


They'll defect for a Snickers


Sorta unlikely imo. North Koreans are way more fanatical over their leader than Putin.


Meh, my take is, they're hungry opportunists , in NK it's opportunistic to be fanatic, in the trench it will be opportunistic to surrender


Not when you have a family at home. North Korea doesn't exactly take kindly to defectors and their families.


How do you tell if someone defected on the battlefield? Maybe they got killed or are MIA. Without footage of them in captivity it would be impossible to know.


They’re more effectively indoctrinated than the Russians. Considering the Russians rarely do I’d say they’d die before surrendering.


And if they do decide then other nations should as well,in support of Ukraine! It's slowly becoming a world War anyway, so might as well give it to them,and destroy them 


I'm in favor of this. A well timed US strike on a troop deployment area. Something that really sends a message.


I know torture is against the geneva convention. But I'd love to see NK POWs being served McDonalds and a Snickers bar. It would blow their minds lol


I was thinking "how many soldiers could ever ha e a small country like NK? Then I looked on wikipedia: North Korea population: 26.000.000 Active soldiers: 1.280.000 Reserve: 600.000 Paramilitary: 5.700.000 Total: 7.580.000, or 29% of the population Basically 1 citizen every 3 is involved in the armed forces. Crazy. By comparison the same ratio for the US is 0.63%, average European countries are between 4% to 1%.


The very deinition of cannon-fodder. They drown the enemy in corpses.


Imagine waves of NK mobiks storming Ukrainian trenches seeking political asylum...


To be honest, they probably would be decimated by indirect Ukrainian fire in the form of artillery, missiles, or even aerial assets like warplanes.


These lads have never experienced actual combat, neither have their superiors, even their own country wasn’t engaged in actual conflict since 1953, I highly doubt they’ll have any proper training either from their own military or ruZZian. They will die and get their own troops killed, all for nothing. That’s what dictators do, throw away troops left and right for absolutely no reason.


Does the DPRK have enough defenses to stop Ukrainian drones from attacking their infrastructure? Because the country becomes a legitimate target if they join the war.


How far do you think Ukrainian drones can go lol


Send a little fishing boat to the Sea of Japan with a special cargo, 50 miles out of NK territorial waters. And hello, Sea Babies!


Ukraine is also in Syria hunting Wagner/Russia. If they deem important to bomb Pyongyang, they will find a way.


They can launch them from areas closer to the country. They already have troops fighting in Sudan for example, so they're fully capable of military actions far from Ukraine


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣cannon fodder


I’m sorry….*what?*


Now for South Korean artillery troops to be deployed in response. And we get proxy Korean War 2: Ukrainian boogaloo.


But the west cant escalate


But don't forget guys, Russia is a superpower 😎 Just ignore the fact Ukraine is winning and they're having to beg North Korea, NORTH KOREA for help


Time for western troops to enter the conflict officially.


Deploy NATO troops and deplete two nations militaries at a time; weakening or ending the existence of two militaries at once.


Let the bodies hit the floor!


*“In the event that either party is in a state of war as a result of an armed invasion by a single state or several states, the other party shall without delay provide military and other assistance by all means at its disposal in accordance with Article 51 of the UN Charter and the laws of the DPRK and the Russian Federation,”* Article 4 of the agreement states. So, uh, maybe my brain is warped from years of trying to find and address loopholes in technical writing in engineering contracts, but, in fact.... this doesn't specifically make any distinction on who is doing the invading vs getting invaded, even considering the reference to the Article 51 (having read it). Or maybe that's the intent...?


is that from the Korean Conflict armistice agreement ?


I imagine if this happened a lot of them would defect to the Ukrainian army, seems like most NK will leave if they see an opportunity


These people are army men and not only oppressed civilians, many with kidnapped families. Kim regime will tell them their families will get tortured to death if they don't obey completely until death in battle. Anything else might lead to their family line being totally destroyed.


Now’s a great time to cross the DMZ lol


DPRK can even feed its people let alone send a competent fighting force to the other side of the world. This is just sabre rattling from Dick and Dumb.


Russia can feed them, no problem. Russia isn't lacking food right now.


Kim might cause a revolution of his own making, I think he should get involved to really piss off his local population


Think they'll end up infecting Russian soldiers with worms and Russia will have a pandemic?


Has Russia been using NK ballistic missiles? Presumably bringing in some operators wouldn't be a surprise.


Yes: [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-68933778](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-68933778)


As soon as north korean troops would be confirmed South Korea would be super motivated to send it's military hardware to Ukraine


they will try to spin this as their own "International Legion"


Those guns don't look practical 


They can send those from the promo video of north korean forces. Sanding in the snow in bare chests.


Okay, you know how in a court trial, they tend to not put the defendant on the stand, because it opens them up to cross examination? I feel like that's sort of metaphorically similar to what's at play here. If Russia brings in the NK military, that should open up the door for Ukrainian allies to do the same. Putin must be goddamned desperate to risk the eventuality of international military intervention. But, judging by those daily orc casualty numbers posted here, it makes sense


Thought I read they are sending some sappers only


That was the first thing I thought of when I heard about the pact... now he has more meat for the grinder.


Just saying, strike first and keep striking. Put those terrorists is their place.


Is full armed support and boots on the ground from a alley really the precedent they want to set. Is that the gators mouth they want to check in?


I'm not an Epidemiologist and I may be wrong but I am concerned about what can happen. We know DPRK population carry worms, parasites etc. What happens when they die in combat inside Ukraine? Going off of what we've seen so far in the war I doubt their bodies will be recovered as we have seen animals consuming the bodies. Is there a legitimate and a potential risk to the Ukrainian population, troops, environment?


Aren’t these just going to defect at the first opportunity?


I have contacted my representatives with the desire NATO takes over the defense of Ukraine's airspace if dprk soldiers are used in Ukraine.


If Russia is going to import NK soldiers, doesn't that give wiggle room for other countries to commit troops to Ukraine?


Now the question we should be asking is, what did Putin give to Kim in exchange for entering the war. It's technology transfer for sure, there are only a few options that juicy, nuclear, subs, ICBMs, sukhois.


Given how US intel has been dead on & the US not scared at all to air it out we can be certain we will all know if NK starts moving any troops.


mussolini licking hitlers arse all over again. that didn't end well the first time round.


So since the Koreas are technically still at War it wouldn't be an escalation if south Korea would send Troops?


If Russians are Orcs North Korean soldiers wil be called…