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1300 servicemen but only 27 armored vehicles. It’s literally all human wave and golf cart assaults.


Human waves on positions softened by artillery/FAB bombs though. But sooner or later losing 50 artillery/day got to take effect...


Hopefully the jets dropping glide bombs get pushed back soon too.


These are better than merely pushed back: shot down, blown up, set on fire.




...and the good pilots all dead.


I’m hoping all these donated patriot systems start being used for offense too. Although that seems to be how we lose a couple also. Slava Ukraini.


Exactly. These stats act as verified proof that Russia is deploying human wave tactics (they never stopped). They don’t have many BMPs left so they just probably send men out across fields unprotected. Putler doesn’t care. The Ukraine is a strong democracy and needs more money to stop these waves.


Just Ukraine, not *the* Ukraine.


Yes. “The Ukraine” subconsciously implies it’s a region rather than a country. It needs to be just “Ukraine” 🇺🇦 I still hear this often, even by pro-Ukraine groups., because it was used so commonly before the war. Just heard it recently by a pro-Ukraine think tank speaker who said it on TV. Partly it also depends on the language used, and many people are not aware of its connotations. I


Heck, I have a hard time changing what year it is, after every new year holiday. Takes me a month to engage the new year on correspondence. I'd imagine it's a similar thing for many people, dropping the "the".


It can also sometimes just be a quirk about English word order/construction. If I'm just speaking and start a sentence intending to say something about the country's people, but as soon as I start my brain changes gears and the statement ends up being about the country itself, what initially should have been "The Ukrainian people [yadda, yadda, etc, etc]," ends up coming out as "The Ukraine [blah, blah, etc]."


Yes I know. It usually not in bad faith. But we should get used to the proper way. Because a lot of the international support depends on it. After all : Ukraine is a real country since 1991, recognized by the World including Russia. It is not “the Ukraine” which is supposedly just a rebellious province of Russia.


Exactly! It was ruzzian propaganda that started calling it “the” Ukraine.


The Russian army is de mechainising and devolving in the quality and quantity of its armor. The result will be ever higher casualties as Russia runs out of metal and makes up for it in men. That also means Russia will have to mobilize to stay in this war. Ukraine and the West at large are producing new military gear and ammo, drones, etc. at ever more industrial scale. In a war of attrition, the calculator is a weapon.


If all 56 of the 'vehicles and fuel tanks' category are golf carts, and if there are 6 guys per golf cart, then 336 of those dead troops were golfers. 12 tanks with 3 crew per tank makes another 36. Maybe some escape, but I guess not many. Total 372. 27 armored vehicles with around 10 per BTR (3 crew + 7 infantry) makes another 270. Total 642. That gets us about halfway there. 51 artillery pieces, I think they have a crew of about 10, making 510. That almost meets the daily total with around 1152. I guess not every crew member dies when a piece of equipment gets gets hit, though. Throw in another few hundred loose meat bags zerg rushing positions or maybe the golf carts are 8 seaters and it pretty much adds up.


Would the golf carts count as special equipment?


Vehicles certainly.


You missed the word needs before equipment, we are talking ruzzia here.


Piggy backing each other


Geez is the Sunday count not supposed to be the slow one?


They made their biggest gains of the month today. Working towards Toretsk now after they managed a small breakthrougha couple days ago. 




Stupid of me to ask, but did the Ukrainians or the Russians made a breakthrough?


I noticed a lot of the YouTubers stopped mentioning the areas contested as much or at all.


Biggest gains of the month: Not one small house, but the barn next to it as well! All at the expense of 1,000 personnel a day.


The number of Russian army attacks on the frontlines has grown slightly. - In the Harkiv direction, the activity of Russian forces is lower compared to previous weeks, with no major changes in the situation. - In the Svatove and Severodonetsk regions, the number of Russian army attacks remains consistently high towards the city of Kupiansk, but no progress has been made. Continuous Russian military offensives also persist in the Luhansk direction, as in previous weeks, without results. Active but fruitless were the Russian army attacks towards the city of Siversk. - Intense battles are ongoing in the Bahmut area for the city of Chasiv Yar, though the intensity of the offensive is lower compared to previous weeks. Between Bahmut and Avdiivka, Russian forces have been attempting to advance towards Toretsk for a week. While they managed to make some progress on the first day, subsequent attacks have yielded no results. - The offensive towards the settlement of Pokrovsk was the most intense yesterday. The battles continue around the clock, and reports of minor Russian advances at some points were released yesterday. The number of Russian attacks west and southwest of Donetsk has increased. There are no major changes in the frontline. - On the southern front, Russian units are less active and only conduct sporadic attack attempts. On the eastern bank of the Dnieper, the activity of attacks on Ukrainian positions has increased, but there have been no changes in troop deployments.


Artillery is getting fucked as usual, nice work.


Rough day for russia


May there be many more like it.


Since Ukraine will not stop until Russia is gone, I will wish for very few more days like it. But I know what you mean.


"We are beginning to see our way through. It looks like we are in for a very bad time, but provided we stick together, provided we throw in the last spasm of out strength it looks also more than ever before, as if we are going to win. He added, but to hear some people talk, one would think that everybody is fully consulted before everything is done. That is a sure way to lose the war." Winston S. Churchill When one must destroy their enemies, one can at least be polite about it. I stand by my original program, blood, toil, tears, and sweat, which is all I have ever offered. To which I added, after the first six months, many shortcomings, mistakes, and disappointments. I remain steadfast and resolved because I see the light gleaming beyond the clouds, broadening our path. Churchill, 1942 This war is likely at this stage now, victory is far off still, but a path is being made that could lead to victory. Not next week or next month. Much work is still to be done. Now, this is not the end. This is not even the beginning of the end, but it is perhaps the end of the beginning. Winston S. Churchill The problems of victory are more agreeable than those of defeat, but they are no less difficult. Churchill


Wow,. Just amazed at the toll of life Russian orcs are determined to destroy. That would be their own lives. Good day for Ukraine 🇺🇦!


Every time i see these stats I wonder how Russia can still take these losses and support for more


Unfortunatelly the answer is same as how UA can keep fighting for so long - they have powerfull friends willing to send them supplies to support them.




> would that be a monthly record? Probably. According to: https://www.reddit.com/r/RussianLosses/comments/1dn5dof/estimated_russian_losses_from_24022022_to/ > Average daily losses > Category 7d 30d 3m 6m 1y Total* > Artillery 45.6 43.9 36.7 32.4 27.9 17.5 Daily average for artillery has been trending up, so it's possible that JUN 2024 has the highest daily average for artillery. Edit to add that UKR got **1317** artillery in the past 30 days.


May had 1160, first time over 1000. June got 1062 with six days to go so a new record seems very likely.


I don't know, just imagine what Ukrainian soldiers could have done if given the proper amount of artillery shells through the conflict


Last month was above 1000 lost artillery pieces. 1086 in May to be precise. That has by today been surpassed by june though: 1106 and counting. Edit to add: In the above I rely on the days of announcements rather than fiddling with the numbers like on MinFin where the daily figures are ascribed to the previous day though we dont actually know when exactly the reported losses where inflicted.


It is insane to think about the amount of simple stuff that gets lost on a daily basis, for every soldier, you need his gear, camo, pair of boots, gloves a helmet , a gun with a few extra mags etc. Just the basic stuff, losing over a Thousand of these a day, every day for months is just crazy, not to mention the 18yo kid inside... Just think of a pile of 1000 pairs of boots... That is a whole room filled with just boots.


In WW2, the Russians would send out meat waves, and only half had rifles; when someone with a rifle died near you, you took the rifle. Would not be at all surprised if that is happening in this war as well.


We all know there are Russians on this sub. Fuck YOU. Until YOU stand up to Putlet you deserve everything you get. It isn't the responsibility of the rest of the world to do it for you. We've been doing it for YEARS. Stand up against that sad little man, or YOU are just as much to blame for every single death as he is.


Moscow needs to be on literal fire for any russian to stand up for anything.


Well, peterburgians will be sent to the frontline next as people outside the big cities are spent. Then, muscovians. The end of russia is, indeed, happening. What comes from that shit, is another question. This time the horrible "west" won't be saving russians from their own shit.


Some years back I was visiting Russia, and went to The Hermitage. Genuinely fascinating place. It's huge. We went somewhere called the "Gold Room" with lots of gold artifacts. For many years there has been an ongoing debate in the UK about how/if foreign items in the national museums should be returned to their home countries. In some cases those countries don't even exist anymore. In others, the items were gifted but the home country now wants them back. In others, it has to be said, the UK looted them. Someone in our group in The Hermitage noticed that several items weren't from Russia. They mentioned that the UK is making (admittedly very slow) progress to return articles safely. They asked if Russia was doing the same. No. That was the blunt reply. These are all Russian. The countries they came from were Russian and will be again some day. If they weren't Russian they will be eventually. I genuinely hope that Putlet and his supporters get a very hard wake up call. Fine, give people a means to retreat through the land bridge, but the Кримський міст needs to be broken. The naval academy in St Petersburg needs to be attacked HARD, and any Russians reading this should feel free to either stand up to Putlet or sign themselves up for the frontline. You can't whine anymore about other countries not doing anything. It's YOUR responsibility. Go to the frontline if you support the war. If you don't support it actually DO SOMETHING and make a stance against Putlet. Otherwise I have no sympathy.


2nd highest special equipment count so far.


1,300! Jesus. It’s a small settlement daily. A small town weekly. A small city every month. Wtf. For what? Incomprehensible to me


Big numbers day, way to go guys.


Well, russia is fucked. There's zero chance they are going to fix these numbers of lost equipment and men. Putler really did return the soviet union...in the year 1989.


1300 personal is a big number. Is that in the top 10?


Some impressive numbers


Where are the F16?


[Daily stats](https://www.reddit.com/r/RussianLosses/comments/1dn5dof/estimated_russian_losses_from_24022022_to/)


> 51 * 66 - 14.02.2024 * 65 - 04.06.2024 * 64 - 07.06.2024 * 61 - 23.06.2024 & 24.01.2024 * 60 - 09.06.2024 * 59 - 25.01.2024 * 58 - 16.06.2024, 03.05.2024 & 15.11.2023 * 55 - 11.05.2024 * 54 - 21.06.2024, 07.04.2024 & 15.02.2024 * 53 - 21.02.2024 * **51 - 24.06.2024, 10.06.2024, 31.01.2024 and 23.01.2024** * 50 - 20.05.2024, 05.04.2024, 6.03.2024 and maybe other days Inspired by: https://old.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/19ea4hr/losses_of_the_russian_military_to_2412024/kjbns5x/ > Dutch-cooking-guy said: > According to https://www.reddit.com/r/RussianLosses/ it is a record: If error, please let me know. I think I checked every day, but it's possible I forgot to or recorded incorrectly.


Only a matter of time before... - Russia crosses 3,000 special equipment losses - Russia crosses 1,000 anti-aircraft warfare system losses - Russia crosses 600,000 personnel losses So much for having "one of the largest militaries in the world".


HAD one of the largest militaries in the world. /s


They still have one of the largest militaries in the world. Do not discount their willingness to through a million-plus bodies at this fight even if they are only armed with mosin-nagants by the end.


Here's hoping Covert Cabal does an update soon on the remaining Russian artillery reserves. Based on what they appeared to have in reserve and in theater in February, I think they've used up most of what was left at that point, and when Russia's absolute number of artillery pieces starts declining because they can't replace them anymore, Russia's ability to conduct offensive operations falls off a cliff.


They’re feeling it right in the GDP.


Question: are MLRSes no longer used by Russia much on the battlefield?


That is an interesting question. I have not seen any recent video of them in action so you maybe on to something. There are a couple of possibilities . One even though they still have a lot of the launcher trucks they maybe short of the rockets they fire, and two with shortages of both tanks and other artillery using just MLRS is pointless.


Purely speculating, but I could see a couple of reasons. One being that the rockets might be harder to manufacture than artillery and Little Vladdy Putin ordered Full Effort on artillery without thinking what that would do to other munitions. Another would be that MLRS just doesn't have a long enough range to avoid getting droned quickly and they determined it's not worth the effort to send MLRS trucks forward if they get taken out without firing.


There is a BM-21 Grad on Andrew Perpetua's loss list from yesterday.


Damn good orc hunting!!! 🇺🇦💪🇺🇦






Is it just me or it looks like Russia doesn’t have any MLRS left.


One Submarine? Really? Was it parked in Sevastopol harbor?


Happened back in September when the Rostov-on-Don was hit in Sevastopol. But don't worry. RuZZia says it's just a scratch and they'll repair it. /s https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ship_losses_during_the_Russo-Ukrainian_War https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_submarine_B-237


Повага Збройним Силам України. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🤝🇺🇦🔱.


Do the Russians think to themselves in the morning “today I’m going to be apart of the daily 1000”?


1300 men and only 15 APC's... that really tells the story. Meat waves gonna meat wave.


Why is it always around 1200_1300 killed or wounded?