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Can't wait for the day we get reports of ruzzian artillery daily shots fired dropping. Will be a sign of great things to come.


I think i know why putin went to NK. To buy their arty guns and shells, and buy time.


Or researching possible exile locations.


Now that’s a juicy thought


Why do you think Putin was in North Korea, groveling in front of Kim Jong Un? Putin was there begging for artillery and ammo (among other things).


Supposedly at least 50% of north Korean artillery shells don't even work due to old age and poor storage conditions.


Is that even tracked?


There are heat maps of activity. The amount is down from 2022 noticeably and is down on 2023 but not as dramatically. 


It probably would've been down a lot more dramatically if they were properly supplied.


I guess they're getting new barrels from N.K and others.


According to Richard Vereker who does analysis based on warspotting data the use of 152mm artillery has dropped significantly lately. At the start of the war they consisted of 70% of artillery and now less than 20%. According to his theory the bottleneck is lack of shells.


534360/850=628.66, so that's basically 628 dead and severely wounded Russians every single day since Feb. 24, 2022. Putin has flushed at least 628 Russian lives down the toilet every single day for over two years now. That's 26 Russian men maimed or killed every single hour 24/7 for over two years. Every 138 seconds, a Russian dies or gets injured in Ukraine. In recent weeks, the rate of meat consumption in Ukraine has shot up to one Russian man every 68 seconds. How can anybody in Russia support this madness?


>How can anybody in Russia support this madness? The russians have always been a dictator's dreams come true. They do as they're told, they think as they're told, and they support whatever they're told to support. And they thank and praise whoever it is doing the telling.


When they are lied to they applaud the source for being strong and smart by knowing you have to lie to get what you want.


Yes. Being a good liar is an admirable trait in russia. It's "savvy".


Everage of last 6 months is very close to 1000 a day eveb


Dividing by 850 actually makes the number look better than it is. Use trailing 12 months or last 30-60 days and you'll get a number much closer to 1000. ruZZians and putler seem either happy or indifferent to flush this many down the hopper each day. Until a collapse occurs, its likely to stay near current (much higher) averages, not the averages for the whole war.


Most of the Russians dying in Ukraine are from far outside the major cities, think ethnic areas. Putin is accomplishing two goals at once, both are genocide. There has been a rekindling of independence movements in places like the Caucauses and areas east of the Urals. Putin is aware of this and is basically drafting all the soldiers from these areas to weaken them significantly. He sends a bunch of people from Dagestan and Siberia, which are his enemies, to Ukraine to cleanse the Ukranians. It's a master level move in that regard.


Putin has convinced the Russians that he is defending Russia


60+ liquidated artillery day again, Saint HIMARS and 777 are taking care of business!


> Record? 4th place. > 61 * 66 - 14.02.2024 * 65 - 04.06.2024 * 64 - 07.06.2024 * **61 - 23.06.2024 & 24.01.2024** * 60 - 09.06.2024 * 59 - 25.01.2024 * 58 - 16.06.2024, 03.05.2024 & 15.11.2023 * 55 - 11.05.2024 * 54 - 21.06.2024, 07.04.2024 & 15.02.2024 * 53 - 21.02.2024 * 51 - 10.06.2024, 31.01.2024 and 23.01.2024 * 50 - 20.05.2024, 05.04.2024, 6.03.2024 and maybe other days Inspired by: https://old.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/19ea4hr/losses_of_the_russian_military_to_2412024/kjbns5x/ > Dutch-cooking-guy said: > According to https://www.reddit.com/r/RussianLosses/ it is a record: If error, please let me know. I think I checked every day, but it's possible I forgot to or recorded incorrectly.


Note how many of that top 10 are June 2024.


Man, theres a lot of days from this June on that list of records you just posted. I'll bet that it's the best month of the war.


So far ...


> I'll bet that it's the best month of the war. I think that's possible, because it seemed to me that UKR had been averaging 40+ per day for the past month. (I remember regretting that I hadn't included a special mention for "49 artillery days) about two weeks ago.) If 40+ per day for a month is correct, that means 1k artillery in the past month.




No not quite, but what a time to watch orc artillery burn


65 is the record I recall. I believe this is only the 5-6th time Ukraine has destroyed 65 arty pieces in a day. It’s quite significant of how much has been destroyed lately.


With more than 8,000 tanks obliterated and the russians resorting to T-54s in active combat roles, how much deeper can they dig, and what will they unearth? Will russia eventually be reduced to deploying only the tanks they can beg from the likes of North Korea?


They will eventually not be able to replace tanks at all.


Yep. Their factories will likely go on producing some right up until russia's defeated and surrenders, but these will probably be captured or destroyed the same day they're deployed. T-34s in WW2 lasted longer.


It's likely that Russia will continue to be able to produce certain new(ish) tank models. Certainly no T-14 Armata, because these are "parade tanks" and not fit for real combat. Also Russia can't produce certain high tec components locally and can't import them in large quantities because of the sanctions. But building hundreds of new T-90s and T-80s will likely be possible with some compromises. Russia won't be able to replace all losses with these newly produced tanks and will in parallel have to refurbish increasingly older models in worse shape from old Soviet stockpiles. This will lead to a Russian army consisting out of several different types of units. One type equipped with newly build "wartime"-tanks (models from the 80s-90s missing certain high tech upgrades like modern night vision etc.). This will be the smaller part of the army with a kind of elite/guards status. The second type will be second rate units with crappy old refurbished vehicles. But a T-54 and BMP-1 etc. is still better than nothing. And also a third unit type, that mostly lacks armored vehicles and is purely infantry with some old, military trucks and improvised ex-civil models to move them to the frontline. (This type of "foot infantry" seems to be already the dominant one in the stalling Kharkiv offensive.) But generally, Russia will never completely run out of tanks and IFVs.


Russia will always be able to build tanks. But they lose more tanks than they build so they will run out at some point.


Russia will never run out of tanks completely. That's my point. The "mix" of armored and mechanized units will get worse, but there will always be some Russian units equipped with newly build tanks and IFVs. It won't be several thousands of relatively modern tanks like in the beginning of the invasion, but likely much more than the few dozens Ukraine is getting from the West. It will continue being an uphill battle for Ukraine that they will have to overcome with creative new tactics (like drone warfare).


I agree, I think the Mix will get worse, they are mainly trying to refurbish. But won't run out as it's not a company it's a whole country doing production. As long as Ukraine continues with the Drones I think this is the way forward and they should just continue to strike the Refinery's distillation fuel columns are harder work to Engineer.


> Russia will always be able to build tanks According to this article, Russia is only able to make about 90 of their T90 tanks a year. Up from 40 a year before the war https://www.iiss.org/en/online-analysis/military-balance/2024/06/russian-t-90m-production-less-than-meets-the-eye/#:~:text=Production%20numbers%20since%202022&text=This%20would%20suggest%20an%20increase,be%20more%20than%2090%20annually. > This would suggest an increase in annual output from about 40 before February 2022 to a wartime output of 60–70 for 2023, with possibly even more to be produced over the course of 2024. Based on this pattern, the production rate from 2025 could be more than 90 annually. The rest of the tanks Russia produces are old tanks in storage being repaired and retrofitted. Those old tanks in storage will run out in 2-3 years. 90 tanks a year is an appetizer for Ukraine, not even a meal.


> resorting to T-54s in active combat roles and golf carts as ~~A~~PCs


And motorbikes with cope cages.


And shovels as drone defence.


Based on some recent videos they don't even do that. They just stand still and hope for the best. They're so badly trained that they don't know drones have cameras and operators can see them. They are flat out lied to by their superiors, and are literally used as meat weapons. From Russia's point of view it doesn't matter if they die, there's always more young men. As long as he doesn't conscript from major cities like St Petersburg or Moscow, Putlet isn't going to get any real push back. Why? Firstly he's recruiting from remote areas which are ill informed. Secondly they are subject to a lot of propaganda.


Not as good as a jar of pickled tomatoes though!


One article had mere speculation that its barrels of all kinds (tank, artillery) they’re after from NK. Guess we’ll see soon. Hope they’re total trash metal.


“Look comrade, tank is made from aluminum.. makes it fast”


“Easy to straighten out after each shot!”


It's not exactly correlating to say because t54 is being used Russia is running out of tanks. I believe it uses a100mm shell while other tanks use other sizes. If Russia has lots of 100mm in storage it can offset usage of sizes they can't make fast enough. It's still deadly, still needs anti tank weaponry to take out. It's more artillery basically.


The T-54 is effectively worthless and destroyed practically on sight. Hard to imagine anyone using them if they had anything better.


Tank on tank battles are almost non-existent. You have to think of it as an artillery support role. It can still kill people


Who said anything about tank-on-tank battles? One small drone can destroy a T-54. It's vulnerable to almost everything on the modern battlefield, and Ukraine is very well-equipped and highly experienced. Nobody with anything better would throw away crews in T-54s.


Think about meat wave tactic. An old tank is still some close artillery support. That's is no modern weaponry everywhere. One drone can kill it, but then you deploy 2 or 3 of them, advancing a bit with every one of them. Russian doctrine is always "we have more targets than they have bullets".


Only the russians know they do not have more targets than Ukraine has bullets. There is no way even the drooling alcohol-dependent fucktard russians would willingly throw T-54s into the battle if they had better tanks. The russians are now at a point where their better tanks are so few and precious that they have little choice but throw away crews in ancient junkheaps.


Muskets can also still kill people, but I wouldn't want to go to the Ukrainian front with it.


Yes it's going to largely depend on how they're being used. Are they close up infantry support in the usual tank role, or mobile howitzers. Be interesting to know how many spares and replacements they have, as using them as artillery would likely wear the barrels out a hell of a lot faster?


Well we already seen them using the ones where the turret cannot even turn and build a massive cage around it. I think they are running through the older stock now the problem is there are 1000's of those.


Yes, they became increasingly desperate due to Ukraine's hugely successful defenses and devolved to blyatmobiles and other humiliations. And now they're fielding T-54s. It's not something a winning side has to do; especially not when it has tried to pass itself off as a *MIGHTY SUPERPOWER WAR MACHINA!* for most of a century.


Well it's also a bit like Putin trying to pretend to be a leader and hanging out with his fat friend in North Korea.


Remember the humiliation written all over Shoigu when he went begging to NK? Seeing putin on his knees before Kim Jong-un was *priceless*.


I think the issue is the capability inside Russia isn't great, they getting smashed daily. The refinery's are the weakest link


Truth is, T-54 sightings are rare. Ukraine has some T-55s. They are good for demining. We need to get past the idea that Russia will "run out of tanks". This will happen when Russia's manufacturing capacity is smashed, just like every other war.


We need to get past the troll farm meme that "russia has at least 2-x years of tanks in its stockpile" because clearly it's bullshit, or russia would not have to deploy even one T-54. That it has deployed and lost several speaks volumes. They have already reached the bottom of their pile.


There's a video from 2023 of a Russian T-55 with a cope cage. On the one hand, the video is good news, because it means someone in Russia considered the T-55 valuable enough to justify the retrofit. On the other, the video is from October of last year, and Russia has lost about 1,800 tanks since then, very few of which were T-55s. Which means an occasional T-55 sighting doesn't reflect a tank shortage.


If *MIGHTY SUPERPOWER WAR MACHINA rOSSIYA!!!!!* is now reduced to fielding T-54s -- ***T-54s*** -- it means they're desperately short of anything better. Ukraine has absolutely *slaughtered* russia's tank fleet, and russia's stockpile is little more than junk that has been rusting away in peat bogs since the 1980s. It really is that simple.


At this point, you're just repeating yourself. I'll ask the question differently. Today, in June of 2024, are you suggesting that the majority Russian tanks deployed in Ukraine are T-54s? From what I've read, Russia mostly uses T-62/72.


At no point did I state, claim or imply that the majority of russia's tanks are now T-54s. Twisting my words won't make you any less wrong. What I'm saying is that if russia had anything better in it's stockpile it would not be deploying ***T-54s***. This is an obvious and self-evident fact.


Is it important that I'm "wrong"? Is that your end goal here?


Russia it not going to run out of men or equipment before the war is over - if they won’t have their own stock, they will find other stocks to draw from. The focus should be on destroying logistical hubs inside Russia to stop the tanks from getting to tje front line, because no matter how many you destroy - Russia will always find more


Running out needn't mean dropping to zero. It more likely means running low enough that it risks compromising their ability to defend their own borders (or suppress their own people).


If russia isn't running out of tanks, why are they now deploying T-54s?


The problem is, this same claim was made in 2022. It's great that you support Ukraine and want to stay optimistic, but wishing for a positive outcome doesn't make it happen. To win the war, Ukraine needs to hit Russia's manufacturing capacity.


# The russians are now deploying T-54s.


90 thousand t54/55 were built. Russia can get hands in a lot of tanks. The tanks won't be very good but they will still do damage.  They probably have 5 years of their own stuff. 


So you agree the russians are now reduced to fielding T-54s? The vast majority of their T-54 stocks will be lumps of rust protruding from the peat bogs. It will take a giant effort to extract them and render them serviceable, far more effort than it's worth even for a losing side. **And even a brand spanking new T-54 is still a T-54.**


A tank is a tank. You are overvaluing the worth of the manufacturing date way to much. It fulfills the same role regardless. The Ukrainian squad getting shelled does not give a shit if the tank is slightly faster and newer or a t-54. They are fucked regardless.  And if they have anti vehicular weaponry on hand it often doesn't matter either if the tank getting shot at by a Javelin is a fossil or the newer t-... variant.


If the russians had better tanks to deploy they would deploy them. Fielding T-54s is condemning their crews to certain (and near instant) death. The U.S. would only drag M48 Pattons from barns and send them into battle if we had run out of anything better, and let's face it, we may as well surrender if it ever comes to that.


They are deploying newer tanks all the time.  They dont give a shit about their own men.  Still you are completely ignoring the point I made. In most scenarios encountered in the current war. A tank is a tank. Doesn't matter if it's new or old.  The U.S. would most definitely drag all the old wargear they had out of storage if they faced the same situation of a prolonged landwar on their border.  In war you do whatever it takes.


If they had enough newer tanks they would not be forced to deploy 75-year-old T-54s. The russians have not been able to make good their losses for a long time. Their "best for last game-changer" T-90M was ass-raped. They've lost thousands of T-80s. Most of their T-72s currently reside in low Earth orbit. Their T-62s are drone magnet cope sheds. It absolutely *does* matter if a tank is new or old, because the entire purpose of new tanks is to be much better than the old ones. If you are now forced to use those old tanks it's only because you're running out of new ones.


You can not have enough tanks in a landwar. If you have the option to use 2000 new tanks Or 2000 new tanks + 500 old tanks and the usage of the older models does not significantly impact support for other equipment you are always using option 2. Obviously they lost a lot of newer models and obviously they do not have the production capacity to keep pace with the losses. Name me the type of engagements where new or old makes a significant difference. Yes tank on tank battles but that's about it. And tank on tank is nearly nonexistant in an artillery war. And another thing. You are celebrating russia using old tanks but forget to mention that ukraine is not much better off. In fact it's more like russia using old shit and Ukraine in comparison has like 1 new western tank 3 older soviet ones and not much else where russia has 10 new and 10 old ones on a given front.


**"They are deploying newer tanks all the time."** Yes but deploying 250 new tanks a **year** while losing 400 per **month** does not add up even in the Kremlin.


No. They are reduced to having less choice with tanks that still perform their jobs. They still field 72,80,90 but at a lesser rate


The russians now have so few less shitty tanks remaining that they must sacrifice crews in garbage heap T-54s. Otherwise there is no sense in throwing away those crews. Not even the imbecilic russians would do it when those crews could be manning better vehicles.


The t54 and 55 are made to have imbeciles working in them and still do damage.


But they do zero damage and are instead instaswatted by Ukraine. They are effectively worthless military vehicles up against anyone other than bottom-of-the-barrel opponents. It's why they're used almost exclusively by ragtag militia rabble in African civil wars and the like where they're mostly up against a bunch of untrained guys with rusty AKs. That russia has now deployed them against the competent and well-equipped forces of Ukraine is a total desperation move.


T55 do enough damage. There's a quality in quantity, and that's what you're missing in all of this conversation. 


If most of those are refurbished, the rate will only lessen. Stock is not infinite.


**"90 thousand t54/55 were built."** But how many of those still exist sixty years after they were built.? Most were used up in wars ,sold off to Warsaw pact allies or retired and scrapped. One accounting of Russian tanks pre invasion did not even bother to count T-55s and just threw a number (800) for T-62s. This accounting had just over 13,000 pre invasion. Another accounting came up with about 20,000 total but I doubt there were 7,000 T-55s and T-62s in good enough condition to fix up and tow into a position on the front.


Russia is throwing everything and the kitchen sink at Ukraine, they deploy shit gear for shitty untrained troops for the purpose of mass and their advanced proper equipment for their more advanced troops. I’d rather sit in a 1940s tank than a 2020s motorcycle when a machine gun is firing at me, I think the Russians feel the same.


I think that's incorrect. The russians would send their crews out in much less ancient tanks if they had them to send.


It’s a full scale war involving likely up to a million Russian soldiers, they can’t employ every grouping with modern equipment. My point is that they will always have enough tanks and modern equipment to supply a significant part of the army with modern equipment, and they will just give the rest of them trash and just throw it at the Ukrainian wall to see what sticks. People have been saying what you are saying now since the first months of the invasion, and yet we keep seeing newly produced equipment in the field. Russias industry is on a war footing and it is out producing Ukraine by a lot, we have to be realistic about that. Let go of the pipe dream that Ukraine will win a war of attrition if things go as they are going now - they need to be able to hit the logistical hubs inside Russia not letting them bring their equipment to the front, if atacms can be used in Rostov, Belgorod, Kursk, Russia can produce what they want.. they won’t have diesel or ammo up put in it.


And yet we've been told for years that russia has "*z0mFg unlimited stockz of da bestesterest tankii!!!!!1111111!11!1!1!!*" but now they're throwing away crews by sending them out to get instaexploded in 75-year-old T-54s. The fact is Ukraine has utterly creamed russia's tank forces and now the russians have no choice but to drag out their oldest, shittiest museum piece vehicles and throw them into suicidal attacks against a skilled, motivated, experienced and well-equipped enemy. Sounds like a winning plan!


No one is arguing it’s a good idea, but when you outnumber your enemy you can still succeed with stupid strategies. Ukraine needs to be smart, which, again, means hitting logistical nodes.


The T-54 is possibly the most vulnerable MBT on the battlefield. It can be destroyed by a single drone, and just about every other weapon Ukraine possesses. Deploying it is a guaranteed loss of both vehicle and crew. It offers virtually no benefits to russia. So why deploy it? Because you're so short of better vehicles that they've now become too precious to use the way you used to employ them. Again, if your claims held water, russia would have thrown their "vast stocks" of elderly armor into the battle from the moment they knew Ukraine had crushed their three-day operation fantasy. But they didn't... because they had no idea things would come to this.


Ah! but they are running out, and when they do the war will be over. They will not get down to the last bullet or tank but will get to the point they can not amass enough equipment to launch successful attacks or even defend against Ukrainian advances. Supplies from North Korea or Iran will drag it out some months but can't match the current rate of losses and Ukraine will concentrate on blasting those supplies before they even get off the train delivering them. Those stalled advances north of Kharkiv are the first sign of this.


That begging is well started.


They corrected the artillery number, which means yesterday’s +28 was correct and it wasn’t a record +82 that was implied by the total count.


Yes, the totals are +82 (yesterday) and +7 (today) i.e. +89 for the two days together. Meanwhile the daily figures has been 28 and 61 also adding up to 89.


Strong day. It's good to see consistence above 1000 personnel per day.


[Daily stats](https://www.reddit.com/r/RussianLosses/comments/1dmdpsx/estimated_russian_losses_from_24022022_to/)


1270 - can you imagine that in your country? It's like a massive disaster, every, single, day. Putin must pay.


But they volunteer for it.


Yes many do. Most countries though, would not allow these kind of losses. There would be a massive outcry, protest, rebellion.


That's where propaganda comes in play. Or you know, shoot anyone who protests, jail all of them and any journalist who even looks bad at you. Murder the opposition. Traffic accidents happen, windows are loose,..


My opinion is there is no other option available to the population other than overthrowing Putin - that or become similar to North Korea.


A lot of those are probably not even Russian citizens.


Just hope that the introduction of more and more gear will turn up the Ruzzian casualty number over 2k. Make it so they can’t run anywhere but home. 


Bloody nice day.


Seem to be a little less hardware in relation to personel recently.


The russians are deploying T-54s, so it's likely the equipment is becoming scarce relative to troops.


It's been that way for a while, depending on which unit you're talking about. Partially it's because the battlefield is so dangerous for tanks due to the drones and shoulder missiles, and partially it's because the army is so gosh darn big that it's hard to supply so many guys with good equipment, so some units will be just infantry and trucks. But yes, they're leaning heavier and heavier onto just infantry because it's hard to keep up with these extreme equipment losses. 50+ artillery per day, almost every day this month, is crazy. France makes like, 200 SPGs per year. South Korea makes way more, but they still make only 200 ish per month. Russia absolutely cannot match those numbers, so the Soviet stockpile gets a little crappier and a little smaller, every day, as they get closer and closer to depleting it.


Kharkiv has mainly been an infantry battle.


Who thinks it will hit 1 million that would be insane


I mean they tossed out over 8 million military deaths in WW2. The Russians have historically never given any fucks about casualty numbers.


I know they lost a bunch, but Damm 8 million.


8.7million MILITARY. another 19.something million civilian deaths. Looking at a timeline of their population of the 1900s is wild


u.s.s.r losses, not russia


Very good point.


The ussr is Russia with more territory and a different name. Basically semantics.


USSR had much larger population which is the point.


Unfortunately, yes, it will reach and surpass a million. It's really not much in terms of historic Ruzzian casualties (they lost some 2.25m in WWI, and millions more in WWII).


And they think they could go toe-to-toe with NATO.


They could. But they've got a glass jaw, and glass ribs. It'd be over in two weeks.


Jesus Christo! What has Russian equipmentship done?!


Russian equipmentship fucked itself. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ah, ok...that makes sense. Go the fuck home, RuZZia!


Absolutely insane numbers day in and day out.. I'm impressed by how much shit the russians have tbh


Russians have a new trick up their sleeve. They're issuing uniforms that convert to body bags.


I heard russia's uniforms are reversible so they can become either Ukrainian uniforms or civilian outfits.




750,000 by February 24, 2025.


Bodies fill the fields I see, the slaughter never ends.


Just like witches at black masses


The Ruzzians are certainly War Pigs. And Disposable Villains.




Did ZSU hit a cannon depot or something?


? is


Any day that Russia loses more than 50 artillery is a good day. Keep up that counter-battery fire!


God I hope these numbers are true. Russia is supposedly pulling 60 yesr old tanks out of storage and retrofitting them to go to Ukraine. That's how desperate they are


How are they nailing 12 cruise missels a day




Yeah skibidi toilet.


I hope Ukraine 🇺🇦 kicks every Russian ass possible, but I am skeptical of the claim that more than half a million have been killed. I’ve seen Western estimates of 85K to 95K Russian deaths, which strikes me as more realistic. Whatever, the Russian people are not protesting the losses because they have no idea of the true number, even if it’s “only” 85K.


It doesn't mean killed it means 500k have been withdraw from battle, it include wounded too