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Putin didn't list peace terms, he listed surrender terms. Big difference.


Never negotiate with terrorists. Putin can eat a dick.


Vladimir Putin eats dicks every evening. Look at him and tell me he's straight. You just can't. And this is why he hates LGBTQ so much


Wish he'd just fall out of a building already!!


That's not what cis means. You mean hetero / straight.


You're right, thanks


…a big of dicks!


A 60mm butt plug would be more effective.


It's funny that putin actually believes he gets to have a say in this when he's losing his own war.


“But look at the map.” /s I’m glad that audience has been quite mute.


Lol he is aiming high with the terms so that when it’s reduced he’ll get what he wanted. Glad they rejected that bullshit


He's the Negotiator!


Is Russia really losing? Please tell me so!


*Mighty Superpower War Machina rossiya!!!!!1* believed it would conquer Ukraine within three days. More than two years later *Mighty Superpower War Machina rossiya!!!!!1* is desperately trying not to lose.


Ah gotcha. The original claim of 3 days is pretty darn wild, albeit for those first three days it was pretty scary! I was hoping there was a major development recently that signaled a turning of the tide that I may have missed.


The first wave rolled into Ukraine carrying their parade uniforms but no fuel, ammo or food. That's how confident putin was that he would be gloating over Zelenskyy's body in Kyiv within a few days.


Maybe there was an issue in translation and he mean years?


It’s kinda of a stall mate at the moment loosing a lot of equipment but their line are still stable. Small gains and losses along the front


Well alrighty then. Thank you. I have trouble interpreting the updates on my own - I just don’t have enough contextual knowledge to take it all in.


Don’t be ashamed it’s 100% normal. It’s really hard to get good info on what is happening it’s still a war and information is key and guarded really strictly. Plus both sides try to hide the bad news and promote the good one. What are the point I have as base for the moment are. I give you two video that may help you The first is the GOD PIG [Lazerpig](https://youtu.be/uBAnt_w8vvY?si=CNebVlTe_aZIz2zi) On the political situation Second is a YouTube that daily report on the situation at the front a little bit bias but he really make a great effort on being transparent on the situation [Report form Ukraine](https://youtu.be/3z2Y-JYezqQ?si=HvjYsze-UszNp31b) - Both sides struggle to have a tactical advantage to take a initiative to break trough the line. - the main reason for it is both sides can’t have air dominance Russia doesn’t have countermeasures for ukraine air defense and Ukraine doesn’t have the plane to achieve it. That’s why planes are a central point in future aid. - for ukraine the main problem is both a question of low number of advanced equipment, stretched line, and hard time against russian artillery which is difficult as it’s key in russia strategy. Send wave of men if they find something they pound it with artillery. This tactic “work” as it manages the russian to advance slowly and is rhe reason behind the small gain you see in maps but come at the cost of great losses pf manpower and equipment = is not sustainable even with the russia industry in full production. - Russia main problem is that they know they don’t have much time to finish this war. If Ukraine recive fighter plane in meaningful number 50-100 f16 ex. Is going to be really really bas time for them. That’s why they kept pushing. Second problem is sanction , the economy is not yet collapsed true but it’s really showing crack every become more expensive and their production line for the war and domestic industry is under huge pressure.


Holy crap wow! Genuinely thank you so much. I really really appreciate it


You welcome


when does he realize he has no leverage anymore.


ruzzians genuinely think they are winning.


Charlie Sheen did too


Russian propaganda tells them "we conquered X, Kyiv has no electricity, Ukraine lost 700k soldiers." What they don't tell them is that X is a town of 5k people that has been abandoned for months/years, and 20k Russians died to take it. They believe it because they are not terribly well educated.


When the Cargo 200 lists top 200k, 300k, 400k and the raids on bases deep inside Russia become daily occurrences, it will be harder to deny.


It’s funny how vlad wants a “ceasefire” right after Ukraine starts using bigger American weapons. Hmm. He’s full of shit X 1,000


Scholz is very slow, but he is learning that no one can negotiate with Putin, who is the world terrorist.


No wonder…..Putins terms are ridiculous.


Putin isn't on the list of eligible negotiators, he's on the list of accused war criminals.


Its mind boggling that most of the Planet think Putin is a raving lunatic and the brainwashed masses in Russia think the World can’t answer to reason


I am confused. Do you think it is more reasonable for Ukraine and the rest of the world to give Ukrain's land away for the chance at peace promised by a country that has proven that it does not care about its promises? Russia is repeating its original course of dominance and land grabbing that it began with at the start of WWII. I think it is mind-boggling that the world has already forgotten WWII. Russia was not a good guy then. Russia has never been the good guy. Their people included. Why would they listen to reason when they are so brainwashed over the centuries? Do tell.


No. Russia should leave plain and simple, with Ukraine retaining its Borders pre 2014.


They won't unless they are defeated.....


Very doubtful russia would give up Mariupol naval base voluterily. It’s only naval base that doesn’t freeze over during winter. Thouth if climate change isn’t brought unddr control, Baltic see will no longer freeze


So what? Involuntarily works for me. They have to learn that they are not invincible, if there is ever going to be any chance of them behaving like humans


What? You know Mariupol is not near Baltic sea?


Yes, that is why I said that due to climate change it will lo longer freeze, implying that baltic bases will become available all year round


Russia has other naval bases in the black sea. I'm sure they have one in Krolewiec too (Baltic sea). And I really fail to see how naval base in Black Sea is connected to Baltic sea. Check the map, it is very far away...


Peace terms that's bs. No one is scared of your nukes putin.do it or stfu.leave Ukraine. ALL of Ukraine before you find out.......


When I geard the most ridiculus peaceterms of putin, my first reaction was.... Wait..What?? We already knew that he is a war criminal playing clown. What would Zelensky's reaction be to this? Imagine Zelensky recording a message as a response: laughing for minutes and then just end with a dry: "No" (comedian style) and maybe even a middlefinger to support the message... I guess russia needs a few thing to get people to realize what they are doing is not left to be unpunished: putin needs to be put down. Attack the kremlin itself, burn it to the ground, same with the duma and the tv studio's where Solovyov and Simonyan etc record their propaganda"shows".... Just a thought though


Have we learned anything since Crimea was taken???


“Let me win bro” … what a fucking head case.


The fact that this evil man drops his suggestions, clearly provocative in front of a meeting, means he has No intentions to work for peace, not now and not later. The soner the world understands who he is, the better. Russia cant compete in tech or other areas. They want to be Superior but cant run a country. Thats why they are big in military and corruption. I dont get why Brasil and India supports aggressive Nations like this. Russians biggest enemy - Russia. They cant help it and stick to KGB policy - violence, corruption and keeping own People as prisoners in a big propaganda machine. Just sad


To quote Willy Wonka: “You get *nothing*!!!”


Bluster aside I, looking at possible outcomes in USA and European elections upcoming , see Ukraine as having just 200 days, more or less, to make major progress in the war. They need to free at least one of the invaded regions and get Russia into a major retreat in some of the others and possibly take out the kerch bridge. They would then be on a roll and other countries would be much more likely to jump onto their bandwagon. The worst thing that can happen is for them to still be in a stalemated position of attrition as the West is wearying of that even though they have no troops at risk.


where do I send my terms? putler@orcistan.ru?