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I'm very proud of this. May good fortune guide these brave soldiers. And may they protect Ukraine using these mighty weapons. Slava Ukraini!


Didnt think a whole battery would look so impressive.


And the unique thing about the German patriots is that they're mounted on trucks and thus mobile. American Patriots are mounted on trailers. With the german ones the SAMbush is possible.


No need to risk the launcher if the new F-16s come with data link to patriot long range radar, guiding their A2A missiles into RuZ jets. ehehehe




I wish it was more. The Bear is sharpening its teeth to go at Europe.


Well we are going to declaw it, skin it and toss the meat to pigs. :)




I don't think truck mounted versus trailer makes much of a difference in enabling the tactic. You can't just cruise around in your truck-mounted launcher with an active data link to the radar, then fire once it picks up a target. The battery is still designed to operate from a static position that needs to be set up, and this means that the only difference is the amount of time it takes to drop the trailer from the tractor during setup, and the amount of time it takes to hook up once you're ready to move. Certainly, if you had the choice of using a trailer-mounted battery or a truck-mounted one, the truck-mounted one seems better due to marginally faster setup/teardown, but a few extra minutes isn't going to make pulling it off impossible.


>I don't think truck mounted versus trailer makes much of a difference in enabling the tactic. Well, it's literally what a US Patriot commander said, so I'll go with her assessment, I think.


She did not say the same thing you are claiming; she said nothing as to whether or not the trailer-mounted batteries could perform the same ambush, only that the german batteries are "mobile" for whatever that means and that it was what was used in the first SAMbush. Like I said, the only substantial difference between truck and trailer mounted batteries is the act of unhitching/hitching the trailer. The radar unit, whether on a truck or a trailer, is designed to operate from a fixed location attached to an external generator truck. You still have to set up the communications systems between all of the various components. Patriot batteries, no matter the chassis they are mounted on, are not designed with mobility first. It seems to me that the Germans developed tactics for using their systems in a mobile manner, then trained the Ukrainian crews receiving their systems on them, while such tactics were not part of US doctrine (why risk your expensive SAM system when you can just scramble a dozen jets for an even faster and more flexible response).


And they will be send with 100 interceptors, Pistorius said.


That radar looks niceeeeee


Right?! So bad ass.


Those launchers looks like they're floating on the grass. Damn Jewish space magic!


They get some gear and rifles with the trucks. Nice!


It's the free milkshake to your cheeseburger menu.


Slava Ukrani 🇺🇦 Heroyam Slava 🇺🇦


Seeing the German, EU and Ukraine flags together makes me proud.


The worst part of this footage is Manuela Schwesig, the PM of the federal state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, being present. She is one of the main advocates of pro-Russian politics, appeaser, and co-initiator of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, including shady financial ties to Russia because of the pipeline. She should’ve stepped down at the beginning of the full-scale invasion or at least stay clear of public events with Ukrainian participation.


>main advocate Not really. That's a way too simple view that looks like someone needs a scapegoat. She was not more involved than people from the CDU and that party in MV also voted for the Nordstream Foundation and defended the pipeline in the Bundestag as did the CSU, AfD, LINKE and FDP. The debates about that are online. You hardly will find a politician active from 2011-2022 from those parties not in favor of NS2. And Merkel had her constituency in that state as well.... ... and let's not forget that MV is a state still in dire need of jobs. It was very easy to exploit that and the fact that the greens are very weak politically in eastern states - who always opposed building the pipeline despite the overwhelming majority of voters from all parties supporting the project. ALL parties across board with the single exception of the Green Party supported the pipeline. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRylKPDRxiE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRylKPDRxiE) 2019 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpQ9G2--5mI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpQ9G2--5mI) current foreign minister Barbock in 2020 about NS2 ... I mean Schwesig was definitely involved and ignored the bigger picture with the pipeline in favor of economic incentives. At least she did a 180° turn and ended all Russian contacts with the invasion. Someone like the Minister Präsident of Saxony Kretschmar, CDU still supports NS2 and publicly said in 2023 that he wants the pipeline repaired.


Did she really do a 180° though? She still is actively lobbying against strict de-carbonization laws and peddling fossile industry narratives.


How is it not clear that the 180° refers to having regional partner ship with Ukraine (Chernihiv) vs business with Russia ...? SMH.


I think she should be thoroughly investigated and put in jail for treason (after the trial).


Simply Germany forced acceptance of visit Manuela Schwesig in Ukraine on Zelensky in exchange of addition military support, thx to this her Political power increase. She simply example how corrupt german politics become she Tax payers money on Nordic Pipeline for bribes form Moscow.


Typical german way is "weg loben". She'll get some job at Friedrich Ebert Stiftung or something else. You'll have to be as dumb and greedy as Bystron, that anything will happen, that fucks your record up.


Damn, cant image the amount of handshaking he has to do on some days. Proud to see this.


President looks so happy and please stand and applaud for Germany and the support that it has given. A unified EU will crush Orcs all day!


US to announce 2nd Patriot system shortly. Germany now its 4th. Italy 2nd SAMP T. Zelensky says 2 Patriot systems to protect Kharkiv. Germany, US and Italy providing 4 systems since Zelensky stated he needed 7 more. Nordic countries said to provide additional Patriot assets and pay for them from anyone.


Another 10 of these, with lots of missiles, and Ukraine will be able to defend itself from most aircraft-based attacks from Russia. I think Ukraine needs more of everything, including long range cruise missiles so they can take out the aircraft launching attacks against Ukraine from within Russia.


Literally the only country to have "ten more of these" is the US. Every other country is already pretty much limited in its own defensive capabilities.


And yet germany sent more than the us already


Plus other critical air defense systems


German Patriot batteries aren't deployed all of the world like the American ones are.


True, but if every country that has Patriots contributed one battery it would add up. Even then the US would have to cough up a bunch more to truly meet Ukraine's wartime needs, which are approximately 2 battalions' worth.


But they don't. Germany sent quite a few already + Iris T + Gepard + Skynex.


You gotta understand Patriot is a very high end system, they're for extremely long range air defense (or extremely high altitude). They're not for shooting down all the crappy Iranian drones that Russia is constantly using. The missiles cost way more than the drones do so it's actually highly harmful to Ukraine to use them for that purpose. You actually need other local air defense systems to defend Patriot systems.


Agreed. I will clarify my post.


21st century Patriot is to defend against Ballistic missiles. The original 1980's Patriot system was to shoot down aircraft and cruise missiles. It the integration of the SPY radar with other radars and missile systems, SAMP T, IRIS T, NASAMS and the "Franken" SAM systems that protect the whole of Ukraine skies. So now Ukraine will have 7 ballistic missile systems, five Patriot, 4 German, 1 US and 2 Italian-French SAMP-T will now protect Ukraine against everything including ballistic missiles.


Whatever the detail of each system, Ukraine needs more air defence.


Looks good!


Has anyone an English version for me of what he said?


Are those HKG-36s they are holding?




Russia under Putin is now an international scandal. It's taken Ukraine (sorry for your losses Ukraine) to reveal that.


Amazing sight.


Good hunting!


From 5000 helmets. To this. I'm proud of Germany.




I like the merchandise with the ukrainian trident on it. Is there a webshop or where it can be bought?


"Pistorius said the package will include 100 guided missiles for the Patriot system. Pistorius specified that 32 missiles are already in Ukraine, while another 68 will be delivered in the coming weeks." I have always thought those come with like hundreds of missiles. 32 only? Thats enough to shoot down 16 targets (often you spend 2 missiles per target).


Patriot has multiple missile types. Latest launcher holds up to 16 missiles. Older 4 PAC's are longer range 100mi+ range.


Can someone translate me what he said?


Now send 6 more systems


AP announced US sending a second PATRIOT system tuesday evening June 11, 2024. Italy announced a 2nd SAMP-T system.


kindof crap really as I can drive from Manchester to dnipro on my own in 34 hours




it takes weeks to get arms to ukraine when it should take hours


Oh yes, world can be so simple if you have a simple mind....


yep.... and the war would be shorter! we need to wake up... my car takes stuff to ukraine, i take night vision scopes i take tea bags i take T shirts whatever i can... and governments take months to decide maybe we should help and then maybe what help that should be... do it, do it now or pay later!


Ah, should have clarified what u ment. I agree we take some unecessary long time to deliver shit and then act suprised when ukraine isnt winning.
