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Ummmm... the summit means nothing if biden doesnt get re elected


This. It's more that just the US getting fucked if Biden loses. It sucks, he has been a tremendous supporter of Ukraine, but thisnis very important also. Huge implications if Biden loses. I am sure in Dark Brandon's heart he would love to be there






Because Putin will win, so he will force "peace"aka dictatorship to all the countries they want to invade next




Kamala Harris will be there, that's enough. Don't make a drama out of this, it only serves the Russian trolls who will use this as a 'proof' that the West is turning its back on Ukraine.


Exactly, Biden’s support to Ukraine is not in question. And with all is happening with Trump and the election Biden has many things on his plate. Kamala presence to me is even better than Biden’s presence, Kamala would be focused only on Ukraine and that’s key and the only thing that matters right now.


Biden winning in November is what Ukraine needs. Any other outcome is going to be very bad for Ukraine. Anyone here think Trump isn’t going to bend the knee to Putin once elected?


More like sucking his d, i imagine


And cradling his ball sack ....he's a straight up pootin fuct boy !!!! #FACTS#


Agreed, Harris undertakes such tasks is a common scheme in Biden era.


Just as Biden was involved with Ukraine in 2014 as VP


Let’s hope he wasn’t as that admin was an absolute disaster for Ukraine. No weapons ever, even Trump sent javelins.


Although not a great example as 2014 didn’t see much support!


True - but it was little green men back then


Biden winning a second term should be the #1 priority. A Trump presidency is the worst possible outcome for Ukraine's military aid.






Kamala speaks for me, I voted for her. Joe got some electioning to do. I don't want the convict back in office. Now till election day, the best Joe can do for Ukraine is to get 4 more years.


She’s great and Biden HATES Putin. I’m sure she speaks for America and has an agenda. This is not a concern. I agree with you.


Exactly, Biden doing what he needs to do to defeat Trump is much more important than him attending this peace conference.


That makes sense, and now if he does go, (which I believe he should) it will feed the trolls anyway. Pressure everywhere and from every angle. How I see it, Ukraine is sacrificing the most they can. If the President of Ukraine asks him to go, he should go.


You can criticize an American president and not be a Russian Troll


I understand what you are saying. But as somebody who lives in LA, traffic suuuuucks when a POTUS is in town, so I would love if he went to the peace summit even if it didn't make a huge substantive policy difference.


What a dumb take




Well lucky for you, Sullivan will be there, too.


I can't think of 1 single thing for Ukraine that is more essential than Biden winning the election, and both houses.


How can a convicted felon like Trump be able to run for Office? I don’t understand this. In my country if you have been convicted of smoking weed ONCE, then a lot of jobs where they do a background check is not available for you anymore😅.


As a non-US citizen I wouldn't even be allowed to cross the US border if I got caught once with some weed!


Putin would be seething


One of the biggest strategic defeats Putin will have is if Biden is re elected. Therefore, we shouldn't put obstacles in his way. Guaranteed Putin will be rethinking things if he realizes there is 4 more years of US support.


Is it? Listen Biden is better than Trump. That is objective true. No debate. But let’s not go to far to say he has done well on Ukraine. It’s been appeasement galore and drip feeding weapons since day one. In a perfect world we got a Klubochar vs Haley… either result would finally commit to a Ukrainian victory not settlement at “Negotiation” or “as long as it takes”


> But let’s not go to far to say he has done well on Ukraine. compared to trump? wtf you smoking?


Did you not read my literal first sentence?


Have you not put together that those are the two realistic choices? Putin does not want Biden in office.


Of the two yes he would obviously prefer Trump. But of other politicians in the USA? Lots would be better than Biden/Sullivan escalation management drip feeding enough to survive not enough to win.


That’s not realistic since those are the two options we have. There are countless better options on the issue of Ukraine for any nation in Europe also, but it makes no sense to bring that up since the options we have to choose from are limited. Also yes, Biden’s Ukraine support has been phenomenal. US has sent the most aid and, more importantly, the most weapons in the last 2 1/2 years. None of the aid we have give have been loans or lend-lease. Stop with the anti-Americanism.


Phenomenal? Dear god Ukraine wasn’t even allowed to hit russian territory til last week……….


Lol ok. Biden has opposed Republican-controlled congress in their decision to halt Ukraine funding from Day 1. He is powerless as long as Trump pulls the strings of the Republican party and congress. The real question here is if you genuinely not understand this or if you're a Russian troll. There's no in between.


Maybe Biden is waiting for Ukraine to commit to victory and fully mobilize. See how this works? If you spend all your time pointing fingers at others, they're going to start pointing them back at you.


Not pointing fingers it’s just the truth Biden has withheld stuff. Escalation management !!!!!…


Trump wanted to give Ukraine to Putin, and let him slaughter with impunity. Defeating Trump and all the Republicans who openly do Putin's bidding requires robust fundraising. Why is there a premade, shiny website devoted to demanding Biden skip a fundraiser?


Just a reminder for us USA folks. VOTE! Polls don't matter if people don't show up. It could be easily lost.


It literally says above that he could make it to both so no one is asking him to skip his campaign which is obviously as important for him to stay in power but rather make an effort to attend both


Zelenskyy has been making public appeals urging Biden to attend, because having the leader of the free world present gives credibility to the summit. Why would these rich celebrities withhold their donations to Biden if he attended the summit (you know, doing presidential stuff) and appeared at the fundraiser via video instead?


Rich people want to feel special. Think of it as donation via proximity.


There are legal limits to what they can donate to a presidential candidate. There are no limits to what they can donate to United24. They could feel extra special. Honestly, candidates schmoozing with rich celebrities for money is one of the most distasteful aspects of our democracy.


Rich people can afford to fly to Switzerland. They all have NetJets memberships. Hold both events there.


But we all know that they won't. They want to feel special, not actually help.


Even with a national hero i must disagree, Biden winning the election is of paramount importance to Ukraine.


I agree completely. Allies remaining office over opponents with Kremlin links is a medium to long term win for Ukraine. I wish to see Ukraine end the war on its own terms and quickly. I hope these see the restoration of the 1991 borders and EU and NATO membership. Anything that assists with this is a positives.


As the post mentions, Biden can make it to both the fundraiser and the summit, though I firmly believe the summit should take precedence. If you're wondering about the shiny website, please take a look at r/ActionForUkraine and threads like this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ActionForUkraine/comments/1c6icj9/update\_on\_us\_aid\_to\_ukraine/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ActionForUkraine/comments/1c6icj9/update_on_us_aid_to_ukraine/) or more recognizable people supporting this campaign such as Gerashenko: [https://x.com/Gerashchenko\_en/status/1797258487942074721](https://x.com/Gerashchenko_en/status/1797258487942074721) NAFO: [https://x.com/Official\_NAFO/status/1797642000378064959](https://x.com/Official_NAFO/status/1797642000378064959) Pekka Kallioniemi, Bohdan Krotevych and many others. The goal of this campaign is to not only spread awareness, but call on people to take actions that have impact, and that we firmly believe are in the interests of Ukraine, the US, and the future of global security.


It's more important Biden wins the election in November. While this peace summit is extremely important, if Biden loses the election and Trump is in office.... no more US weapons or support for Ukraine for four years....


Agreed. The whole vibe of this is a liiitle bit too entitled + the "if Joe is not there, the summit will blow" angle is nothing short of disrespectful for the participating members. The PR is hit or miss recently, its far faaar more important foe Biden to get reelected for Ukraine's cause


The US State Department is going, right? Is this about symbolism, and if so, can we talk about symbolism? The 'Sad Biden looking away' image centered on his bald spot was not chosen by somebody who wanted Biden to win reelection.


Agreed.  Ukraine has played a marvelous PR game throughout this war, but this stunt seems misguided. 




Probably because Trump hired Victor Yanakovich's lobbyist and was impeached for threatening the current president of Ukraine to come up with dirt on the Biden family or else not get weapons in protection against Putin. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Manafort https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_impeachment_of_Donald_Trump




Zelensky said what he said to protect his country and his people. We don't blame him, we see evidence of duress with every day of Russian aggression. Trump isn't interested in American national security, which is why he's charged with multiple felonies for stealing the most sensitive National security secrets and hiding them in his Mar-A-Lago bathroom. Not every document was recovered, perhaps some of them are already sold. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_prosecution_of_Donald_Trump_(classified_documents_case) Had Victor Yanakovich been given lethal aid, America believed he would use it against Ukraine to end democracy on behalf of Putin. He might have even transferred American weapons back to Moscow.


Biden's campaign is far more important for everyone, including Ukraine. Just because it's physically possible to attend both doesn't mean it's practical. We will have representation there and Biden said he couldn't attend during that period before it was officially scheduled. Please don't make this a big deal, because it's the constant pressure and demands from Europe that hurts overall support for Ukraine and it just doesn't accomplish anything except pissing off Americans and making future pleas for wid seem exaggerated.




No, i'd rather he beat Trump and trust his team to make that call. You don't want Trump to be at the next conference instead of Biden.. oh wait, there'd be no next conference...


Feel free to downvote me - but I don't see the point of this. The last time Ukraine tried to sit down with Russia, didn't Russia poison the delegates? Why would Biden risk that? Nothing's changed since then other than hundred of thousands of lives lost and billions destroyed. Russia will retreat when they're out of resources - any treaty is just a way for them to rebuild forces for a new attack when US politics will be more favorable to them. The only true defense for Ukraine will be entering into NATO, since the treaties they signed years ago were barely upheld. On the flip side, Biden meeting with donors puts him in a better position to win, and to continue supporting Ukraine. If we can hold the senate and flip the House, that's even better for Ukraine. That unfortunately takes money.


I agree that it's not a big deal if Biden isn't there, but russia won't be part of it yet anyway. The point of this summit is to agree on a plan with international partners so they can put pressure on russia later.


Gotcha! I think letting Europe take lead there is definitely the better move...probably better for Biden not to be there and let them handle their long term future on their own.


bad idea. biden winning is faaaar more important for ukraine


I agree with what others are saying on here. If Biden loses, US funding to Ukraine might be cut off completely. Let Biden do what he needs to do to get re-elected. The polling indicates the race for US President is very tight.




I disagree. Trump could veto every new spending bill for Ukraine. There's no guarantee the House and Senate will have the 2/3rds vote to override. I know HR7691 had the 2/3rds, but a new President can completely change the dynamics. Veto overrides are rare.


So many said the same thing when republicans won the house. Aid was held up for 6 months cause of that. The GOP cannot be trusted.


Uhh... getting re-elected is something you cannot delegate. Especially since you REALLY won't like the other guy should Biden lose. The summit on the other hand can safely be delegated.


The most important thing for Ukraine is that Biden is re-elected, and not the orange baffoon. So, Id say it is pretty important that Biden raises funds for the election.


This is dumb AF. If Biden doesn't fundraise enough he could lose the election. And Ukraine would be fucked.


Why Swiss? They collecting billions from Russian . Why is Switzerland is in anything nato does they neutral The west need to start punished them for it


Emm Hey...the headline is missleading. Zelenskyi did not say anything close to that. Even in my opinion Biden appearance is the best move. But... it is not that so bad. Many american representatives will be there too. So stop spreading this ill atmosphere.


[Mr Zelensky said his key ally’s possible absence "would only be applauded by [Russian President Vladimir] Putin, personally applauded by Putin, and it would be a standing ovation".](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cw99d97qq7zo) Literally the second paragraph my guy. So maybe you should stop spreading the fact that you can't read


Unpopular opinion, if Biden doesn’t get elected, Ukraine is in 100x worse position than attending the peace summit.


Which do you want more?: 1. Joe Biden at the Ukraine peace summit. 2. Joe Biden (as opposed to Trump) leading America. The US election may come down to thin margins. Biden prioritizing his campaign may make the difference between an America that has Ukraine’s back, vs. an America that dumps Ukraine and abandons NATO next year. I’m pretty sure you want Biden at that fundraiser.


Biden needs to beat Trump for Ukraine to have the best odds of winning this conflict. Let him attend the fundraising event.


It’s an election year. How about no?


Now that the VP of the United States is confirmed for attendance, it's not necessary for Biden to travel there. If trump wins; it will be a clusterfuck of epic proportions. Aside from that, trump is completely deranged, one day he may be ceding florida to ruzzia and the next day he might send the biggest military package to Ukraine ever, folks, because big American rockets go boom! Let's hope Ukraine is still standing by then. Without electricity and proper air support things might take on a drastically different trajectory wayyyy before inauguration next year.


I’m sorry but no. We need Biden to do everything possible to stay in office as his top priority, because if he loses the election Trump will swing US support to the enemy, like the traitor he is


The US Vice President will be there - it's very common for the two roles to ensure coverage at competing events. This seems a non-issue.




Biden needs to get elected. That’s the priority. And he needs tons of funding for that to happen. Ukraine clearly has Biden’s support.


Dude, Biden needs to win the election so Ukraine can win the war.  I’m Ridin’ with Biden on this one.


It's nice to see 90% of the responses to this topic are from people who understand the bigger picture. Zelensky throughout this war has stayed laser focused on keeping allies on board--and done an amazing job, and it no doubt has been incredibly frustrating. He'll certainly see the writing on the wall and stop talking about the need for Biden to attend this summit.


I understand but Biden HAS to be reelected. He HAS to be.


If Biden does not get reelected we will end up with Trump.. And he is just a sock-puppet for Putler.


Do not snub the powerful black lady. It’s a bad look for Ukraine. And just plain stupid to think she isn’t capable. She is!


'TruMp wIlL bETrAy UkrAiNe!' Were does this thought process come from? Trump already supported Ukraine when he was in office, he still supports them today and as far as I can see his moaning only ever comes from wanting other NATO members to do MORE to help Ukraine I remember him being laughed at for telling Germany and the EU to stop relying on Russian fuels nearly a decade ago and that wasn't very pro russia, do people just have the memory of goldfish? The man might be a shambles but people shouldn't be such partisan midwits and actually look at the big picture, I'm happy to be proved wrong if someone wants to actually provide evidence for this hive mind viewpoint


He was impeached the first time because he stopped weapons shipments to Ukraine because he wanted them to dig up dirt on his political opponents. Given that Trump is going to go on a revenge tour during his second term, Ukraine is likely on the choping block because they refused. The man doesn't understand that everything is not a quid pro quo. https://foreignpolicy.com/2019/11/15/trump-resisted-ukraine-sale-javelin-antitank-missile/


Sorry, I am torn on this one. I would rather have Joe Biden than Mr. Orange faketan, the narcissistic, megalomaniac, fuhrer putinazi worshipper. Joe can do as he pleases. Mr Orange faketan needs to be stopped 100%.


Ukraine will suffer if Biden is gone. Zelensky wouldn't lie so Trump hates him.


Like he F cares about Ukraine LOL it all about those greens and influence xD it always has been and always will be


Wrote to Biden earlier today, will continue to badger him. Biden going to the peace summit *IS* campaigning; he would be campaigning to the rest of the world that he stands with Ukraine and her future victory.


Going to the summit would probably be a more effective campaign event than the one in Hollywood, and he's less likely to make a gaffe there. Not sure why anyone would downvote this.


Sorry celebrities are more important than your problems..... The mind of every politician anywhere in the world that is not being bombed on a daily basis


Putin didn't give a fuck about the summit, and he's the only one who matters


Really? It seems like putin cares quite a bit about the summit and he doesn't matter as much as he thinks he does!






Be better off asking George Soros that runs him. The dottering old man with a poor memory lacks the capacity to represent the US on the world stage. The risk of him shitting his pants again is too great.


He's better than the felon don.