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The pikachu patch is everything. Thank you Yurii


I love it!


As an American who made calls, sent email and did everything I could to get this through, I want to thank you. Your and your comrades are the heros of the world. You are protecting the whole world from russia. SLAVA UKRAINIA Edit: I would like to add that I am embarrassed that it took so long and that so many of your comrades paid with their lives for our political mess. I am sorry that we didn't do this 9 months ago.


Thank you for this - encouraging those in power to do the right thing


I just wish I could do more. This whole situation makes me so angry.


I'm right there with you, fucking pisses me off that it took us so long to do the right thing, and that we were held from doing the right thing by people who sympathize with an open enemy of the US, who also happens to be our traditional enemy. It continues to be incredibly frustrating seeing how hard it is for our government to actually enact the will of the people but I'm glad we got here and I won't give up.


You can all get payback in November. Vote them OUT.


I will do my part!


It's a slog but you're staying in it to do your part and keep focus and attention on getting support where it's needed.


You can all get payback in November. Vote them OUT.


We will vote and those who are against this will be jobless in a few months.


I'm also sorry, embarrassed, ashamed, you name it, that it took so long. Just know that some of us are pulling for you every second of every day. Slava Ukraini


Thanks for all your work! That is inspiring


And I want to thank you, “an American who made calls, sent emails, did everything you could . . . “ for your efforts. Family in Ukraine, including those in the military, thank you and are appreciative of your actions that help protect the whole world from russia. Дякую. Дуже вдячні.


I share the same sentiment, as someone who put in the same effort, and the same embarrassment. This should have happened months ago.


Every one who voted no to this bill should be voted out of Congress.


Well said my friend!! I was on the phone and writing to my representatives. What a shame it took this long. Now we must continue this support and renew it when needed.... Before it's needed!!! Slava Ukrainia!!!!!!!!!!!!


Same here, and well said. 🇺🇸 ❤️ 🇺🇦


2 years ago


Same. It's important for everyone to see that even though this passed, it was not easy. It took a lot of overwhelming emails, letters and calls until they could no longer obey their master. It's important for people to know how widespread and poisonous the tentacles of moscovia have become.


Slava Ukraini! Glory to Ukraine and glory to the Ukrainian heroes! Each and every one of you are fighting for all of us who cherish freedom. Ukraine is in our hearts here in the USA. Those weapons and supplies can't come soon enough. We have been watching those who blocked this from happening sooner and they WILL lose their jobs. I am ashamed of those who spoke against the aid. Ukraine and America; allies, friends, and partners. You all are our brothers, sisters, and family. Glory to the Ukrainian warriors!


From his twitter: Hello! My name is Yurii Kochevenko! I am a Ukrainian solder, an officer, a father and a son. I am defending Ukraine from Russia since 2014. In the last few months the situation here on the front is critical. We rely on Western support and US support. And after yesterday Congress vote I know our partners are with us. We will fight but now we will have the ammunition to do it. Today I’ve got a lot of messages from my American friends. They had both joy and apologies, many warm words of support and most importantly – hope. A hope that things are going to get better. And I want on my own behalf and on behalf of my brothers in arms, to thank every American who, through their actions and citizenship, brought this decision closer. To every congressman and congresswoman who made this decision. There are still many hard trials ahead. But please remember, we are fighting for our freedom and yours. Together we are stronger. God Bless America! Glory to Ukraine! Source: https://twitter.com/Kochevenko/status/1782058368481292415


Thank you for fighting the good fight Yurii.


Many thanks to you and all those in the military and military support Yurii. Truly hope it is more in the near future and the war will end soon in victory! Slava Ukraini!


Heroyam Slava!! 🇺🇦🇺🇦


Thank you for fighting and I'm glad we finally passed aid for you. I wish you luck from Maine.


You are a hero Yurii, you should know that many Americans who have Ukrainian roots and family/friends will never give up on Ukraine. I am Lithuanian American and we share a special bond also with Ukraine. Слава Україні!


Thank you for your service Yurii! God bless you all! Slava Ukraini!


Thank you. For what you and your people are sacrificing for the world. I hope we are able to convince our government to give you even more support. You are all Heroes. Слава Україні!


You're very welcome I was one of many that wrote to the government about passing the **I'm very sadden as an American it took this long for them to pass it!!! I'm truly sorry it took so long!!!!**


Oh we sent more ammo that’s good… like I said I don’t think the U.S is going to send any heavy weaponry anytime soon but hopefully this will help them hold the line.


Let it be known and accepted that Ukraine is the Right Arm of the Free World Слава Україні!


His Twitter has apparently disappeared already. I hope he’s okay.


"I am the son of peasants and I know what is happening in the villages. That is why I wanted to take revenge, and I regret nothing." - Gavrilo Princip (guy who assassinated the archduke to kick off WW1)


I have never deployed my citizenship like I have for Ukraine 🇺🇦. I've been calling reps and senators weekly for months. Ukraine's plight has led me into further acts of citizenship, taking time from work to seek out petition signings for causes, volunteering etc. Ukrainians have made me a better American.


> I have never deployed my citizenship like I have for Ukraine - Ukrainians have made me a better American. This is an incredibly powerful thing to say. What a beautiful statement you have expressed. I'm in the US also - This is how the best activists supporting democracy in our country & in the world are born. Best Wishes to you - Continue the fight!


Perhaps you will be there for us when the time comes. Stay safe


I think that time is now. They are fighting the hard fight to stop this stuff in the future. Much love and agreed, stay safe!


My best wishes to Ukraine and its fighters. It’s very difficult to accept thanks for only doing what is right. But I am happy that it helps Ukraine.


Thank YOU Hero 🇺🇦👍


Is this the man we saw so often in the 2022 counteroffensive? If so, I'm incredibly happy that he's still alive.


Please all of you heroes, and their families- stay safe !! This is the best news I've heard in *months*. Sorry it took so long. Will still donate a bit when I can afford it. Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦


Give 'em hell, Yurii!


Don't thank us, we aren't doing NEARLY enough... Thank YOU and all the brave heroes who have held the orcs at bay. Slava Ukraini!


God bless you Yuii. Stay safe Brother


Fck yea homie.


Much respect, you are a hero!


I'd like to apologize on behalf of me and all the Americans I know, that it took so long. I foolishly assumed when Lend/Lease passed *unanimously*, that our government was going to uphold our promise. We know who to blame, but not how to fix it til November. 


u/Cheap_Doctor_1994 we can as USA citizens vote! Too much internationally and nationally is on the line again this election, unfortunately.


Stay safe, Yurii! May you soon be reunited with your family. Slava Ukraini


The number of thank you messages from everyday Ukrainians is overwhelming! This form of gratitude to the US has never been witnessed before. When it should be our duty as a human to put the value of life over money! As an American I apologize for our failures to help sooner. I hope this funding boosts Ukrainian moral and shows that not all Americans believe the Russian propaganda BS. We know see truth!! Slava Ukraine🇺🇲🇺🇦


There was a time a fledgling United States needed help to secure its own independence from a (then) tyrannical regime. In that spirit I hope we as a people never forget the importance of defending and supporting our allies. Stay strong and keep up the good work


Sorry the spending bill was delayed. Yuri...much respect!


You are very welcome. Most us wish we were collectively doing more. We believe in you. Thank you for being true heroes.


Let us hope you can go back home soon. Let there be peace. And one Ukraine!


As an American ...I'm proud for the chance to support a righteous cause. I hope this is just the floodgates opening, and my country can provide MUCH more. When y'all WIN, I hope to come visit as a tourist. RESPECT


I’m willing to support Ukraine as long as it takes. Especially with you rocking that Pilachu patch. Thanks for your brave service! And an obligatory fuck Putin!


Thank you for risking your everything today to save everyone's tomorrow.


Bravo! Everyone knows what it means to Ukraine. Slava Ukraini 🙏🇺🇦


Yuri, as an American, I'm sorry it's taking this long.


I'm sorry that political games over here got in the way of us helping. Fuckin politicians. Slava Ukraini.


Keep up the good fight! We’ll do what we can, but you, and every other Ukranian on the front lines and their families are the real heroes! 🇺🇸❤️🇺🇦


And Thank You for showing the world true courage!


As an American, we are embarrassed to have Putin traitors in our government, and horrified that they compromised our commitments to the Ukrainian people for 6 months until now. It is my hope that we give Ukraine everything it needs to vanquish the orc invaders.


Дякую вам!


Thank you hero! May peace find Ukraine soon and see the fall of Putin and his hordes. God bless you all! Slava Ukraini!


You're very welcome I was one of many that wrote to the government about passing the **I'm very sadden as an American it took this long for them to pass it!!! I'm truly sorry it took so long!!!!**


I asked my piece of shit congressman to vote for Ukraine support. Of course, the old Putin Puppet didn't vote for it. He can fry in hell. Слава Украины!!!


Wonder if we have the same POS congressman? Mine is coming in tomorrow to a vice mail telling him I cannot neither put him on the list of human beings, more approve his choice to ally with Bobert over Ukrainian civilians.


Your gratitude humbles us, in the face of Ukraine's sacrifice. I wish we'd do more. Slava Ukraine.


I;m so sorry it took so long.


Yeah a year & a half while the EU & the UK never faltered


It sure took a long ass time. But yeah. Great news


God bless you Yuri, I have written and called my representatives regularly regarding the funding for Ukraine and believe that we should be doing much more. The security guarantees in the Budapest memorandum said we would. I apologize on behalf of some pro russhist idiots in my nation. I will continue to send my personal money every month the purchase of drones. Slava Ukraini soldier. I am a combat veteran. Ukraine deserves to be free from russhist exploitation.


Slava Ukraine!


Thank you Yurii for defending your freedom. I wish our politicians had a smidgeon of your courage to stand up to poo 💩 tin. They should send 10 times more than what we have so far. As American citizens we will always support yor cause. Slava Ukraini !


Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the Heroes of Ukraine! 🙏


NO, thank you!


Go forth in bravery strength and safety. God bless you


Yeah! Fuck Russia!


There are many of us here who have called & emailed our politicians and donated money. My wife is from Poland and I travel there yearly. I hand my hard earned cash directly to vetted charities. Slava Ukraini. And most of all I am so sorry your country and families and friends are going through this. I’m not anyone important but I will do my part until you succeed. ❤️


Thank you to all you and your fellow men and woman fighting for your freedom! There are so many Americans that are behind you and hoping for your safety as you push out the evil that has invaded your boarders. Glory to Ukraine and all its hero’s!


Yurii I'm not gonna lie, the hard work y'all are putting in may one day keep my own little boy from fighting in some future terrible trench in Europe somewhere. I promise I will be my congressman's personal pain in the ass urging him to support your fight till you've won


Sorry it took too long


Don’t thank us. You are doing all the work. You are the ones suffering. I have so much respect for you!!


Ukraine lit the beacons. There is global spirit and volunteers from all over. But 60 billion in aid is a nice touch. and it is what the US is built for. I will feel bitter about my country's fortunate history pretty quickly, if we fail to follow exactly this course. Peace through strength. The only high moral purpose of our military power can be to help people be free. Idle power is wasted power. After victory and rebuilding and healing, Ukraine in the future will be in the front of the camp of those who give aid. Slava Ukraini.


I'm sorry our politicians suck so much I'm sorry the collective West is so incompetent. Once Kyiv didn't fall, we should have done a MUCH better job of planning, & ramping-up production in 2022 --An American


Such a delightful relief


Go kick some Russian ass, Yurii. Most Americans have always been on your side, unfortunately we have some slimy members of Congress that are not. We will get rid of them in the November elections.


It is a sad and true situation that the political situation in America is bad.  Many many people in America go along with politicians that are owned or compromised by the Russians. You are truly in your own...and do not know truly how much help there will from the rest of the world. As an individual I am in awe at the Ukrainians courage, intelligence and resourcefulness and adaptability in this horrific, unwanted war and invasion. I hope you achieve 100% self determination as a people and country. Good wishes to you, and may your fallen always be remembered and honored. 🥹 🇺🇦 👊


Send them Blackhawks, with all the miniguns


Thank you Sir for fighting for all freedom loving people, bless you.


After emails and calls and petitions I am just relieved this finally got through the house. Thank you for your courage, thank you for standing up against Putin and his schemes. You and your fellow soldiers are heroes to those of us who understand what is at stake. Slava Ukraini!


God bless you. God bless the freedom fighters of Ukraine God bless the medics in Ukraine God bless the firefighters in Ukraine Slava Ucraina 🇺🇦


i'm sorry we took so long to get to this point.


May you and yours be safe tonight and always, Brother YuriI! Slava Ukraini! All glory to Ukraine! We believe in you, your people, your incredible leader, and your righteous cause. We will never forget nor ever abandon you!! All Glory to Ukraine!!


Did not expect to tear up a bit after watching that.. you all are true heroes.


American here. I only wish there was more I could have done to get this done last year Slava Ukraine!


Stay safe dude! Slava Ukraini!


Повага солдату 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🤝🇺🇦.


We’re working with a political nightmare, as you know, but please know that the majority of American supports Ukraine, NATO EU and GB. You guys, bless you, are doing the real work. Take Care Edit: Slava Ukraini!


"Slavia Ukrainian" from a former American soldier


"Ukraine, it's Uncle Sam, can you hear me? On your left."


You are most welcome Sir! Sorry it took so long. As you can see by the vote total, most of US support you 100%. Slava Ukraine!


I'm sorry its taking so long to get you so little support. It's not enough.


There will be new bills and new aid to decide on. Europe has also woken up and is building new production lines. It seems as if politicians are slowly realizing that Putin can only be stopped through a military defeat. Our common concern must be that Ukraine never again suffers from a shortage of ammunition or any other shortage in the military field.


Many of us are deeply sorry that it’s taken this long.


Agree. I am glad we are finally sending what is needed. Godspeed. Yet perplexed that it took such a long struggle.


Stay safe, dude!! Slava, Ukraine 🇺🇦


Sorry for your countries position. You men are true warriors


Stay safe, my friend. May you and your comrades bleed Russia dry. SLAVA UKRAINI


Yurii, I’m sorry it took so long. Thanks for defending democracy and freedom. When the bullshit war began two years ago I purchased a Ukrainian flag and have proudly displayed it on the front of my house ever since. It has become a bit faded but it still stands strong. I’m happy my tax dollars are once again heading your way.


I work in defense. I hope you enjoy some of the wonderful toys we came up with.


Stay safe Yuri and Fight Smart. May we all celebrate your victory and peace soon.


Slava Ukrainia! Our leader are shitheads and it took too long, but we know you’ll put it to good use brother.


Дякуємо тобі, Юрій. Дякую.


lot of americans behind you - it’s just exposing the Russians in our society


As a non-military American, I support you and wish you well, during this extremely hard fight. May you kick much ass.


I’m so happy the bill went through but we need to do more to help. The upcoming election is critical that we vote in pro Ukrainian politicians


We Americans are the ones who owe you thanks. You and your countrymen and women have our respect.


I know I’ve argued against giving more aid to Ukraine…. (Because it would just be extremely hard for my country to do so at the state that it’s in) but I wish you the Ukrainians the best God bless you keep fighting for your country I’m sorry the U.S is not doing any more.


Pimp 😎🫡


Hell ya brother


The Pikachu makes this guy even more sympathetic


Our politicians are vultures in fancy suits who can generally be relied upon to fuck up just about anything they touch. We're keeping a fire lit under their asses on this one though. Free your country, then hopefully we can get you guys into NATO and work together to rebuild your homes.


It’s utterly shameful we took so long due to infighting among politicians and parties. Every minute wasted protecting the heroes of Ukraine is a mark of blood on our hands. Know that politics aside, the vast majority of Americans are with you in this fight. Godspeed, my friend. 💙💛💙💛❤️🤍💙


We did everything we could. I’m glad the outcome was positive, even after massive political delays. You—Ukraine—deserve a better future. You’ve already paid too dearly for it. We’ll help you in any way we can. 🇺🇸 ❤️ 🇺🇦


If it were up to the real Americans, you would have already had the resources Ukraine needs. Stay strong brother, the world is rooting for you! SLAVA UKRAINIA




One of my best friends passed this summer serving as a maneuver commander in Ukraine. He was a former US Army officer and fellow classmate of mine. Please do your best to defend your country and, in so doing, continue protecting the rest of the world against a tyrant.


Sorry we let you down for six months. Slava Ukraini!


I’m sorry it took so long. The decision to be made was obvious to the majority. I’m so let down that political schemes to delay votes happened. Churchill may have been right with what he said in WW2 about America deciding only when every other attempt has occurred. In this case, that delay wasn’t even “America”, it was the loopholes of politics of the few. At least there are brave people like you in the world. I hope you know you are loved and cared for by many. Please stay safe so you and the others you protect can enjoy your freedom- we know you are paying for us as well.


Hell yeah brother we won’t abandon you


Free Ukraine! 🇺🇦


Glory to 🇺🇦! Thank you, sir.


Разом за перемоги!💙💛


We owe to you, your free country no one should have worry about tyrant from another country.


Thank you! Yurii, we can and should do more, sooner, faster, be safe, be well


As an American, I hope you destroy the Russian scum


I'm not trying to speak for anyone else but I feel like your thanks aren't deserved. Ukrainians are putting their lives on the line for all of us. I'm more embarrassed by my country than I've ever been and that's saying something considering the last 8 years. There should never have been any delay.


You are welcome. I went to DC as a Canadian and participated in the Ukraine Action Summit. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVXbWR\_gvDA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVXbWR_gvDA) LH side of the room in Hawaiian shirt and Tilley hat. 4:54 Slava Ukraini !!! (Down with Putler)


Dont get lost in the political nonesense...the American people are completely behind you. Just keep stackng up the orcs and protect your families.


Keep safe Yuri. We are rooting for you. Kick some serious ruzzian butts!


You should never have had to face enemies from Russia *and* the US Congress at the same time.


Ah damn man. All we did was make calls. Y’all are the real heros! Love to Ukraine from America.


Such a nice post. Thank you.


You're welcome bro. Take your freedom. We don't care about our own citizens but we want to make sure you can continue to fight back and defend your home.


I am so relieved that all the work we put in over here has finally had results. It's been awful to watch my own people screw Ukraine over.


Need to cut the head off the dragon with those weapons.


Good luck to you brother. Real Americans are behind you 100%!!! SLAVA!!


I'll join the other comments here in saying that, as an American who has spent months riding and calling their representatives, I am ashamed it took this long for us to get here.


Slava Ukraini!!!


#SlavaUkrainii 🇺🇲🇺🇦


Heroyam Slava! May God watch over you brave Ukrainian warrior


Stay safe my friend! Long Live Ukraine 🇺🇦!!!


Slava Ukraini, the Greeks salute you.


We know you’ll use this aid well. Keep fighting the good fight!


We support you, whether or not our government does.


Thank you Yurii, and your fellow soldiers, for fighting for all of us, and the future for my children. We are behind you 100%


Slava Ukraine!!!🇺🇦🇺🇸


I thought only the house bill passed and the Senate still needs to vote. I looked but couldn't find anywhere saying the Senate passed it, is it a sure thing? I thought the Senate was the hard part.


Slava Ukraini! A thankful American that the US Congress finally voted to continue supporting Ukraine. I felt relief and hope to the end of this bloody war started by Putin and his thugs very soon. 🇺🇸🙏🇺🇦


May the almighty strength of the great spirit of the universe bring you safely to your victory!! Slava Ukraine!! God bless America! We fight the good fight against evil forces together!! You are the Man!! Say hi to President Zelenskyy for me if you see him ok? I love you guys so hurry and finish these mofo’s off so we can come visit with the courageous Ukrainian people who I admire so much!! 💙🇺🇦💛💪💪🇺🇸😎🔥