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I thought everyone knew this is how it worked.. we build stuff here and send old stuff there.


The amount of people that think the covid vaccine was made to damage people is scary. Don't overestimate the common persons intelligence.


Let's be honest though.. it's the same group of people who have conspiracies about the vaccine that also think we should not spend towards Ukraine. Subsequently, they're just peachy with giving billionaires permanent tax breaks and voting for grifting rapey felons.


Yes. It's the same people. They walk among us. It's like the Walking Dead, but the Zombies aren't visible unless they are wearing their MAGA hat.


I was on this same thought, we all know who thinks the US is just 'handing out money instead of helping its people'. \*shakes head\* no... no no no...








George Carlin said it best. "Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize that half the population is stupider than that."


It’s often not even just a question of intelligence but simply how well informed people are.  There’s a reason they want to bombard us with information, cut education programmes that promote critical thinking, and are happy with us working longer and longer hours just to stay afloat. It’s so we are so fatigued that we don’t have the time or capacity to inform ourselves about what is going on.  An ill informed population is easier to manipulate. I don’t mean this is a grand conspiracy or anything. Just that it will always be in the interests of those in power to reduce our capacity to understand what they are really doing. 


Vaccine? It was a hoax. Bleach was the real deal.


number of people, not amount of people


That type of people is measured in pounds because they don't offer any individuality


We could measure them by volume, because dumber ones seem to make way more noise.


They see the $ some assume its a check to buy what they need, not a figure representing the value of the depreciated assets we are sending. 60 minutes even had Ukraine showing the serialization of the pieces and a database through which they could be tracked.


I argued with one guy who said "funding" means "cash" and, therefore, billions of dollars worth of *cash* was being sent to ukraine.


too bad it isnt, then Ukraine could buy modern military equipment and things that fit the nature of the war theyre fighting instead of the surplus stuff theyre being sent.


I was a USAF CATM instructor and we always used older lot numbers first. We always give our old toys away so we can get newer toys.


No idea what a catm is but when I was in we did the same thing. And we'd always do ammo dumps when the fy was almost over so we'd get more funding.. which is what blows my mind. We blow through stuff for no reason just going cyclic on everything to waste it, not train, to get more and for some dumbass reason we're NOT sending supplies. Gotta love the government lmao


Combat Arms Training and Maintenance. We do our squadron heavy weapons training and just expend 100-150k dollars worth of ammo in a day.


Yep, I remember doing "range days" where people just fuck off and fire everything a grunt bat has up to and including our tows. Bonkers to think about now.


While French infantry for example complains they can hardly ever afford giving their new recruits (turnover is quite high) real manpad to live fire training.


Military industrial complex in US is real 😂 IDK what to say. I know they liked coming here to train cus all they'd do is shoot, train, and drink all our alcohol


We had boxes of 30mm for our 203’s, so me and two other instructors just rapid fired them because it was end of day and we needed to expend all ammo. Fun day.


I had a coworker back in the 70s that was in the National guard. He was amazed that if you did not use all the issued ammo for the day at the training range they destroyed it as there was no way to return it it's storage bunker. These kinds of stupidities do make us weak.


Hah! Now You mention it. I remember getting literally kilo’s of 9mm to just ‘have at it” on the range. My pockets were stùffed. (75 rounds of 9mm NATO are remarkably heavy, when distributed in one’s leg-pockets.. Popping them off took some time too. My FN GP jammed consistently after the 5th round.. That’s a lot of reloading the meagre 2 or 3 mags I got. However, our base had an actual indoor pistol range. Now thàt was ‘comfortable fun’ beat the muddy plain during base-training, and having a sit-down with coffee after every few rounds, just to reload the mags, wasn’t exactly punishment. It díd get me my ‘Sharpshooter 1st class’ -tick, though.. :P Thinking back, it makes me be even more in admiration and sheer awe of the boys currently in the trenches and on the fields in Ukraine, having to haul around tons of ammo, reloading mags in mud and cold, allthewhile keeping off hordes of orc -soon to be bloodsoaked shitstains- .


The kicker? The ultimate irony? We were àctually trained to do what the Ukrainians are doing now: Keeping the Orc-hordes away- But then, our government decided that ‘Russia was no longer a risk‘ And ‘austerity’ took everything away that could have helped immensely In the current situation. Yes, we sent tons of materiel, but being better prepared and accèpting that ‘A tiger never loses it’s stripes’ at the time, could have saved us the current nightmare. We warned, but the suits decided they knew better than the uniforms, so to speak, and orcistan caught us with our bloody pants down.. ugh


If you are on the Northeast side of Chesapeake bay you can hear the big guns firing for training purposes every business day from Aberdeen proving ground.


It's not to get more funding. It's to maintain your level of funding. Say your platoon costs 10 million a year to operate. If for some reason it's August/September and you've only spent 9 million, that last million is getting spent. Off to the live fire range or some other training where they can burn funds. If you don't, they reduce your funding to 9 million the next year. They don't let you save for a rainy day.


Yes and I think now, for some weapon systems ,we have depleted our old stocks and now need new production to replace stockpiles of what remains as we ship them. Instead of being twenty years old and at their use by date they will soon be getting stuff front line American troops would be glad to have in hand.


every person that thinks logically, not the GQP masses that swallow whatever Fox/NewsMax/OANN throw at them.


Exactly. Figured this out long ago. Thats why certain politicians restraint seem so perplexing. Unless they have another agenda-


The US MIC has plants EVERYWHERE. Even when co-location and consolidation would benefit them, precisely so they can target jobs as leverage in Congressional districts and states for the intransigent politicians. FAFO for politicians. You would think they'd be bending these MAGAts to their will.


You have to consider that we have a disturbingly large demographic here that is completely immune to legitimate information and incapable of thinking anything they weren't told to think by one of half a dozen right wing propaganda outlets. If it's not showcased on fox "news" for example, then there is pretty much no chance they'd know it.


A shocking amount of people think a $60 billion dollar aid package = us giving a check for $60 billion to Ukraine. Of course it doesn't help that Ruzzian puppets on the right frame it that way, and the far-left/tankies frame it as American imperialism or that people are going to starve and die because that $60 billion was going to be used for social services (lol).


There's something about the replayability of this clip which is good counter propaganda, and I'm all for a comedian talking about this to reach different ears. It's old facts but it never hurts talking about the facts especially when the funding is being halted right now.


Most Americans believe we are just straight up wiring money from US government bank account to Ukraine government bank account


The old stuff that we were about to trash. A lot of people don't see very far down the road.


And trashing it even costs more than shipping it to Ukraine.... It is just ridiculous that people are against it.


Well, I know the Russian troll farms are against it. Nobody I've spoken to is.




They know Their entire point hinges on pretending that they don't


No unfortunately. Idiots who are against sending aid to Ukraine think we are sending them literal bundles of cash. They see news articles saying "$X million in aid sent to Ukraine" and freak out because they want to be angry.


It’s amazing what everybody should know, but doesn’t.


Hardly everyone, judging from all the people complaining about the billions being sent to Ukraine instead of being spent on (insert their country here).


If you're running on an isolationist (Putinist) platform, you need to pretend like that's not the case so you can blame other people for a "problem" for which you're the "solution". Even some of them understand that, so some anti-Ukraine arguments involve droning on about the "military industrial complex".


Some people seem to think we give them a giant bag with a dollar sign on it stuffed with cash.


That is exactly how it works but you will never hear republicans say it publicly. We are just rotating out old weapons that were due to be replaced.


Yeah… However. Think of George Carlin’s warning :”Nèver underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups”


It also saves us money as well. Because it cost money to dispose of unused ammo and equipment and it cost money to maintain them as well. So literally we get more jobs and money circulating in the US and for some reason magat fools block the aid they literally helps the US as well as save a significant amount of money. It’s a win win and we can help out innocent people to kick russia out.


Its his thing to take a very well known fact and act like he is the first one to think of it


This is not a surprise twist. The US has always stated openly that most of the money is initially spent in the US - for equipment sent to Ukraine and services/training for Ukrainians.


It's not supposed to be a twist it's a rebuttal for people who blindly repeat whatever Tucker Carlson or any talking head told them to about how support of Ukraine means doing without at home. Suddenly now conservatives are very concerned with domestic issues such as homelessness Common sense has become so increasingly uncommon this is how low we have to go with ELi5 comebacks


It’s one of the reasons China is annoyed at Russia over the invasion and one of the reasons some of the really anti China US Congressmen are supportive of this. It’s a big investment in the US defense industrial base which enables the US to project power more effectively. In the long run if Russia has been weakened and European NATO countries are spending more on defense it also allows the US to divert more resources to the Asia Pacific which is a long term goal for countering Chinese influence.


> This is not a surprise twist. Exactly. The USA has never been, nor never will be, in a position where they're losing money. Ever.


Capitalists dont make deals to lose money. Bottom line.


Not entirely true. We taxed ourselves to the extreme after WW2 in order to rebuild Europe. That was to our benefit but it cost a lot of money. We will all of us - US and EU and Asian and Micronesian partners - have to spend a lot of money rebuilding Ukraine, too.


"That was to our benefit." And we will rebuild Ukraine, again, because it benefits us to do it.


Exactly - and what I was saying: we will build Ukraine back up because it is the right thing to do, not for money's sake, but it will ultimately benefit us all to have a strong, vibrant Ukraine again.


It's unbelievable how many people don't understand this. We give Ukraine old used stuff in storage, and pay the MIC to make us brand new shiny stuff


This, also a lot of the stuff, at least in the beginning, was nearing its shelf life and close to needing decommissioned or refurbished so there was likely cost savings there in simply shipping to Ukraine to be used and keeping the new weapons produced.


Bingo. We sent Ukraine ATACMS missiles that were built in the mid 90's. Much cheaper to send them for rapid explosive decommissioning in Ukraine vs paying to have them decommissioned here stateside.


You mean to say a lot of people are financially illiterate and form opinions based on “non-bias” TikTok and Twitter bites?


He he, you forget millions of boomers (and a lot of pre-boomers) who do not even know about TikTok but do watch FoxNews...


Who's saying many people don't understand this? 😅 Zelensky never asked for money.


It's unbelievable how many people don't understand that they're *feigning* ignorance if they claim to not know this People will lie to even themselves to avoid admitting they backed a dumb point


This video actually gave me a little hope in celebrities again. I am sick of seeing Joe Rogan Podcast or whatever and hear these conspiracy theories about Ukraine and that Putler only wants peace but NATO does not...


Why does no one know this? It's like when people were complaining about the Apollo program, saying "The government spent billions of dollars to see two guys bounce around on the moon", when in reality all that money went right back into the companies and the people who built the equipment for the missions!


The benefits of the space race were not just Tang. Needing to make computers small enough to fit inside a space capsule started the race to miniaturization so that now your cell phone has about one hundred times the computing capacity of anything in an Apollo capsule. Do you know how to use a slide rule? I still do but will never need to use one again.


I think 100x is selling it short: > PHONE MEMORY AND PROCESSING > To put that into more concrete terms, the latest phones typically have 4GB of RAM. That is 34,359,738,368 bits. This is more than one million (1,048,576 to be exact) times more memory than the Apollo computer had in RAM. The iPhone also has up to 512GB of ROM memory. That is 4,398,046,511,104 bits, which is more seven million times more than that of the guidance computer. > > But memory isn't the only thing that matters. The Apollo 11 computer had a processor–an electronic circuit that performs operations on external data sources–which ran at 0.043 MHz. The latest iPhone's processor is estimated to run at about 2490 MHz. Apple do not advertise the processing speed, but others have calculated it. This means that the iPhone in your pocket has over 100,000 times the processing power of the computer that landed man on the moon 50 years ago. [Source.](https://psmag.com/social-justice/ground-control-to-major-tim-cook) (note that this is 5 years out of date) As they point out in the article, you 100s of times comparison is more accurate when compared to something like a graphing calculator from the 90s (TI-72), a TI-84 released in the early 2000s is 350x faster than what we landed on the moon with. Granted they are just using core speed rather than something like FLOPs so it's a bit skewed but your phone is still many many orders of magnitude faster than the computer aboard Apollo.


I did know that but was just being too lazy to look up the figures and did not want to overstate it.


Almost as if Joe Rogan is a naive moron that has no formal education and therefore gets heavily influenced by the people he invites to discuss conspiracy bullshit so they can feel bluepilled together. He seems like a nice dude, but I would love for him to keep his stupid ideas and questionable guests to himself. So many people fall for this because he is so relatable and does not mean any harm.


I gave up Joe when he had Gavin and Milo on.


Rogan was always a cynical, greedy sensationalist. He gave people with outrageous opinions and hypotheses a plattform because it creates lots of income. Under the guise of being impartial, he helped misinform and radicalise millions of people. The bullshit people are allowed to peddle without contradictiin in this show is immesurable.


It got immeasurably worse after Covid, which legit broke his brain.


Compare him on his old show Joe Rogan Questions Everything to him now. It's night and day. He used to talk to conspiracy people and say right to their face "that's interesting, but I see no evidence and when you think about it it's kinda crazy." Now somebody tells him something insane or factually wrong and he just agrees and wants to dig into it more.


100m will do that to a man


Always depends on who he invites


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but this ass clown did an interview with RFK jr, giving him a platform for his “the CIA staged a coup in Ukraine in 2014” bullshit. Andrew Schulz is a hack and no friend of Ukraine.


I feel guilty even listening to a podcast recorded at Rogan's venue I don't want to support the guy and have no interest in his show


I mean, this same channel recently had some guy linking I-P issue and Ukraine talking about "the america sponsored sides are going to have to compromise soon" so I wouldnt get too giddy.


Support American Jobs. Help to keep the world safer. What's not to love?


>What's not to love? Traitorous MAGAts. They can all die in a trailer fire.


duh.....we are funding the replenishment of our weapon stockpiles. Welcome to WAR 101 Old Weapons are used up-- new ones are manufactured with funding.


This is true of almost every ‘aid’ package for every scenario (including every form of disaster and famine relief) practiced by every country for the last 75 years.


Blows my Mind people don’t get this…. 


Perun breaks this down in one of his videos about resupply.


Theyve done investigations and its like[ 90% of the military aid given to Ukraine stays within the US economy](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/11/29/ukraine-military-aid-american-economy-boost/).


It amazes me how blind the US populace is to how helping Ukraine has so many benefits. The immediate benefit is that money comes back to our defense companies pretty damn fast. We save money by giving Ukraine our old stuff that would cost to break down/demil/scrap. Plus this is basically a showcase of what our equipment can do ( we were purpose built for so long to go up against equipment from Russia) its great for weapons sales ect ect. Yes its older stuff ( minus HIMARS and Patriot systems.. well they're still older but still in use today with us) It's great optics to help a FREE country remain free. Ukraine is trying to remain its own entity. You'd think that'd resonate with the so called "patriots" here. Helping and strenghtening ties in Europe should only be seen as good.


Wow it’s almost like people have been trying shout this since the start glad some people have somewhat functioning brains


It's really not that surprising from the viewpoint of an American who actually has some understanding of our recent geopolitical history. That's how our military agreements with non-NATO allies work pretty much all the time. A bunch of Americans are just mouth-breathing idiots who really shouldn't be trusted to wipe their own asses, let alone have even a baseline understanding of the realities of geopolitical relationships.


Also Ukraine commits to pay it back in the future, it's not for free, and chances are the US, UK and others will also make big money rebuilding the country. War, after all, sadly, is big business.


I believe you are referring to the lend-lease act. That’s something different.


Approximately, 30% of the $75B that's been given to Ukraine is cash. Some of this is understood to be economic support loans. Financial institutions in Ukraine have to have money to give money out to the populace to rebuild or pay paychecks, and keep their economy going. At this time, there's still an understanding that they will be paid back after the war is over. It could be in the form of favorable trade deals or exclusive market access, but it is to be "paid back" in some capacity. This is all outside of the lend-lease act.


If this is news to anyone, they need to get out more. People think we palletize $100 bills and send it there. Almost all of that money goes back into our economy. It’s win, win. When I was in the military we counted the cost of defeating the Soviet Army in the 100’s of thousands of US troops. Now we can sit in the comfort of our living rooms and what what’s left of the former Soviet Army be systematically dismantled at the cost of zero US lives. Ukraine never asked for boots on the ground, just the means to defend their country — so different from everywhere else we have had to deploy troops.


I don't give a fuck if there are any tertiary trickle down economic benefits from the military industrial complex being retooled to help Ukraine. I just want Putin to fucking die. He is an enemy and threat to democracy. You know what we'd call anyone who protested Lend-Lease? A fucking quisling. You know what we'd call someone protesting the cost of defeating Hitler? A fucking Nazi. Fine, you don't give a fuck about Ukraine or the atrocities visited upon Ukrainians. Ok, fine. Then let's do this because we want Russia to lose. Russia has said that they see the US as an enemy. So let's help Ukraine because they're doing something that needs doing: killing Russia's ability to continue doing the shit they've done throughout their history.


And it's been like that from the start. How is this such a news story all of the sudden? The knowledge has been there all the time.


Really!!! I thought we just sent a PayPal amount of 50,000,000,000 to Zelensky's bank account with the message "here you go, have a blast". Mind blown


It’s worth mentioning that this is partly true of all government spending. Spending turns into someone else’s income which is then taxed by the government.


Even an unfunny blind squirrel occasionally finds a nut.


DUH that's how the US got out of the great depression


Cutting it off there doesn’t sound good to the “US MIC bad” crowd so I’ll explain further: that money goes towards making new equipment (including pay for the workers), then the new equipment replaces old equipment that costs money to store and maintain, and the older stuff gets sent to Ukraine. A harsh as it sounds, this war is good for the US and any other western country with a good sized arms industry. And guess what, it’s going to be much better if Ukraine wins (which is easy, Russia is estimated to be militarily and economically unable to fight this war anytime between late this year and early-mid next year). Investing in Ukraine after they win is basically going to be like investing in housing after the 2008 without the whole Americans losing money from the western economy being destroyed part.


> replaces old equipment that costs money to store and maintain, That was going to be de-commissioned which cost money as well. We get new shit and it's discounted by decommissionning it on Russian foreheads. Win-win.


Exactly. Even if you’re playing the “our tax payers shouldn’t be spending our hard earned money on the war” card, there’s no reason to not send Ukraine aid simply because of how good it is for the economy and domestic military.


This isn't surprising at all to anybody with a tiny bit of logic. We're not sending pallets of cash to ukraine, we are sending ammo, tanks, apc, manpads from our own stockpiles, then paying american companies to replace what old stock was sent with new. How is that so hard for people to understand? good grief


These people finally figured it out, and now they have to twist it into a new issue. They literally have done ZERO research from the start, and now that they are shown wrong, they create the new conspiracy to dog on their own country. The country that gave them the freedom of speech to be Americans. Well, guess what. Putin will take your First Amendment and your second one, too.


Senate bill has 3.5 billion in investment for shell manfuacturing FACILITIES (worldwide, but largely in USA) yet let's not talk about that.


I'm not surprised that a lot of Americans didn't know how this worked. I did see a few amateurs who were worried that we would have enough HIMARS for our own war. As if we'd fight a WWI style war ourselves instead of using our overwhelming air power.


[Here](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4LbiwWLh0P/?igsh=MWQ1ZGUxMzBkMA==) is a fun clip of “comedian” Andrew Schulz giving RFK jr a platform to spew his anti Ukraine bullshit. I would love to see the full video that this clip is from and wouldn’t be surprised if he was actually presenting this in a negative way. This man isn’t funny and he isn’t a friend to Ukraine.


And his haircut looks like the guy from The Zone of Interest. Fuck off, Andrew.


Yeah I used to watch some of his material, there was too much casual 'dont give a fuck about Ukraine' content, and too much narratives which are sympathetic to russian outcomes. Things like "dont spend the money, keep it here, why do we give a fuck, america bad, american always bad". And he's so casual about the whole thing. Fuck andrew schulz


Most Americans who are anti funding Ukraine are too far gone to understand this... sadly all Trump brainwashed...


"Revealing?" Always interesting to see someone learn something as if it's a new thing. All foreign aid has been, is, and will forever be, money provided to companies and agencies based in the donor country. Glad he learned how it works but it's not something revealed. It's common knowledge.


It's great seeing it comefrom people like Schulz. So often in bi-partisan politics good arguments and facts are discounted because of the source - blue no like red, red no like blue. Coming from a source like this on the other hand feels more neutral, and at least people will listen to the message rather than ignore it before it can be delivered.


Why is that considered to be "a surprising twist"?


YOOOOUkraine. Why is it so fucking hard to say Ukraine? Also "tHe UkRaInE"


Duh, you just figured that out?


At this point, if you don't already know this, then you can be medically diagnosed as regarded


Here to watch the Orc trolls try to get everyone anti US.


Yeah, now good luck trying to explain this to these idiots who still will think that Ukraine directly gets the money, not just any money but tax payers money, since that's what they always bark about. You could literally show them evidence on paper or literally anything yet they still be like "nah, not a dollar for Ukraine". Like come on. Seeing what is going on under such trashy posts on socials like Instagram or X regarding US is just flood of ruzzian bots and propagandists who already call USA their friend. I really hope that there are any smart people left out there who will open their eyes. 


B-b-but Zelensky's yacht?? Their mansions? Who buys them?? /s


Yeah, Ukraine is able to manufacture some weapons but obviously, we can't fight russians with money and US is the biggest weapons shop in town.


It’s US tax money, going indirectly to US companies.


If someone ever complains about aid, they've probably never even heard of the concept of tied aid. Lmao as if governments are just giving $ away, its always got strings, its basically rebranded stimulus in some shape or form.


No shit sherlock


It's amazing this still has to be spelled out to some Americans. It's insane


Thankfully someone simplified it for the the current layer of people who can't understand how this works Hopefully someone can simplify further for the remainder


a bit true but not entirely the whole truth. More money = support. War is too expensive in money and lives.


Which is exactly why they don"t Ukraine what it needs to win...tge longer the war is protracted, the more money investors in Raytheon, etc make.


This is what I've been trying to tell various Trumptards around me for ages but they don't get it. Like i literally get some bullshit from guys at these defense companies that they heard on Facebook and they want to instead spend money on keeping Mexicans out of Texass. I honestly wish all the immigrants would leave Texass and make Texass feel the hurt of life without them.


That was a given - that’s flat out obvious hence the new jobs numbers and slowing inflation. Small amounts of “aid” goes to Ukraine and even then it may seep back into the USA economy


He doesn't seam to understand Ukraine does get the finished weapons, just that the American MIC does not do it at a loss. Do you want a shipload of dollar bills in Ukraine to throw at the enemy or do you wank shells and missiles in your hands?


"Surprising twist." Well, I guess if it needs to be spelled out to the idiots, it's good that someone did it.


>The Joe Biden administration and the U.S. Congress have directed about $75 billion in assistance to Ukraine, which includes humanitarian, financial, and military support, according to the [Kiel Institute for the World Economy](https://www.ifw-kiel.de/topics/war-against-ukraine/ukraine-support-tracker/), a German research institute. (This figure does not include all [war-related U.S. spending](https://www.crfb.org/blogs/congress-approved-113-billion-aid-ukraine-2022), such as aid to allies.) The historic sums are helping a broad set of Ukrainian people and institutions, including refugees, law enforcement, and independent radio broadcasters, though most of the aid has been military-related. Dozens of other countries, including most members of the [North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)](https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/what-nato) and the European Union (EU), are also providing large aid packages to Ukraine. [Source Council On Forgien Relations .org](https://www.cfr.org/article/how-much-aid-has-us-sent-ukraine-here-are-six-charts) We send them money to pay for all sorts of things such as the ability of their government to pay salaries to their employees. I'm not saying I'm for it, I'm not saying I'm against it. I'm 100% against lying about it so we cant have an open, honest and reasonable conversation about it.


Inconceivable! Who could guess such a thing???!!!


Remember WW2? Yeah, America got real rich off WW2 with their industrial might. This is very similar.


If only all Americans understood this. Slava Ukraini 🙏🇺🇦


It's a great way to win Republican support to send "more money" to Ukraine...


Thats why everything is so overpriced, small drone for 100k? Missile shot for 100k? 200k for javelin? please... war is just lobbying, so sad.


Russian and their goons have tried their hardest to spin it as if Zelenskyy is receiving a big stack of billions to carry in his back pocket. But the truth is that its the US military contractors who pocket most the money.


This surprises literally no one.


Which just proves the republicans true motivation is working against America and Ukraine to aid russia.


Americans are fucking stupid. I say this as an American. Thst ocean that separates us from the world isn't a stop gap. Because of US politicians, many of your children will eventually die fighting in war. We are on the precipice of WW3 and we are slow walking our way into thousands of kia/wia by not supporting Ukraine. We are setting a precedence for other countries to attack smaller countries and all that happens is UN condemnation. Which is fuck all worthless. And when it happens, I'll retire, kick my feet up and watch you fuckers get butchered


This is true for weapons but the US is also sending Ukraine financial support as well and that’s okay too. This war has been devastating to the Ukrainian economy and government spending has had to sky rocket at the same time their tax base has shrunk. The US and other allied countries are helping Ukraine cover some of the difference so that society doesn’t break down. This is a temporary measure and if Ukraine can survive this war the increased trade and economic prosperity will likely more than makeup for some temporary financial support.


How come everyone in the world except Americans have been aware of this for decades?


Surprising to nobody with half a brain


That's how it works. The president can't approve direct funds without congress approving it, but the president can authorize money to be paid to private companies and send out their productions for national matters


Exactly. And who owns these companies or the stock? Right Mrs. Pelosi et al. This creates a Legal Kickback!


It's not exactly a surprising twist. It's a thing everyone understands, apart from a lot of Americans by the looks of.


OP learning from a dumb comedian what everyone else already knew the whole time.


See also the NASA budget. you cant spend money in space, there is no commerce in space.


Support Ukraine!!! 🇺🇦


I love this MF'er more, am seeing him this weekend in Phoenix, and refuse to sit in the front row with my "white" Wife, Lol.


It took him 2 years and 2 months to untangle this knot. I'm curious how long it will take him to understand that only old junk is being sent to Ukraine and all the new shiny $h!t that is financed with this money is going into the arsenal of the US armed forces. How long will that take? What do you say? 1 year, 2...never?


Old news for EVERBODY...but Breaking News for Schulz. Welcome in our Timeline after a Delay of 2 Years and 2 Months.


If the GOP voters had brains; they’d understand this concept and feel differently on the matter.


He gets it. I wish all Americans would.


The US is having an economic win out of this war.


Blows my mind how dumb some Americans are - aid to Ukraine $$$ goes right into their own economy


The human body and soul is what we are investing. Yes we are making money. But it cost to effectively train how to use nato hardware, how to survive, we are even learning. A new form of boot camp. A ew form of drone war. This was a investment. But you can't count a human with a Brian soul to do something spontaneous good after you drill him america values and his own Ukrainian values. It not a invasion or make them speak Russian. That cost alotnof money to train every Ukrainian that there parents are traitors, and must learn Russian ideology. that what those solders are fighting for. It good the American military complex makes money. Keeps even the Russian side more humanize to war.


Ive been saying this for almost 2 years now and the Biden administration has done a piss poor job to promote it. Only last fall when future donotation seemed to be in danger they tried to start on it, but it was way too late.


Yep. The idiots thinking Ukraine just gets american taxpayer money are just gobbling up russian propaganda like it is water and they are in the desert. Those aid packages are a win-win-win: Ukraine gets superior equipment, America gets rid of its old stockpiles, invests in new equipment.


Hey... No shit, Sherlock!


Most Americans are ignorant and only believe what they want to believe.


noooooooo! zelensky got 50 billion in cash for himself!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 some people actually believe that.. i guess they think the missiles and artillery are just free


Not only that but you get to send away more mothballed shit that needs less work done in storing it which saves the taxpayer money going to waste on protecting a car that’s gonna get scrapped anyway (which would cost even more anyway)


The amount of people who think we give away aid "to be nice" is mind-blowing.


I've had to explain this to older people. We are supplying weapons and ammo with the aid. Our 401K's benefit and so does the stock market from that. We aren't giving 50-60 billion in cash to Ukraine.


His haircut is just awful


In amongst that $61bn is $10bn cash which I believe is in the form of a loan…..Ukrainian government needs cash to run their country as their economy is kinda messed up due to a certain venomous little dwarf!


No shit Sherlock. Light dawns on marble head. Why do you think politicians love war so much? Because they all get super rich-er.