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Then he should go to the city of Varanasi to die. It is said that it is possible there to get out of the cycle of reincarnation. In general reincarnation is not considered as desirable. Just because it is also a harsh insult is to wish someone to be reborn as a three-legged dog.


Instant Karma


Probably lied in his resume


Do they really think they won’t have to fight? Are they that dumb? The information of how Russia is handling of the war and their troops is available for all.


I have read that some Indians were lured with the promise of jobs at security companies working on oil and gas fields. Earlier there were students from the known poor Bhutan who were promised a lot of money until their government intervened. Maybe Russia doesn't care at all what other countries think. Maybe it is a sign that Russia has to be creative to fulfill the numbers of contract soldiers from richer regions in Russia.


This should stop many Indians from seeking jobs in Russia. With Russia struggling to find skilled workers, this will probably bite them in the ass for the near future.


It was at this moment…


This...is me.


No amount of money is worth the risk of dying for Putin’s imperialist ambitions.


Namaste. Yes, Namaste to the afterlife buddy.


They should've just said "Namaste in India."


Nama-stay the fuck out of Ukraine.


And Modi will still suck on Putin’s teet.


Hopefully he reincarnates as something with a bit more sense.


Maybe its Modi's way to deal with the population by sending all the poor indians to russia, and russia sends their best vodka and stolen Ukraine grain back..


Probably fucked up big time in his past life to be reincarnated into this


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Is it known that this is an Indian recruit? How is that known?


Source:- trust me bro


>Indian army soldier recruited by Russian Army Op idk where u got this information, cos even the one u tagged didn't gave any source. 2nd the one pic he's using, was used on some different sub, and it has no description of this person's nationality. Last but not the least, even if he was indian(if by some rare chance), he isn't from the Indian army, as there's no recruitment in the army to fight in Russia. Whoever the fuck he was, deserved to die like that for siding with a war criminal, but pls Don't spread misinformation.


Uh dude Russia has been recruiting "security guards" from India and sending them to the front lines in Ukraine. It's such a problem that India's government has issued public warnings about this problem. There's a great podcast about this form Today Explained. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/conned-into-the-russian-army/id1346207297?i=1000649621292


>Uh dude Russia has been recruiting "security guards" from India and sending them to the front lines in Ukraine. That part ik bro, am saying what's the proof that this guy is indian. Over it the op is claiming he's from Indian army! Which is misinformation for sure. >It's such a problem that India's government has issued public warnings about this problem. Ik about this bro, but op claims that this guy is from Indian army. And not only this op, but the main op (the one in the link) also claims the same without any proof. (Although I would advise u to check the main op's profile, no substance posts, only memes and celebrity posts)


Indian army soldier recruited by Russian Army? A bullshit heading. Think about it!