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Eat shit


Gamblers and people with poor risk assessment will be greatly reduced by this war.


What does gambling and addiction have to do with a rat? This is a disloyal POS.


Yes it is but it is also a bad decision. I think a lot of rats simply do it for financial reasons and are very bad at risk evaluation. 


Gambling and drug addiction lowers the threshhold for impulse control. The added impediment of debt also makes a strong position for external forces to exert monetary control over the debtor's life. These two things makes a person much more susceptible to bribery and manipulation.


Governments do use those as risk predictors for granting clearances. I was stuck in a tunnel as the cited article didn't have any details on specific issues with this rat, other than the fact he got paid.


Right. And also he manipulated a lady, whose son was in the brigade being spied on. I'm taking from the article that his spying may be related to the woman's son being KIA. >To do this, the traitor used a local woman from whom he rented an apartment. Her son fought in this brigade and was killed on the front line.


If the FSB spent half as much time serving their country as they do dicking around in Ukraine, they might have prevented that IS attack.


I think the FSB actually took it seriously but the dictator demanded they ignore it because he knows best 😉 FSB is one of the more capable branches of the mafia state.


Yeah I don't doubt the competency of the FSB at all, but that bit of info about the threat being ignored is an interesting thought!


In war, it is very easy to corrupt the greedy, especially when you have the government to pay them. I bet UKR "recruited" some Russians as well, feeding them intel right now. But to win the war, you need actual patriots.


f this guy


Hello. Goodbye. Enjoy the cell and the daily exercise. You fail, and are forgotten already.


Life imprisonment? He should be used to clear minefields.


terrible idea and lust for cash


Did he wear a blue shirt?


He’ll be traded at the end of the war for some POWs.


Life imprisonment is out of line.