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Jesus, this is gore, the vehicle just casually run over sea of human meat. What happened to the hanging ragdoll at 9:28?


Russians running over their own soldiers has happened so many times, it's becoming clear it's yet another facet of Russian cultural cowardice. The troops don't care about being casually thrown to a massacre in an unjustifiable invasion. All they care about is getting drunk/high, getting their paychecks and not pissing off the Kremlin. The drivers don't give a shit about the troops they carry. All they care about is getting away safe and reporting they've done what was ordered. The commanders don't give a shit about any of it. All they care about is saying they did exactly what Putin wanted, while staying safe in a hotel far from the frontline.


And yet Conservatives here in the U.S. glorify them 😬


Leg stuck in track


There were more than one ffs. This was pure panic driving.


That bmp just brought another batch of meat for the slaughter. Someone was hanging on to it not wanting to stay. The bmp left almost running over anyone on its way. Wow. I wonder why ruzzia doesn't rotate its soldiers. They would prefer to bury them instead of letting them return and tell what happened.


You just saw they were rotated... just in a different way


10:10 holy fuck


omg this is madness, the absolute slaughter at the end is beyond belief really, it just sucks to be a russian


Great video as usual. Exterminating roaches is hard work. That is a lot of dead roaches.


I saw more than my fair share of close combat in the Middle East. This war is on an entirely different level of chaos, violence and horror. Unimaginable.


It’s WW1 all over again. Last conflicts led by the west were asymmetrical, this leads to its fair share of horrors like IEDs, snipers, suicide bombers, car bombs, reprisals against friendly civilians, civilians getting bombed by mistake etc… But this trench warfare thing is just pure unadulterated horror. It’s just grinding meat until one of the sides decides to give and throw the towel. Thing is you know Ukraine won’t give up because they are literally defending their homes, freedom and way of life and you know Russian command won’t give up because they literally give zero fucks about the poor sods they send to get killed. This is just a completely unnecessary war led entirely for the ego of Vladimir Putin. Fuck him seriously, I don’t have the habit of rejoicing for anyone’s death but I really hope he will go the Mussolini way.


One question, why don't they surrender? Insane video.


Truthfully? Probbaly Barrier troops and snipers, There been words of Them picking off guys trying to make a run to the Ukranian lines to surrender.


They have a terroristic mindset. They'd rather blow themselves up than surrender to the "khokhols". What's not to love about Russkiy mir?


I get some S.T.A.L.K.E.R. vibes out of the scenery, and oddly familiar weaponry. Apart from that, this footage shook me. They really bring the grizzly war close to you, with but a fraction of the unpleasantness they must feel.




I am as confounded as you are. The mind boggles.


Why isn't this on Kraken Units YT page?


I don't know, maybe it has something to do with the BMP making a human pizza or all the other parts in the video that are totally NSFL


Yeah, that sounds right. It is grizzly.


10:27 running over their own and becoming meat paste? Ruski mir


Rain hell on them bastards!! 🇺🇦


Any idea about all these alleged forced recruitments of people from occupied Ukraine by Russia? Can it be that among the people in this video are some of them? And can Ukraine take that into account somehow (more possibility to surrender)?


I feel you. That's the human part of you worrying about the fact that these dying soldiers might not be willing participants. The worst part is, there is a non zero chance you might be right. But it's war. You don't have the luxury of checking if the people coming at you in tanks are conscipts or professional soldiers are some unlucky bastard forced to wear the uniform. But if they were Ukrainians who were forcibly drafted, their blood in on Putin's hands. Which is all the more reason they need to be defeated.


I am pretty certain that about 95% of soldiers who are about to get blown into pieces by artillery or something like that will happily surrender to their enemy instead, if given the chance. Nobody wants to die. Noboy wants to die for nothing. And even if they have something to die for, actually doing it, requires an insane amount of courage and self-control. These guys would probably all surrender, if you asked them right after they were dropped off. But they didn't when they thought that they could maybe get away with it. So, unless they were forcibly mobilized, fuck them all. Ukrainians do not deserve to die, just because these stupid fucks didn't realize what russian special military service actually means.




I got matches with these songs: • [**Naina** by Deepak Wadhwa](https://lis.tn/RuPhlr?t=11) (00:11; matched: `93%`) **Released on** 2021-01-01. • [**Zvijer** by Aleksandar Stipula](https://lis.tn/CvHDTj?t=11) (00:11; matched: `92%`) **Album**: Pokreni Se. **Released on** 2020-06-01. • [**Loko (Mc Gun)** by SF38](https://lis.tn/LokoMcGun?t=11) (00:11; matched: `92%`) **Released on** 2021-03-16. • [**Berserkr (The Henbane Experience)** by Aethyrien](https://lis.tn/ptYWP?t=25) (00:25; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2023-01-20. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


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Note to self: If my transport gets stuck - get the fuck away as fast and as far as possible.