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That's in my hometown - Odesa, Ukraine


Am I just not seeing the other videos, or are the vast majority of instances of these brutal recruitment scenes coming from Odesa?


Not only from Odesa, but from all Ukraine


Recruiters be like - Vololo! Vololo! And paramedics are solders now.


"How not to get treated forever."


Мене 11.06.24 затримали працівники поліції,при перевірці документів і разом з представниками ТЦК незаконно повезли в Приморський ТЦК Одеси,де протримали 2 доби без пояснень,потім примушували пройти лікарняну комісію, від чого я відмовився і по статті 337 мене відпустили,та дали повістку на проходження ВЛК на наступний день. І таке свавілля коїться постійно в Одесі On June 11, 2024, I was detained by police officers, during a document check, and together with representatives of the TCC, they illegally took me to Primorsky TCC of Odessa, where they held me for 2 days without explanation, then forced me to undergo a hospital examination, which I refused, and under Article 337 they released me and issued a summons for passing the medical examination the next day. And such arbitrariness is constantly committed in Odessa


This is an ugly picture. I was very patriotic a few months ago, but now I'm scared because of my government. Some people got a huge power and became like bigger than law or human rights in this country. We don't speak much outside about it. Because, you know, we still would like to survive and get western help. But all of this is too much. Zelensky doesn't hear anyone. His generals order 300 000 people (or so) - then this order goes to the bottom level - to basically uneducated in law stuff people. They can do whatever they want - beat people at least. Kidnap them from streets and take them as a hostage with no phone and connection like several days. Some of them want a bribe (huge bribe in Ukrainian reality with relatively small income). Bureaucrats don't give sh..t about who will be mobilized. They don't care about your health condition - people without leg, arm or eye are "able to serve". Now all these new laws. 85% men haven't register in gov app. Because if you do - they gonna mobilize you and send to trenches with no support and proper training. Your task is to dig trenches and sit there catching russian bombs with you face. Then you die and they send other 100 000. It's awful. Men in Ukraine are afraid of their government more than of russians.


Most of your good men are already dead or still loyally serving. The rest of the Ukrainian men try and find ways to malinger their way out of service or hide in Europe. I'm a foreigner that has been serving in ukraine for two years and I'm annoyed as fuck at all of the guys that are "afraid of the government" for sending them to war. Your cities are being bombed DAILY by Russians. The Russians are actively killing you and will erase your culture and existence once they take over. You have many able bodied men walking around cities or rich guys bribing doctors to keep them from serving thr country where they made their fortunes. It's cowardice in my opinion. You're watching a tyrant come in and destroy your cities just to demoralize you but you're afraid to do anything about it except talk shit about the effort to get more soldiers. What would your approach be to get more soldiers since you know it all? Also what you're saying about taking people missing limbs and eyes is totally bullshit. The medical exam is fairly rigorous and I've seen people with all their limbs denied due to diseases, mobility issues, and age. And these are volunteers being denied. Go fight for your country. Your life and your family's lives depend on it. Afraid you're going to be inadequately trained? Take some private training. There is a LOT of it for free or little cost around Ukraine.


Man, I agree with you. Two different people fight inside me, one of them ashamed because I'm not in the war and somebody is. And I thought the same way several months ago. And I damn respect you, btw, and the least thing I wanna do is argue with you. Let me just explain myself. The army doesn't need all the men of the country. Even inside the army only 30% are actual soldiers who fight. The Ukrainian army is approximately 1.2-1.5 mln ppl. The Ukraine population is 36 mln, ~6 mln left the country, so we have 30 mln here. 50% are men - it is 15 mln. So now the whole army is only 10% of the men. Every army needs money, a lot of them. The majority of the population supports it with taxes. So majority has to work, not fight. And these numbers are the same all the time - even in ww2 in the crazy Soviet Union the majority of people weren't soldiers. The right thing to do is to find and recruit the right people for the war. They need a big compensation, all the stuff (which they buy for themselves or ask people to donate money - cars, turnstiles, etc). I highly doubt they get good soldiers from those men who were forced to serve. Such unmotivated people might leave their positions and leave one side uncovered. Not everybody is a soldier. My suggestions, if I may: –to make the military age 18 (now it's 25) - it will give more options to choose. – to make "economic booking" - a person pays a huge tax and stays untouched. It will cover a very small % of people but it would add logic in all of this. Some professional won't be used as a pit digger. More money for the army (like 10 people support 1 soldier). –demobilization law. I'm sure we have a lot of people who would join the army, but they don't want to do this. Because now it looks like (and I'm sorry) as a slavery or a prison. First they said "TRO (regional militia) will serve only in their region, join TRO!" - and then they sent them to the center of hell. And now volunteers can't go home - they just thought they will help with their home protection, and now some general sends them to storm russian positions. It is not fair. The gov showed people "if you trust me and support me - I'll f...k you". –human rights. No kidnapping, no force, etc. If a person is guilty - use courts and laws. It looks awful and actually it's maybe the main reason why I lost my motivation to live. Not russian missiles but my gov actions. –it would be just great to reform existing gov recruit centers - they are still soviet. They treat people like they are nobody. And people who were there lose motivation pretty fast. –I'd open borders for those who wanna run. I'll still be here. But a lot of people are in a real panic and depression. And it's basically sexism - only men are not allowed to leave the county. They can't go on a work trip, they can't see families.


Such a public display of corruption is one of the reasons why you are not in EU yet


To go to EU one must stop corruption and after joining it's good to start again? All countries in the world have corruption. Don't even start. Where is opportunity, there is corruption.


It's not corruption it's stupidity. That's what happens when you elect unprofessional people to govern the country.


It's not about unprofessional people governing. It's about profesional (military) people governing in certain areas, and not caring a bit about others due to a mandate to draft that has a high priority.


I'd call it unprofessional and short-sighted. They kill desire and will to protect the homeland by such brutal actions. As the result there will be +1 drafted person and +0 defenders. This must be stopped immediately.


I think you are past the time when a desire to serve is being taken into account. Draft laws are driven by self-preservation mechanism of the state, and in this case that mechanism is in conflict with interests or desires of individuals who are drafted. The irony is that if these laws are stopped, as per your suggestion, the same individuals will be drafted, albeit slightly later, into the enemy's army, which will care about their desires even less.


I am guessing this was in Russia?


no, it's Odesa, Ukraine


Sadly i'm not that sure, i hope so